The taxpayers of this country need relief from the biggest power hungry criminal organization created, the IRS.
Just one week ago, my husband and I attended our very first audit request by the IRS. I was very uncomfortable about going when we first received a letter from them because of all the horrible stories we heard from various people. So I purchased several books and read several reports about what to expect and what to beware of. I read how the IRS tries to threaten people and purposely look for ways to disallow items on a return. Well, after attending our meeting with an IRS agent, I want to say that the stories are true. Being a former government employee, I had an idea of how the IRS wanted to receive the requested information in the letter they sent us, so I prepared and organized every document and dotted every i. However, I suspected that there was going to be one problem, some of our receipts were lost by our moving company during our recent move to a new city. To make a long story short, After the IRS representative reviewed my organized documents, she seemed removed that she did not see a weak spot in our return to disallow, and then the big question came. Where are all of your receipts, I provided a letter from the moving company verifying that they lost some of our household items etc. etc. and of course, at that time, the IRS agent indicated that she was going to disallow everything without a receipt. One week later, we received a letter from the same IRS agent that she now wants to audit our following year tax return. Can you see where this is going??
I need to give you a bit of background information about myself. I am a 31 year old, single female. I am from a small town in East Tennessee. My father worked in a factory and made about $22,000/year until he died in 1992. I have two sisters. Each of us worked hard and paid for our educations while pursuing "the American Dream". I worked two jobs in the summers and one full-time job each school year while I was in college. Wanting more, I went to graduate school. I never received one grant, one free lunch or one handout of any kind. I did however receive student loans, for which I am paying dearly. I admit, that I was neglectful in paying my taxes for 1994 and 1995.. and in 1996, I filed late for 1994.. paid it in full $7,569..which included about $4,000 in penalties and interest. I paid 1995 in full, I had an outstanding balance for that year of $4357, which included about $1200 in penalties and interest..I sent $4,700 for my 1996 taxes and began to pay installment payments of $500. per month.. ( this does not include the withholdings from my paychecks or the multiple "partial payments that I sent them). Trying to do the right thing, I sent them a total of $15,000, I have had $13,000 withheld from my paycheck this year..I made payments of over $3,000. My accountant advised me to send the payments, and I would be sent an agreement to sign.. the agreement never came. In short, I have paid the IRS over $31,000 over the last 10 months.
So, here I sit.. the American dream.. emotionally battered, no money, no savings.. no nothing..the electricity is still on.. I did get them to release $157. to pay my electric bill since it is 20 degrees outside. I realize that I must be the lowest form of life.. well that is how they made me feel.. I do not know what kind of fallout from the bounced checks that I am going to have to endure.. the hag from the IRS would not even acknowledge that I had paid over $30,000 in less than a year. I, this point, have cried for about 14 hours.. and I do not know what I am going to do.. the phone is still on, for now.. when I tried to get the money released to pay the phone bill.. the woman wanted to discuss with me how I could possibly have a $300. phone bill. Work hard, make sacrifices.. and you will be rewarded..that is what I was taught.. I worked hard, made many, many sacrifices.. and look where it has gotten me.. Thank you IRS.. I am the American dream.. I suppose I would not have to worry about my electric bill or my health care, or my housing.,. if I laid at home.. and had kids.. hell, I can't afford a kid.. nor, do I have the time.. so, I guess the two jobs I have now are not enough.. I will be seeking employment at a third job.. so that I can "stay afloat". I am tired.. worn out actually.. and can not take it anymore, I have no groceries and do not know how I am going to get to work.. because I do not have any gas money.. to receive this treatment.. I have scrimped, eaten Ramen noodles for the past year.. and paid over $31,000.. which has put me in financial ruin.
The IRS has harassed me since 1990, first by removing the dependent deduction for my niece (even though I cared for her and kept her), and second--by accusing me of failing to report income that I never even received. As late as today, I am still battling through numerous Problem Resolution Offices against a recent levy of one of my accounts, tax refunds, and now intensive collection actions. I am so frustrated and angry with their arrogant, rude and illegal tactics. No one to date has taken the time or energy to investigate the validity of the IRS's initial claims against me, and an amount originally totaling $3,000 has climbed towards $10,000. I am bright, articulate, extremely well-educated and traveled, and have spent my entire life being diligent, conscientious and law-abiding...and now I am being treated like an evil, low-life crook. The IRS really needs to be stopped (beyond simple rhetoric), or something drastic will begin to happen as the American taxpayer revolts.
I am a divorced 34 year old mother of one. I was married for six years before I discovered the extent to which my husband had deceived me. I received notification from the IRS of over $400,000. dollars worth of taxes from the company that I owned. There was one large problem with this debt. I never owned a company in my life. I have been a flight attendant for thirteen years and do not even understand the 941 taxes that the say I owe. I know what your thinking. How could this happen? The answer easy. My husband put two different companies in my name and forged my signature on the state of Illinois registration, a bank loan document, credit card applications, income tax returns, checks, offer in compromise to the IRS, ect... I requested copies of my taxes so I could see how in the world a woman who makes less than 24,000 a year could be 400,000 in debt. I was unable to get copies of those tax returns because my signature did not match. At this point the IRS began garnishing my wages leaving me at poverty level. I could go on telling my sob story but I will bring you to the results. The IRS agent is aware of the debt not belonging to me but surprise, surprise he does not care. He has asked for an offer in compromise of at least 75% of what I am worth. At this point that does not seem that bad considering I have paid over 30,000 of legal fees and am not worth much.
The IRS is forcing me to sell business or Pay all now. They led me to believe that if I made payments they would give me time. Now they say I have paid enough that if they "liquidate me", they will get their money faster.
Been running a successful business since 1975. In 1993-4 became deathly ill and was absent for 18 months. Employees desperately tried to keep business going and did, but failed on some tax payments. They never even told me as I was so ill. When I returned to work, I rebuilt the business, kept taxes current, paid off the state, all vendors and 20% of what I owed the IRS. Now, I am all caught up and can concentrate on paying them off within 2 yrs. But, they say "Liquidation" is faster, now that I have lowered the amount owed, they can get the rest by liquidating.
They let me stay open for these 2 yrs so I could pay down to the value of my assets. Am 54 and primary support of family, husband 62 and limited physically. Have 10 long time employees who will also suffer.
When I was teaching at AUB in Beirut, Lebanon and making about $16,000 per year, I paid Lebanese taxes but was told I didn't have to pay US taxes because I was working in another country and making far less than $80,000. There was a civil war in Lebanon at the time and I didn't file an income tax return until returning to the US in 1986. Several years later, I received a notice to pay $9,000 penalty and interest because I hadn't filed while I was in Lebanon. I tried to explain the problems involved at that time but my arguments fell on deaf ears. I paid $100 every month for years! Ever since that time, I feel that my tax return has been examined with a microscope. I have received so many penalties since then. I earn only about $18.000 per year and am having a very difficult time just making ends meet. I'm now 63 years old and my income will only go down! What can I do? I would like to sue the IRS.
I am only 20 years old, but I grew up in a house darkened by the aggression of the IRS. I was never totally aware of what was going on until recently when my parents told me of the unnecessary cruelty that they have been subjected to since 1983, when I was six. My parents have their own business, and have since 1980 when my father began an oil and gas company out of nothing. The American dream, right? Wrong. My mother tells me, with tears in her eyes, about how the IRS has destroyed everything in our lives by placing countless liens upon everything we owned. And for what reason? Well, my father filed incorrectly in 1980 because he couldn't afford the benefits of a CPA. Well, the IRS didn't tell him until 1985, after five years of filing incorrectly. The money owed wasn't anything outstanding, just around $15,000. But, that wasn't what was owed. By use of the IRS's fabulous penalty scale, the price was jacked all the way up to $425,000. And I want to know why? Why have they been allowed to destroy my hard working father to the point that his health is beginning to fail? Because of their tyranny, my children will not know their grandfather. I would like for anyone at the stinking IRS to show me where in the Constitution they are given these omnipotent powers. 222 years ago, Americans fought a war because of tyrannical taxes. This will be looked back upon as a period of oppression, and the IRS will be compared to the Nazi party. No other family should ever suffer like we did.
I am a Bankruptcy lawyer. In 1994 I filed a Chapter 11 reorganization for a client and saved it from financial ruin. I had no prior relationship with this client and did not have any contact or communication with them after I completed my services. Over 3 years later, in November of 1997, I received notice from the IRS that they intended to hold me personally responsible for taxes that my client had failed to remit. I had no involvement with this client other than to serve as its legal counsel. The IRS continues to pursue me despite my having filed a protest and to date, has refused to provide me with the basis or rationale for their position other than to provide me with vague and cryptic allegations that I am "responsible" for the taxes.
You must get this Agency under control... But what about all the people behind Prison Bars that the IRS has abused, threatened, intimidated while the Criminal Courts don't deal with the abuse? It has been programmed into the People's minds that the Government is ALWAYS right, you're guilty for just being in the court. How can the courts be fair and unbiased when they are protecting the Government? In my case, it was proven that the IRS and government were wrong, they even destroyed documents. But, still the Jury Convicts of Conspiracy to impeded the IRS because there is no recourse for the People to Address the IRS's Abuse. Why are they immune to punishment? I think the Conspiracy laws need to be changed, the seizure and lien laws, and government immunity from prosecution.
Thank You for exposing the Truth!!!! I just wish there was something I could do about my own situation...I am scheduled to surrender to the Bureau of Prisons February 23rd...."sigh".
To whom it may concern:
Please add my name along with my wife's name to the class action case as a plaintiff. We feel that we were victims of harsh, unfair treatment from the IRS. Please feel free to contact us.
We were audited for the years of 1991 and 1992, we were told that we owed $29,000, of which more than 75% was penalty and interest and the other 25% was tax assessed on hypothetical assumption of income to our real income by the IRS employee. We had no idea of where we could have ever owed so much considering that our net worth and revenue was in the negative. We did not take legal action, but did later talk to a lawyer and found out that to fight it in court would exceed $29,000. My wife was threatened to be sent to jail, we were told we were liars and that what we did was a criminal act, that our home and car would be taken to pay the tax since we had no savings of any kind and these items were the only valuable assets that we had. We have no savings, no retirement, we have a small self employment income, supporting three children. I, myself, have been sent to the hospital because of the fear that I was having a heart attack. I was admitted and spent a week in the hospital. My wife has had several anxiety attacks and caused herself to become very ill to the point that she could not even speak. We work very hard, just to make ends meet, sometimes to the point of working everyday up to 14 hours with no break. Please do not hesitate to add our names to any list that may help fight the unfair actions of the IRS.
I am paying my ex-husband's taxes. The IRS doesn't harass him but goes after me because my money is easy target. The most stupid thing I have ever done is to file my taxes with this man. For this reason I have been paying for the last four years. I recently came down with a serious disease but still must pay the IRS their precious money every month. I am very bitter about the way I have been treated by these unsympathetic, uncaring people. I hope and pray the laws will change for all the people who are unfairly accused of owing taxes that they do not owe. I hope the IRS will be put out of business.
Our small business has a lot of ups and downs, but we have been dedicated to serving our poverty level clients and being fair to our employees. We used to have 10 employees, but now we have one due to the IRS seizures we have been subjected to. We were damaged by the elimination of the 3 year income averaging. We borrowed heavily to stay. The IRS collection department slashed and seized. We were the subjects of a newspaper article and told the information was obtained from a tax agent. We have had a levy placed on our gross income of 25% for the past two years. Our income has declined dramatically. We have also been audited for 1993, 1994, 1995, and 1996 during the past year. But my husband and I are left working the jobs of 10 people. The liens on our property have led to foreclosure on one property, the short-sale of another, and our home is scheduled for this month.
I'm a 17 yr. old kid who was looking forward to going to college. I started working for a hotel when I was 15. I set it up so that I would not have Federal taxes taken out. I was told because of my age and working part time that I would not owe any taxes. Wrong. I got a letter from the blood suckers in the IRS that I was to be billed $600 because I made over $3,500 that tax year, which is supposed to be some kind of limit for minors. I asked my employer to please correct whatever mistake is on my forms and I will go ahead and pay that 600 dollars(I'm still paying). Now the IRS wants to charge me $1000!!! And people wonder why everyone wants an uprising against the government. STOP OVER TAXING!!!
In April of 1996 I received a Notice of Deficiency on a 1992 income tax. I answered it. They answered me. I in turn answered them. All done via a working, valid address. In August of 1997 two IRS agents and a Sheriff trespassed on private property and illegally seized my car, tools of my trade and all personal items contained in the car. They claim to have sent the required notices to a very old (about 12 years old) address. But, In June of 1996, in my last contact with them before the seizure, I had mailed them (via certified mail) an Affidavit of Citizenship and Domicile and a written request for a verified determination letter. This letter contained my complete working address. They ignored this address and claim to have sent notices and attempted manual delivery to an address they knew was not valid, completely ignoring the valid one. Their lies get deeper and I have documented proof of their lies. Yet, I currently have no car, I am only allowed 75 dollars a week of my pay to live on, and I have a Federal Tax lien against me. Yet, to this day, they will not give me a valid assessment for ANY YEAR. There is more to this story. But, that is the basics of it.
The IRS, without any notice took my husband's death benefit and refused the 911 hardship clause despite the fact this monthly payment is only money have to eat and live on. I have liens on all property, tied up cars so can't drive to work, can't get insurance due to liens. The IRS says a retail business with three locations is not a business so wont accept filings. Have not worked in 6 years-- the farm I live on has appreciated, the IRS has their sites on this..even though I do not have an income. Agent doesn't think farm or retail stores were a business so will not allow my filings -- only the governments filings. Since they have all my assets tied up, I can't find any legal representation to help. House is now in foreclosure with a hefty gain to their benefit. Is there any help out there?
The IRS has forced my wife to pay $300.00 a month on a $275,000 IRS debt incurred by her EX husband. She works, pays taxes and does not cheat. He lives in Hawaii, owns art galleries and even has a web page asking for 1 BILLION dollars to feed the hungry of the world. This is the man who never fed his own kids when he walked away from his family. With interest & penalties her debt is $1855.00 per month less the $300.00 she pays, she runs negative $1555.00 per month. We have given the IRS her ex's addresses, web site etc they refuse to go after him. They say he's to tuff to get, she is working and filing taxes so they will take from her. THE IRS ARE THIEVES.
In 1994 I filed my taxes, in return the IRS sent me a letter stating I could not claim my children. I was due a refund of $3,300. I didn't receive any thing. They did the same thing in (1995) (1996) and (1997). Each time I called to find out what the hold was for, no one could tell me. This is not fair treatment. Can someone please help? I only make 17,500 a year.
I work at the IRS, in collections, and I have reviewed some of the abuse stories. While I must try to collect un-paid taxes, if possible, I try to treat taxpayers as human beings and I also do not assume that they are liars and cheats until it becomes a solid fact. I am not appreciated by management and I don't fit the agency "norm". The agency has become bigger than its mission, and I believe the Congress wants it that way. It is a power system that the Executive and the Legislative Branches can use for their own purposes. The Examination Division is virtually an entity without reporting responsibility to anyone. We, in collections, are given the task of collecting from individuals (and businesses) that never knew they were being audited. Examination correspondence records are not available to any other division in the agency. It is common practice to correspond with the taxpayer by using an old address when there is a new address on the system. (They use the address on the return in question.) Throughout the agency, Tax Examiners are on a quota or measured production system that invites errors by not allowing time to accurately complete a case. In fact, any employee that takes time to try to clear up any questionable items will be given poor performance evaluations. Only blind loyalty to the management clones will be rewarded. I cannot relate any stories that I have personal knowledge about, but I can verify that the stories on this site are no surprise.
I have found the representatives of the IRS to be deceitful, arrogant and condescending. I found it ironic that I was watching the head of the Treasury on CSPAN testifying to Congress about how the IRS was improving while I was being hung up on by IRS representatives who had just lied to my accountants. I have been promised three times that I would receive my refund ($1,250) for the 1996 tax year. I still don't have the refund. Each time I wait the number of weeks they specify. When I call, I'm told there is no matter to resolve and I'm not due anything. I have to start all over again. Usually these calls are long distance and I have to pay the charges. In this case, it appears that the only party that has made any mistakes is the IRS.
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