What positive value can be found in card cheating? One magnificent value: Card cheating is a superb metaphor for identifying and classifying dishonest people . . .
The traditional cheater is, for example, the crude sneak thief. He is also the small-time bureaucrat or politician on the take. He needs little skill and much gall to extract his living. But he lives in constant danger of being caught in the act and subjected to the consequences.
The classical cheater is, for example, the elegant con-artist thief. He is also the respected technocrat who, for example, helps develop weapons for a repressive government. Application of his skills (that took years to polish or develop) lets him extract a "good" living. His dishonesty usually remains unseen and uncalled by those who surround him as he cheats countless people out of their assets and lives.
The Neocheater is, for example, the subtle executive thief who climbs to a high-paid corporate position by deceptive machinations rather than by productive efforts. He is also the religious leader who gleans a glorious living by promoting self-sacrifice among the multitudes. And the ultimate Neocheater is the politician gracing the highest office. He usurps a sumptuous living, enormous power, and a hugh ego trip by converting productive assets of the earners into nonproductive waste for the "public good" through the invisible manipulations of government force (e.g., taxes and regulations). His techniques require neither skill nor effort: he is simply shrewd and subtle enough to keep most people from realizing that he is constantly neocheating them -- constantly draining their lives and assets. And most dangerously, he considers his neocheating as necessary for the "good of all".
Neocheaters are by far the deadliest menace to honest and productive people, everywhere.
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