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(draft #95-- research concluded 12/13/00)

Part One of Three


A Velvet Revolution via Neo-Tech Bullets

A revolution via Neo-Tech bullets? What are Neo-Tech bullets anyway? How exactly do such bullets deliver profits? Will those bullets really vanish today's anticivilization?  By traveling back and forth through this manuscript, one learns how to unleash the revolutionary power of Neo-Tech/Zon and its invisible bullets to convert anticivilization losses and boredom in to riches and romance.

Bullets that exploit Adversities

Unleashing the Neo-Tech/Zon revolution starts with (1) understanding today's anticivilization and then (2) profiting from its insanities -- its Dishonesties, Irrationalities, and Mysticisms (DIMs). Whence come the profits? Consider that most honest, value-producing people dismiss as evil the revolutionary ideas of Karl Marx (1818-1883). Marx's ideas also seem the antithesis of Neo-Tech ideas. Yet, that is a misconception based on (1) not widely understanding Marx's writings and (2) the horrendous worldwide crimes, destructions, and killings seemingly rising from his writings. But, with wide-scope understandings of his writings in the context of a lethal anticivilization, one extracts power -- one extracts profitable Neo-Tech parallels from Marx that benefit not only one's self but the working classes and society at large.

Realize that Marx was the first luminary to openly broach a worldwide revolution for overthrowing the irrational subjectivism of religion and the evil of the "to-be-withered-away" state. He condemned both as destructively unreal. Marx called religion the opiate of the working class used to ease the pain of being drained, broken, and killed by parasitical elites. Although a German writing in London, Marx's ideas were harnessed in the context of tyrannical Czarist Russia that enchained the proletariat ... not in the context of free-business 19th-century America that liberated the proletariat. In any case, Marx properly reasoned that conscious man was meant to act on earthly reality, not on force-backed commands from parasitical elites or on mystical superstitions from flimflam authorities. ... However wrong on specifics, Marx correctly posited the principle that conscious man was meant to live via business economics and value production.

Now consider the works of Sigmund Freud (1856-1939). His ideas also seem antithetical to Neo-Tech. Yet, Freud undergirds key Neo-Tech tools fashioned from his identification of pathologies arising from superstitions -- pathologies arising from religions and other "higher" authorities. Such diseases vitiate not only the conscious mind but civilization itself. ... Consider also that Freud descended from "God is dead" Nietzsche (1844-1900), the first major luminary to expressly link ethics with value creation here on Earth rather than with some higher good from above.

"I-am-dynamite" Nietzsche further recognized that no world existed above Earth's dark cave. But, so what! he proclaimed. For, man's responsibility was to overcome the suffering of a dark cave by evolving toward a heroic life that drives out darkness. ... Nietzsche provides deep affirmations of life on Earth despite the suffering, destruction, and death wrought by religious and political authorities throughout the ages.

Somewhat contrary to Freud and Nietzsche, the Swiss psychologist Carl Jung (1875-1961) identified certain healing powers and stabilizing social benefits of religion within a lethal anticivilization. Jung descended from the "God-is-an-emotional-feeling" romantic theologian Friedrich Schleiermacher (1768-1834). Or perhaps more directly descended from the "leap-of-faith" existentialist Søren Kierkegaard (1813-1855) who correctly realized that to achieve eternal life and happiness, individuals must take their lives and happiness much more seriously than the casual "live-and-die" anticivilization attitude. For, with that casual attitude, people live without passion, decline into boredom, die, and disappear forever. ... Even "Heil-Hitler" existentialist Martin Heidegger (1889-1976) recognized the self-responsibility required for taking one's own life seriously enough to illuminate Earth's darkness.

In illuminating darkness, one learns and profits the most from overcoming stiff resistance and strong opposition. As Nietzsche wrote, "What does not kill me makes me stronger". For that idea, Nietzsche traveled back into ancient Greek mythology. There he found the greatest Greek hero, the mythical Hercules. That symbolic Olympian gained his strength and power via overcoming anticivilization hardships inflicted upon him from the day he was born. Thus, comes Hercules original Greek name -- Heracles. That name comes from "kleos" meaning glory via overcoming ceaseless afflictions of a vengeful goddess, "Hera".

Similarly, in Paradise Lost, John Milton's secret hero is the passionate, light-bearing archangel Lucifer. That outcast illuminator discovers mighty purpose, drive, and power from beyond the anticivilization -- from beyond a dark, boring "heaven" deceptively masquerading as the kingdom of light. From outside that fraudulent realm, Lucifer musters increasing power from the ceaseless torture and futility inflicted upon him by that kingdom's cruel-and-vengeful tyrant -- God.

Furthermore, by building power through discipline, thought, and then control, Lucifer gains endless secret victories over the never-ending afflictions of an evil heaven as portrayed in Albert Camus' Myth of Sisyphus. Indeed, from Homer to Aeschylus to Sophocles to Dante to Milton to Nietzsche to Camus to Rand, the protagonists become heroes by overcoming the relentless afflictions of an anticivilization. ... Still, no mortal hero escapes the agonies, declines, and death ultimately inflicted by an anticivilization. Even immortal Hercules immolated himself to escape the anticivilization. And, immortal Lucifer plunged into eternal fire to escape.

Neo-Tech/Zon finally breaks that 3000-year cycle of futility by thinking and acting from beyond anticivilization boundaries -- by thinking and ac ting from a never-before-experienced perspective -- by thinking and acting from a divine-business/science perspective first identified by Isaac Newton four-hundred years ago. ... Neo-Tech Bullets bring forth a velvet revolution in which conscious life becomes more than one imagines -- conscious life becomes more than anyone can imagine.

Fulfilling the Quest

The aspiring quest of conscious life is to earn ever-increasing riches and romance. The 1998 Profound Honesty followed by the year-2000 The Book explains that quest. Mark Hamilton's year-2001 factual novel, The First Immortals, dramatizes that quest. This current manuscript, Riches & Romance, validates that quest. And, finally, the year-2002 ammunition-manual REVOLUTION! via Neo-Tech Bullets fulfills that quest.

In fulfilling the quest, know the opposition. Understand differing views and opposing positions. Learn the source of dishonesties, irrationalities, and mysticisms. Keep your strengths quiet. Give credit to those who benefit you rather than taking credit yourself. Do not boast; keep a low profile. Direct ethics not toward others, but toward one's own self.

Bullets of Life; Bullets of Death

In specifics, Neo-Tech bullets of life vanquish postmodernist bullets of death. In abstracts, Neo-Tech ethics envelop conscious life across time and space to deconstruct the Deconstructionists. Neo-Tech ethics rise from the ultimate purpose of consciousness -- the creation of never-ending wealth, health, and happiness. That teleological purpose -- that Aristotelian final goal -- finds fulfillment by going to the smallest, digital units of consciousness. On reaching that point, one can volitionally control the - and + switches between (1) dishonesty and honesty, (2) irrationality and rationality, (3) mysticism and reality. Upon firing those digital bullets -- upon flicking those switches from -s to +s -- one gains competitive advantages by shutting down the anticivilization, bit by irreversible bit. ... From universal-wide perspectives, the anticivilization is a negative, a minus -- a digital zero 0. By contrast, the Civilization of the Universe is a positive, a plus -- a digital one 1. In that binary-digital world, no Misters In-Between exist.

Postmodernism "proves" the impossibility of objective ethics and values. Indeed, perpetuating an anticivilization requires such proofs.  For, by denying the existence of universal values, any fact fits any truth, including any dishonesty or irrationality. The resulting arbitrary ethics and values keep conscious humans cyclically trapped as superfluous mortals declining and dying in an anticivilization. ... By contrast, universal ethics and values let conscious humans linearly transfigure into omnipotent immortals advancing in a universal civilization -- in a business/science/art civilization.

For 2400 years philosophies have failed to agree on an ethic -- an objective good for conscious life. That failure is intrinsic. For objective good rises not from the static, manipulative truths of philosophy. Instead, it rises from the dynamic, inviolable processes of honesty. Thus, postmodernism correctly argues that universal ethics cannot exist in an anticivilization. The father of postmodernism Jean Francois Lyotard in his book The Postmodern Condition (1987) properly asserts that a meta-narrative which speaks universally does not exist in today's world. Neo-Tech, however, posits that an objective ethic is available universally, including here on Earth. That ethic speaks to conscious people across time and space with eloquent simplicity: What is objectively good for a rational conscious organism from the widest perspective is a universal good. ...From that good rises not only a universal ethic but also an immortal consciousness.

Today, however, the congeries of postmodern philosophies and religions give each anticivilization citizen a seeming "right path" for any arbitrary wish or whim. But, as Herman Melville (1819-1891) observed in Moby Dick, people seeking fulfillment of whims live in "ice palaces of frozen sighs". ...Neo-Tech melts those ice palaces to release the joys of honest life and rational love.

While lucid from universal-business perspectives, Neo-Tech ethics are invisible from anticivilization perspectives. The problem is that those universal perspectives reside behind boundaries so tightly rolled up in an anticivilization that its citizens cannot perceive them. But, fusillades of Neo-Tech bullets shred those boundaries to unfurl coded information. ... How does one profitably harness that coded information?

First, consider the game of poker as a rough analogy for harnessing coded information to profit from anticivilization dishonesties and irrationalities: The unbeatable casino-like player understands the mystical dishonesties and irrational behaviors of his self-duped opponents. Those opponents, by contrast, intentionally becloud themselves of perceiving their doltish sucker mentality that makes possible every casino in Las Vegas and around the world. ... Betwixt those black-and-white understandings lurks the coded information that lets the Neo-Tech player, like the casino, bankrupt and ultimately vanquish every persistent opponent (

Next, consider two kinds of coded information: (1) Mark Twain's masterpiece, Huckleberry Finn, yields codes that reveal an anticivilization. And, (2) this manuscript, Riches & Romance, yields codes that exploit an anticivilization. Now, realize that exploiting dishonesties and irrationalities via Neo-Tech never compromises one's own honesty and rationality. Instead, one uses Neo-Tech to muster understandings of dishonesties, irrationalities, mysticisms, and their instigators. One can then formulate and fire Neo-Tech bullets into the anticivilization to profitably exploit those instigators while shrinking them toward nothingness.

Plato's Blinding Light vs. Neo-Tech's Business Luminosity

Universal perspectives originate outside the anticivilization -- outside the dark cave. One cannot illuminate that cave from within. Recall Plato's allegory of bringing the light of "true" knowledge to Earth's dark cave. For that noble deed, the light bearer was scorned, attacked, killed, and then flung from the cave. Also, recall the dark-dogma antipathy to light expressed in Milton's Paradise Lost: The angel of light, Lucifer, was hurled from biblical Heaven into a lake of fire. ... Anticivilization religious-and-political rulers cannot tolerate luminosity that vanishes their darkness -- their deceit -- their power.

Similar is the dark-anticivilization antipathy to Neo-Tech: Executives of the Republican/religious conservative s had the originator of Neo-Tech luminosity, his publishing company, and his editors attacked with guns and fists on November 3, 1986. In violation of the United-States Constitution, they destroyed both his eighteen-year-old publishing company (I & O) and his Research Institute for Biological Immortality (RIBI). Their agents then illegally usurped the hard-earned funds accumulated for legal offshore research on human cloning a decade before "Dolly".

And, then, under the rule of CIA/socialist/fascist G. H. W. Bush, another band of agents jailed that light bearer on January 26, 1990 in violation of his First-Amendment rights to free speech and press. ... On June 29, 1991, the same Bush administration imprisoned him. A few months later, Bush's agents shipped him in chains and leg irons to an isolated prison atop a wind-blown desert mesa to stop his lighting the cave from within their gulag (ref: Neo-Tech Protection Kit, volume 1, 1992).

Turning setbacks into profitable lessons, Neo-Tech today fires its fulgent tracer bullets not from within the dark cave, but from without. For, firing such sniper bullets from beyond the earshot of gun-backed political regimes lets one quietly, effectively, profitably exploit the anticivilization while replacing it digitally -- bit by bit, piece by piece -- with business/science perspectives.

The difference between the light of Plato and the luminosity of Neo-Tech is profound: First, authoritarian Plato derives his coded philosopher-king knowledge from subjective wishes -- from primacy-of-consciousness whims for parasitical power and mystical coercions that yield losses and death. Next, semi-authoritarian John Milton (1608-1674), a daring closet-admirer of Satan's honesty and enlightenment, derives his coded moral knowledge from between that of Plato and Neo-Tech. And, finally, non-authoritarian Neo-Tech derives its coded prosperity knowledge from objective reality -- from primacy-of-existence realities and law-of-identity clarity for competitive stances that yield riches and romance.

Plato's blinding light from the mystical cosmos means personal dependence, egalitarian collectivism, in justice, and a statist epistemology. By contrast, Neo-Tech's business luminosity from here on Earth means personal independence, individual self-reliance, justice, and a business/science epistemology. ... Plato's happiness is oneness with unattainable forms in heaven above; Neo-Tech's happiness is oneness with attainable forms on Earth.

With respect to happiness and romance, Neo-Tech reflects more of Aristotle and psychologist Nathaniel Branden than of Socrates and philosopher Ayn Rand. Neo-Tech also reflects the honest/principled philosopher Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677) whose pantheism views God as the open-ended capacity of consciousness. ... And, today, the philosopher most closely expressing Neo-Tech's anti-mystical, pro-science stance is Paul Kurtz who founded and now is actively expanding worldwide his Institute for Secular Humanism along with his Prometheus Publishing Company.

Continuing to weave the universal thread of Neo-Tech through history, one finds the optimistic "best-of-all-worlds" philosopher and mathematician G. W. Leibniz (1646-1716) proposed the fundamental particles of reality as digitized "conscious monads". That bizarre proposal is the earliest precursor to the digitized thinkon/gravity units postulated in 1994 by Neo-Tech Physics and discussed later in this Part Three.

Plato was the first to develop a comprehensive philosophical system. He made rich use of abstract subjective-based "unicorn" metaphors to explain a wide range of mystical concepts and unfamiliar ideas. Neo-Tech was the first to develop a comprehensive new-thinking (neothinking) process. It makes rich use of concrete objective-based "history" metaphors to explain a wide range of universal concepts and unfamiliar ideas. Plato postulated that eternal forms ranging from geometric triangles to the moral good were never created. He presented those forms as pure essences existing in celestial realms, unreachable from here on Earth. Neo-Tech also postulates that eternal forms ranging from business concepts to the ethical good were never created. In contrast to Plato's unreachable abstractions, however, Neo-Tech presents those forms as ambient concretes -- available throughout time and space -- available here on Earth, right now -- available within ten seconds from anyone's reach (ref: Neo-Tech's Ten-Second-Miracle brochure).

Both neoplatonist Plotinus (205-270 AD) and Neo-Tech literature (1976-2001) consider that conscious people possess metaphorical "souls of gold". Plotinus , however, states that life on Earth forever besmirches those souls. Whereas, Neo-Tech states that those souls are merely suppressed by life in an anticivilization. For, conscious people are inherently golden souls who advance forever in a business/science civilization. ... Plotinus also asserts that divine minds exist disembodied beyond Earth as superior beings -- as mystical gods and angels. By contrast, Neo-Tech asserts that divine minds exist physically here on Earth, right now, as conscious people -- as competitive value creators and producers.

Dawn of Supra Gods; Twilight of Religious God

The deepest, widest nature of consciousness is that of an immortal supra god -- a trinitarian body-mind-spirit unity -- a Zon. That unity, however, is sundered and rendered mortal by Earth's anticivilization. Thus, today, conscious Earthlings exist as mind-body-business disunities -- as split-and-broken minds, bodies, and spirits upon the cross of an anticivilization, dying from DIMs -- dying from dishonesties, irrationalities, and mysticisms.

Yet, once emotionally aware of having capacities beyond any imagined god, no conscious person would exchange the painful knowing of not yet living according to one's immortal nature for the opiate fog of never knowing one's nature. For, those who never know their nature can never fulfill it. ...From its nature, consciousness is at once fully human and fully divine. The human is the mind/body unity that becomes immortal through laissez-faire business and fully-liberated science. The divine is the same mind/body unity that becomes omnipotent upon creating limitless knowledge and endless values.

Consider the Neo-Tech hypothesis that supra gods -- Zons -- have always physically existed. Even before the unfolding of this universe, "we find no vestige of a beginning -- no prospect of an end". Thus, upon what laws would those mind/body Zons think and act across time, space, and beyond? Not the laws of Moses, not the Torah, not any scriptures, but the third leg of the trinity -- the spirit-of-law leg. That law leg is the spirit of supra gods -- human Zons. For, they are eternally allied with the laws of nature -- the laws of physics, consciousness, and business. ... As Francis Bacon (1561-1626) discovered, the conscious mind/body is a biological unity that must obey the laws of nature to command nature into yielding its endless treasures.

To hypothesized beyond the space-time of Earth:  Conscious humans in far-advanced civilizations -- immortal Zons -- could, for long-range business purposes, seed portions of the universe with DNA to evolve conscious unities like them -- like us. Thus, farmer Zons could deistically plant and efficiently cultivate invaluable crops of self-evolving human consciousness. Statistical models by mathematician William Dembski at Baylor University suggest the possibility for such seeding of life by conscious intelligence (Dembski, W. A., Intelligent Design -- The Bridge Between Science and Religion, InterVarsity, 1999).

While rejecting the mystical/theist implications of Dembski, the theories of Neo-Tech allow speculation for supra gods -- business Zons -- seeding DNA throughout universes. In fact, Nobel laureate F. H. C. Crick, the co-discover of DNA, argues that the complexity of DNA structure and its folding characteristics cannot be statistically accounted for by evolution -- even after four billion years of molecular/cellular permutations. Crick then speculates on the creation of DNA by intelligent design. Beyond that, Neo -Tech literature speculates a-priori -- without current evidence -- that far-advanced, universe-creating business people could -- via the natural laws of physics, chemistry, biology, and chaos -- design both initial-condition universes and DNA to efficiently evolve their conscious equals for business purposes (ref: The Long Wave, I&O Publishing Company, 1985, ...Such DNA speculations, however, are not central to Neo-Tech/Zon facts and theories.

To summarize: Nearly 2500 years ago, man on Earth -- the highest being -- "fell from grace". He fell into an unnatural, dishonest civilization -- an anticivilization. Back then, on terminating the Golden Age of Greece, politician Pericles (495-429 BC) formulated the corruptions of consciousness via criminal politics. Now, today, a pinnacle of crimes, frauds, dishonesties, irrationalities, and mysticisms woven throughout the citizenry by politicians, celebrities, academics, religions, and the media provides nearly limitless material for casting Neo-Tech bullets -- bullets of grace that shred anticivilization DIMs into rubble. ...From that rubble rises a universal business/science civilization.

In casting Neo-Tech bullets with wide-scope contexts, one beneficially exploits even statist philosopher, "you-are-what-you-do" Georg W. F. Hegel (1770-1831). Hegel's emotional/factual picture-thinking originally identified poet Tennyson's idea that "to know the whole, root and all, is to know a universal fact". Furthermore, Neo-Tech profitably orchestrates Hegelian dialectics and Marx's materialism into unities that replace mysticism, religion, and politics with rationality, consciousness, and business.

Neo-Tech exploits "evil" philosophies, destructive politics, and fraudulent religions by knowing their anticivilization contexts -- root and all. Then, by firing Neo-Tech bullets, one can profitably jujitsu anticivilization manipulators ranging from Pericles to Plato to Augustine to Kant to Hegel to Marx to the Postmodernists to the current pinnacle of Peter-Angelos class-action lawyers, Hillary-Clinton/Gray-Davis politicians, Rudolph-Giuliani prosecutors, Jesse-Jackson religious leaders, Joel-Klein/Judge-Jackson antitrust thugs, Dan-Rather journalists, Robert-Redford/Barbra-Streisand business haters, Hugh-Rodham/Roger-Clinton businessmen. ... From Neo-Tech poker perspectives, neocheaters are highly exploitable. And, each such destructive cheater is highly expendable, the same as any other net value destroyer.

By exploiting and then expending professional value destroyers, Neo-Tech retards and then halts their death marching a fawning public into lethally destructive losses. In fact, a think-twice tool combined with Neo-Tech bullets can exploit history's entire range of dishonesties, irrationalities, and mysticisms -- DIMs -- to bring a velvet revolution yielding never-before-imagined riches. ... But, what is the think-twice tool? Consider the following quote from an anecdote in the forthcoming manual, REVOLUTION! via Neo-Tech Bullets:

"Now enter the real-life narratives describing professional poker-player John Finn -- the literary descendent of river-adventurer Huckleberry Finn. Those narratives include Socratic-like dialogs conducted within John Finn's mind, causing him to question and then think twice about each important situation and action. He creates exploitable advantages by (1) open-mindedly thinking/understanding from anticivilization perspectives and then (2) thinking/acting from universal-business/science perspectives."

Finally, unlike belief systems from Plato to Aquinas to Kant to Ayn Rand to Pope John Paul II, Neo-Tech is not a static philosophical, political, or religious system or belief. Instead, Neo-Tech is a dynamic information/action/business process or stance. It has no gurus or leaders; it pro motes no dogmas or doctrines; it has no authorities, followers, or final answers. Indeed, texts from Gilgamesh in 2700 BC to Aristotle in 384 BC to Rand in 1982 AD are not final answers or authorities for anyone about anything. For, every finished text is a closed book that eventually deconstructs itself as it fails to reach or maintain its ideals or goals in the ever-open book of nature with its ever-evolving future. ... Knowledge always grows, improves, corrects, and advances for free-thinking/free-acting individuals.

Over five millennia ago, the mythical Gilgamesh journeyed long and heroically seeking biological immortality here on Earth. He finally discovered the plant of eternal life. But, then, a snake ate that plant. To this day, therefore, each citizen of Earth has remained mortal and, thus, superfluous to nature and the Universe. In the late 20th century, however, Neo- Tech rediscovered that plant of life. It yielded a business/science/art elixir. Unlike Gilgamesh, however, Neo-Tech also identified the snake who eats that plant -- government/religion/irrationality. ... Neo-Tech bullets disintegrate that snake to evolve Earthlings beyond Gilgamesh, beyond Gods -- into Supra Gods, into Zons who forever obey and command their master and servant -- nature.

Neo-Tech antiquates Objectivism and Libertarianism

Objectivism and Libertarianism rose from anticivilization perspectives. Yet, with gratitude and admiration, Neo-Tech is indebted to Ayn Rand and her Objectivism for establishing in 1966 a philosophical foundation that allows profitable exploitation of an anticivilization. Objectivism also established the formulation for a precursor to the Libertarian political party -- "The Capitalist Party of America" as advertised by I & O Publishing Company in the Dow-Jones publication Barron's in the late 1960s. ...Neo-Tech itself, however, evolved quietly from different perspectives -- from business/science/art perspectives.

Objectivism today loses effectiveness by loudly over-generalizing and misapplying its valid philosophical principles. Libertarianism similarly loses effectiveness by loudly under-generalizing and misapplying its valid political principles. As one example, Ayn Rand (1905-1982) and her atrociously robotic cult followers misapplied Objectivism by unknowledgeably reviling instead of knowledgeably benefiting from luminaries such as Plato, Shakespeare, Rembrandt, Beethoven, Kant, and Emerson.

As a further example, consider a wide-scope understanding of hard-to-read Immanuel Kant (1724-1804), an understanding which Ayn Rand grossly lacked in attacking him as "the evilest man who ever lived". For, from wider understandings, Kant ironically emerges not only more profitably illuminating within the anticivilization, but more objectively honest than Rand herself! ... Ayn Rand, however, provided perhaps the eight most valuable words in anticivilization history -- "existence exists; reality is existence; consciousness is identity."

In any case, the ideas of Objectivism and Libertarianism are major values within an anticivilization. Their advocates strive to become an accepted, prominent part of that civilization. But, however admirable, Objectivists and Libertarians cannot move beyond the boundaries of today's anticivilization. And, they certainly cannot vanish it lest they vanish themselves as irrelevant. But, by contrast, Neo-Tech/Zon dynamics operate outside the anticivilization to melt its lethal ice-palaces with radiant business/science perspectives. Neo-Tech/Zon thrives independently from the anticivilization Establishment. Moreover, unlike Objectivism, Libertarianism, and other "isms", no one becomes a Neo-Techist or a Neo-Technarian as one might become an Objectivist or a Libertarian. Instead, people simply become Neo-Tech users for profit, happiness, and life.

Neo-Tech is not a tool to gain fame and recognition. For, it needs no fame or recognition in a dishonest, irrational anticivilization -- in an insane asylum -- in a worldwide House of Atreus. Instead, Neo-Tech is a tool to prosper in an anticivilization by quietly undermining it -- by quietly vanishing it. Thus, by nature, Neo-Tech/Zon can never propagate Earth's anticivilization; it can only deconstruct, sublimate, and ultimately vanish it. And, upon vanishing Earth's anticivilization, Neo-Tech itself will vanish as superfluous. ... But, through the laws of nature, Zons as conscious individuals will flourish universally, forever.

Overcoming Incompleteness and Uncertainty

The first bold step in man's journey toward creating new knowledge via the conscious mind began with the pre-Socratic physicists nearly three millennia ago. The journey continued with giant steps by Plato, Aristotle, Kant, and Rand. In 1992, Neo-Tech abruptly discontinued that journey -- a journey trapped in anticivilization cycles of irrationalities and dishonesties -- a journey bounded by the death of every citizen and the destruction of every value. ... In 1992, the Neo-Tech derivatives of Zonpower and Neothinking broke that lethal cycle. From its universal-business perspectives, Neo-Tech began creating new-color knowledge and unexpected profits from beyond anticivilization boundaries.

Traveling that new route leaves behind both Gödel's proof of incompleteness and the Postmodernism's proof of uncertainties -- both proofs valid in an anticivilization. During that journey beyond anticivilization boundaries, new proofs arose -- new codes of contextual completeness and certainty arose. From those proofs and codes came new knowledge -- information bullets comprising + and - bits of honesty/dishonesty -- thinkons -- quantum bullets. ... By continuously firing those tiny missives, a person permanently injects bits of honesty and rationality into the anticivilization to sublimate its mysticisms and losses into realities and profits.

Unfurling Thinkons

How does one perceive and then experience a universal-business civilization hidden in a unit or point called a thinkon? First, hypothesize the fundamental units of existence as thinkon/gravity units. Those physical units both compose and comprise everything in existence -- even the vacuum "aether", including newly discovered cosmic "dark energy" along with the tiniest membranes, strands, or loops of other-dimension energy vibrations proposed by current String Theory. Hypothesized as collapsed space-time points, each gravity unit contains the dimensions of a universe wrapped so tightly that they currently reside outside Earth's perceivable space-time dimensions. Now, theoretically, conscious minds can gain the scientific/technical knowledge to unfurl gravity units into new universes for business/science purposes. But, long before that can happen, conscious minds must unfurl thinkons to grasp universal business/science perspectives.

How does the public crack thinkon boundaries to gain those new perspectives? First, consider today's business/economic failure fostered by lethal socialism/fascism, dishonest politicians/academics, and bubble-building stock-and-accounting frauds. Now, bring forth six Neo-Tech tools of business, science, and art: (1) Profound Honesty,(2) The Book, (3) Digital Journey, (4) Riches & Romance, (5) The First Immortals, and (6) Neo-Tech Bullets. With those tools, one can formulate and then fire information bullets to shred the boundaries wrapped around the grail of universal prosperity. ... Freethinking science/business/art then unfurls to generate ever-expanding life, prosperity, happiness.

Notes leading to Neo-Tech Bullets

1. In today's anticivilization, recognize the diminishment of one's potential in unfree jobs, professions, and businesses. Yet, at the same time, recognize with respect and appreciation the life-sustaining values of those who struggle honestly, responsibly, competently to fulfill jobs and run businesses in today's unfree world.

2. Use Neo-Tech/Zon to first exploit and then vanish (1) those living via force-and-fraud backed political, religious, and academic positions, (2) those promoting socialist envy, fascist bigotry, and criminal parasitism, and (3) those violating honest objective law and individual property rights.

3. Consider again Mark Twain's (1835-1910) metaphorically sweeping masterpiece -- his deeply coded, hard-to-interpret, semi-autobiographical novel, Huckleberry Finn. That novel intricately but subtly reveals the anticivilization a century before Neo-Tech. Nobel laureate Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961) noted that all great American fiction flows from that novel. ... Twain's protagonist Huckleberry Finn alone refused to enter the anticivilization. Thus, white-hat Huck, as T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) implied, became perhaps the most-honest, moral, yet loneliest person in American literature.

4. Now, consider again Mark Hamilton's emotionally sweeping masterpiece -- his year-2001 uncoded, easy-to-grasp, fact-based novel, The First Immortals. That novel reveals a business/science civilization here on Earth. Moreover, Hamilton's non-coded novel projects an emotional vision from which a universal-business civilization propagates. ...Hamilton's twelve Immortals never enter the anticivilization; instead, they evolve into Olympians via building a universal civilization here on Earth. Thus, those dozen heroes become perhaps the most-successful, happiest people in American literature.

5. Today, political, religious, and academic "authorities" -- the parasitical-elite classes -- desperately bury the works of Voltaire, lest he brings a revolution as he posthumously brought to France in 1789 -- a revolution that physically wiped out the parasitical-elite class of his day. Why do even the champions of liberty today from Libertarians to Objectivists ignore Voltaire? Because, as with Neo-Tech/Zon, a full understanding of Voltaire reveals them as passé -- obsolete.

A passionate champion of business, science, justice, and toleration, Voltaire was by far the most vivid Zon-aspiring, Neo-Tech soul mate in history. His Lettres Philosophiques published in 1734 and his subsequent Philosophical Tales from Micromégas to Candide read in parts like 18th-century Neo-Tech/Zon manuals. His lifetime works dramatically identify the eternal values and just virtues of business and science as opposed to the lethal destructions and unjust wickedness of religion, nobility, and government. From Candide, the "best-of-all-worlds" Dr. Pangloss is the duped everyman populating Earth's anticivilization. He blindly accepts the deadly hoaxes of Establishment "authorities" until awakened by Voltairean bullets.

The deistic (zonistic) Voltaire had one prayer to God -- make the enemies of justice appear ridiculous. His "mightier-than-the-sword" pen answered that prayer by mocking the injustice and intolerance embodied by the magisterial authorities of the church, nobility, academe, and government. Twice-imprisoned, once in the Bastille, Voltaire dramatized those professional value destroyers as they really were -- as ridiculous weaklings.  He portrayed them as the criminals of humanity that they really were.

Outstanding-businessman Voltaire invited to his estate for dining the return-to-nature/business-hating/vegetarian-socialist, "noble-savage" Jean-Jacques Rousseau so he, Rousseau, could teach him, Voltaire, how to get down on all fours and graze on the land. Through his biting wit and mordant irony, Voltaire taught the populace to disrespect and laugh at false authorities -- and then drive them into extinction. Indeed, the populace literally drove them into extinction during the bloody French Revolution of 1889. Yet, from that revolution rose Robespierre and the Jacobins -- rose even greater destructions, crimes, injustices, intolerances -- rose even greater evils. ... Thus, without Neo-Tech, Voltaire, the prince of enlightenment and tolerance, could never understand or solve the unrelenting problem of evil. For, evil is intrinsic to an anticivilization.

Today, Neo-Tech bullets shatter Voltaire's impasse to benefit every value creator and competitive producer. Those sharpshooter bullets irreversibly, bit-by-bit, shred false authorities, destructive neocheaters, parasitical elites, their anticivilization, their evils into impotent null points. ...  As the inherently good business/science civilization rises into existence, the inherently evil anticivilization fades from existence.

6. Works of the leading Christian/Tao apologist C. S. Lewis (1898-1963) demonstrate that conscious life is meant to be immortal. Yet, Neo-Tech bullets shred his arguments. For, his immortality is based on unreality -- on a supernatural God in a mystical heaven. By contrast, Neo-Tech's immortality is based on reality -- on natural human Zons in a business/science civilization on planet Earth. Look past the nasty-Christian intolerance and vengeance toward infidels explicit and implicit throughout Lewis's works. Instead, consider his masterful novels Screwtape Letters, The Great Divorce, Space Trilogy, and his children novels in the land of Narnia. His novels provide allegories of spiritual life in Heaven versus Hell that eerily parallels conscious life in the Civilization of the Universe versus Earth's anticivilization. Neo-Tech/Zon, however, in contrast to Lewis, validates the nonmysitcal spiritual mind/body joys inherent in conscious life as illustrated in Mark Hamilton's masterful novel, The First Immortals. ... Were Lewis living today, his spirituality would most likely embrace the discoveries of beneficently tolerant Neo-Tech/Zon that delivers genuine love with universal peace and joy.

Even C. S. Lewis and the Christian Trinity promote God as a flesh-and-blood mind/body unity -- a conscious human Earthling in the person of Christ. Neo-Tech agrees that any conscious entity throughout time and space must be a flesh-and-blood mind/body unity -- not a Platonic disembodied spirit or form. Neo-Tech then provides a reverse Planet of the Apes scenario in which citizens of Earth travel into a lethal Hell -- an anticivilization. During that journey, as implied in Hamilton's The First Immortals, honest citizens finally discover that each is an eternal Supra God -- a Zon orchestrating his or her own Civilization of the Universe as first heard in Dvorák's Symphony #9 From the New World.

7. To enhance chances for survival into the coming business/science civilization, consider the third Neo-Tech health pillar -- a low-tech, health discovery for the twenty-first century -- water!

The Third Pillar of Physical Health
Water -- The Mighty Cure

Since 1976, Neo-Tech combined two simple, physiologically sound pillars for protecting and maintaining physical health: (1) diet and (2) exercise -- the precursors to permanent non-aging health. The first pillar involved a high-protein/low-carbohydrate, Dr.-Adkins-type diet (as per his original Diet Revolution book of the 1970s, not his later works or books) plus Neo-Tech's CAS diet -- no Caffeine, Alcohol, or Sugar toxins. ... Mark Hamilton's eat-one-thing Happiness diet (ref: God-Man, chapter 26, 1998) nicely supplements the CAS regimen.

For optimum health and safety, however, one must combine the Adkins/Neo-Tech diet with the second pillar involving Dr. Cooper's aerobic-conditioning program (as per his original Aerobics book of the 1970s, not his later works or books). Without implementing those two natural, simple, low-cost health foundations, little else makes sense, especially obesity-causing-government-promoted low-fat/high-carbohydrate "diets", scam-promoted new-age health regimens, silver-bullet nostrums and mystical-treatment schemes. ... Buying into spurious, no-effort "health" fads is generally prompted by self-deceiving rationalizations to avoid the discipline, thought, and then control required for optimum health.

Now, a quarter century later, in 2001, Neo-Tech adds a third simple, natural pillar to the physical-health dynamic -- water. Just plain water that is bacteria-free and completely safe -- not sodas, juices, coffee, tea, beer, wine, coolers, "sports" drinks, "health" drinks.

The prime reference for that medically-sound water regimen is Dr. F. Batmanghelidj's 1997 book, Your Body's Many Cries for Water, available from bookstores and

As Dr. Batman implies, perhaps 99% of the world population unknowingly suffers from chronic, long-term body dehydration. In maintaining immune-enhancing body fluid, the water regimen when combined with a no-sugar/low-carbohydrate diet plus an aerobic-physical-conditioning program becomes the most potent disease preventive and aging retardant known today for the human mind/body. Moreover, the water regimen has the added merit of quelling cravings for CAS toxins.

In summary, (1) stop ingesting caffeine, alcohol, sugar, and excess carbohydrates -- exercise mouth responsibility in both what goes in and what comes out ... plus floss daily the teeth you want to keep, (2) run, walk, or swim briskly at a sustained, significantly elevated pulse rate for 30-40 minutes daily, combined with 10-15 minutes of fast, challenging calisthenics for maintaining upper-body muscle tone/strength, and (3) drink a gallon of water spread throughout the day. Also, take the recommended multivitamin and mineral supplements daily. That simple, three-pillar regimen is available anytime, anywhere, everyday, at near zero cost -- and is permanently sustainable, requiring no special equipment, treatments, other people, or expensive/time-consuming health-and-fitness clubs. ... Thus, no rationalizations or excuses accepted!

You must protect your mind-and-body health to survive the anticivilization disintegration and move into a business/science civilization. In that new civilization, you will fulfill your nature -- your natural life of endless riches and romance. ... Finally, from Tennyson's Ulysses, lines 56-57:

... Come, my friends.
'T is not too late to seek a newer world

8. Consider the factual-and-emotional areas of today's life into which one can profitably fire Neo-Tech bullets to undermine anticivilization dishonesties and irrationalities.  Those areas include: art, behavior, business, culture, education, entertainment, family, finance, friends, government, health, happiness, hobbies, personal appearance, investments, love, opponents, power, religion, romance, self, sex, society, sports, spouse, success, wealth, work.

9. The following paragraphs describe the first Neo-Tech bullets profitably fired into the anticivilization during 1960s and 1970s:

Three decades ago, a man named John Finn financially lost everything at a time when he had three children to support. He then discovered and unleashed a new power -- a power from outside Earth's anticivilization -- a power later called Neo-Tech. Harnessing that new power, he suddenly profited from those setbacks and losses. In fact, Neo-Tech let him advance more quickly toward his goals than if he never experienced those setbacks. With Neo-Tech, therefore, he pushed aggressively into seeming setbacks to maximize his advantages, profits, and growth within today's irrational anticivilization. He captured those advantages by focusing on the smallest, most-fundamental knowledge units called thinkons. First explicitly named in 1994 by Neo-Tech Physics (ref: Zonpower, chapter 1 ), thinkons are postulated as an integral part of gravity units -- the quantum building blocks of existence. Thinkons are the field/particle + and - switches or carriers that mediate and unify conscious thoughts with physical reality.

To profitably exploit thinkons, start by understanding how John Finn discovered and specifically used bullets cast from thinkons to extract unbeatable, casino-like advantages and profits from the game of poker in the 1960s. To gain that understanding, first consider the four unique essences of poker:

I. Poker is the only commonly known conscious activity in which lying (i.e., the bluff) and practicing deceit (but never cheating) are honest, rational, and ethical. For, unrestricted uses of lying and deceit within the game only are (a) the universally accepted essences of the game, (b) an integral part of its rules, and (c) understood, agreed upon, and used by its participants. ...But, such lying or deceiving one step beyond poker takes that individual from being an honest gentleman to being a dishonest thief.

II. Poker is an activity in which an individual can use thinkons to become a camouflaged casino who cannot lose over time ... and will eventually bankrupt and then vanish persistent opponents by exploiting their dishonesties, irrationalities, and mysticisms.

III. As in casino gambling, cheating is never permitted or accepted in poker. On detection, a cheater is usually severely punished, socially stigmatized, and justly ostracized ... sometimes physically injured, even killed. The evil nature of cheating and neocheating is detailed throughout the Neo-Tech literature and specifically identified on website

IV. The John-Finn-type player is never a gambler. For, he, like a casino, is ultimately unbeatable. He risks or gambles nothing. In utilizing Neo-Tech's Advanced Concepts of Poker 1968 publication, he makes himself like a casino, always playing with odds quietly, shrewdly, honestly skewed to his unbeatable advantage. Thus, he is a casino who cannot lose over any extended period. But, with the greatest of ironies, the unbeatable John-Finn-type player ultimately becomes the biggest loser! ...Whereas, the losers in poker, just as gamblers in casinos, are merely sad-sack losers of money, John Finn is a mega loser of precious time and productive activity.

The website extensively details the above four poker essences along with a dramatic illustration of "the biggest winner is the biggest loser paradox".  Consider that paradox as quoted below from the best-selling Poker a Guaranteed Income for Life, now available for the first time since 1979 as part of the year-2000 publication, Neo-Tech Decoded:

First Understand Poker
[from a 1968 FRW quote]

"Poker is merciless. Poker is a game of money and deception. The consequences are always deserved. The penalties go to the weak -- the rewards go to the strong. The loser dissipates his time and money. The winner earns satisfaction and money. But, what is the net result of poker? Is it merely time consumed and money exchanged with nothing positive produced? Is the net result a negative activity?

"Poker exposes character and drives players toward reality. Those who evade thinking and act on whims cannot escape the penalties. Those who use their minds, exercise discipline, and act on logic are rewarded. The results are clear and true: The lazy evader loses -- he can never fake success. The thinking performer wins -- he is always rewarded. The good poker player functions rationally. He views all situations realistically. With objective thinking, he directs his actions toward winning maximum money. He pits the full use of his mind against the unwillingness of his opponents to think. Thus, the good player cannot lose.

"In poker, a person is on his own. He must act as an individual. No one will help him. Success depends on the rational use of his mind. Success depends on exercising his positive qualities and overcoming his negative qualities. Success depends on him alone. The loser can blame no one except himself. In poker, a person can function entirely for his own sake. The results are his own. ... The loser makes himself a loser; the winner makes himself a winner."

Then Understand the Unbeatable Player
[from a 1968 FRW quote]

"Poker can work against the good player's self-esteem and happiness no matter how much money he wins. For, the source of self-esteem and happiness lies in being productive*; poker is a nonproductive activity. Also, in the long run, a person with unbeatable-winner qualities will almost always earn more money by pursuing honest value-producing routes rather than pursuing honest but nonproductive poker ... or much worse, pursuing value-destroying political, religious, or other dishonest/criminal routes.

"Furthermore, in poker, the good player must strive to surround himself with losers -- with people who are constantly defaulting on the use of their minds -- the opposite kind of people whom the good player could respect and enjoy. That poker activity is not a satisfying or rewarding way for him to consume large, irreplaceable segments of his life. The good player, therefore, may be the biggest loser in the game.  And, the best professional player may be the biggest loser of all."


* "Being productive is defined as adding on net to the sum total of mankind's material, intellectual, physiological, psychological, or aesthetic well-being. ... Conscious life earns self-esteem and happiness through continuous pursuit of value-creating/value-producing goals."


The Velvet Revolution has Begun

Without public awareness, Neo-Tech/Zon is weaving a matrix of honesty and rationality worldwide. That matrix is freeing individuals bit by bit from anticivilization chains and addictions. Yes, a quiet revolution is sublimating digit by irreversible digit mortal value destroyers into immortal value creators. The resulting immortals will generate limitless riches and romance here on planet Earth.

How will you fare in this business/science/art revolution? Take the success/fail test in Appendix #1.

Gaining Riches and Romance

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