| Parent Index
| Build Freedom:
Neocheating: The Rising Menace
- A -
- Accusing the cheater 98
- Advanced-Concept player
- assets 153
- attitude of 155
- concealing facts 156
- controlling the money flow 157
- controlling winnings 154
- definition of 150
- exploiting emotions of opponents 153-154, 155
- fear 162
- handling winners and losers 156
- hard effort 150
- keeping low profile 156
- low profile 150
- meeting a Neocheater 161-163
- motive for playing 153
- rareness of 161-163
- stopping the Advanced-Concept or good player 142-144
- stopping the Neocheater 142-144 (also see Defense)
- ultimate evolution of honest poker 152
- using the Advanced Concepts 157-159
- vs. the Neocheater 150, 163
- withholding winning power 150
- Advanced Concepts 150-163
- Agents 12-20, 72, 113, 116-117 (also see Collusion)
- colluding the Neocheating way 113, 116-117
- detection and defense (see Detection, Collusion and Defense, Collusion)
- in public poker 12-20
- All-knowing dealer 116
- Amateur cheating 7-8, 9
- Armed robbery 145
- Attitudes of players and cheaters 155
- B -
- Bad news, The iii
- Becoming a professional cheater 22
- Betting pace
- increasing 157
- Betting stakes
- opposition to increase 157
- Black-hat Neocheating 134, 149-163
- Blackjack x, 96, 108-110
- future of (see Card games, future of)
- peeking 108-110
- stacking for 96 (also see Stacking)
- Blind shuffling 54-62, 64
- definition of 23
- detection and defense 62, 137-138
- gapping 56-62
- without gapping 54-56
- Bluffing 17
- Bridge x, 96, 122, 124-126
- future of (see Card games, future of)
- stacking for 96 (also see Stacking)
- winning with the interlace 124-126
- winning with the pull-through 122
- C -
- California card clubs (see Card clubs)
- Card clubs
- cheating in 7, 9, 12
- detection and defense 12-20 (also see under Detection and Defense)
- cheating, involvement by management 13-15, 18
- cheating techniques 9
- Neocheating in viii, 12-20
- professionals' dependency on cheating system 133
- quality of poker 161, 162
- why professionals cheat 132
- Card games
- allowing cheating 161
- future of iv, v, 150, 161, 163
- Cardboard cards 23
- Cards
- cardboard 23
- electronic 145
- marked 60-61
- number required for culling and stacking 81
- plastic 23
- plastic-coated 23
- Cardsharp
- characteristics of vii
- gall ix
- skill ix
- vs. the Neocheater vii, viii, ix
- Cardsharping (also see Cheating)
- definition of 4
- Casino poker
- cheating in 7, 9, 11-20, 116
- detection and defense 12-20 (also see Detection, also see Defense)
- cheating, involvement of management 13-15, 18
- cheating techniques 9
- Neocheating in viii, 12-20
- ongoing cheating system 132
- professionals' dependency on cheating system 133
- quality of 161-162
- tournament cheating 163
- why professionals cheat 132
- Casino-like advantages 149
- Center cutting 28, 29
- Characteristics of cheaters
- Neocheaters vii
- Traditional cheaters vii
- Cheater
- characteristics of vii
- guilt 133
- losers 5
- philosophy and psychology of 131
- Cheating 4-7 (also see Neocheating, Traditional cheating, and Classical cheating)
- a new dimension in card games 161
- accusing the cheater 98
- accusing too quickly 8
- amateur cheating (see Amateur cheating)
- as a metaphor 167
- beating 10-11, 12-20 (also see Defense)
- big killings 151-152 (also see Classical cheating)
- blackjack (see Blackjack)
- blind shuffling (see Blind shuffling)
- bridge (see Bridge)
- card clubs (see Card clubs)
- card cutting the Neocheating way 21-39 (also see Cutting high card)
- cardsharping 4
- casinos (see Casinos)
- catching cheaters viii (also see Detection)
- center cutting 28, 29
- chaos and anarchy 161
- classical cheating (see Classical cheating)
- classical view of 10-11
- colluding the Neocheating way (see Collusion, the Neocheating way)
- collusion (see Collusion)
- complete false riffle (see Pull-Through)
- counterattacks (see Defenses)
- countering suspicion 54, 149, 157-158 (also see Neocheater, low profile)
- covers for 54-70, 137-138 (also see False cutting and Pull-through)
- crimping (see Crimping)
- culling the Neocheating way (see Culling)
- danger 151-152
- defending against (see Defense)
- definition of 3-4
- detecting (see Detection)
- devices 8
- diminishing returns 149
- effective cheating 54 (also see Neocheating)
- eliminating cheating 6 (also see Defenses)
- encountering cheating 133 (also see Defense)
- ending all cheating 169
- evolution of 152
- false cutting (see False cutting)
- false riffling (see False riffling)
- fear 151-152
- flashing cards 9, 12-13
- foiling the cheater 98-99 (also see Defense)
- foiling the cut 71-72
- gaffing 4
- gall 151-152 (also see under Traditional cheating)
- gin rummy (see Gin rummy)
- high-frequency, low intensity approach 154 (also see Maximum-win approach)
- honest cheating (see White-hat Neocheating)
- illegal 161
- invisible 4
- knowing everyone's hole card 86-87
- legal cheating 161
- limitation 161
- locating cards in the deck 23-27, 36, 37
- losers 151-152, 157
- management of casinos and card clubs 13-15, 18
- maximum-win approach 149-163 (also see Maximum-win approach)
- mechanic's grip 55
- methods professional vs. amateur 8
- motive for 5
- nature of 3-20
- Neocheating (see Neocheating)
- oblivious to 11
- overwhelming advantages 149
- paranoia v, 151-152
- peeking the Neocheating way (see Peeking)
- positioning cards 27-28, 36, 37 (also see Crimping)
- pressure of 151-152
- private poker (see Private poker)
- professional (see Professional cheating)
- proneness to 10
- protection from 11-20 (also see Defense)
- public-casino 12-20 (also see Casino poker and see Public poker)
- public-cheating (see Public poker, see Casino poker, and see Card clubs, cheating in)
- public poker (see Public poker)
- pull-through (see Pull-through)
- reacting against 10
- Robin Hood cheating 134, 145, 159
- skill needed (see Classical cheating skill)
- spree of cheating viii
- stacking (see Stacking)
- stacking the Neocheating way (see Stacking)
- stopping cheating iii (also see Defense)
- superior knowledge 131-133
- techniques used in private, club, and casino poker 9
- trade tool for professional cardplayers 133
- traditional (see Traditional cheating)
- ultimate concept of 160 (also see Neocheating)
- unethical behavior 3
- Classical cheating (and Classical cheater)
- as a metaphor 167
- big killings 151-152
- definition of 4 (also see Cheating)
- diminishing returns 149
- fear 151-152
- inability to win 152, 153
- obituary for 168
- obsoleted by Neocheating 124, 126
- overwhelming advantages 149
- paranoia 151-152
- pressure 151-152
- skill v, viii, 134, 151-152
- vs. destructive scientist 167
- Classical view about cheating 10-11
- Cliques of public professional cheaters 133
- Closed mind to cheating 55
- Colluding (also see Collusion)
- definition of 4
- Collusion
- all-knowing dealer with player 13-15, 18, 19
- amateurish with sanction house dealer 18-19
- detection and defense, 12, 20, 117, 140-141 (also see under Detection and see Defense)
- partner crossfire betting 16-18
- public poker 12-20,133
- detect and defend 12-20 (also see under Detection and defense)
- reciprocal card flash 12, 13
- the Neocheating way 113-117
- with house dealer - culling and stacking 15-16
- Combination stacking 94, 96
- defense 97, 138
- detection 96
- Combining the Advanced Concepts with Neocheating 159
- Common cheaters (see Traditional cheaters)
- Competition in poker 127, 161-163
- Complete false riffle (see Pull-through)
- Complete Neocheater 149-152
- Contrasting characteristics
- Neocheater vs. cardsharp vii
- Controlling the money flow 157
- Controlling winnings 154
- Countering suspicion of cheating 54, 70
- Covers for cheating 54-70, 102-107, 118-124, 137-138
- Crimping
- crimping both sides of the deck 62
- definition of 23
- end crimp 33, 34, 35
- gaps 28, 33
- missing the crimp 28, 71, 136
- natural crimps 71
- pressure 28
- removing crimp 28, 32
- side crimp 28, 30, 31
- Culling
- definition of 23
- discards 40-53
- while riffling 24-27, 36, 37, 80-83 (also see Riffle cuffing)
- while shuffling 73, 80-83
- working a deck cold 80-83
- Cutting
- cards required for 81
- center cutting 28, 29
- cutting high card 21-39 (also see Cutting high card)
- false cutting 66-70, 98-107, (also see False cutting)
- Cutting high card 21-39
- cutting the ace 28-33, 36, 37
- detection and defense 38-39,135-136
- foolproof Neocheating ploy 136
- forcing others to cut deuces or treys 36, 37
- letting others cut first 33
- D -
- Deception 3, 10
- Defense
- against all cheating with electronic cards 145
- against all stacking 97, 138-140
- against blind shuffling 62, 137-138
- against cheating covers 62, 64, 70, 107, 124
- against collusion v, 12-20, 117,140-141
- against crimping 137-138
- against cutting high card 38, 39, 135-136
- against discard stacking 53, 138-139
- against false cutting 70,107, 137-138
- against false riffling 64, 137-138
- against Neocheating 131-145
- against overhand stacking 97,138,140
- against peeking 117, 141
- against pull-through 122,124,138,140
- against riffle stacking 138, 140
- against the Advanced-Concept player 142-144
- against the good player and winners 142-144
- against the Neocheater 142-144
- against undercut stacking 138, 139
- in casinos 12-20
- in public poker 12-20
- public-poker cheating (card club and casino) 12-20
- amateurish collusion with sanction of house dealer 18 19
- collusion with house dealer -- culling and stacking 15, 16
- collusion with house dealer -- natural-play technique 13-15
- partner crossfire betting 16-18
- reciprocal card flashing 12-13
- unbeatable collusion through dealer-player partnerships 19
- reward of $5000 to seal the coffin on all cheaters 169
- stopping cheating and the cheater 133
- understanding the cheater's philosophy and psychology 131-133
- white-hat Neocheating 133-134, 145
- Degrees of Neocheating 118-124
- Detection
- all stacking 97
- blind shuffling 62
- casino poker 12-20
- cheating moves 137
- collusion 117
- combination stacking 96
- covers for cheating 62, 64, 70, 107, 122, 137
- cutting high card 38
- discard stacking 52
- false cutting 70,107
- false riffling 64
- intermediate-stacking variation 94
- Las Vegas variation 92
- Neocheater 159, 160, 161
- Neocheating 11-20
- overhand stack 86
- peeking 117
- public-poker cheating (card club and casino) 12-20
- amateurish collusion with sanction of house dealer 18, 19
- collusion with house dealer-- cuffing and stacking 15, 16
- collusion with house dealer - natural-play technique 13-15
- partner crossfire betting 16-18
- reciprocal card flashing 12-13
- unbeatable collusion through dealer-player partnerships 19
- results of cheating 137
- riffle cull 83
- riffle stack 90
- three basic detection methods 137
- undercut 80
- Dexterity 21, 22
- Discard culling 40-53
- Discard stacking 40-53
- detection and defense 52-53,138-139
- from discards already piled on top of the deck 47-51
- from discards tossed to the dealer face down 45-47
- knowing everyone's hole cards 44-45, 46, 48
- stacking aces back-to-back in stud 40-44
- stacking four of a kind and wheels 47
- while gathering discards 40-45
- Dry fingers 58, 74
- E -
- Ease of Neocheating (see under Neocheating)
- Effective cheating 54 (also see Neocheating)
- Effectiveness of Neocheating (see Neocheating, potency of)
- Electronic cards 145
- Eliminating cheating 6 (also see Defenses)
- Emotions exploiting them 153-154, 155
- Ethics 3
- Evolution of
- cheating 152
- honest poker 152
- F -
- False cutting 66-70, 90-107
- basic workhorse 103, 105, 106, 107
- detection and defense 70,107,137-138
- four-block cut 102-103, 104,105
- special cut (one-card cut) 99-102
- three-block false cut 66-70
- False riffling 62-65, 118-124
- complete false riffle (pull-through) 118-124
- detection and defense 64, 122, 124, 137-138
- Fear of being caught 10 (also see Potential cheaters)
- Fear of cheaters 5
- Final showdown 161-163
- Finn, John 12, 163
- Flashing cards 9, 12,13
- collusion 12, 13
- Foiling the cheater 98-102
- Foiling the cut 71-72
- Forbidden question 161
- Foreword v
- Future of card games iv, v, 145, 150, 163
- Future possibilities of Neocheating 118, 124-126
- G -
- Gaffing (also see Cheating)
- definition of 4
- Gamblers 150, 153
- Getting rid of extra cards on the stack 82-83, 99-102
- Gin Rummy x, 76-80, 113, 124-126
- future of (see Card games, future of)
- peeking 113
- stacking for 76-80 (also see Stacking)
- winning with the interlace 124-126
- Good news, The iii
- Good player 20, 133, 142-144 (also see Advanced-Concept player)
- keeping cheaters in game 133
- losing 20
- Guilt 133
- H -
- Handling winners and losers 156
- High-frequency, low-intensity approach 154 (also see Maximum-win approach)
- Honest cheating (see White-hat Neocheating)
- Honest players
- target for Neocheaters 55, 131-132
- vulnerability of 21-23
- Honesty 10, 55,145,150-163
- Advanced-Concept player 150, 163
- ignorance 55
- making game honest when invaded by cheaters 145
- winning - "Poker, A Guaranteed Income for Life by Using the Advanced Concepts of Poker" 150
- I -
- Ideal game 160
- Immorality xi
- Inflation 127
- Interlace stacking 124-126
- bridge 126
- gin rummy 126
- quickly stacking culled hands 126
- Intermediate-stacking variation 94, 95
- defense 97, 138
- detection 94
- Introduction vi
- Invisible cheating (also see Cheating)
- definition of 4
- J -
- Justification for cheating 131-133
- K -
- Knowing opponents' hole cards 44-45, 46, 48, 86-87
- L -
- Las Vegas casinos (see Casino poker)
- Las Vegas variation stacking 90-94
- defense 97, 138
- detection 92
- shielding the deck 92, 93
- Locating cards in the deck 23-27, 36, 37
- Losing while cheating 5 (also see Cheating, losers)
- Low profile 156 (also see under Neocheater)
- Lying 3
- M -
- Marked cards ix, 60-61
- Maximum-win approach 149-163
- casino-like advantages 149
- long-range profits 149
- Mechanic's grip 55
- Memorizing card order 61
- Memorizing hole cards 15
- Modern cheating 9 (also see Neocheating)
- Most trusted person in the game 158
- Motive for cheating 5
- Motive for Neocheating 5
- N -
- Neocheater
- accepting other cheaters 158
- as a metaphor 167
- assets 153
- attitude of 155
- black-hat 160
- blend of two ultimate evolutions 159
- can never be caught 150
- casino-like advantages 149
- catching him viii (also see Detection)
- characteristics of vii, 149
- combining the Advanced Concepts with Neocheating 159
- complete 142, 149-152
- controlling a network of games 158
- controlling the money flow 157
- controlling winnings 154
- detect 159, 160, 161 (also see Detection)
- easy-going money extraction 158,162
- exploiting emotions of opponents 153-154, 155
- handling winners and losers 156
- high-frequency, low-intensity approach 154 (also see Maximum-win approach)
- keeping a low profile 156
- keeping losers happy 156, 158
- leaves no evidence 135
- little effort 150
- low profile 150
- maximum-win approach 149-163 (also see Maximum-win approach)
- meeting an Advanced-Concept player 161-163
- methods to conceal facts 156
- minimum skill and maximum smartness 149
- most trusted player in the game 158
- motive for Neocheating 5, 153
- Neocheater's targets honest players 21, 22, 55
- ignorant players 21, 22, 55
- winners 78
- personal conflicts 152
- philosophy and psychology of 131
- prevalence of 162
- preventing suspicion 54,149,157-158 (also see Neocheater, low profile)
- Robin Hood cheating 158
- sealing his coffin 169
- subtleness of ix, x, 45, 90, 142, 145, 149-152, 153, 154, 158
- easy-money policy 145
- ultimate application of Neocheating 160
- ultimate evolution of dishonest cheating 152
- ultimate Neocheater 159-161
- helping losers 160
- ideal game, the 160
- illusion of removing himself from cheating 160
- indirect attack 160
- never cheating for himself 160
- unbeatable ix, x, 149-163
- understanding the Neocheater 149-152
- using the Advanced Concepts 157-159
- vs. Advanced-Concept player 150-163
- vs. cardsharp vii, viii, ix
- vs. Neocheating 149
- vs. politician 167
- vs. traditional cheaters 151, 152
- welcoming good players 160
- white-hat 160
- who is he ix
- withholding winning power 150
- Neocheating
- accusing the cheater 98
- an effective ruse 60-61
- as a new dimension in card games 161
- bankrupting the cheater through white-hat Neocheating 133-134, 145
- beating Neocheating ix (also see Defense)
- becoming a professional 22
- black-hat 134, 149-163
- blackjack (see Blackjack)
- blind shuffling (see Blind shuffling)
- bridge (see Bridge)
- card cutting 21-39 (also see Cutting high card)
- casino-like advantages 149
- center cuts 28, 29
- collusion (see Collusion, the Neocheating way)
- combining with Advanced Concepts 159
- complete false riffle (see Pull-through)
- confronting Neocheating viii, ix (also see Detection and see Defense)
- convincing opponents their cards are marked 54
- counterattacks (see Defense)
- countering suspicion 54
- covers for cheating 54-70, 102-107, 118-124, 137-138
- crimping (see Crimping)
- cuffing (see Culling)
- defense (see Defense)
- definition of 4
- degrees of 118
- detection (see Detection)
- ease of vi, 153, 158
- eliminating Neocheating iii, viii, ix
- encountering Neocheating 133
- ending Neocheating 169
- evolution of v, vi 152
- false cutting (see False cutting)
- false riffling (see False riffling)
- foiling the cheater 98-102 (also see Defense)
- foiling the cut 71-72
- future of 163 (also see Future of card games)
- future possibilities 118, 124-126
- interlace 124-126
- gin rummy (see Gin rummy)
- god-like role 134
- immorality xi
- in card clubs (see Card clubs)
- in casinos (see Casino poker)
- in private games viii (also see Private poker)
- in your game ix
- keeping the stacked deck intact as other players cut 71
- keeping the stacked deck intact while riffle shuffling 62-65
- keeping the stacked deck intact while shuffling 54-62
- knowing hole cards 44-45, 46, 48, 86-87
- knowledge of iii-xi
- locating an ace in seconds 23-27
- locating cards in the deck 23-27, 36, 37
- maximum-win approach 149-163 (also see Maximum-win approach)
- mechanic's grip 55
- motive for 5, 153
- obsoleting classical and traditional cheating 124,126, 168
- peeking (see Peeking)
- positioning cards 27-28, 36, 37 (also see Crimping)
- potency of iii, iv, vii
- pull-through (see Pull-through)
- Robin Hood cheating 134, 145, 159
- safeness of vii 98
- seeds of 11-20
- shortcuts vi, 37, 40
- spotting 11 (also see Detection)
- spread of iii, iv, v, 127, 168
- stacking (see Stacking)
- stopping Neocheating iii, iv, v, viii, ix (also see Defense)
- superior knowledge 131- 133
- target for 55, 150
- ultimate concept of cheating 160
- unbeatable - collusion with house dealer, natural-play technique 13-15, 18, 19, 20, 116
- vs. Advanced-Concept player 161-163
- vs. Neocheater 149
- what is Neocheating vi, 113,116,160
- Neocheating beyond cards 149-168, 178
- Neo-Tech Discovery 164-166
- O -
- Obituary for traditional and classical cheaters 168
- Obliviousness to cheating 11
- Odds
- casino-like 149
- fixing in your favor 150
- Ongoing public-cheating systems 132
- Overhand shuffle definition of 24
- Overhand stacking 83-86
- defense 97, 138, 140
- detection 86
- P -
- Palming ix
- Paranoia of cheating v
- Peeking 108-113, 114, 115, 117
- bottom-card peek 113, 114
- detection and defense 117
- gin-rummy peek 113-115
- stud and blackjack peek 108-113
- variation #2 110, 111
- variation #3 110, 112, 113
- Perfect player 116
- Philosophy and psychology of cheaters 131-133
- Preventing suspicion 157 (also see Neocheater, low profile)
- Plastic cards 23
- Plastic-coated cards 23
- Poker
- allowing cheating 161
- card club poker (see Card clubs) casino poker (see Casino poker)
- cheating in private, club and casino 9 (also see under Private poker Club poker, and Casino poker)
- competition in 127, 161-163
- deception 10
- ethics 10
- evolution of 152
- future of iv, vi, 145, 150, 161, 163
- honesty 3, 10
- nature of 3, 10
- "Poker, A Guaranteed Income for Life by Using the Advanced Concepts of Poker" v
- poker players prone to cheating 10
- private poker (see Private poker)
- public poker (see Public poker)
- quality of, increasing 127
- stacking for (see Stacking)
- winning maximum money 150 (also see Maximum-win approach)
- Poor players 153
- attitude of 155
- Potential cheaters viii
- Preface iv
- Prestige 149
- Private poker
- cheating in 7
- cheating techniques 9
- Neocheating in viii
- spread of Neocheating 127
- Professional cheating (and Professional cheaters) 7,8,9,22,55,131-133
- becoming a professional 22
- gall needed 132
- justification for cheating 131-133
- professionals' dependency on public-cheating system 133
- self-esteem of 132
- why professionals cheat 131,132,133
- Protection from public-casino cheating 11-20 (also see Defense)
- Public poker
- cheating, awareness by management 13-15, 18
- cheating in 7, 11-20
- cheating techniques 9
- detection and defense ix (also see under Detection and under Defense)
- ongoing cheating system 132
- professionals' dependency on cheating system 133
- quality of 161-162
- spread of Neocheating 127
- tournament cheating 163
- why professionals cheat 132
- Pull-through, The 118-124
- detection and defense 122, 124, 138, 140
- entire deck kept intact 118
- winning at bridge 122
- partner unaware of cheating 122
- R -
- Rationalization for cheating 131-133
- Reacting against cheating 10
- Reading cards 61
- Rejecting cheaters 5 (also see Defense)
- Reward ($5000) - to seal the coffin on all cheaters 169
- Riffle culling 80-83
- defense 97
- detection 83
- getting rid of extra cards on the stack 82-83
- Riffle (see under Shuffle and see False Riffling)
- Riffle shuffle (see under Shuffle)
- definition of 24
- Riffle stacking 87-90
- defense 97, 138, 140
- detection 90
- knowing everyone's hole card 89
- seeing cards while riffle-stacking 89
- shortcut 87
- Robin Hood cheating 134, 145
- S -
- Safety of Neocheating (see under Neocheating)
- Seal the Neocheater's coffin 169
- Self-esteem pseudo esteem through cheating 131-133, 167, 178
- Shuffle
- blind shuffle 54-62, 64 (also see Blind shuffle)
- definition of 23
- false riffle shuffle 62-65, 122, 124 (also see False riffle)
- overhand shuffle, definition of 24
- riffle shuffle, definition of 24
- Skill (see under Classical cheating)
- Sortkwik 58
- Spread of Neocheating (see under Neocheating)
- Stacking
- cards required for 81
- combination stacking 94, 96 (also see Combination stacking)
- definition of 23
- discards 40-53 (also see Discard stacking)
- interlace 124-126 (also see Interlace stacking)
- intermediate-stacking variation 94,95 (also see Intermediate stacking)
- Las Vegas variation 90-94 (also see Las Vegas variation)
- overhand stacking 83-86 (also see Overhand stacking)
- riffle stacking 87-90 (also see Riffle stacking)
- stacking for blackjack 96
- stacking for bridge 96
- undercut stacking 74-80
- two hands simultaneously 76-80 (also see Undercut stacking)
- while shuffling 73-98
- knowing everyone's hole card 86-87
- Stopping Neocheating (see under Neocheating and under Defense)
- Suspicion
- reducing it 149
- T -
- Tacky Finger 58
- Targets for Neocheaters 21-22, 38, 78, 150
- Tournament cheating 163
- Traditional cheating (and Traditional cheaters)
- as a metaphor 167
- attitude of 155
- characteristics of vii
- diminishing returns 149
- fear 151
- gall 134, 151,152
- inability to win 152-153
- jeopardizing games 133
- losers 133, 151, 152, 157
- low-frequency, high intensity approach 154
- obituary for 168
- obsoleted by Neocheating 124,126
- overwhelming advantages 149
- paranoia 158
- skilled, definition of 4 (also see Cardsharping)
- unskilled, definition of 4 (also see Gaffing)
- vs. armed robber 167
- vs. Neocheaters 151, 152
- Trust 158
- Turning cheater's efforts to your advantage 13, 99-102, 136, 138,144
- U -
- Ultimate Neocheater (see under Neocheater)
- Unbeatable Neocheater 149-163
- Undercut stacking 74-80
- defense 97, 138,139
- detection 80
- two hands at once 76-80
- Understanding the Neocheater 149-152
- Using the Advanced Concepts 157-159
- W -
- White-hat Neocheating 133-134, 145
- god-like role 134
- Winners
- camouflaging Neocheater's attack 156
- getting rid of winners 142-144
- targets for Neocheaters 78
- Winning maximum money (see Maximum-win approach)
- Winning play
- Advanced Concepts 159
- Neocheating 159
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