Those empire builders were viewed in awe because they had the ability to direct the future of business, technology, and markets. Those empire builders seemed to make all the right moves, becoming powerful and successful on a mighty scale. That contrasted with their business peers who dealt with one aspect of business at a time, never really succeeding beyond a mediocre level.
The same dynamics that those business greats employed to build world-changing empires can be mastered by essentially any man or woman. The key to unlocking those dynamics is Neothink.[ 8 ] With Neothink, a person integrates entire clusters of concepts at once to form an all-encompassing, breakthrough concept. With that master Neothink concept a person can visualize the future and obtain a clear vision of purpose. That person can then accomplish in greatly compressed time frames what takes others a lifetime.
To understand Neothink, one must first understand how conscious thinking functions. A person grasps a fact. He or she then integrates other information with that fact. That integration leads to an expanded or new concept.
Conscious thinking occurs in successful people every day as they exert effort to gain new knowledge and experience. For example, a person holds certain facts in his head. He then acquires, through research, testing, market experience, additional facts. He then integrates those new facts with what he already knows to generate expanded knowledge. Consciousness, by its nature, involves a one-at-a-time integration of thoughts. Singular bits of knowledge are integrated into a wider, more-encompassing concept. Neothink, in contrast, involves the integration of many concepts at once. To initiate Neothink, a person must first push forward with high-effort conscious thinking to continuously gain new knowledge and then integrate that knowledge into concepts. After many such concepts have been developed to their maximum limit (i.e., integrated out to their widest context), a person can experience Neothink by integrating an entire cluster of those concepts into a super-wide-scope Neothink concept.
Conscious thinking is the integration of several facts into a concept. Neothink is the integration of several concepts into an all-encompassing, super-wide-scope concept. The result is spectacular leaps of new knowledge. To be able to implement Neothink, all mysticism must be eliminated from one's thinking, i.e., all deceptions must be eliminated from one's thinking. Only then is the mind free to make super-wide-scope integrations of diverse, seemingly unrelated concepts into a singular Neothink concept.
In Frank R. Wallace's paper, "We, the Creators of Heavens and Earths" (see The Neo-Tech Discovery), Neothink is used to identify the unifying force of the universe -- a missing link for which Einstein spent his life searching. Wallace builds 25 individual concepts to their maximum limits. Then, by eliminating integration-blocking mysticism from his mind, Wallace is free to integrate those 25 concepts into a mighty Neothink concept that uncovers the unifying force of the universe.[ 9 ]
The mind, by its nature, is a reality integrating device. The mind does not create reality, it can only perceive reality. The mind then integrates those perceptions to generate new knowledge. But mysticism (i.e., deception of any kind) blocks the mind's ability to integrate. Thus, the mind must be cleared of mysticism in order to make wide-scope Neothink integrations.
To Neothink, a person must first employ Neo-Tech. To employ Neo-Tech, a person must exert a constant effort to make decisions based on objective thinking and facts rather than on feelings and wishes. Only in this way can a person's thinking remain void of distortion or dishonesty. Neo-Tech is not a matter of intelligence. Rather, Neo-Tech requires discipline, thought, and control.
Consider how astronomy for over a thousand years was stifled, unable to move forward because astronomers mystically clung to the false, geocentric notion that the earth was the center of the universe and that the sun and the stars rotated around the earth. Astronomers did this in order not to contradict religious dogma. When standing on the earth and casually observing the sun and stars above, the geocentric notion appears correct. "The sun and stars obviously rotate around the earth each day and night." But, upon further investigation, the integrated evidence leads to the opposite conclusion. The earth is not at the center of the universe, but instead circles around the sun, which circles around the galaxy. This is the heliocentric concept. The Greeks centuries before had accurately identified the heliocentric concept. Certain ocean navigators of the day had also discovered that the universe was heliocentric, not geocentric. But, religious mysticism prevented the church-appointed astronomers of medieval Europe from integrating the facts. For, if the earth was not the center of the universe, Christian dogma was contradicted. Thus, medieval astronomers would not allow their minds to integrate reality. Mysticism, i.e., purposeful deception, snuffed out science's integration ability. For over a thousand years, progress in astronomy and related areas was halted. Only when astronomers freed their minds from that integration-blocking mysticism could progress resume.
Similarly, if an individual holds invalid knowledge about a subject, he or she will be prevented from progressing in that particular area. Normally, this does not present any fundamental problem. As soon as a person gains more accurate knowledge through experience, false knowledge can be discarded. But, this growth process cannot take place if the original, false knowledge is being protected in order to support other agendas. When that occurs, it is called mysticism. Such mysticism forever limits a person's capacity to make wider integrations and to move forward in that particular area of life -- just as mysticism prevented astronomers from identifying the heliocentric concept and moving forward for over a thousand years. Once mysticism is exposed and eliminated, unlimited progress can be made.
What occurred in astronomy with the geocentric concept versus the heliocentric concept occurs on a microcosm level within every individual. The individual with a false "geocentric notion" in any area of life is forever limited from making new integrations and advancing in that particular area. Remove that limitation and further integrations become possible. Only then is that person free to expand forward into the future.
In order to break false "geocentric notions" in any area of life, to instead obtain an integrated, "heliocentric notion," the 114 Neo-Tech concepts in The Neo-Tech Discovery must be applied to wash away subtle mysticism that limits an individual's integrating capacity. By identifying and then washing away mysticism, the full integrating power of the mind is unleashed.
The cliche "knowledge is power" is out of context. New knowledge is what creates power and success. If a person takes two or more concepts and integrates those concepts into a single, wider-scope concept, he or she generates new knowledge. It is that new knowledge that leads to competitive power. That is how empire builders like Henry Ford, David Sarnoff, and Juan Trippe built their value-producing empires. They integrated entire clusters of concepts at once to create whole new industries, technologies, and life-styles. They literally shaped the future. Henry Ford, for example, did not just build a car company; he integrated the concept of mass production and mass marketing. David Sarnoff did not just run a radio and television company; he integrated the concept of free, mass communication through the air waves. Juan Trippe did not just run an airline; he integrated the concept of global air travel.
To develop and implement history-changing break-throughs, men such as Henry Ford, David Sarnoff, and Juan Trippe had to make massive Neothink integrations of many wide-scope concepts at once. Neothink integrations drove those business greats to build enormous, productive empires that their peers were unable to comprehend at the time. The power those business greats acquired did not come from magical revelations. Those hard-working business heroes built their visionary empires by eliminating integration-blocking mysticism in order to make super-wide-scope Neothink integrations.
[ 8 ] Neothink was first identified and developed by Dr. Frank R. Wallace in The Neo-Tech Discovery.
[ 9 ] Without explicitly applying Neo-Tech to expose and eliminate personal mysticism, a person's ability remains restricted. Einstein, for example, had tremendous integration ability. But, Einstein remained trapped by subtle mysticism. Thus, Einstein was unable to make the Neothink integration that uncovers the unifying force of the universe. Einstein's integration-blocking mysticism was not recognizing individual consciousness as the supreme value in the universe. For, human-like consciousness can and does interdict the Grand Cycle of the universe in order to forever preserve itself.
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