"...Consider Dostoevsky's analysis of the criminal mind in his masterwork "Crime and Punishment": The criminal assumption is that one has the right and authority to take or confiscate values earned by others so long as someone else has a "need" for those values."
The Criminal Mind is a mode of thinking that lays the responsibility for taking care of oneself onto others. A person with a criminal mind constantly projects that others owe him something -- be it money, a job, happiness, love, or anything else of value.
Instead of focusing on earning values, the criminal mind conjures up rationalizations as to why one "deserves" values belonging to others. Earn is replaced with "deserve". The responsibility to provide that "deserved" value is then automatically placed on someone else.
The criminal mind functions through destructive rationalizations that subvert the ability to produce competitive values. A person in a criminal-mind mode stops exerting the honesty, effort, and integrations required to effectively deal with problems and build competitive values.
While criminal-mind thinking festers at the core of all criminals, such thinking is also used by others for camouflaged manipulation. A person can employ criminal-mind thinking without actually being a criminal.
Eddie is a young college student and a shoplifter. He confines his criminal activity to shoplifting food items from grocery stores. Instead of keeping secret his dishonest behavior, Eddie brags about his shoplifting skills. In fact, Eddie prides himself on his ability to outsmart those big wheels who own the supermarkets. Eddie speaks about his shoplifting in the context that he is finally getting back, in a small way, at those "rip-off store owners who victimize everyone." While bragging about the $15.00 steak he had lifted, Eddie exuded a self-righteous tone that implied: "You should feel sorry for me, I'm the little guy who has been victimized all my life by the greedy big wheels out there." To Eddie, the supermarket owners owe him the merchandise he takes.
Aside from his shoplifting problem, Eddie appears to be a normal, friendly young man. However, his self-justifying criminal behavior is a key sign of the criminal mind. In fact, Eddie's self-justifying behavior exemplifies how all levels of criminals must rationalize away their dishonesties. They reverse their situation so that in their own minds they are the ones being victimized.
People often run into petty shoplifters throughout their lifetimes--from schoolmates to co-workers. The one characteristic common among essentially all those petty thieves is that they turn their situation around, using an "I'm-the-victim" rationalization. Although such shoplifters often are not hard-core crooks, they all use the same mode of criminal-mind thinking to justify their behavior.
The rationalizations of those petty shoplifters, in reality, amount to emotional self-indulgence. Instead of exerting honesty and discipline, the basic ingredients required for a successful, competitive human life, they indulge in self-pity.
Dostoevsky's analysis of the criminal mind demonstrates that the criminal-mind thinking mode always inverts the concepts of self-responsibility, discipline, and effort. Examples of that mode of thinking are everywhere. For example, a recent television movie evolves around a ten-year-old boy growing up in a poor neighborhood as a gang member. The boy lures unsuspecting victims into an isolated spot and then older gang members mug the victim. One night, that gang attempts to mug a professional hockey player who overcomes them and captures the youngster who lured him into that mugging.
The athlete then tries to help the young boy. The boy's mother is a poor, unwed mother who is threatened by gangs in the neighborhood. The young boy is cute and in a tough situation. The viewer cannot help liking him. But, then, after the athlete puts out time and effort to help the boy, the boy flies into a rage. Because he has been caught, the boy must face reality and exert the independent honesty and effort required to quit the gang and reform. But, the young boy turns his situation around. He self-righteously proclaims that the athlete is the cause of his current adjustment problems. The boy claims that the athlete is being terribly unjust to him, and, therefore, that athlete now owes him things. Suddenly, it becomes strikingly clear that this little boy is using the criminal-mind thinking mode.
Yes, he is cute. Yes, he is just a kid in a tough, disadvantaged situation. But, indeed, the boy has a criminal mind. Suddenly, all the other aspects in his situation become irrelevant. The point is now obvious. The boy's problem is his indulging in the criminal mind. All his other problems become meaningless unless and until his indulging in the criminal-mind is focused on and overcome.
That television show demonstrates that the criminal mind is a distinct, identifiable "mode of thinking." A person need not be physically committing a crime to be using the criminal mind. In fact, a person can use the criminal mind selectively as a powerful manipulation tool. Even a person who has never physically stolen anything can use the criminal mind to turn responsibility upside down and lay self-responsibility on someone else.
Soon after that television movie aired, the presidential election campaigns began. Listening to the statements that the candidates were making, one trait became strikingly clear: All the candidates had criminal minds! Essentially every statement they uttered fit the definition: "The criminal mind is a mode of thinking that lays the responsibility for taking care of oneself onto others."
Whenever a person projects that someone else is responsible for the well-being of others, he, too, is using a criminal-mind thinking mode. Once the essence of criminal-mind thinking is identified, a startling realization leaps forth: criminal-mind thinking is at the core of all politicians, many media people, most lawyers, many professors, and certain white-collar-hoax businessmen. Such people constantly shift self-responsibility from the individual onto others. Such criminal-mind intellectuals serve to institutionalize criminal-mind thinking.
Almost all politicians, their intellectual cohorts, and all who accept forced distributions of other people's money fit Dostoevsky's analysis of the criminal mind in his masterwork Crime and Punishment: The criminal assumption is that one has the right and authority to take or confiscate values earned by others so long as someone else has a "need" for those values. Today's government has no qualms about using force to take, to loot, or to otherwise confiscate property and values belonging to others. Political government, by its nature, displays contempt for private property and individual rights.
The results of such irrationality are escalating injustice and value destruction. But, even worse, criminal-mind thinking becomes institutionalized. While common criminals live by direct criminal actions, institutionalized criminal-mind practitioners live by promoting and applying criminal actions as a third party. That is, government bureaucrats forcibly take values from some and give them to special-interests they deem in need, all the while skimming enough for their own prestigious livelihoods. Thus, they make their criminal actions appear noble. In reality, they are neocheating. They make themselves appear as benefactors to society while they are in fact gleaning a living and prestige by draining others.
Political government usurps massive doses of power by its third-party, criminal-mind actions. By employing criminal-mind actions as a third party, a politician or bureaucrat can manipulate people, businesses, and values in ways he or she could otherwise never dream of doing. A government's third-party, criminal-mind methods can create endless "problems" in order to create endless targets from which to usurp money and power. On closer examination, the forced "solutions" to those conjured up problems always lies in more money and more power being arrogated to the politicians and bureaucrats.
Value destroyers exist by usurping values through force or the threat of force. Value producers exist by producing values through competitive, voluntary exchanges. Honest-minded workers are responsibility-accepting value producers. Criminal-minded politicians and bureaucrats are responsibility-evading value destroyers.
No government is a higher entity unto itself -- all government consists of individual men and women who do not produce competitive values that are freely exchanged in the open marketplace. Such men and women must garner livelihoods and self-glory through criminal-mind actions. Listen to the statements of any politician, from a local city councilman to the President of the United States. Essentially every statement they utter fits the criminal-mind definition. Any person or any institution employing the criminal mind can be exposed by asking, "Is this person or institution projecting that someone else is responsible for the well-being of others?"
Once a person is identified as using criminal-mind manipulations, he or she should be dumped with scorn and derision, whether it be the President of the United States, a reporter, or a college professor -- all those people and their institutions have at their essence the criminal-mind thinking mode. Their livelihoods depend upon making some people responsible for the "problems" of others. Creating grandiose programs to solve those "problems" gives criminal-mind manipulators massive doses of unearned power to enforce justice-turned-upside-down laws and regulations. Those laws and regulations are supported by money and property forcibly taken from others.
While common criminals are destructive on a random basis, their level of destruction to society is statistically insignificant. They pose little long-term threat to value producers. On the other hand, institutionalized professionals espousing and implementing criminal-mind policies are massively destructive. Their level of destruction to society keeps climbing on a grand scale as all of society is forced to conform to their criminal-mind policies. This was most obvious in former communist countries, where criminal-mind policies destroyed entire economies and everyone's standard of living. Yet, the same responsibility-reversing, criminal-mind philosophy that underlined Marxism and socialism underlined the creation of the gigantic welfare-state, regulation-mad bureaucracy that exists in America today.
Today's working American ultimately pays close to 50 percent of his or her income to some form of taxation. In spite of that massive usurpation, our federal government is faced with the largest deficit in the history of nations. Before the criminal-mind doctrines spawned from Marxism and socialism began seeping into American policy in the early 20th Century, the average American paid less than 5 percent of his income toward taxes. Yet, all of the proper and necessary duties of government functioned just fine. Left unchecked, criminal-mind institutions and their criminal-mind policies will eventually devour all wealth, along with everyone's future opportunity.
Day after day, a person is bombarded with criminal-mind propaganda espoused by government, media, white-collar-hoax business leaders and the intellectual community.[ 13 ] When a person sees highly-placed intellectuals using criminal-mind manipulations, those same reverse-responsibility manipulations become increasingly easier for himself or herself to rationalize. In addition, most people are subjected to subtle criminal-mind manipulations from friends, family, even spouses.
In fact, the criminal-mind is frequently used on a personal level through subtle implications such as: "If you love me, you'll do this for me," or, "Because I'm your friend, it's your responsibility to help me out." Although such manipulations may be used only to coerce family or friends into doing simple favors, those subtle manipulations are, nevertheless, rooted in the criminal mind.
Almost all criminal-mind manipulations used on a personal level are some variation of an "I love you, therefore, you owe me" manipulation. If not explicitly identified and stopped, such "you owe me" manipulations diminish love and cause resentment to grow. No matter how close a relationship, even parent and child, the victim of such criminal-mind "you owe me" manipulations always senses, at least subconsciously, that he or she is being manipulated. A suppressed resentment will inevitably grow.
Such criminal-mind manipulations should promptly be cut off, no matter how loved the perpetrator. One must never sanction the criminal-mind mode of reversing responsibility. That default on self-responsibility is a mental cancer. If allowed to grow, it will spread to other, much more damaging areas.
If a person gets away with a simple "you owe me" manipulation on family members, he or she has successfully used a path-of-least-resistance manipulation. That manipulation will become easier for that person to use the next time. Thus, it will be used more and more frequently. That person's skill at using responsibility-reversing manipulations will sharpen. And, as that person becomes more adept at criminal-mind manipulations, he or she will branch out. Next, when the chance arises to avoid exerting self-responsibility at school, at work, or in an area of personal development, that person may use a similar criminal-mind manipulation to justify, once again, taking the path of least resistance. Such a person begins using criminal-mind rationalizations to avoid the constant effort required to grow and be successful in life.
Rationalizations rooted in the criminal mind can lead to a child doing poorly in school, thereby cutting off his future, to a man or a woman avoiding integrated thinking and forward-essence movement at work, thereby stagnating his or her career, or to a person destroying a love relationship by constantly manipulating his or her spouse. All of that value destruction can result from responsibility-reversing manipulations first learned in the family.
Even a clergyman who masks the criminal-mind mode in a kind-hearted sermon about society owing a responsibility to homeless people must not be sanctioned. For, that clergyman is spreading a responsibility-reversing cancer seed that in the long-run hurts everyone. There is nothing wrong with helping homeless people, but a person does not morally owe a duty to a homeless person. Shifting self-responsibility to take care of oneself onto others never solves anybody's problems. And any intellectual, such as a clergyman, politician, or media editor, is intelligent enough to understand that principle.
Indeed, the objects of criminal-mind value transfers are not helped by such actions. Coerced value transfers quickly trap an individual into becoming dependent upon criminal-mind thinking. Such a person learns not to be responsible for his own needs and livelihood. Someone else becomes responsible for providing the things he or she does not have. Such individuals eventually become the most unhappy people alive. Second and third generation welfare recipients, for example, never live to experience lasting or deep happiness. Their pathetic, criminal-mind thinking spreads to their children, and then to their children, and so on. Everyone involved begins accepting reverse-responsibility thinking within themselves and others.
Today, everyone is exposed to and is silently encouraged by the intelligentsia to indulge in various criminal-mind thinking modes. The linking characteristic of all those modes of thinking is that they seek out the path of least resistance. But, with Neo-Tech (fully integrated honesty), one can uncompromisingly stamp out criminal-mind manipulations wherever they occur -- even in personal situations. A single act of identifying and refusing a responsibility-reversing manipulation can forever stop another person from indulging in the criminal mind again. Just the knowledge that someone else understands a person's manipulation can forever break that person's criminal-mind rationalizations. Without those rationalizations, he or she will be unable to foist responsibility-reversing manipulations onto others.
A single voice of honesty in a lifetime of silent acceptance by others can forever remove a criminal-mind cancer seed in a loved one. That single voice of honesty can keep a person from sinking into a sea of destruction after a lifetime of seeing others employ criminal-mind thinking, from friends and family members right up to TV anchormen, the President, the Pope, and popular "heroes."
Respected politicians, clergymen, news anchors, college professors, and other professionals who espouse criminal-mind thinking are dishonest and destructive. As with that television movie about the young boy and the athlete, guilt-implying, responsibility-reversing themes are bandied about everywhere. Their implicit message is that society and the individual have a moral responsibility to meet the needs of other people--to meet the needs of gang members, welfare recipients, government bureaucracies, or outcompeted American companies. Glory-seeking politicians and job-seeking bureaucrats then step in to provide for those "needs" by usurping values from others.
The criminal-mind thinking mode is a hoax that diminishes life, love, and happiness. Indulging in the criminal mind will push a person into stagnation and failure. Criminal-mind rationalizations cripple all those who accept them. In turn, those mentally-crippled individuals become psychologically dependent upon criminal-mind institutions for guidance and support. To be successful, a person must use fully integrated honesty (Neo-Tech) to uproot and stamp out the vicious criminal-mind hoax.
[ 13 ] White-collar-hoax business leaders are those who drain the productive businesses they now control but did not build. See Mark Hamilton's book Neo-Tech Business Control for a complete exposure of the White-Collar Hoax in American business.
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