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Neocheating: The Rising Menace


- A -

Accusing the cheater 98
Advanced-Concept player
assets 153
attitude of 155
concealing facts 156
controlling the money flow 157
controlling winnings 154
definition of 150
exploiting emotions of opponents 153-154, 155
fear 162
handling winners and losers 156
hard effort 150
keeping low profile 156
low profile 150
meeting a Neocheater 161-163
motive for playing 153
rareness of 161-163
stopping the Advanced-Concept or good player 142-144
stopping the Neocheater 142-144 (also see Defense)
ultimate evolution of honest poker 152
using the Advanced Concepts 157-159
vs. the Neocheater 150, 163
withholding winning power 150
Advanced Concepts 150-163
Agents 12-20, 72, 113, 116-117 (also see Collusion)
colluding the Neocheating way 113, 116-117
detection and defense (see Detection, Collusion and Defense, Collusion)
in public poker 12-20
All-knowing dealer 116
Amateur cheating 7-8, 9
Armed robbery 145
Attitudes of players and cheaters 155

- B -

Bad news, The iii
Becoming a professional cheater 22
Betting pace
increasing 157
Betting stakes
opposition to increase 157
Black-hat Neocheating 134, 149-163
Blackjack x, 96, 108-110
future of (see Card games, future of)
peeking 108-110
stacking for 96 (also see Stacking)
Blind shuffling 54-62, 64
definition of 23
detection and defense 62, 137-138
gapping 56-62
without gapping 54-56
Bluffing 17
Bridge x, 96, 122, 124-126
future of (see Card games, future of)
stacking for 96 (also see Stacking)
winning with the interlace 124-126
winning with the pull-through 122

- C -

California card clubs (see Card clubs)
Card clubs
cheating in 7, 9, 12
detection and defense 12-20 (also see under Detection and Defense)
cheating, involvement by management 13-15, 18
cheating techniques 9
Neocheating in viii, 12-20
professionals' dependency on cheating system 133
quality of poker 161, 162
why professionals cheat 132
Card games
allowing cheating 161
future of iv, v, 150, 161, 163
Cardboard cards 23
cardboard 23
electronic 145
marked 60-61
number required for culling and stacking 81
plastic 23
plastic-coated 23
characteristics of vii
gall ix
skill ix
vs. the Neocheater vii, viii, ix
Cardsharping (also see Cheating)
definition of 4
Casino poker
cheating in 7, 9, 11-20, 116
detection and defense 12-20 (also see Detection, also see Defense)
cheating, involvement of management 13-15, 18
cheating techniques 9
Neocheating in viii, 12-20
ongoing cheating system 132
professionals' dependency on cheating system 133
quality of 161-162
tournament cheating 163
why professionals cheat 132
Casino-like advantages 149
Center cutting 28, 29
Characteristics of cheaters
Neocheaters vii
Traditional cheaters vii
characteristics of vii
guilt 133
losers 5
philosophy and psychology of 131
Cheating 4-7 (also see Neocheating, Traditional cheating, and Classical cheating)
a new dimension in card games 161
accusing the cheater 98
accusing too quickly 8
amateur cheating (see Amateur cheating)
as a metaphor 167
beating 10-11, 12-20 (also see Defense)
big killings 151-152 (also see Classical cheating)
blackjack (see Blackjack)
blind shuffling (see Blind shuffling)
bridge (see Bridge)
card clubs (see Card clubs)
card cutting the Neocheating way 21-39 (also see Cutting high card)
cardsharping 4
casinos (see Casinos)
catching cheaters viii (also see Detection)
center cutting 28, 29
chaos and anarchy 161
classical cheating (see Classical cheating)
classical view of 10-11
colluding the Neocheating way (see Collusion, the Neocheating way)
collusion (see Collusion)
complete false riffle (see Pull-Through)
counterattacks (see Defenses)
countering suspicion 54, 149, 157-158 (also see Neocheater, low profile)
covers for 54-70, 137-138 (also see False cutting and Pull-through)
crimping (see Crimping)
culling the Neocheating way (see Culling)
danger 151-152
defending against (see Defense)
definition of 3-4
detecting (see Detection)
devices 8
diminishing returns 149
effective cheating 54 (also see Neocheating)
eliminating cheating 6 (also see Defenses)
encountering cheating 133 (also see Defense)
ending all cheating 169
evolution of 152
false cutting (see False cutting)
false riffling (see False riffling)
fear 151-152
flashing cards 9, 12-13
foiling the cheater 98-99 (also see Defense)
foiling the cut 71-72
gaffing 4
gall 151-152 (also see under Traditional cheating)
gin rummy (see Gin rummy)
high-frequency, low intensity approach 154 (also see Maximum-win approach)
honest cheating (see White-hat Neocheating)
illegal 161
invisible 4
knowing everyone's hole card 86-87
legal cheating 161
limitation 161
locating cards in the deck 23-27, 36, 37
losers 151-152, 157
management of casinos and card clubs 13-15, 18
maximum-win approach 149-163 (also see Maximum-win approach)
mechanic's grip 55
methods professional vs. amateur 8
motive for 5
nature of 3-20
Neocheating (see Neocheating)
oblivious to 11
overwhelming advantages 149
paranoia v, 151-152
peeking the Neocheating way (see Peeking)
positioning cards 27-28, 36, 37 (also see Crimping)
pressure of 151-152
private poker (see Private poker)
professional (see Professional cheating)
proneness to 10
protection from 11-20 (also see Defense)
public-casino 12-20 (also see Casino poker and see Public poker)
public-cheating (see Public poker, see Casino poker, and see Card clubs, cheating in)
public poker (see Public poker)
pull-through (see Pull-through)
reacting against 10
Robin Hood cheating 134, 145, 159
skill needed (see Classical cheating skill)
spree of cheating viii
stacking (see Stacking)
stacking the Neocheating way (see Stacking)
stopping cheating iii (also see Defense)
superior knowledge 131-133
techniques used in private, club, and casino poker 9
trade tool for professional cardplayers 133
traditional (see Traditional cheating)
ultimate concept of 160 (also see Neocheating)
unethical behavior 3
Classical cheating (and Classical cheater)
as a metaphor 167
big killings 151-152
definition of 4 (also see Cheating)
diminishing returns 149
fear 151-152
inability to win 152, 153
obituary for 168
obsoleted by Neocheating 124, 126
overwhelming advantages 149
paranoia 151-152
pressure 151-152
skill v, viii, 134, 151-152
vs. destructive scientist 167
Classical view about cheating 10-11
Cliques of public professional cheaters 133
Closed mind to cheating 55
Colluding (also see Collusion)
definition of 4
all-knowing dealer with player 13-15, 18, 19
amateurish with sanction house dealer 18-19
detection and defense, 12, 20, 117, 140-141 (also see under Detection and see Defense)
partner crossfire betting 16-18
public poker 12-20,133
detect and defend 12-20 (also see under Detection and defense)
reciprocal card flash 12, 13
the Neocheating way 113-117
with house dealer - culling and stacking 15-16
Combination stacking 94, 96
defense 97, 138
detection 96
Combining the Advanced Concepts with Neocheating 159
Common cheaters (see Traditional cheaters)
Competition in poker 127, 161-163
Complete false riffle (see Pull-through)
Complete Neocheater 149-152
Contrasting characteristics
Neocheater vs. cardsharp vii
Controlling the money flow 157
Controlling winnings 154
Countering suspicion of cheating 54, 70
Covers for cheating 54-70, 102-107, 118-124, 137-138
crimping both sides of the deck 62
definition of 23
end crimp 33, 34, 35
gaps 28, 33
missing the crimp 28, 71, 136
natural crimps 71
pressure 28
removing crimp 28, 32
side crimp 28, 30, 31
definition of 23
discards 40-53
while riffling 24-27, 36, 37, 80-83 (also see Riffle cuffing)
while shuffling 73, 80-83
working a deck cold 80-83
cards required for 81
center cutting 28, 29
cutting high card 21-39 (also see Cutting high card)
false cutting 66-70, 98-107, (also see False cutting)
Cutting high card 21-39
cutting the ace 28-33, 36, 37
detection and defense 38-39,135-136
foolproof Neocheating ploy 136
forcing others to cut deuces or treys 36, 37
letting others cut first 33

- D -

Deception 3, 10
against all cheating with electronic cards 145
against all stacking 97, 138-140
against blind shuffling 62, 137-138
against cheating covers 62, 64, 70, 107, 124
against collusion v, 12-20, 117,140-141
against crimping 137-138
against cutting high card 38, 39, 135-136
against discard stacking 53, 138-139
against false cutting 70,107, 137-138
against false riffling 64, 137-138
against Neocheating 131-145
against overhand stacking 97,138,140
against peeking 117, 141
against pull-through 122,124,138,140
against riffle stacking 138, 140
against the Advanced-Concept player 142-144
against the good player and winners 142-144
against the Neocheater 142-144
against undercut stacking 138, 139
in casinos 12-20
in public poker 12-20
public-poker cheating (card club and casino) 12-20
amateurish collusion with sanction of house dealer 18 19
collusion with house dealer -- culling and stacking 15, 16
collusion with house dealer -- natural-play technique 13-15
partner crossfire betting 16-18
reciprocal card flashing 12-13
unbeatable collusion through dealer-player partnerships 19
reward of $5000 to seal the coffin on all cheaters 169
stopping cheating and the cheater 133
understanding the cheater's philosophy and psychology 131-133
white-hat Neocheating 133-134, 145
Degrees of Neocheating 118-124
all stacking 97
blind shuffling 62
casino poker 12-20
cheating moves 137
collusion 117
combination stacking 96
covers for cheating 62, 64, 70, 107, 122, 137
cutting high card 38
discard stacking 52
false cutting 70,107
false riffling 64
intermediate-stacking variation 94
Las Vegas variation 92
Neocheater 159, 160, 161
Neocheating 11-20
overhand stack 86
peeking 117
public-poker cheating (card club and casino) 12-20
amateurish collusion with sanction of house dealer 18, 19
collusion with house dealer-- cuffing and stacking 15, 16
collusion with house dealer - natural-play technique 13-15
partner crossfire betting 16-18
reciprocal card flashing 12-13
unbeatable collusion through dealer-player partnerships 19
results of cheating 137
riffle cull 83
riffle stack 90
three basic detection methods 137
undercut 80
Dexterity 21, 22
Discard culling 40-53
Discard stacking 40-53
detection and defense 52-53,138-139
from discards already piled on top of the deck 47-51
from discards tossed to the dealer face down 45-47
knowing everyone's hole cards 44-45, 46, 48
stacking aces back-to-back in stud 40-44
stacking four of a kind and wheels 47
while gathering discards 40-45
Dry fingers 58, 74

- E -

Ease of Neocheating (see under Neocheating)
Effective cheating 54 (also see Neocheating)
Effectiveness of Neocheating (see Neocheating, potency of)
Electronic cards 145
Eliminating cheating 6 (also see Defenses)
Emotions exploiting them 153-154, 155
Ethics 3
Evolution of
cheating 152
honest poker 152

- F -

False cutting 66-70, 90-107
basic workhorse 103, 105, 106, 107
detection and defense 70,107,137-138
four-block cut 102-103, 104,105
special cut (one-card cut) 99-102
three-block false cut 66-70
False riffling 62-65, 118-124
complete false riffle (pull-through) 118-124
detection and defense 64, 122, 124, 137-138
Fear of being caught 10 (also see Potential cheaters)
Fear of cheaters 5
Final showdown 161-163
Finn, John 12, 163
Flashing cards 9, 12,13
collusion 12, 13
Foiling the cheater 98-102
Foiling the cut 71-72
Forbidden question 161
Foreword v
Future of card games iv, v, 145, 150, 163
Future possibilities of Neocheating 118, 124-126

- G -

Gaffing (also see Cheating)
definition of 4
Gamblers 150, 153
Getting rid of extra cards on the stack 82-83, 99-102
Gin Rummy x, 76-80, 113, 124-126
future of (see Card games, future of)
peeking 113
stacking for 76-80 (also see Stacking)
winning with the interlace 124-126
Good news, The iii
Good player 20, 133, 142-144 (also see Advanced-Concept player)
keeping cheaters in game 133
losing 20
Guilt 133

- H -

Handling winners and losers 156
High-frequency, low-intensity approach 154 (also see Maximum-win approach)
Honest cheating (see White-hat Neocheating)
Honest players
target for Neocheaters 55, 131-132
vulnerability of 21-23
Honesty 10, 55,145,150-163
Advanced-Concept player 150, 163
ignorance 55
making game honest when invaded by cheaters 145
winning - "Poker, A Guaranteed Income for Life by Using the Advanced Concepts of Poker" 150

- I -

Ideal game 160
Immorality xi
Inflation 127
Interlace stacking 124-126
bridge 126
gin rummy 126
quickly stacking culled hands 126
Intermediate-stacking variation 94, 95
defense 97, 138
detection 94
Introduction vi
Invisible cheating (also see Cheating)
definition of 4

- J -

Justification for cheating 131-133

- K -

Knowing opponents' hole cards 44-45, 46, 48, 86-87

- L -

Las Vegas casinos (see Casino poker)
Las Vegas variation stacking 90-94
defense 97, 138
detection 92
shielding the deck 92, 93
Locating cards in the deck 23-27, 36, 37
Losing while cheating 5 (also see Cheating, losers)
Low profile 156 (also see under Neocheater)
Lying 3

- M -

Marked cards ix, 60-61
Maximum-win approach 149-163
casino-like advantages 149
long-range profits 149
Mechanic's grip 55
Memorizing card order 61
Memorizing hole cards 15
Modern cheating 9 (also see Neocheating)
Most trusted person in the game 158
Motive for cheating 5
Motive for Neocheating 5

- N -

accepting other cheaters 158
as a metaphor 167
assets 153
attitude of 155
black-hat 160
blend of two ultimate evolutions 159
can never be caught 150
casino-like advantages 149
catching him viii (also see Detection)
characteristics of vii, 149
combining the Advanced Concepts with Neocheating 159
complete 142, 149-152
controlling a network of games 158
controlling the money flow 157
controlling winnings 154
detect 159, 160, 161 (also see Detection)
easy-going money extraction 158,162
exploiting emotions of opponents 153-154, 155
handling winners and losers 156
high-frequency, low-intensity approach 154 (also see Maximum-win approach)
keeping a low profile 156
keeping losers happy 156, 158
leaves no evidence 135
little effort 150
low profile 150
maximum-win approach 149-163 (also see Maximum-win approach)
meeting an Advanced-Concept player 161-163
methods to conceal facts 156
minimum skill and maximum smartness 149
most trusted player in the game 158
motive for Neocheating 5, 153
Neocheater's targets honest players 21, 22, 55
ignorant players 21, 22, 55
winners 78
personal conflicts 152
philosophy and psychology of 131
prevalence of 162
preventing suspicion 54,149,157-158 (also see Neocheater, low profile)
Robin Hood cheating 158
sealing his coffin 169
subtleness of ix, x, 45, 90, 142, 145, 149-152, 153, 154, 158
easy-money policy 145
ultimate application of Neocheating 160
ultimate evolution of dishonest cheating 152
ultimate Neocheater 159-161
helping losers 160
ideal game, the 160
illusion of removing himself from cheating 160
indirect attack 160
never cheating for himself 160
unbeatable ix, x, 149-163
understanding the Neocheater 149-152
using the Advanced Concepts 157-159
vs. Advanced-Concept player 150-163
vs. cardsharp vii, viii, ix
vs. Neocheating 149
vs. politician 167
vs. traditional cheaters 151, 152
welcoming good players 160
white-hat 160
who is he ix
withholding winning power 150
accusing the cheater 98
an effective ruse 60-61
as a new dimension in card games 161
bankrupting the cheater through white-hat Neocheating 133-134, 145
beating Neocheating ix (also see Defense)
becoming a professional 22
black-hat 134, 149-163
blackjack (see Blackjack)
blind shuffling (see Blind shuffling)
bridge (see Bridge)
card cutting 21-39 (also see Cutting high card)
casino-like advantages 149
center cuts 28, 29
collusion (see Collusion, the Neocheating way)
combining with Advanced Concepts 159
complete false riffle (see Pull-through)
confronting Neocheating viii, ix (also see Detection and see Defense)
convincing opponents their cards are marked 54
counterattacks (see Defense)
countering suspicion 54
covers for cheating 54-70, 102-107, 118-124, 137-138
crimping (see Crimping)
cuffing (see Culling)
defense (see Defense)
definition of 4
degrees of 118
detection (see Detection)
ease of vi, 153, 158
eliminating Neocheating iii, viii, ix
encountering Neocheating 133
ending Neocheating 169
evolution of v, vi 152
false cutting (see False cutting)
false riffling (see False riffling)
foiling the cheater 98-102 (also see Defense)
foiling the cut 71-72
future of 163 (also see Future of card games)
future possibilities 118, 124-126
interlace 124-126
gin rummy (see Gin rummy)
god-like role 134
immorality xi
in card clubs (see Card clubs)
in casinos (see Casino poker)
in private games viii (also see Private poker)
in your game ix
keeping the stacked deck intact as other players cut 71
keeping the stacked deck intact while riffle shuffling 62-65
keeping the stacked deck intact while shuffling 54-62
knowing hole cards 44-45, 46, 48, 86-87
knowledge of iii-xi
locating an ace in seconds 23-27
locating cards in the deck 23-27, 36, 37
maximum-win approach 149-163 (also see Maximum-win approach)
mechanic's grip 55
motive for 5, 153
obsoleting classical and traditional cheating 124,126, 168
peeking (see Peeking)
positioning cards 27-28, 36, 37 (also see Crimping)
potency of iii, iv, vii
pull-through (see Pull-through)
Robin Hood cheating 134, 145, 159
safeness of vii 98
seeds of 11-20
shortcuts vi, 37, 40
spotting 11 (also see Detection)
spread of iii, iv, v, 127, 168
stacking (see Stacking)
stopping Neocheating iii, iv, v, viii, ix (also see Defense)
superior knowledge 131- 133
target for 55, 150
ultimate concept of cheating 160
unbeatable - collusion with house dealer, natural-play technique 13-15, 18, 19, 20, 116
vs. Advanced-Concept player 161-163
vs. Neocheater 149
what is Neocheating vi, 113,116,160
Neocheating beyond cards 149-168, 178
Neo-Tech Discovery 164-166

- O -

Obituary for traditional and classical cheaters 168
Obliviousness to cheating 11
casino-like 149
fixing in your favor 150
Ongoing public-cheating systems 132
Overhand shuffle definition of 24
Overhand stacking 83-86
defense 97, 138, 140
detection 86

- P -

Palming ix
Paranoia of cheating v
Peeking 108-113, 114, 115, 117
bottom-card peek 113, 114
detection and defense 117
gin-rummy peek 113-115
stud and blackjack peek 108-113
variation #2 110, 111
variation #3 110, 112, 113
Perfect player 116
Philosophy and psychology of cheaters 131-133
Preventing suspicion 157 (also see Neocheater, low profile)
Plastic cards 23
Plastic-coated cards 23
allowing cheating 161
card club poker (see Card clubs) casino poker (see Casino poker)
cheating in private, club and casino 9 (also see under Private poker Club poker, and Casino poker)
competition in 127, 161-163
deception 10
ethics 10
evolution of 152
future of iv, vi, 145, 150, 161, 163
honesty 3, 10
nature of 3, 10
"Poker, A Guaranteed Income for Life by Using the Advanced Concepts of Poker" v
poker players prone to cheating 10
private poker (see Private poker)
public poker (see Public poker)
quality of, increasing 127
stacking for (see Stacking)
winning maximum money 150 (also see Maximum-win approach)
Poor players 153
attitude of 155
Potential cheaters viii
Preface iv
Prestige 149
Private poker
cheating in 7
cheating techniques 9
Neocheating in viii
spread of Neocheating 127
Professional cheating (and Professional cheaters) 7,8,9,22,55,131-133
becoming a professional 22
gall needed 132
justification for cheating 131-133
professionals' dependency on public-cheating system 133
self-esteem of 132
why professionals cheat 131,132,133
Protection from public-casino cheating 11-20 (also see Defense)
Public poker
cheating, awareness by management 13-15, 18
cheating in 7, 11-20
cheating techniques 9
detection and defense ix (also see under Detection and under Defense)
ongoing cheating system 132
professionals' dependency on cheating system 133
quality of 161-162
spread of Neocheating 127
tournament cheating 163
why professionals cheat 132
Pull-through, The 118-124
detection and defense 122, 124, 138, 140
entire deck kept intact 118
winning at bridge 122
partner unaware of cheating 122

- R -

Rationalization for cheating 131-133
Reacting against cheating 10
Reading cards 61
Rejecting cheaters 5 (also see Defense)
Reward ($5000) - to seal the coffin on all cheaters 169
Riffle culling 80-83
defense 97
detection 83
getting rid of extra cards on the stack 82-83
Riffle (see under Shuffle and see False Riffling)
Riffle shuffle (see under Shuffle)
definition of 24
Riffle stacking 87-90
defense 97, 138, 140
detection 90
knowing everyone's hole card 89
seeing cards while riffle-stacking 89
shortcut 87
Robin Hood cheating 134, 145

- S -

Safety of Neocheating (see under Neocheating)
Seal the Neocheater's coffin 169
Self-esteem pseudo esteem through cheating 131-133, 167, 178
blind shuffle 54-62, 64 (also see Blind shuffle)
definition of 23
false riffle shuffle 62-65, 122, 124 (also see False riffle)
overhand shuffle, definition of 24
riffle shuffle, definition of 24
Skill (see under Classical cheating)
Sortkwik 58
Spread of Neocheating (see under Neocheating)
cards required for 81
combination stacking 94, 96 (also see Combination stacking)
definition of 23
discards 40-53 (also see Discard stacking)
interlace 124-126 (also see Interlace stacking)
intermediate-stacking variation 94,95 (also see Intermediate stacking)
Las Vegas variation 90-94 (also see Las Vegas variation)
overhand stacking 83-86 (also see Overhand stacking)
riffle stacking 87-90 (also see Riffle stacking)
stacking for blackjack 96
stacking for bridge 96
undercut stacking 74-80
two hands simultaneously 76-80 (also see Undercut stacking)
while shuffling 73-98
knowing everyone's hole card 86-87
Stopping Neocheating (see under Neocheating and under Defense)
reducing it 149

- T -

Tacky Finger 58
Targets for Neocheaters 21-22, 38, 78, 150
Tournament cheating 163
Traditional cheating (and Traditional cheaters)
as a metaphor 167
attitude of 155
characteristics of vii
diminishing returns 149
fear 151
gall 134, 151,152
inability to win 152-153
jeopardizing games 133
losers 133, 151, 152, 157
low-frequency, high intensity approach 154
obituary for 168
obsoleted by Neocheating 124,126
overwhelming advantages 149
paranoia 158
skilled, definition of 4 (also see Cardsharping)
unskilled, definition of 4 (also see Gaffing)
vs. armed robber 167
vs. Neocheaters 151, 152
Trust 158
Turning cheater's efforts to your advantage 13, 99-102, 136, 138,144

- U -

Ultimate Neocheater (see under Neocheater)
Unbeatable Neocheater 149-163
Undercut stacking 74-80
defense 97, 138,139
detection 80
two hands at once 76-80
Understanding the Neocheater 149-152
Using the Advanced Concepts 157-159

- W -

White-hat Neocheating 133-134, 145
god-like role 134
camouflaging Neocheater's attack 156
getting rid of winners 142-144
targets for Neocheaters 78
Winning maximum money (see Maximum-win approach)
Winning play
Advanced Concepts 159
Neocheating 159

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