The Neo-Tech discovery evolved from the earlier discovery of Neocheating. In a sense, Neocheating was not a discovery but an identification of elegantly sophisticated techniques of card cheating that met two criteria: (1) required little effort or skill, and (2) were undetectable or unassailable as dishonest.
The effects of Wallace's identification of Neocheating are similar to the effects his earlier identification of the Advanced Concepts of Poker had on the poker world during the 1970s: Like Neocheating, various Advanced Concepts of Poker had been unknowingly used not only by winning poker players but by unbeatable strategists beyond the card tables. And the extent that they randomly used the various Advanced Concepts was the extent that they won. With the 1968 publication of Wallace's book, "Poker, A Guaranteed Income for Life", the Advanced Concepts (a total of 120 advantage levers) were identified for the first time and systematically gathered into one source. That gathering and publishing of all the Advanced Concepts into one book produced big profit increases for those players who had acquired Wallace's book. As a result, the number of professional players, competitive players, successful women players, as well as high-stake games and tournament games escalated dramatically since the Advanced Concepts of Poker were first published.
And now, the 1980 publication of "Neo-Tech" (Neocheating) is having an even more profound impact on poker (and other card games), especially on high-stake casino and public-card-club games. Moreover, the effects are spreading into private poker, particularly into high-stake games. But, at the same time, a counterbalancing phenomenon is occurring: Everyone who learns about Neocheating automatically learns how to effectively nullify all cheating. Thus, the continued distribution of Neocheating information will at first greatly increase undetectable cheating, but eventually will ironically eliminate all cheating.
After identifying the Neocheating concepts, Frank Wallace made an even more important discovery by extending those concepts beyond cards -- into business, politics, social relationships, and other areas of life. His discovery is called the Neo-Tech discovery. Once the concepts of Neocheating are fully understood, their application beyond cards becomes limitless. And more importantly, all Neo-Tech practitioners (who abound with impunity in most areas of life) become fully visible to those who understand Neocheating. Moreover, anyone understanding the concepts of Neocheating can render Neocheaters harmless.
Neocheating concepts used in business and other areas of life are so exquisitely subtle that the initial effect is shocking on realizing the enormous advantages one gains by using those concepts beyond cards.
Neocheating beyond cards involves gaining easy advantages and power over others through combinations of techniques that meet two criteria: (1) easy to execute, and (2) not vulnerable to detection or assailable as dishonest. Once those two criteria are established, Neocheating formats can then be established in any area of life. With such formats, a person not only gleans unbeatable advantages over others, but commands easy shortcuts to profits and power.... Those who use Neocheating formats to achieve wealth or power are called Neo-Tech practitioners.
Examples of master Neo-Tech practitioners are illustrated on page 153 and in Appendix A on page 168. Other examples are summarized in table 5 on page 178.
Master Neo-Tech practitioners who use subtle, invisible Neocheating concepts to maximum effectiveness can gain enormous power and wealth. Such practitioners range from the President of the United States to the presidents of international banking conglomerates. But anyone can use the Neocheating concepts to gain profits to any chosen degree, ranging from business people neocheating customers (e.g., selling unneeded or fraudulent insurance policies), professional people neocheating clients (e.g., doctors promoting unneeded surgery), husbands neocheating wives (e.g., psychologically or physically abusing spouses into dependence, then into submission and subservience), women neocheating men (e.g., deceiving for entrapment and wealth extraction), teachers neocheating students (e.g., dishonestly attacking value producers to usurp unearned power); parents neocheating children (e.g., destructive manipulation for social images).
One major benefit of understanding Neocheating beyond cards is the rapid identification of Neo-Tech practitioners who surround everyone in almost every area of life. Once identified, Neocheaters can be prevented from diminishing one's own well-being.
Perhaps the most startling benefit of understanding Neocheating occurs when viewing network TV news. With knowledge of Neo-Tech, a person becomes acutely aware of the steady stream of Neocheaters (TV commentators, news editors, sociologists, politicians, educators, nutritionists, faddists, mystical gurus, and religious proselytizers) who constantly diminish everyone's life. With the concepts of Neocheating, however, a person not only can nullify those Neocheaters, but can transfer their usurped power from them to himself with honest effective Neo-Tech techniques. For example, manipulating the ego of a Neocheating politician or bureaucrat to remove coercive government regulations that are damaging a company's productive capacity is one example of using the Neo-Tech discovery honestly -- of using White-Hat Neocheating.
The three possible approaches for using the Neo-Tech Discovery are the low-power approach, the high-power approach, and the Neothink/Neopower approach:
1. The Low-Power Approach: Neo-Tech is used defensively to avoid loses to Neocheaters. The "Neo-Tech Discovery" reveals (in Parts Two and Three) detailed, specific techniques for the low-power approach, including the original White-Hat Techniques that are effective, ethical, and honest.
2. The High-Power Approach: Neo-Tech is used offensively to gain advantages and profits -- in cards or beyond. The "Neo-Tech Discovery" also reveals (in Part One) detailed techniques for the high-power approach, including the Black-Hat Techniques that are unethical but ravagingly effective. Yet, with Neo-Tech information, a person can safely defend himself against Black-Hat Neocheating and all other forms of cheating.
3. The Neothink/Neopower Approach: The Neo-Tech Discovery is used not only to identify and nullify Neocheaters, but to gain honest profits as a result of Neocheaters. The following table summarizes various Neo-Tech formats that profitably counter Neocheaters:
Business | Identifying Neocheaters and understanding their techniques provide valuable knowledge that delivers larger profits and decreased losses through more beneficially accurate decisions. |
Media | Rapid identification of Neocheaters allows an accurate evaluation of literature, TV shows, news programming, media events, movies ... permitting more accurate and profitable decisions. Understanding Neocheating lets one quickly identify the 180 degree inversion of crucial values by devious business practices, political or social demagoguery, religious doctrines, and mystical illusions. |
Politics and Education | Knowing the Neocheating techniques of all politicians and many educators provides a powerful tool not only for protection, but for profiting from the machinations of politicians, governments, and educators. |
Religion and Mysticism | Understanding Neocheating provides startling realizations of how Neocheating is the essence of mysticism . . . and how most religious and mystical leaders are expert Neocheaters. That understanding is necessary not only for avoiding the life-consuming influences of religion and mysticism, but for gaining maximum happiness, well-being, and profits from life. |
Personal Relations | The Neo-Tech Discovery provides a rapid sorting mechanism for discarding destructive relationships and for winning beneficial relationships that deliver profits and happiness. |
Science | Knowledge of Neo-Tech allows one to reject, for example, most warnings by government "scientists" of cancer risks with their accompanying regulations (e.g., the banning of cyclamates). Neocheating with science damages the productive segments of life and diminishes everyone's well-being.... Knowledge of Neo-Tech permits valid value judgments and delivers peace of mind that Neocheaters constantly seek to undermine. |
The Neocheating concepts are not only easy, practical tools for profits, but are crucial tools for thinking. Those concepts allow a person to identify and nullify Neocheaters who have beguiled human life for three-thousand years. Without understanding Neocheating, a person has no way of thinking about Neocheaters or of realizing how they constantly extract values from unknowledgeable people. Without those thinking tools to identify Neocheaters people can only suffer in silent frustration as their lives and dreams are drained by Neocheaters.
But the supreme value of the Neocheating concepts is that those new thinking tools will be the cutting edge for rejecting and eventually eliminating the power of government bureaucrats, religious leaders, political leaders, dishonest businessmen, external authorities, and all other Neocheaters.
The concepts of Neocheating as revealed by the Neo-Tech Discovery are among the most powerful thinking tools for future prosperity.
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