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(revised 09/10/01)

The Toleration Principle

A Neo-Tech Letter to Secular Humanists

As a Neo-Tech editor, I want to convey the values received while attending my first Secular-Humanist Conference on July 6-8, 2001, in Geneva, New York and then visiting the world's recognized leader of secular humanism, Dr. Paul Kurtz. I met with him and his staff at their International Headquarters -- The Center for Inquiry -- in Amherst, New York. While for years being a subscriber to their periodicals, I never closely examined their publications and organization. For, under constant time pressures combined with profound agreement with Secular Humanism, I felt my own three decades of research and debunking of mysticism, religion, and force-backed "authorities" made examining their work and organization somewhat redundant.

Today, however, I realize the crucially important worldwide values spawned by Dr. Kurtz, his staff, and their enterprises. I now also realize we share unique common ground. To my knowledge, no other group or organization as yet shares this ground. Yet, with considerable empirical evidence, I reason that such ground is key to a spectacular future civilization. What is that common ground? It is an elegantly rational, naturally human principle called the Toleration Principle. It comes in two parts:

1. Total toleration of any individual or idea that does not commit or advocate initiatory force or fraud toward others.

2. Total non-toleration of any individual or idea that commits or advocates initiatory force or fraud toward others.

The Toleration Principle fits nicely with Neo-Tech's 1976 Constitution of the Universe:

The Constitution of the Universe

Article 1

No person, group of persons, or government may initiate force, threat of force, or fraud against any individual.

Article 2

Force may be morally and legally used only in self-defense against those who violate Article 1.

Article 3

No exceptions shall exist for Articles 1 and 2.

And finally, with regard to the Toleration Principle, let's stop calling socialism what it is not -- compassionate and moral. Let's stop calling socialists what they are not -- sincere and good intentioned. Force and fraud, not peace and goodwill, implement socialist ideals. Implementation of socialism is not only malevolently hateful and immoral, but is destructively parasitical and criminal. While dishonestly declaring otherwise, socialists exist by usurping unearned power, prestige, and livelihoods via government force at the expense of competitive value producers and free societies. ... Envy, force, and fraud are the essences of Socialism, which leaves no ground for respect or toleration.

I further reason, with considerable empirical evidence, that universal adoption of the Tolerance Principle would evolve societies worldwide into what Neo-Tech calls a natural civilization -- a universal business/science/social civilization here on Earth. Such a civilization, I believe, would yield endless prosperity and health along with peaceful security to every individual on Earth. That "paradise" would rise from unleashing (1) the natural, unlimited capacity of the unfettered conscious mind and (2) the inherent nobility of conscious life. Those natural capacities comprise the limitless creation of knowledge and values uncorked by universal application of the Toleration Principle. ... To me, it's that simple. And, to my knowledge, Neo-Tech and Secular Humanism are currently the only organizations that understand and embrace that principle. Thus, we bear the responsibility for bringing the Toleration Principle to fruition worldwide.

Consider also that the older one gets, especially sans aging, the more experienced and knowledgeable that person becomes. Thus, the greater becomes that person's value to self, others, and society. As a result, his or her abilities for value creations and societal contributions endlessly expand with non-aging time. But, death terminates that awesome, "God"-like, Civilization-of-the-Universe attribute of conscious life -- its limitless capacity for learning and understanding -- its limitless capacity for knowledge creation and value production. ... Non-aging biological immortality right here on planet Earth . Wow! Talk about Secular Humanism on Earth forever obliterating the Kingdom of God in Heaven.

While sharing many goals and ideas with secular humanists, most importantly the Toleration Principle, Neo-Tech's experiences differ from theirs: Indeed, the religious-right constantly demonizes secular humanism. But, essentially every facet of the Establishment, left and right, ostracizes the authors and publishers of Neo-Tech. Ironically, orthodox Objectivists and official Libertarians, the seeming closest "allies" to Neo-Tech (read "competitor"), ostracize Neo-Tech the most adamantly. We are even disinvited from their conferences and subscriptions when they realize we represent Neo-Tech. Several years ago, the main Objectivist newsgroup, alt.philosophy.objectivism, was scuttled for a strictly monitored newsgroup, humanities.philosophy.objectivism. That "official" Objectivist newsgroup was erected solely and explicitly to prevent any mention of Neo-Tech. The publicly published charter of that newsgroup prohibits even mentioning the word "Neo-Tech" under threat of permanent expulsion. Indeed, those Objectivist-gospel fundamentalists are as mystically dogmatic, robotically cultish, and threatened by honesty as are Christian-gospel fundamentalists. ... Come to think of it, I cannot recall mention, much less favorable mention, of Secular Humanism (read "competitor") among either Objectivists or Libertarians.

We do not mind these decades of ostracism by the Establishment. In fact, we have thrived from such exclusion. Indeed, we are all prosperous, happy, and healthy as a result! For, that exclusion made us learn to think, write, and do business with no outside support. Today, we depend on Establishment approval for nothing; we depend on our own independent thinking and efforts for everything. Consider our flagship publication, The Neo‑Tech Discovery. It is certainly an unmarketable product via the Establishment. Yet, that single book published in thirteen languages has easily become among the top ten grossing books in history with no signs of abatement -- and we intend to become number two (behind the Bible) before the Establishment realizes what happened ... and after that, number one.

Now, back to that secular-humanist conference: I felt no explicit or implicit distancing from me by any secular humanist. I wondered why, especially since most people misperceive Neo-Tech as "right-wing" and secular humanism as "left-wing". The facts, however, are different. Except for business, most right-wing issues are antithetical to Neo-Tech, as are most left-wing issues. Clean-sweep Neo-Tech considers both wings as generally dishonest and destructive to human well-being. Yet, above all, Neo-Tech is benevolently tolerant of any view or lifestyle that does not employ intimidation, force, or fraud. Contrastively, Neo-Tech is ceaselessly intolerant of those who gain livelihoods, power, or glory by intimidation, force, or fraud.

Does that toleration bond exist between Neo-Tech and Secular Humanism? Do we each stand separate fro m other businesses and social entities? Both answers dwell in a common allegiance to an honesty that yields open-mindedness and justice. That allegiance brings net benefits to individuals and society. By contrast, the social/political/religious truncheons of truths wielded by force-and-fraud-based "authorities" yield close-mindedness and injustices. ... Such manipulated truths inflict lethal harms upon individuals and society.

Regardless of specific views and possible differences, our common stances on voltairean toleration are what I think link Neo-Tech to secular humanists. We are not robots chained by manipulative truths. Rather, we are humans freed by universal honesties. ... As mutually honest freethinkers, we represent no competitive threat toward one another.

Many criticize as mystical, even religious, Neo-Tech postulations of communication metaphors like Supra-Gods, Zons, anticivilizations, and the Civilization-of-the-Universe. Such critics do not realize that Neo-Tech/Zon is the exact opposite. In fact, Neo-Tech stands as an eternal pillar against dishonesty, irrationality, and mysticism. But, on grasping the digital-dot nature of Neo-Tech's Bach/vanGogh/Joycean-like presentations, one realizes that its every idea or position is either (1) properly placed in the context of established scientific facts or (2) logically presented as communication metaphors, allegories, or parallels...or clearly proffered as conjectures, hypotheses, or theories along with proposed experiments to prove or disprove each such theory. Distinctions are also made in the Neo-Tech literature between deductive, a-priori, non-proven postulations and speculations versus inductive, a-posteriori, proven facts and knowledge.

Still, most people today flee from Neo-Tech's inescapable identifications of everyone's hidden irrationalities and mysticisms. For, almost everyone rationalizes such "vices" as necessary for survival in today's criminalized anticivilization. Thus, they misunderstand and fear Neo-Tech. That situation, however, is changing, starting mainly among working-class populations and small-cap business entrepreneurs -- those not so dependent on the Establishment. Neo-Tech Publishing is eliminating their misunderstandings and fears through unique business/literature strategies. Such strategies include enabling those middle classes to profitably harness Neo-Tech/Zon literature, especially via the latest Riches & Romance (R & R) manuscripts combined with Mark Hamilton's forthcoming factual novel, The First Immortals.

Those strategies call for formulating, delivering, and then firing digital bullets into conscious minds as described in those manuscripts. Such bullets break dependencies on dishonesties and irrationalities to let people garner open-ended riches and romances. Indeed, those digital bullets are designed for a velvet revolution. They are designed to peacefully sublimate today's anticivilization by generating the universal business/science/art dynamics detailed in the R & R manuscripts.

As a lasting result of that secular-humanist conference, I believe the labor/business/science/art revolutionaries -- those honest, productive profiteers of the revolution -- will join minds in becoming Neo-Tech/secular-humanists. In profiting the most from Neo-Tech/capitalist/humanist evolvements of Randian/Marxism, the working middle classes will bring forth the Civilization of the Universe here on Earth.

On a final note, I'm still licking my lips after watching the "Christian-Attack" video you sent to us. If we were Secular Humanists using Neo-Tech's methods of jujitsuing opponents, we would slice and dice that video material. Then, we would put various combinations to profitable "in-your-opponent's-face" marketing-and-literature use for years to come. ...Yes, that aggressiveness is profitably consistent with the Toleration Principle

Appendix #4: The Neo-Tech Network Discussion Boards

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