I was the innocent spouse of an attorney who did not file taxes. I did file my own taxes though. The IRS came to my home, terrorized my family, sold my home and searched for any assets they could locate. I have 5 children and at that time in the early 1980's they were still quite young. I was brought into the main IRS office intimidated by the top 3 officials at that office, told that I would be jailed if I did not talk, and if I did not come up with the money. They invaded my home another day and sat observing the pool and asked how it would feel if I no longer had this. my children were present in an adjacent room. At the time this occurred I was an aspiring real estate agent who had made rookie of the year and was on the way to fame and fortune. Because of the stress of being thrown out of my home and not being able to concentrate on my work, I found myself in the intensive care unit of the local hospital with a serious heart attack at the age of forty four. I was out of work for quite some time and never recovered the level of energy to reach the top of the industry. Over the following years I was audited 4 years in a row.
The following has happened to me: Audit 1987,1988,1989 - Denied all deductions for 1989, 1990, 1991, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 -- my liability per the IRS is approx. $280,000. I have been constantly under siege by the IRS for the last 11 years (bankrupt in 1992 lost everything). Any offer in Compromise has been refused and currently IRS has my pay levied so my take-home for family of five is $244. I am currently facing power cutoff, repossession of cars, gas disconnected, phone cutoff and loss of family home (my wife and I have 3 boys 15,12,10). The IRS has refused to release my pay until we settle.
I grew up in New England were I was taught if I worked hard and paid into social security I would have a good retirement. My father grew up in the depression, we were emigrants from Canada and they thought AMERICA was the land of opportunity. My parents were not educated people but they worked hard and built a very well known trucking company. At the age of nine my farther took me to the Post Office to get my Social Security Number and he said some day son, you'll thank me for this because when you're old like your grandparents, you'll have money coming in.
In 1979,80,81, my wife and her father, a 20-year military man, and a ten year EASTMEN KODAC employee, thought we should invest our hard earned money. My farther-in-law was a intelligent man, patriotic, and very honest. At the time of making this investment, I was working for $11 dollars an hour, working 70-hour weeks, in a rock quarry running a loader. I spent an average of $20 dollars a week on myself and the rest we put into the investment. It came as a shock when people started to call asking about bad checks, the IRS had just reached into my bank account and took the money. I couldn't get a lawyer because they took my money and put leans and levies against everything I owned
Well the investments we made turned out to be a scam, I lost about $12,000, my farther-in-law lost $24,000. I deducted a $3,000 loss on taxes which the IRS disallowed. The first bill I received was for 15K, the second was for 24K. The IRS put leans and levies on everything I owned, plus took returns of up to $3,500 for 6 years. I always had a CPA do my taxes, I have never been late on my taxes, and I have always claimed single dependents, even when I was married. I finally sold the house and paid capital gains just to get the money to pay the IRS and stop the penalties and interest. Previously, I owed no money to credit cards or anyone else, yet my credit is now ruined, I cant by a house or a car. It cost me my marriage.
After I paid the IRS I received a statement saying my account was paid in full, I was glade it was over! But two years later, the IRS came back and said they "readjusted" the figures and I owed another $30,000 dollars.
I guess my farther-in-law was the lucky one, the day the IRS took his money out of his bank account and put leans and levies against his property, he had a hart attack and died.
I have rented my home, given my dog away and I have made out my will and taken care of any financial matters that I am able to supervise. (What little I have left after what the IRS has done.) My next letter is a suicide note. This is all due to what the IRS has done to me. I have been convicted of IRS crimes. The real criminal is the auditor who did not meet a filing deadline and to keep his job, turned this matter over to the Criminal Investigation division of the IRS.
I have been followed, I understand that there is a mail intercept on my postal service. My home, office and car have been entered and documents and other items have been taken. My family and friends have been threatened. So far, after today, including my death, from the pressure and threats of the IRS, there will have been three deaths associated with what has occurred. I have had two IRS agents go to the offices of friends that were helping me, flash badges at everyone there and so intimidate the persons present that most will not even acknowledge that they know me. To these persons, my former friends, they have accused me of theft, coercion and other actions that never did occur. Where is the justice? I grew up in a foreign family and was taught from the time I was a small child that this is the greatest country on earth. I loved this country. I have lost everything. The IRS has even gone to my insurance company and has told them that I have committed insurance fraud. They have followed me, tapped my phone illegally, sat outside my house and watched me and made phony calls to other governmental agencies and private companies stating "anonymously" that I have done certain things. And why? I do not owe them a dollar, a cent or a nickel. The reason is they do this because they CAN, they answer to no one. I am handicapped and rather than go to a Federal Prison, I am going somewhere where they can never touch me again, they can never call me, they can never write me and they can no longer harm me.
So take my dead body and hold it as a prisoner, you can no longer get to my being and my soul. If the stories on this page are not enough to show the American Public and our elected officials that the IRS is a holding tank for sickness and evil, then there is something wrong. If you have a US Congressman or a US Senator to whom you have access, write, call, campaign and make your voice known.
I tried everything possible, but I had no success and I see no way out but to take my life. If it was only money, I would live in the streets as long as I could have peace. But the harassment on the phone and the following and watching me is too much to take. I am unable to defend myself in any manner from these forces of the Devil. If the IRS is reading this, you know exactly what I am speaking of and you most likely know who I am. You know the reports that have been sent by public agencies and persons who have complained - at least in the beginning - of what was done to me and to them because they told you a truth that you did not what to hear. You took no actions against those in your organization who were breaking the law. You allowed someone with police reports of his misconduct to deal directly with the taxpayer and told him, additionally, that he needed to prove he was right and the taxpayer was wrong. What did you think that this situation would lead to? The worst thing that you did was soil the name of those that are innocent to protect your dirty secrets. God will deal with you. You may live on this material earth and hide your evilness, but you cannot hide the truth and it will come out.
What you do not know is that I spent much time recording some of the lovely phone calls of the threats that were made to me by your agents. These tapes are in a place to which you can never get and have no idea where they are, do you? Or you would have taken them, too. Where are you going to hide these sick people when all of this comes out. When I called a help line to find help and to report what had been done to me, I got the IRS and was told that in addition to what had already been done to me, that if I had taped any of the sick calls that I had received that I would be prosecuted. You police your own and all you do is use your power to hide the atrocities that have been committed. I understand that when another taxpayer commits suicide that there is a celebration in your office. You can hide on this earth, but someday you will face judgment from a power much greater than you. I know in my heart I have made peace with God. Can you say this? God knows the truth and you, the IRS, knows the truth as well. You know who stole the documents and you know who did the illegal wiretaps and you know you have been taking my mail. You know that what has been done to me makes me a victim of a system that should be done away with.
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