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Chapter 3

Mysticism Challenges Neo-Tech

Date: Wed, 1 Nov 1995 16:14:11 GMT

From: THINKfirst! <>


Subject: Another question on N-T



On Tue, 31 Oct 1995, Perwesh Prashar wrote:

A while ago, I saw this program on TV and I have seen similar since, where people recall their previous life experiences. The program followed some of these and was able to confirm what transpired in these sessions through actual visits, original records etc. In one case they actually had to did top two floor layers to reveal what was described by the person - It was remarkably accurate.


I can't comment because I haven't seen the program. But why is your first inclination to believe whatever you see on television? I don't mean to offend you, but how do you know that the person had NO prior knowledge? How do you know there was NO connection?

I would say some skepticism is in order.

The reason people cling to the concepts of reincarnation and/or an afterlife, is obvious from a psychological perspective. We die. We're aware of our own selves and we know that we'll die, and we don't like that idea very much. In fact, the very thought is terrifying. So, to relieve some of the worry, a convenient theory was invented.

Demand proof. Just because someone can seemingly describe something they should have no way of knowing, it's irrational to leap to the conclusion they're asking you to leap to.

Q: Who stands to benefit financially from you believing in life after death? Think about it.


On mysticism - I agree the harmful effects of 99.9% of mysticism but occasionally one comes across a mystical person full of gusto and sometimes you see phenomena such as cited below.


Mystical people can be productive, and therefore be valuable. But they are valuable in direct proportion to their elimination of mysticism.


Recently, I saw news item where Hindu idols were apparently consuming milk offered to them.


And you believe it without question? Have YOU ever personally witnessed such an event? Can you conceive of a way to create such an illusion, if you wanted to? Again, who stands to benefit financially from you buying in to such nonsense?


Zonpower Discovery talks about neo-cheaters and disease of mysticism, then goes on to say 'don't worry knowledge of Neo-Tech will cure you of all ills'. I have read 75% of Neo-Tech advantages and thus far have not come across knowledge as such - where is it... what is it. I know various postings have said things like 'totally integrated honesty', 'fight laziness relentlessly' but what exactly is Neo-Tech/Zon protocols and the reference encyclopaedia ....


Making the simple integration of thinking for yourself and challenging your own mysticisms is the first-read benefit of NT.

Once you have made the wide-scope integration (i.e., once you've seen the big picture), you will have the tools to eradicate your own mysticism relentlessly.

The Neo-Tech material is a matrix. All of the pieces interlock. In order to see the real power of each of the advantages, you need to see the whole picture, to see how each piece fits into the matrix. And this will only happen once you've reached the end. It takes at least one full, thorough read to see the full picture (although I've found that once you see the big picture, the subsequent readings are much more beneficial).

Get yourself through to the end. Finish it. Then you'll be able to see the whole thing. It should snap into place.

(BTW, are you reading the Zonpower Discovery or the online Zonpower book? I'm assuming you're reading the hardcopy Zon Discovery book.)


Forgive my ignorance, but what is this 'totally integrated honesty', how does one achieve it and how does one 'fight laziness relentlessly'. These seem to be very circular arguments to me -- dejavu, non-sequitors. Maybe, I am not looking at this correctly, maybe I have missed something. I am taking responsibility for my own understanding for once in my life -- it is scary. I hope I last the course.


Fully integrated honesty is honesty in the full context of the big picture. One achieves it by looking objectively at the facts of reality (not what one wishes were true, but what is actually there), and honestly integrating those facts (i.e., "plugging them in") to reality to see the big picture.

Mysticism = Irrationality = Laziness.

Rationalizing things is taking the easy (and dishonest) way out. You can pretend like the world is whatever you dream it to be. But it isn't like that. The world is what it is. When you default on the effort required to SEE what is really going on around you, you are being lazy and mystical. And you will be acting in an unreal world. The way to success and happiness is to see what's REALLY around you, and control it.

It takes thought. It takes effort. Life does. Success does. And so does Neo-Tech. If you decide to stick with it and figure it out, you will have the greatest resource in the world available to you - your mind. If you don't, you let the disease win, and your mind belongs to whomever wishes to control it.

The choice is yours.

Here's to your success.

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