As Eric gained increasing experience at Neo-Tech Publishing, he realized how so many things in the traditional world lead to failure. Consider a person wanting to go into business for himself. He wants to break out of a stagnating, set-routine job. He wants to utilize his fullest potential. He wants to be successful, happy, and proud. So that individual sets out on his own. There is no business already existing for him to ride off. He knows this. It excites him. He wants to do it alone. He wants to reach his highest potential.
At Neo-Tech Publishing, a small, first-generation company, Eric learned what it really takes to be successful in business. Eric then realized why so few individuals ever make it on their own. If a person tries to follow traditional modes of thinking and acting once he is completely on his own, he will fail. Eric learned that to start a new business from scratch, to make value-producing dynamics go from red to black, a person must break with almost every traditional aspect of business. As an example, consider Neo-Tech Publishing. If Neo-Tech Publishing had just accepted standard supplier costs, the business would have failed. If Neo-Tech Publishing had gone to established advertising agencies and utilized their traditional methods of advertising, the business would have failed. If Frank R. Wallace had submitted his philosophical books to a New York publisher, as authors traditionally do, he would have failed. If Neo-Tech Publishing's managers had taken the traditional approach to work, i.e., working nine to five, instead of integrating their lives with their work, the business would have failed. On and on stretches the list of tradition-smashing dynamics Neo-Tech Publishing had to employ to survive and eventually prosper.
Eric learned that to create new business from scratch, to do forward-essence movement, traditional wisdom must be scrapped. Otherwise, an entrepreneur's new business will never go from red to black. For, almost every bit of traditional advice concerning business and success, when integrated out to its extreme, leads to failure.
But this situation can be turned around by focusing not on traditional, sound-good advice, but by focusing on independent, integrated thinking. As identified in Mark Hamilton's Neo-Tech Business Control, to break out of restrictions that the traditional world has placed upon one, to become fully integrated with the essence of money-making, a person has to break with traditional ways of doing things.
During one of Eric Savage's trips to Singapore, he had a two-day stopover in Japan. So, Eric met with Neo-Tech Publishing's representative in Japan. At a subsequent company meeting Eric described what occurred.
"I stopped in Japan for a couple of days and met with Mr. Hoshiba. Mr. Hoshiba is an experienced businessman. He has a great attitude. He is willing to work hard to help disseminate Neo-Tech in Japan. But, something really interesting happened.
"Through Mr. Hoshiba's own initiative, he went around and talked to a number of advertising agencies and marketing consultants in Japan. Now, that would normally be considered a very positive thing to do. But, the result was the opposite. It was like coming back into the unintegrated traditional world. I had to stop everything and focus on how things are done traditionally. I became so frustrated with Mr. Hoshiba that halfway through our meeting I just gave up. I essentially decided that I could only work with Mr. Hoshiba on specific errands that needed to be done in Japan. For, anything else I brought up received too much resistance. Mr. Hoshiba would say, `Oh, I talked with the top advertising agency in Tokyo, and they said you can't do things that way. Instead, you must do things this way...this is the way things are done in Japan.'
"All Mr. Hoshiba was stating was merely the traditional advertising agency line -- sound-good inner-logic stuff. If Mr. Hoshiba had not taken the time to go around to all those so-called professionals in the industry, if his thinking in those areas was just blank, I could have worked with him. I could have explained to him business knowledge that Neo-Tech Publishing has developed through years of direct testing and bottom-line results...invaluable marketing concepts that we have developed by using our own integrating minds instead of following sound-good, surface-logic tradition.
"But, by going out and talking to traditional advertising agencies and marketing consultants, it was like Mr. Hoshiba's mind became polluted. I know that you, Ruth, got a taste of that when you visited those Madison-Avenue advertising agencies in New York. Fortunately, you had enough experience at that point to see through their sound-good surface logic. Unfortunately, Mr. Hoshiba did not. I had to fight with him every time I spoke. Mr. Hoshiba had all these traditional ideas in his head, like how we must go out and study Japanese consumers and study the habits of different age groups, etc. He was spouting out all that traditional crap that sounds good on the surface, just like In-Search-Of-Excellence-type advice, but in reality it is nothing more than free-flowing consciousness. When you actually get into the market and start integrating what must be done to make money, you realize such sound-good, free-flowing consciousness is full of non sequiturs and shallow bromides that just don't apply to nitty-gritty, sink-or-swim, real-world situations.
"By the way, let me emphasize that it was not Mr. Hoshiba who was proclaiming all that stuff. It was coming from self-proclaimed authorities in white-collar-hoax businesses. As identified by Mark Hamilton, the average person is not an integrated thinker. Therefore, he searches for a leader. Thus, intelligent people will come in and proclaim themselves to be leaders, be it in politics, philosophy, business, and they'll sit there and spout off sound-good inner logic to workers like Mr. Hoshiba or anyone else. They'll claim, through all kinds of deceptions, that they're the authority in that given field. But it's just a self-proclaimed thing. They did not dig in and really develop that area into a red-to-black money-maker. So, they don't know what the hell they're talking about."
John Flint interjected, "It's also a tremendous protection mechanism for the white-collar hoax because they squelch people that could move up on their own and compete the hell out of them. But, by proclaiming themselves the authority and that things must be done a certain way, they cut off that competition."
Eric continued. "Sometimes a person can sound really negative, always questioning people and tradition. But you must realize that this is very important. This is really the way things are. After 3000 years of institutionalized mysticism, i.e., purposeful deceptions promoted by government, religion, political entrepreneurs,[ 11 ] and others whose livelihoods are dependent upon deceiving the public, integration after integration has been built upon foundations that were invalid from the very start. So, to become successful in life, especially in business, you really do have to fight traditional thinking every step of the way. You cannot afford to just accept standard ways of doing things. Otherwise, your mind can become polluted. So much out there is built upon false, purposely deceptive foundations.
"The situation is analogous to the days before the scientific method was developed. The scientific method was a major breakthrough that allowed science to really take off. Until then, people with clever minds would simply proclaim themselves authorities in the field of science. They would then start spouting off whatever sounded good and logical on the surface. But they did not actually go through the disciplines of the scientific method to rigorously test their ideas to see if they actually worked in reality.
"Today, those same type dynamics are at work in many long-established, entrenched businesses. Just as in the Dark Ages, when science stood still for a thousand years, you have today, in business and in the professions, people with clever minds who are proclaiming themselves experts in particular areas. But all their proclaimed expertise is never directly tested. Bottom-line, red-to-black money figures are not obtained to measure the validity of their proclamations. Thus, they let loose free-flowing streams of inner logic. Most of that inner logic, just as in the field of science prior to the enactment of the scientific method, will not hold up in the real world. Unfortunately, those who do not know better think such self-proclaimed authorities are right because their inner logic is clever and good-sounding."
Claude Hopkins, a founder of modern advertising, was a genuine integrated thinker and essence mover in the field of advertising. Claude Hopkins was not a pseudo, white-collar-hoax "expert." Hopkins pioneered many valid, money-making advertising concepts still used today. He accomplished this by measuring the bottom-line, money results of his advertisements through direct-mail and direct-response marketing.
Hopkins stated that most schools and textbooks on advertising are based on totally invalid concepts. He then stated that by going to college and taking courses by self-proclaimed advertising experts and reading their textbooks, a student would be set way back. Thus, Hopkins preferred to hire young people who had no college education. That way, he stated, those young persons could learn from him and his real-world, tested results much faster. Those young persons started with a blank mind. In contrast, a college graduate came with a mind full of sound-good but invalid concepts that first had to be overcome before he or she could move forward.
Similarly, a successful entrepreneur and advertising writer today, Gary Halbert, has stated that most advertising agencies do not directly measure their advertising results through direct response. Thus, their advice and approaches to advertising are often full of hot air. In fact, Halbert stated that anyone who has gone to college and taken courses on advertising, or anyone who has read any of the literally thousands of textbooks on advertising written by professors or white-collar-hoax advertising executives, would have to spend six years with him simply to undo the damage and get their minds back to ground zero.
Eric experienced a similar phenomenon when he visited Mr. Hoshiba in Japan after Mr. Hoshiba had met with established advertising agencies and marketing consultants.
Now, stop and think how this situation applies beyond advertising and marketing to all aspects of life. It is a very disturbing thought. Does a person have to spend six years to unpollute his mind for every college course he has taken or every textbook he has read on a particular subject? One thing can be stated with certainty: A person has to question everything in the traditional world if he or she wants to become successful.
[ 11 ] As identified by Burton W. Folsom, Jr., in his book The Myth of the Robber Barons, two types of entrepreneurs exist -- political entrepreneurs and market entrepreneurs. Political entrepreneurs seek success through government grants, subsidies, special privileges, anti-competitive legislation. Market entrepreneurs seek success by producing increasing values at decreasing cost.
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