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Total Victory
Man will not only survive; but he will prevail.
[quote from novelist William Faulkner's 1950 Nobel-Laureate address]


September-11th/Neo-Tech syntheses vanish lethal faiths and evil beliefs in Allah, God, the Qur'an, the Bible, mullahs, preachers, rabbis, and gun-backed rulers. ... Neo-Tech education ends superstitions and ignorances. Neo-Tech knowledge cures the conscious-mind diseases of dishonesty, irrationality, and criminality -- the diseases of mysticism.

Syntheses of September-11th with Neo-Tech/Zon will bury today's collapsing 2500-year-old anticivilization. Those syntheses eliminate the harms emanating from the psychogenic quintet of faith, force, fraud, religion, and socialism. Those five psychotic agents comprise the dishonesties, irrationalities, and criminalities that sicken and destroy conscious life. ... Such lethal agents offer no value or meaning to any future civilization of enduring freedom, health, and prosperity.

Today, one can finally stand upon the foundation of universal reality -- a never-changing foundation from which business, science, and art forever flourish. That foundation is Neo-Tech. It comprises Fully Integrated Honesty (FIH) and Wide-Scope Accounting (WSA). The dynamics of FIH and WSA yield a business/science/art civilization. ... Such a secular-humanistic civilization is the Civilization of the Universe.

Through honesty and rationality -- through humanistic business and secular science -- man takes control of nature by first learning how to obey it. Through Neo-Tech/Thinking, he then gains zonpower to control nature for the eternal benefit of conscious life. ... Through Neo-Tech/Neothinking, he gains victory -- total victory.


Neo-Tech Wins ... Everyone Wins


For the past 2500 years, everyone has lived in an anticivilization -- in insane societies. Business/science/art oriented societies are less insane, more free, and beneficently productive. Communist/Fascist/Islamic societies are murderously insane, brutally repressive, and evilly destructive. For twenty-five centuries, rulers and religions manipulated populations into destructions and lootings of the value creators/producers and their civilization-advancing achievements. The manipulation tools of rulers and religions include socialist/fascist philosophies, a non-existent Allah, a non-existent God, a murderous Qur'an, a bloody Bible. With those tools, political neocheaters and religious elites usurped unearned livelihoods and fame. ... They never yield net values for conscious life and its societies.

Such leaders demagogically generated both hidden and overt terrorists ranging from Clinton/Democrat-created tort lawyers to bin-Laden/Muslim-created suicide bombers. Those leaders copped livelihoods by plundering the sources of human values -- the competitive value producers and their businesses. Those leaders twisted the populace into nihilistic political or religious "correctness" -- a twisted correctness that generated inhuman bigotries and envious hatreds.

Such political twistings peaked with the clintonian emasculation of the CIA/FBI's only legitimate function -- protecting the lives of American citizens and their property rights. That crime combined with the methodical political-correct cripplings of military-and-police functions that protect its citizens from wars and crimes left America defenseless, allowing the September-11th mass murders of mega value creators and job producers. ... And, now, come the socialist lawmakers and tort lawyers for the coup de grâce on wounded-and-bleeding value producers and their businesses to bring economic collapse and depression to America.

Today, enviously abused, heroically competitive value creators from business-genius Bill Gates to finance-genius Michael Milken are among the victims of murderously-insane "God-is-Great" bin-Laden/Muslim attacks, hatefully-intolerant "blame-America" Falwell/Robertson attacks, kill-Microsoft Reno/Klein attacks, politically-advancing Giuliani/Reno unjust-prosecution attacks, and miserable-existence "back-to-nature, green-Gaia/Gore" attacks.

September-11th/Neo-Tech syntheses introduce new but natural dynamics -- total-victory dynamics. Those universal dynamics sublimate today's socialistic/religious/celebrity anticivilization into tomorrow's capitalistic/science/art civilization. That sublimation lets the human mind mature into its natural, healthy state -- lets everyone finally grow up to live with enduring freedom, prosperity, and happiness.

My World-Trade Center Gone! My Heroes Murdered!

Since childhood, the aesthetic love of my life was New York City -- lower Manhattan or the Battery to be exact. As a child of eight, from the stern of the Staten Island Ferry, I saw a mighty fist of power and wealth rise -- a fist of stark beauty with the Empire State Building as a towering backdrop. Framed by the Statue of Liberty on the starboard side and the glorious Brooklyn Bridge jutting eastward rose a forest of indelible skyscrapers. It was love at first sight.

That love enflamed into passion thirty-three years later while again standing on the stern of the Staten Island Ferry now flanked off its port-side bow by the stunning Verrazano-Narrows Bridge. The Battery had birthed the two most-magnificent jewels of business capitalism and universal prosperity ever to grace planet Earth -- the soaring, glittering Twin Towers of the World Trade Center (WTC). ... My soul had been baptized in the miracle of business, science, and art. And, now, my soul was confirmed in the concrete, steel, and glass of a freedom-soaring Icarus -- the WTC. Thenceforth, whenever contemplating that marvelous art, which was often, I felt at one with everything that was good and exciting about conscious life.

Stretching ten feet wide and four-feet tall across the wall above my bed, glitters a sculpted glass-and-mirror model of the Battery reflecting the full glory of those Twin Towers. That image reflects back and forth with brilliant colors from the opposite fully-mirrored wall of my bedroom. Thus, every night, my aesthetic soul-mate twin towers along with my romantic soul-mate wife smile at me before I close my eyes to sleep. And, each morning upon opening my eyes, my two loves happily greet me. Then, to my offices I go -- first my Boulder City office and then my Las Vegas office.

Each office greets me upon entering with Neo-Tech Art by commissioned-photographer David M. Brown. Laying his back against the base of the North Tower in 1984, he captured a spectacular, full-height shot of both towers at sunrise. That art is titled Soaring Intelligence. The other view titled Nature Conquered is from atop the WTC. That shot captures a never-again-to-be-seen perspective of Manhattan highlighted by the mighty Brooklyn Bridge. Those depictions of the WTC are flanked by pictures of my beautiful wife, my successful children, their wonderful spouses, and my joyous grandchildren. Together and individually they yield prosperity, health, and love to make this world a better place to live for everyone. With them, I can hardly believe the wealth and fullness of my life. And, I know that such wealth, fullness, and happiness are what every conscious life can by nature experience now and forever.

Six decades after my first aesthetic connection with mighty Manhattan, I celebrated my sixty-ninth birthday surrounded by the happiness of my family, my work, my business. Early the next morning, September 11, 2001, I arose with energy and passion renewed by the fresh sight of my sparkling towers and the lovely innocence of my sleeping wife. After my early-morning four-mile run, I rough drafted an article about lasting justice and prosperity for both Palestinians and Jews via business and science superseding government and religion. Then, I turned on TV for CNBC business news. An image appeared. I froze. The aesthetic love of my life -- my aesthetic soul mate -- what happened! Midst billows of white smoke, the South Tower was missing -- gone! The other tower was burning. Was I dreaming a ghastly nightmare?

I rushed to the bedroom and fetched my wife. Would she see the same image? We both stood agape. Her silence confirmed the reality of my senses. Minutes later, the burning North Tower abruptly pancaked to the ground, leaving a 110-story shaft of black smoke. Huge, billowing waves of smoke and dust then rolled from a terrible void carved in the heart of Manhattan. ... What took a decade of artistic business brilliance to create and Herculean physical efforts to build was gone -- reduced in minutes to a million-ton mountain of gnarled rubble by haters of freedom and prosperity -- destroyed by envious losers incapable of either creating or producing competitive values for anyone.

Tears blurred my vision. My beloved skyline of New York City was unbelievably mutilated. My sustaining image of the best in human life was gone. The best in human life? Seconds later, a much-greater, unimaginable horror filled me. I sank to the sofa crying in utter pain as my loving wife held me. A world of dynamically precious values perished before my eyes! I had just witnessed thousands of the world's greatest value producers murdered by the forces of bitter envy, socialist criminality, and religious insanity.

Those murdered crème-de-la-crème value creators were the unsung heroes of civilization. They were the unrecognized, the denigrated, the abused heroes trapped in an envy-ridden, criminal anticivilization. Through their highly skilled, thinking-and-integrating efforts, those super-effective people generated every few days more life-enhancing values for others and humanity then they themselves consumed in their entire lifetimes. ... Through always peaceful, mutual free choices, they generated orders-of-magnitude more life-enhancing values and jobs for others than all the socialist-criminal-force-promoting intelligentsia, politicians, bureaucrats, along with all the antibusiness activists and celebrities combined worldwide.

Inside my body, a quiet rage rose not only toward those mass murderers but also toward those others responsible -- those business-hating leftist politicians and rightist elites who add zero net values to society. Under the covers of rhetoric and celebrity, they rob and kill to gain their own ineffectual livelihoods propped by criminal power and fraudulent glory. Those envy mongers live by consuming in destructive gulps the miracles of honest business, science, and art. Suddenly, I realized that the Neo-Tech inflection point had arrived. I wiped the tears from my face, rose, and went to my office. I had a job to do. First, I drafted a Declaration of War then began formulating a Battle Plan that will unfold in the coming months. ... A preliminary plan will be outlined at the November-2001, Third-Annual Neo-Tech World Summit in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Declaration of War -- Infinite Justice
[Infinite justice means fully integrated honesty forever.]

SEPTEMBER 11, 2001
Allah-u-Akbar! God-is-Great!

The World-Trade Center destroyed! Thousands of heroic value creators/job producers murdered! The survival of you, your family, America, and the World is at stake.

Today, September 11, 2001, the golden heart of life, freedom, and prosperity was ripped from America and the World. Without a solution, biological/chemical/nuclear attacks will come next, probably in that order. Without a solution, you and your loved ones will suffer terribly and die. Without a solution, America and the entire world will suffer terribly and die. ... Today, the War of Two Worlds has begun. Religious mysticism, success envy, and socialist criminality declared open war on civilization-advancing science, success emulation, and beneficent-business prosperity.

Do Not Blame Success -- Failure is the Cause

Blaming the Jews and American/Israeli policy for civilization-destroying terrorists leads to deadly traps. By blaming success, inhuman losers will bury human winners. Totalitarian/Islamic failures will destroy freedom/business successes. Taliban living-death will inherit Earth.

Israelis today are generally acting from the highest moral right -- the right of self-defense and physical survival. Observe, also, that Israel is the only non-totalitarian, economically free-and-successful country midst a 56-country array of Arab-world losers. Contrary to Israel and America, every Arab/Muslim country is ruled by a non-elected dictator and is a miserable economic/social failure.

America is supporting its own self-defense and survival in supporting Israel's right to self-defense and survival. To use that most-basic moral right as the cause of mass murder by Al Qaeda, the Islamic-Jihad, Hamas, Hezbollah, and other such Islamic terrorist organizations is not only bizarrely illogical, but is suicidal. For, consider that those Islamic organizations have killed orders of magnitudes more innocent citizens in countries that do not support Israel in any way. Consider the countless thousands of innocent citizens murdered by Islamic fundamentalists in Algeria (100,000 murdered in that country alone), Egypt, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Nigeria, Philippines, Turkey -- not exactly friends or supporters of Israel.

The underlying enemy is mysticism. The hidden combatants in the War of Two Worlds are competitive-business success and rule-of-law freedom versus criminal-socialistic political parasitism and kill-the-infidels religious fundamentalism. ...If the real enemy is not recognized, America and the world loses the war to socialist-and-religious criminals.

Also, recognize that the crimes and problems of Israel itself originated from Jewish religious fundamentalists criminally confiscating "their Holy Lands" from Palestinian legal owners. Moreover, if not for those religious fundamentalists, the Jewish homeland might have been established in the 19th century on freely offered Grand Island -- the world's largest freshwater island -- near Buffalo, New York. Such a trouble-free, legal Jewish nation probably could have been wildly successful in business, science, and art -- perhaps outcompeting and booming beyond New York City. But, no, the religious fundamentalists insisted on criminally seizing "their Holy Lands" from heathen Palestinians.

Victory means vanishing the twin-headed enemy of conscious life -- socialist criminalities and religious criminalities. Total victory means vanishing the source of all conscious evil -- mysticism. For, mysticism yields every dishonesty, every irrationality, and every crime on planet Earth.

Allah/God/Religion/the Qur'an/the Torah/the Bible
Al Qaeda/Sinn Féin/Aryan Nations
Mohammed Omar/Rabbi Kahane/Jim Jones/Jerry Falwell

They are the faithful, the devout, the prayerful. "Allah is Great!" is the cry as they slaughter the innocent. They are the fundamentalist followers of intolerance and irrationality manipulated by seekers of unearned power and glory. They do Allah's work by mass murdering competitive value creators and profitable value producers while crushing liberty and freethinking. ... They are hateful killers of today's life.

They are the faithful, the devout, the prayerful. "Praise the Lord!" is the cry as they destroy the future. They are the fundamentalist followers of intolerance and irrationality manipulated by seekers of unearned power and glory. They do God's work by criminally seizing "holy lands" from legal owners, by poisoning children, by murdering abortion doctors, by bombing family-planning centers while blocking stem-cell/cloning sciences. ... They are hateful killers of tomorrow's life.

The source of such evils resides both in the Qur'an-recorded, treacherous-liar/mass-murderer Muhammad and in the Bible-recorded, peaceful truth-teller/do-gooder Jesus. In either case, criminal evils rise from the brainwashed suicide bombers to the brainwashed abortion-clinic bombers, all blindly following their self-aggrandizing religious leaders.


Since November 1986, Neo-Tech writers have accurately predicted increasing attacks upon the world's most creative/productive individuals and their businesses. Neo-Tech predicted escalating indirect attacks culminating in the horrendous direct attacks of September 11, 2001. But, the first deeply hidden political attack occurred with President Clinton's inauguration on January 23, 1993 under his deceitful pro-business illusions. Subsequently, the escalating clintonian attacks on America's freedoms and businesses were ignored by a deluded public blindly cheering a false prosperity boom -- a lethal economic bubble.

After eight years of undermining America's economy and security, the Clinton/Greenspan/Rubin high-tech stock bubble burst. And, then, their "new-economy" imploded. Cynically, that trio had planned to blame their destructions on the innocent new President, G. W. Bush. But, instead, came the wide-open, September-11th mass murders that destroyed the business heart of an already bleeding American economy.

As predicted by Neo-Tech in 1976, everyone now faces physical destruction. Everyone now stands face to face with the nuclear-decision threshold, augmented by biological/chemical mass-murder weapons. The American population faces the grave danger of not only being economically destroyed, but also being physically destroyed. With September 11th, everything changed -- utterly changed -- everything changed except Neo-Tech. Indeed, only Neo-Tech (i.e.: fully integrated honesty with wide-scope accounting) remains unchanged -- universally fixed. ... Today, as always, Neo-Tech remains available as an immovable lighthouse shining from a business/science/art civilization. Neo-Tech is the unchanging North Star shining from the eternal Civilization of the Universe.

Rule of Law/Justice/Property Rights

The first great Greek historian, Herodotus (484-430BC) identified that success comes not with what is presented, but rather with what is done to what is presented: Thus, vanish God/Allah/Prayers. Vanish the NYC/Ruby-Ridge/Waco/OKC terrorists. Vanish destructive bureaucracies and their criminal functions. Support the rule of law over the rule of men. Support legitimate military/police protections of individual-and-property rights.

Vanish clintonian-era crimes and treasons. Vanish the Clinton/Greenspan/Rubin eight-year, economic-bubble fraud and its resulting stock-market crash and economic disasters. Vanish antibusiness celebrities, property-destroying PETA/Green activists, and other business-hating criminals. Vanish anti-Globalists and anti-Capitalists. Vanish their so-called Social Justices. Vanish the Dr. Strangelove "Nuke-'em-All" Objectivists and shallow-thinking "Blame-America" Libertarians. ... Not a single person of any anti-freedom, anti-business, tree-hugging celebrity flotsam and jetsam* can benefit anyone's future.

*Note: Most Objectivists and Libertarians are not by any means flotsam and jetsam. To the contrary, many are exceptionally valuable people in current society. Still, no matter how valuable in today's anticivilization, Objectivist-and-Libertarian dynamics with their boundary dogmas will vanish. For, they are superfluous in tomorrow's open-ended business/science/art civilization.


Vanishing Criminals

Militarily/CIA vanish those who conduct and export terrorism -- including those guilty officials and leaders in Afghanistan, Algeria, Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen. Militarily/CIA vanish the biological, chemical, and nuclear weapons potentials and capabilities in those countries.

Neo-Tech will do the non-military job. But, who will do the military job? Monopoly-on-force government must do that job. Government must now fulfill its only legitimate function -- protecting individual/property rights of its citizens. Do not underestimate non-politician, honest-businessman G. W. Bush (GWB). Looking beneath his religious camouflages and his dangerous, totalitarian-religious Attorney-General Ashcroft (who tried to put infidel Neo-Tech out of business in 1983), the closet secular-humanist GWB is shrewdly principled -- a supreme, sub-rosa poker player. He is white-hat neocheating every criminal trying to block his goal of eradicating international terrorism. Moreover, he is the sole military commander. He has the power. And, he knows it. Keeping mostly to himself, his calculated plans are to ruthlessly liquidate terrorists and their supporters regardless of location, politics, or opinion polls. What ever it takes, however long it takes. ... Hats off if he succeeds. He may be the last-and-greatest hero of today's collapsing, 2500-year-old anticivilization.

Can the Following Justices be Done?

Under the rule of law, can legal forces return illegally confiscated oil fields, refineries, and other stolen private properties to their legitimate owners regardless of nationality? Most stolen oil fields are isolated in open deserts. Thus, those properties would be relatively easy to retrieve via lightning military strikes and then held with a minimum of armed forces* and civilian casualties. Criminal armies marching across deserts to retake the fields would be openly easy to liquidate via conventional warfare deployments.

*American/British/Dutch and other forces representing the rightful owners of illegally seized properties.


Rightful owners in control of world oil production would remove the main economic threat to America and cut the financial lifelines of Islamic tyrants and terrorists. If their criminal regimes destroyed those oil wells and set them ablaze before occupation, the repair and return to production would occur quickly with American business hustle and technology as demonstrated in 1993 Kuwait.

At the same time, under the rule of law, return all earned private properties confiscated by force from individual Palestinians and their businesses. Both the Arab and Israeli illegal confiscations germinated from the 1917 Balfour Declaration, followed by British mandates, and conducted by subsequent Israeli governments driven to criminal property confiscations by religious-fundamentalist Jews demanding armed-force usurpations of "their holy lands". Thus, a plague on all religious fundamentalists and their criminal leaders -- a plague on all intolerances, criminalities, and killings -- a plague on all dishonesties, mysticisms, and irrationalities. ... Enforce the rule of just law. Return all stolen properties to rightful owners. Bring all criminals to justice.

Finally, under the rule of law, indict and bring to trial Bill Clinton, Janet Reno, and other implicated clintonians for wherever substantial-and-credible evidences of conspiracy, sedition, and treason exist.

The Situation

Even without another terrorist attack, lifestyles and life itself in America and other business-economy nations are in grave danger. Such economies are poised to pancake into oblivion.

Over 3000-years ago, the pancake collapse of economically advanced Mid-Eastern empires ended the hallucinating bicameral civilizations and began the rise of a conscious civilization. September 11, 2001 (the 9/11 attacks) signals the end of today's 2500-year-old, force-backed/fraud-promoted anticivilization and the rise of an honest business/science/art civilization -- the Civilization of the Universe. Those seismic 9/11 attacks changed everything, for everyone. Only Neo-Tech remains unchanged. ... Either Neo-Tech wins -- or everyone loses.

The Choice

Life over death. Free-choice business over gun-backed socialism. Beneficent science over malignant religion. Reason over faith. Integrated honesties over manipulated truths. A prosperous future over a desolate future. ... Today the Nuclear/Chemical/Biological-Decision Threshold is upon us. The choice for happy, healthy, prosperous survival is Neo-Tech/Neothink -- now or never.

The Action

Fifteen years ago, on November-3rd 1986, a religious-right, anti-secular-humanist-influenced Federal Executive Branch unleashed guns-fists-and-kicking-feet attacks (the 11/3 attacks) on Neo-Tech writers. The objectives of those attacks were to destroy not only a free-thinking/pro-choice/anti-bureaucracy publishing company but to destroy the works and lives of its infidel authors. ... Such objectives paralleled those of religious-right bin Laden -- destroy not only business America but destroy the works and lives of its infidel value/job creators.

Rising from those shattering 11/3 attacks, Neo-Tech writers learned how to defeat such terrorists. They learned how to recover quickly, profit greatly, and then emerge with ever-greater powers, protections, and advantages. And now, today, the American populace must learn how to turn the September 11th terrorist attacks into permanent victories, replete with ever-increasing profits and security. Rising from the shattering September 11th attacks and today's collapsing economies, those harnessing Neo-Tech/Neothink will recover quickly while securing increasing health and prosperity.

Via Negativita

Western societies generally operate on the religious positive of "do unto others". In other words, inflict your "values" onto others. Make others rise to your "rightness". By contrast, Neo-Tech operates on the non-religious negative of "do not do unto others". In other words, leave others alone. Let them competitively rise on their own values to their own rightness, so long as they do not initiate force or fraud against others.

In today's anticivilization, Neo-Tech exploits negatives to cure the diseases of dishonesty, irrationality, and mysticism. Free of such diseases, a universal business/science/art civilization rises naturally -- rises via the ever-increasing power of liberated value creators, profitable value producers, and competitive artists.

Exploiting Neocheaters
Exploit neocheaters to liquidate them. Thus, white-hat players bring profits and security to everyone.
[quote from advance-concept-poker-player John Finn in 1976]

From 1993 to 2000, President Clinton along with his Secretary-of-Treasury Robert Rubin and the Federal-Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan created the most-obscene bubble of false prosperity and unreal wealth in history. During that time, Neo-Tech/Neothink provided a powerfully profitable remedy that few wanted to consider. Instead, the populace eagerly focused on that trio's media/celebrity-pitched, high-tech hysteria of profitless prosperity and earningless stock-market wealth. That trio's "new-economy" fraud had become an all-consuming illusion of effortless riches and unearned retirements.

That neocheating trio then infested its ever-expanding swamp of liquidity with record corporate-and-personal debt accelerated by a falsely-propped Rubin dollar. Dishonest business-government statistics and Ponzi-scheme/stock-option-accounting frauds kept elevating the illusions of no-effort prosperity. Clinton, Rubin, and Greenspan gleaned unearned power and fame from their fetid air castles built upon the soaring credit expansions engulfing America. ... Such frauds ultimately unwind into deflation and then depression, often culminating in an inflation that destroys residual wealth, security, and freedom.

Equally serious, that trio's leader, President Clinton, treasonously committed national-security crimes that have cost America's future safety and perhaps survival. Moreover, the clintonian era made pragmatic dishonesties acceptable -- even fashionable -- throughout governments, businesses, the professions, the academe, and the media. With taxpayers' money, the clintonian regime suborned votes and power from special-interest groups by emasculating the government's only legitimate function -- individual body-and-property protections through law, the courts, the military, the CIA, and the FBI. That treasonous regime undermined those citizen-protection functions under camouflages of socialist/egalitarian political correctness. In that way, Clinton and his Attorney-General facilitator Reno gutted national security in a trail of catastrophic criminalities ranging from Waco to the Oklahoma-City bombing to paralyzing the legitimate functions of the CIA and FBI to providing China with capabilities for nuclear strikes on America.

Consider again the government's sweeping failure to detect and prevent the WTC destruction and the mass murder of the world's most-effective businesspeople. How did that happen? To reiterate -- to stress again -- with eight years of politically-correct destructions of America's security capabilities, President Clinton sold to China nuclear-strike-on-America capabilities. He then left America with an impotent Deutch/Tenet CIA and an impotent Reno/Freeh FBI. He left those agencies hapless, blind, unmotivated, and demoralized -- too lethargic to move against years of massively obvious terrorist activities and attacks against capitalism, freedom, and business.

Also, consider the Clinton/Gore/celebrity/media support --both tacit and overt -- for Socialist/Green/Earth-First networks of antibusiness terrorists who destroy animal/medical research, bankrupt apple farmers, torch ski resorts, kill loggers, and stage looting riots against international businesses from Seattle to Europe to Asia. Those business/science-hating networks along with religious-right/neo-nazi networks abet their soul mates -- the bin-Laden/Al-Qaeda/Hussein/Castro terrorists. They share envious hatreds of America's competitive business successes made possible by legally-protected property rights and freedoms. ... Both left-wing and right-wing terrorists share the same nihilistic hatreds toward America's most-beneficent jewels ranging from Las Vegas to McDonald's to Wal-Mart to global free trade to the WTC.

Such terrorists enviously hate honest business success because it is the ultimate good -- the universal value to conscious life -- the limitless provider of human jobs, prosperity, health, and well-being. Indeed, both the treasonous clintonians and their soul-mate terrorists of the left and right share culpability for the September 11th attack on American citizens, businesses, and freedoms.

Liquidating Neocheaters

The eight-year clintonian economic house of cards built upon putrid mountains of dishonesties, lootings, and treasonous felonies ultimately surpasses -- far surpasses in wide-spread economic destructions -- the direct physical destructions by those 9/11 terrorists. As those cards collapse, the falling edifices of crime and fraud devour the remaining business and economic structures. Without a sound capitalist foundation to fall back upon, what remains to catch the business corpse in free fall?

Consider who are the ultimate value creators and job producers. Consider who brings well-being, prosperity, and happiness to conscious life. Mankind's benefactors are not politicians, bureaucrats, or religious leaders. Instead, they are heroic entrepreneurs, dedicated scientists, noble businesspeople, honest businesses, and competitive artists. What will happen without the widespread revaluation of those precious assets. What will happen without the cherishing, admiring, and protecting of those mega value creators and job producers. What will happen without the widespread rejection, ostracism, and vanishing of criminal value destroyers ranging from bin-Laden/Saddam Hussein religious manipulators to Janet Reno/Hillary Clinton socialist manipulators. This is what will happen: The free world economies will pancake into oblivion -- like the WTC twin towers on September 11th -- like the bicameral civilization 3000 years ago.

Neo-Tech business dynamics are what everyone knowingly or unknowingly seeks to save his or her life -- to create ever-more-and-better jobs, to deliver ever-increasing prosperity, to bring ever-greater health and happiness to mankind. Today, in meeting their challenge, the writers and businesspeople at Neo-Tech Publishing (NTP) are pushing the limits to unleash actions that let a new business/science/art civilization replace a demolished clintonian/terrorist anticivilization. That civilization-replacement mission is NTP's responsibility. Its writers and businesspeople will meet that responsibility. ... Neo-Tech is the shining star that brings enduring justice, prosperity, and happiness to conscious life. Neo-Tech will bring victory -- total victory -- to America and the world.

(draft #53 -- revised 11/12/01)

Crash Hell to Prosperity Heaven

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