Most people are saddled with a restricted, single-nation outlook. Historically, people stayed within the boundaries of their own community. Prior to the development of reason-like consciousness 3000 years ago, the world outside a man's tribe was more than his limited mind could comprehend. Today, vestiges of that tribal mentality still exist. Most people think in terms of living and doing business only within the borders of their country of birth.
In addition, the ruling class has always promoted a restricted, single-nation outlook as well. Those with political power work to create the deception that people belong to their country of birth, that they are owned by their government, and that their options in life are restricted to whatever rules are imposed upon them.
In contrast, when a person expands his mind and his resources out over the entire globe, he can utilize all of mankind's resources. He can prosper beyond any previous limits. Such an internationalist takes control of his destiny. He does not remain trapped by local prejudices, restricting cultures, or self-proclaimed "authorities".
Any group that depends upon special privileges granted by the government -- be it politicians, bureaucrats, big business, unions, trade organizations, or other special interests -- will support restricting individuals into a single-nation mode. For, when individuals come into contact with people who enjoy more freedom, who hold different beliefs, who have developed more knowledge and different technologies, or who produce superior products, their minds are opened. Home-spun myths, prejudices, and deceptions woven by the ruling class to protect their own livelihoods and positions of power become questioned. Outside ideas, outside knowledge, outside freedoms, even outside products have always been opposed by entrenched special interests. Those with favored positions become questioned when people are exposed to new ideas, new knowledge, new freedoms, new products.
As a consequence, traditional forces always push to restrict people within narrow, single-nation boundaries. Throughout history, people have been forced into restricted spheres of thinking and acting.
The discovery of the heliocentric concept removed limitations that for centuries stifled progress in astronomy and navigation. Science could finally progress forward in those areas of knowledge. Such progress, however, could never begin until the false, geocentric concept of the universe was overcome. That was not easy. Galileo was imprisoned for promoting the heliocentric concept.
By employing heliocentric-like integrated thinking, a person can break out of stagnation traps. Heliocentric-like integrated thinking pushes the mind into totally new dimensions. (See Integrated Thinking: The Essence of Power and Wealth, Chapter V.)
To further illustrate the open-ended nature of heliocentric-like integrated thinking versus the restricted nature of geocentric-like perceptual thinking, imagine the following scenario. It is the early 1800s. You are born into a small, religious town in the Pennsylvania countryside. Your town's culture and knowledge is dominated by a fiery preacher who induces original-sin-type guilt in everyone. He attacks all advancements in science, philosophy, and culture as Satan's work. Your town is full of stifling prejudices and preconceived notions.
You are not happy in such an atmosphere. You feel your potential is limited. Then, one day you journey far outside your little town for the first time. You travel to the big city of Philadelphia. When you arrive in Philadelphia, your mind is boggled. The city is so vast, so different. New ideas, culture, philosophy, scientific advancements flow freely everywhere. Suddenly, that all-powerful, closed-minded preacher who dominated your life, who held life-and-death control over your destiny back in your little town, becomes powerless. You realize for the first time that there is a whole world outside of your little town and its stifling prejudices. You now realize that you can simply laugh that silly, opportunity-restricting preacher out of your life. In the big city, your mind is free to expand to its fullest potential. You experience an exciting release.
A similar situation exists for many people today, only on a much wider scale. They are restricted into single-nation livelihoods. They do not realize that they can break out into a vast, new dimension of world opportunity, excitement, wealth.
Worldwide business is a competitive catalyst. It is the key to unlimited opportunity. In the future, to survive and prosper, a business must become a worldwide operation.
But, small businessmen and entrepreneurs often hold a false, geocentric-like notion that they can only operate within their home country. In reality, any individual can and should keep pushing until his values are available all over the world.
Traditionally, a small businessman thinks something like "I can see a big Fortune 500 company pushing into overseas markets, but why should I push to get my little business into overseas markets? Does that really make sense?" The answer lies in obtaining a wide-open, heliocentric-like perspective.
If an entrepreneur can go from red to black with a local business, then he or she can go from red to black everywhere. The United States represents only one-fourth of the world's market. Three-fourths of the world's market is outside America. Thus, the U.S. i s actually a small market, relatively speaking. The only way to capitalize on the full force of the world economy is to have a relentless campaign to disseminate one's value-producing dynamics everywhere. The competitive advantages a person and a business will gain by pushing out worldwide are priceless.
If a person is pushing his business into Europe, into Asia, into South America, he is going to acquire a super-worldly, competitive view that cannot be acquired by any other means. His business will receive direct, competitive feedback from all over the world. And that will catapult his competitiveness back home. Such a worldly business will capture a mighty advantage over any competitor who fails to push into international markets.
Similar competitive dynamics apply to the individual. National boundaries are leftover vestiges of tribal man. The concept that one belongs to a specific country, that one must live and operate within politician-created boundaries, is a limited, geocentric-like perspective. Unfortunately, most people are still restricted by such geocentric-like thinking. The average man seldom integrates beyond his country's borders. Doing so is the key to supra-wealth and success.
In every country of the world, politicians determine laws according to what they think will make them popular -- not by what is honest and objective. But, the individual or the company that pushes out internationally can escape that arbitrary dishonesty and usurpation. An international entrepreneur and his company can outcompete dishonest, closed systems. An international entrepreneur has a world of heliocentric-like options before him.
If a business pushes out over the entire world, it breaks dependency upon any single country. For example, Neo-Tech Publishing Company was viciously attacked by a parliament member in Australia. That Australian parliament member had read Neo-Tech literature and wanted to stop that literature because it exposed the value-usurping nature of political government. So, that Australian politician attempted to have the Australian parliament ban Neo-Tech literature. If Neo-Tech Publishing were a traditional, one-country publisher based only in Australia, Neo-Tech would have been fighting for its life. Neo-Tech's survival would have been at the mercy of force-backed politicians. But, because Neo-Tech is an international company, the whole incident was almost comical.
Although Australia is a profitable market for Neo-Tech Publishing, it represents only a small portion of Neo-Tech's total worldwide business -- not 100% of Neo-Tech's business as it would for a traditional, one-nation publishing company. Thus, Neo-Tech Publishing was able to confidently and aggressively confront that neocheating action.[ 1 ] Neo-Tech Publishing was not afraid to expose the dishonest, value-usurping nature of that government neocheater . As a result, that parliament member quickly retreated.
After that Australian incident, Neo-Tech Publishing realized how similar dynamics apply everywhere. If power-seeking bureaucrats or special-interest groups in the United States, for example, decide that they can gain an advantage or popularity by singling out and attacking a traditional American business, such as happened with Tucker Motor Company and Drexel Burnham Lampert, that American company is easily put out of business. But, if the U.S. represents only a portion of that company's total business, life-and-death power is not within the hands of a few political power-seekers.
By expanding globally, an individual and a company can break the 3000-year hoax of force-backed external authority. This is a very profound concept. For, this is the goal of classical liberals, Libertarians, Objectivists, Voluntarists, and other freedom-seekers. Yet, simply through the nitty-gritty effort of business, learning to make a business go from red to b lack, then pushing that business out worldwide, such an ideal can be achieved.
Consider ITT. ITT used to be the Cuban telephone company. That was ITT's business. ITT could feel pretty good about itself. It was one of the largest businesses in Cuba. If the communists had not taken over Cuba and expropriated ITT, ITT would still be the phone company of Cuba today, probably have diversified into some other Cuban businesses, and have achieved a reasonable rate of growth. ITT's management would have been feeling pretty good about themselves.
Instead, the communists took over Cuba and expropriated ITT. So, ITT's management fled to America and went into business here. That experience taught ITT a valuable lesson -- never become dependent upon a single country.
Once in America, ITT began an ambitious international push. As a result, twenty years after Cuba had expropriated ITT's original business, ITT had become the single largest corporate conglomerate in the world. ITT consisted of major companies all over the world in businesses ranging from telephone equipment manufacturing to lawn-care products to bakeries.
Because the original ITT was knocked off its feet by a criminal government, ITT was forced to break out into a worldwide, heliocentric-like mode. Thus, 20 years later, ITT had outcompeted every other company in the world to become the largest business conglomerate ever.
With a worldwide, heliocentric-like push, one's livelihood and one's business is no longer at the mercy of any self-serving, job-justifying government bureaucracy. Not only that, an international business presence is crucial in times of economic downturn, recession, depression. Companies that are not dependent upon a single economy are left in the strongest positions. Recessions and depressions vary widely from country to country. Even during the Great Depression of the 1930s, the economies of China and India flourished. Many other economies also did well or were barely affected during the Great Depression.
When an individual blossoms out into an international mode, he bursts out from under a 3000-year-old myth. He suddenly finds that he does not have to be restricted within his home country, suffocated within a stagnating job, saddled with a specific set of friends, or even remain stuck in an unfulfilling relationship. Even an hourly wage-earner can quit his job, travel overseas, and never come back to his original country if he so desires. By doing that, a person breaks out of grooved-in, life-long routines. Yet, few individuals ever escape that stagnation cage. Few are ever even aware that such a cage exists around them.
When a person travels abroad, he or she will find profit niches everywhere just by nosing around -- profit opportunities as varied as lucrative Malaysian trade deals, undervalued penthouses in Buenos Aires, high-performing Asian stocks, underpriced European farmland, and so on. In fact, a person can go into business for himself abroad much more easily than by staying at home. There are several reasons for this. First, many economies overseas are on a just-born, high-growth side. The American economy, in contrast, is on a mature, low-growth side. The U.S. economy has also become one of the most highly-regulated economies in the world. But, more significantly, when a person takes the initiative to pack up and break out of his mentally and physically limited world to instead travel abroad, his entire essence breaks out into a worldwide, heliocentric-like mode. The very nature of breaking out into a worldwide mode pushes an individual into new dimensions of thought and awareness that will open up new opportunities.
The break-out-of-your-limiting, one-country mode is quite a profound concept. Aspects of this concept are well-detailed in a book called Permanent Traveler by W. G. Hill of Scope Books, England. Hill explains in Permanent Traveler how even an hourly worker who does not have his own business can break out into an international mode simply by packing up and leaving his native country to live and work abroad. Opportunity naturally begins unfolding before such a person. In several years time, that individual will have undoubtedly advanced far beyond where he would have if he had remained at home in a stagnated, grooved-in routine.
Hill points out how people have been raised with a mind set that never realizes that they can simply switch countries. When people do break out of a restricted, one-country mode, they take their lives into their own hands. They progress much further and are much happier. But, by staying within just one country their entire lives, closed-minded cultures with preconceived notions restrict them. Most do not succeed very far and are seldom really happy in such a restricted environment.
Most people will change cities a few times during their lives. But, few people realize that they can and should actually change countries at least once in their lifetimes. When a person does this, a whole new array of life-enriching experiences and opportunities unfolds.
When changing countries, all of a sudden a person meets more interesting and meaningful friends in a single year than he or she would meet in a decade back home. He or she will attend more parties and make more friends in a year abroad than ten years at home. He or she will open up more entrepreneurial and investment opportunities in a few years abroad than in a lifetime back home.
Unfortunately, most people will never leave their nine-to-five, stuck-in-a-rut jobs. They will die that way. But, those few who do break out and move into a wide-open international mode usually become their own entrepreneurs within a year and become very well-off financially within five years. In contrast, if they stay at home, few will ever break out of a grooved-in, salaried rut.
W. G. Hill explains in his book Permanent Traveler how he too was brought up with the preconceived, limiting notion that his life was confined within the boundaries of his country of birth. He simply never thought that one's country of residence is a personal option open to change at any time.
After many years in an unhappy marriage, Hill finally managed to wake up and seek a divorce. Then he ran into trouble with tax authorities. So, Hill decided to leave the country. When he did, a whole new realm of romantic, business, and personal opportunity opened up before him. He took control of his life and went into an opportunity-abounding international mode.
Consider people who have been trapped in an unhappy marriage for many years. Traditional beliefs and mental inertia often keep such people in a stifling, unhappy marriage. They simply cannot imagine life beyond their marriage. Then, after many years, something finally happens that forces their marriage to break apart. At first, they are apprehensive, lost, sometimes even devastated. But, eventually, they find that their lives go on, new and more fulfilling romantic opportunities open up, and they end up in a much happier, more fulfilling relationship. Then, they look back and think, "Why didn't I break out of that unhappy marriage sooner?"
Likewise, when a person breaks out of his or her opportunity-restricting country of birth, when he or she breaks out of a grooved-in, limited career, a similar phenomenon happens. "Why didn't I break out sooner," a person often contemplates after pushing out into an international mode.
In America, abusive big-brother government is increasing at a frightening rate. Today, America jails a higher percentage of people than any other nation on earth -- even higher than South Africa and the former Soviet Union. In addition, there are now more criminal business regulations in America than in any other country. Americans are regularly jailed for politician-invented crimes and regulations that were not even in existence a few years ago and that are not illegal in any other country. In fact, lawyers openly admit that a person in business today is at any one time breaking several regulations, all of which carry criminal penalties. Thus, businessmen as well as middle-class Americans are increasingly ruined and jailed every year by job-justifying bureaucrats in agencies such as the IRS, SEC, EPA, INS, DEA, FDA, and so on.
Most people falsely believe that they are owned by their government. They think that their lives must remain under the control of career-advancing government value-usurpers. They think that they must remain within the self-proclaimed borders of their country of birth. If a person gets into trouble with value-usurpers in or out of government, that person usually thinks that he or she simply must accept whatever happens no matter how unfair or unjust. Most believe they have no other options.
Tragically, a trail of devastation weaves across America every year as thousands of businessmen and working people are destroyed by value-usurpers lurking in countless government agencies, the law profession, and the public at large. Most people do not realize that they can and should simply pack up and leave. W. G. Hill gives many examples in his book of people who did not break out of a restricted, single-nation mode. Thus, when they unfairly got entangled with dishonest, deep-pocket lawyers or police-state bureaucracies, they were financially ruined and their businesses destroyed. On the other hand, those few individuals who broke out into a worldwide, heliocentric-like mode, who refused to accept that self-proclaimed authorities own them, who decided that they would not remain at the whim of some power-hungry bureaucrat or deep-pocket opportunist, emphatically stated several years later that that was the best thing to ever happen to them. By packing up and changing countries, they discovered more business, social, and romantic opportunities than they would have in a lifetime back home.
If a person feels stuck in an unsatisfactory position, if he or she lacks fulfilling opportunity, whether in one's career, social life, or romantic life, that person can and should break out. This is easier than one might think.
The key is to make preparations. Establish contacts and assets abroad. This is important to do even if one never gets into trouble with any professional value-destroyer or deep-pocket opportunist. Many successful Europeans already do this. They are prepared to leave their country if conditions become dangerous. Europeans are used to their countries being taken over by totalitarian governments or invaded. Thus, they are much more prepared to pack up and leave than Americans. But, Americans should understand this concept too. A little preparation can save one's life and one's family if a madman were to get elected, or some lunatic let loose nuclear bombs, or a devastating depression take hold. Those who have contacts, assets, and business dealings abroad can simply pack up and leave. For those who do not, it is often too late at that point. In an emergency, avenues of escape become clogged and then get cut off.
Eric Savage, during his travels abroad, met many Americans who had moved overseas. All of them had uncovered golden opportunities -- from marble-buyers in Brazil, real-estate buyers in Europe, exotic-flower traders in Costa Rica, office-space speculators in Manila, investors in Asian stock exchanges, partners in Malaysian candy factories, mail-order companies in Hong Kong. On and on stretches the list of opportunities that constantly present themselves to those in a wide-open, international mode.
As emphasized in W. G. Hill's book Permanent Traveler, when a person travels abroad and investigates business and investment opportunities, he or she discovers how easy it is to live abroad. Taking vacations in a different country each year is a good starting point. Make it a working vacation. Check out business and investment opportunities as w ell as living conditions. Establish bank accounts and make some small investments in real estate or business to get a feel for things. Make contacts. This is easy and exciting. And it can be very profitable. Most important, it can save your business, your family, and even your life some day.
Benjamin Franklin stated that the level of a person's happiness is directly related to the level that he expands his mind. A person's mind and happiness soar as he or she breaks out of a grooved-in, restricted routine and into a worldwide mode. Such an individual discovers opportunity exists everywhere.
When Neo-Tech Publishing first expanded into the Spanish-language market, Eric Savage traveled to South America. He made many profitable contacts in Argentina and Chile. After spending several successful days in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Eric flew to Santiago, Chile to continue his trip. As Eric was flying over the magnificent Andes mountains on his way into Chile, he realized how there was a vast infrastructure of business and profit opportunity built by effort-exerting heroes in those far-away countries. Yet, Eric will never know the names of those essence movers. But, by getting out there and tapping those markets, all of that vast infrastructure was being utilized by Eric's own money-making dynamics. That is the magnificence of international business. Unfortunately, most Americans limit themselves by operating only within the U.S.
Eric Savage was uncovering great profit opportunities by pushing out into a worldwide, heliocentric-like mode. In stark contrast, Eric then pulled out a local Las Vegas newspaper he had put in his briefcase. The headline article pictured the governor of Nevada basking in self-glory as he dictated to a group of wimpish-looking hospital executives about the tough new regulations he was going to enact upon them. From abroad, Eric looked at that "all-powerful" Nevada governor and realized that once outside that governor's self-proclaimed boundaries, that politician became nothing but a powerless stooge.
Forward-essence movers in business should always be pushing their value producing dynamics into every nook and cranny worldwide. The pushing of value-producing business into all places -- places like Paraguay, Costa Rica, Papau New Guinea, Malaysia, and so on -- creates prosperity and happiness and allows human life to flourish.
A forward-essence-moving businessman has a responsibility to reach for his company's fullest potential. The only way to do that is by pushing out into the global market. That, in turn, is the best way to ensure a business' long-range survival and growth. Businesses that market in more than one country are forced into wide-scope, heliocentric-like thinking. They have to break out of closed-in, single-nation modes. Such wide-scope thinking gives management new, worldly perspectives that are invaluable. What is learned in a tough foreign market comes right back to benefit a business' home operation. Such a business is lifted to increasing levels of competitiveness.
Similarly, when an individual pushes out into an international mode, his personal competitiveness increases dramatically. All of a sudden that individual realizes how his previous situation was similar to the little-religious-town analogy. In a single- nation mode, an individual remains restricted by many stifling, preconceived notions in his culture. When that person breaks out into an international mode, those stifling, preconceived notions previously imposed upon him simply wither away. Such a person will experience a tremendous sense of freedom and excitement as he learns how to generate opportunity and wealth in countries and cultures the world over.
The first fifteen chapters of this book (Part One) reveal the nitty-gritty, money/power secrets that can empower anyone with the ability to break out into an independent, money-making mode.
Chapters XVI through XIX of this book (Part Two) reveal the specific techniques to then push those independent, money-making dynamics out into a worldwide empire -- capturing unlimited opportunity.
Finally, this book wraps up with seven appendixes that discuss specific issues important to your long-range prosperity.
[ 1 ] Neocheating means the undetected usurpation of values through clever, dishonest actions that make the neocheater appear as the benefactor or protector of society. ...Most politicians are neocheaters.
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