The Global Wealth Power! secrets revealed in this book evolved from the philosophical foundations laid by Dr. Frank R. Wallace in The Neo-Tech Discovery. In addition, many of the specific Global Wealth Power techniques were developed in close conjunction with Mark Hamilton -- author of Neo-Tech Business Control.
I must also thank all of the individuals at Neo-Tech Publishing Company and The Neo-Tech Research Center. Their grind-out, nitty-gritty effort played a crucial role in the development of Global Wealth Power! and the building of a global empire. Each individual at Neo-Tech Publishing Company and The Neo-Tech Research Center has contributed, directly or indirectly, to the development of the Global Wealth Power! secrets.
...You, the reader, can now apply these techniques to build your own wealth-generating empire. The Global Wealth Power! secrets are universal. They can be applied by anyone, anywhere to achieve unlimited success and happiness.
Eric Savage
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