We lost our farm due to the I.R.S. removing us from Chapter 11 claiming the farm never filed, well I have filing papers here, also the I.R.S. was not at the foreclosure sale to pick up what the I.R.S. claimed I owed them.
About two and one half years ago, my family and I; along with others, who have become close friends in the midst of adversity, began to embark on a journey and battle that no one could have imagined would escalate into what it is today; an experience that NO ONE in these United States should have to endure. What we went through and are going through now is parallel to the movie, "Swing Kids," which every person in this country needs to watch. Our battle with the IRS started in 1999, when they (IRS) decide d to take back a refund we received in 1996. The fight culminated recently into a "notice of levy" against mine and my wife's checking account; my 85 year old mother-in-law's checking account and certificate of deposit which had my wife's name on the acco unts. My wife has been managing her mother's affairs (including those accounts) for about 10 years. Keep in mind my mother-in-law has nothing to do with our IRS fight. Of course, when the Bank of America received their copy of the "notice," they immediate ly froze the accounts with the intention of turning the funds over to the IRS after 21 days; regardless of the theft against us; violations of our Fourth and Fifth Amendment rights; no required warrants issued; and no due process of law. We were informed that the Bank of America is the most notorious at doing the IRS' "dirty work." Different bank employees informed my wife that the bank turned some of the funds over to the IRS on the day they received the "notice of levy;" which would be difficult to prov e. A few days later we received an illegal "notice of lien" against our house and property. We have tried to get help from different Congressmen's offices as well as a senator. Unfortunately, congressional aides are quickly swayed by the lies perpetrated by the IRS; they completely loose focus of the truth. We in turn are made to look like the "bad guys." In our case, one of the IRS agents even revealed personal information about us to his family. In the midst of all this, I was forced into early retirem ent because of stroke level high blood pressure; partly aggravated be the IRS. In addition, we were denied a taxpayer advocate; the IRS turned up the "heat" with the "notice of levy" and "notice of lien" after we complained to our congressman's office. Wh at a sad state of affairs our nation has gotten into that we now have our own Gestapo, better know as the IRS.
I've always been a person who filed his taxes on time and never had a problem with the IRS. However, after a number of troubled years with a failed business, that has all changed. In hindsight, I should have given up on the business as soon as the handwri ting was on the wall, but instead stayed with it. This turned out to be the biggest mistake of my life. While bankruptcy can give many a fresh start, there is no remedy if the IRS is involved. These ruthless leeches are out to destroy anyone that has com e on hard times or have a dispute with the bottom line on your tax return. The IRS has no compassion or understanding for anyone and this includes priests, widows, the weak, the unemployed, poor citizens, those they've driven to suicide or who have become mentally ill because of the money grabbing policies of the US Government. My own IRS nightmare began about eight years ago starting with the lies, threats and liens for back taxes. My wife and I did finally pay in excess of the taxes owed, but by the tim e we did so, the interest and penalties had tripled the original amount! And to make matters worse, the IRS applied all the money we paid towards the old I & P. Selling our business to pay them off...another big mistake. Because you never get out from und er the pressure of it. After 8 years and 11 IRS Collection Power Specialists later, we were talked into making a Offer in Compromise. What was submitted was rejected and because it was, The IRS added another year of collectibility to each of the liens. I f you want to take your case to court, that is also a waste of time. It will be heard in a federal court and who do you think will win? When you lose and you're case is considered to be without merit, an additional $25,000 will be added to what you alread y owe! The man in Boston who killed 7 workers because the IRS forcefully took his income, is an example. Another is myself, not working for the last four years and given up.
In May of 1997, after ten years of misdiagnoses I had renal failure. I went to the IRS office to file for social security disability. The people at the IRS office were very rude. My paperwork was filed and they told me I would get my fist payment in 5 mo nths. My files were then lost for three months. Each time I talked to the local IRS people, I always got a different answer. In the meantime, I was a single parent with two children with no income. The IRS people put into my paperwork someone was helping me out at home with expenses and such. This was totally false. I had no family to help me and no friends wanting to help. My children and I became homeless. I used all my savings to support us through the five month waiting period. This is a government a gency that takes for granted that the people they serve are their job security. Instead we are treated like scum and expected to accept their behavior because they are the all powerful IRS.
We owe previous taxes from a business we had. While in negotiations with the IRS regarding the amount, the case agent levied our bank account and sucked up all our money for food, our house payment, and medicine for our child who has asthma. (we have no health insurance). the agent also telephone my home and left me a nasty screaming message on my answering machine, and one on my cell phone (both of which were recorded and I have retained). the case agent also called our current employer, and spoke to an other employee, and told the employee about our tax problems. this employee is one of our peers. also it doesn't look good at a new job. we already agreed that we do owe money, and have already agreed that we will make monthly payments. she is just being vindictive. also if she wants us to pay why would she jeopardize our job like that? no employer wants problems with the IRS its hard to negotiate with someone that appears to be mentally disturbed. It appears that I have absolutely no recourse.
My husband lost his job of 15 years May 14th. Due to an unfortunate set of circumstances, he is unable to collect unemployment. Since May 14th, I've been the sole support for us. I make barely over $1000.00 net a month. We have savings, but that is going quickly. When we filed, we knew we owed $1,350.00 for year 2000. I sent in a $100.00 payment and wanted an installment agreement. I was going to send another payment in May, when he lost his job. I did send payments in June & July of $100.00 each. Now the IRS sent us a letter saying that they were going to put a tax lien on my earnings. This, after I wrote a letter with my last payment telling them of our circumstances. I am currently trying to salvage the little money we have in our savings account so w e can make the rent at the end of the month. They really are a heartless entity, made up of cold and uncaring individuals. We don't owe that much, in the scheme of things, but when you are living on an income of $250.00 a week, that is a great deal indeed . They're treating us like we owe millions. I am thoroughly disgusted and disheartened. Not only am I constantly depressed (which is a rare occurrence for me,) but my husband feels like a worthless piece of ---- and our marriage is in serious jeopardy. H ow dare they ruin our lives! What can be done about it? Thank you for giving me this opportunity to speak out. I wanted to post this before I am forced to sell my computer. My husband and I have always worked for the things we have. We have never been ext ravagant and the only luxuries we have are cable TV and this computer. Now, next month, we might be homeless. I can't believe that this is happening to two people who have always given their fair share of taxes.
I am a seventy-three year old, single (divorced) woman who is struggling to make ends meet, and barely keeping my head above water. I am a California Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and work for the Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Center. I am now in my sixth year there. This is a minimum six-month residential drug treatment program. Needless to say, this is not a high paying job. For some unfathomable reason the IRS has decided they need to audit me again. This is the third time in ten years t hat they have decided to do so. I'm not on welfare. I get a bare minimum Social Security check based on my ex-husband's part earnings, not on mine, because I didn't work then. I stayed home and raised our four children which is what women did in those day s. I do not understand why I am being harassed. The public relations claim of the IRS stating that they are conducting more appropriate audits certainly does not stand up in my case. This is causing me horrendous stress and anxiety which was greatly incre ased when I received a statement from them saying I owed approximately $9000!!!! This is totally insane. Help!!!
IRS smacked me down hard. They took half my military pension for a year (about 6000 bucks). IRS wants more. I owe more than I can pay. My fleeing for my life and living in the shadows is imminent. There will be a terrible retribution in this god forsaken country for this evil being perpetrated on IRS victims, it has to happen. Heads have rolled, governments overthrown, and revolutions begun over less heinous power broker crimes. Any single member of the Govt. of these States that doesn't think these acts of IRS piracy are crimes are fools and traitors. IRS agents, calling it your job don't make it right. All this from a 21 year decorated Navy retiree. I don't want to live here anymore.....
The IRS sent me a letter saying that I owed back taxes for 1995 that I did not receive until April of 2000! To further complicate this matter they levied my bank account and seized it without notifying me....I didn't realize this until I tried to use the ATM and my card didn't work...and to top it off the agent called my place of employment and harassed me and threatened me with audits and wage garnishment....and all sorts of penalties. I sent them an offer of compromise which of course they rejected..... I entered into an agreement with them which I expect to be changed at any time to pay $75 a month while it just keeps piling up! And after all this was over, they sent me a request for a survey wanting me to sign saying that I was treated fairly and sent out a second request saying that they hadn't heard from me the first time!!!! Who will lead this revolt to eliminate these blood suckers from our lives? What the hell happened to this country to make law-abiding Americans afraid of their own government? Our forefathers should (rightly so) be ashamed of us for putting up with this!
I am a 32 year old mother of 3 young children. It all started with an audit back in 1991. I was threatened into taking a plea or they would put me in prison. My audit took 3 three years. My accountant went to prison and I was 22 years old, I had no idea this accountant was a cheat. In 1994 I had a 1 year old and a 2 year old, the thought of prison terrified me, my children needed their mom. The out come was still terrible, I owed $26,000 due to a shady accountant who thought he did me a favor. I took a g uilty plea and received a felony, 5 years probation, 6 months home jail, and to top it all off I now owed $144,000 after penalties and interest.
How do you start over after that? For the sake of my children I found the strength. In 1994 I worked very hard to get rid of the debt. The IRS took a compromise and they were paid in full! Try getting a job with a felony, what a joke. In 1998 they let me off Federal Probation 1 year early for good behavior, but at my dismay I found out they never stopped investigating me. The IRS went to a grand jury trying to indict me for taxes, they lost. After they lost, they pulled me in their office and told me in front of my attorney to go back to my accountant and find $80,000 dollars that were missing. There was not 1 cent missing. That was blackmail. They said if I didn't take their plea they would charge me with money laundering. That's not true, I didn't com mit any crime I was just a target and always will be. Again they go back to indict me, then another plea offer charging me on someone else's merchant account. How do they get away with this extortion and abuse? I have spent 10 years fighting with the IRS and defending myself from lies. I would have really liked to have spent those years enjoying my 3 children. The Government took that from me.(just another thing they took).
The IRS began terrorizing my life when I was a sophomore in High School. My father, who was mercilessly audited and ultimately tossed into prison, he supported our entire family. I cannot begin to explain the hardships we have faced, financially, emotiona lly, mentally, and physically, in the past few years, all because of a meager tax mistake. I fell into a deep depression and many times contemplated suicide. My life before the IRS came into it was, for lack of a better word, perfect. I resent the IRS. Ho w can their actions be tolerated or even legal?
I have a small business doing tax returns for other people. This year the IRS notified me that they were auditing all my tax returns. No reason was given. I have not committed any criminal acts. The majority of the returns have been thrown out, even if th ey are honest. I try to help my clients but my life has turned into hell. Between my husband fighting cancer and my fighting the IRS we are about to the end of our rope. Where can we turn to for help?
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