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Pax Neo-Tech

Aria #2

The Neo-Tech 2003 World Summit

Tropicana Hotel and Resort, Las Vegas, Nevada

November 21-23, 2003


November 23, 2003

[edited for book publication]

Chariots of Fire are Coming!

[Vangelis's Chariots of Fire playing forte -- fades to silence during the opening two sentences]

The Neo-Tech Chariots of Fire are coming. What does that mean? What will that mean for your future? Most of you here today know Neo-Tech's original connection to creating unbeatable casino-like odds. ... I am now going to disclose a dark secret about being unbeatable that few if any Neo-Tech readers realize. A secret that would have made Aristotle snap his fingers in recognition.

First, to review: Travel back 45 years when a young, Senior Research Chemist at E. I. du Pont de Nemours, Dr. Frank R. Wallace, discovered a near-perfect microcosm of today's lethal anticivilization. He strove to understand that microcosm. Once understood, he learned to control it, profit from it, and then escape its trap by obsoleting it.

That microcosm was high-stake poker. Wallace uncovered its dark secret. He then wrote the world's best-selling poker book ( With crystal clarity, his book identified the dead-end trap underlying poker -- an irrationality trap that diminishes everyone's future. Yet, how many poker players heeded that hard fact? Did Wallace's book eliminate or even diminish poker?

No, not at all. Instead, his book, first published in 1968, started America's poker boom. For, that book revealed how to hustle ever-more games and how to evolve oneself into becoming an "unbeatable casino" that profitably exploits a world of poker losers. While only a few players strove with the extreme discipline and effort required to create those unbeatable casino-like odds for themselves, only a tiny few of those players heeded Wallace's most-important message: The unbeatable player must abandon poker to harness his earned abilities to achieve a much-more profitable, romantic, and enjoyable life.

Thus, most of those unbeatable players just kept promoting and hustling ever more networks of games to expand their "easy" winnings extracted from a world of sad-sack losers. Some unbeatable players became low-profile, full-time professional players -- a few became multi-millionaires. Others became high-profile public players -- a few became famous by winning the annual World Series of Poker in Las Vegas, Nevada. [Editor's note: Today, many are champion winners on reality TV.]

Those elite few players put forth the required Discipline, Thought, and then Control -- the DTC technique -- to become unbeatable over any long term by creating and maintaining favorable odds, just as casinos do. Such players are not gamblers because they cannot lose over any long term. By contrast, gamblers are gamblers because they cannot win over any long term.

Those elite few unbeatable players continually profit from losers -- gamblers -- who irrationally surrender their money while wasting irreplaceable chunks of their lives. ...And, for those unbeatable few? Most, of course, never heed Wallace's most startling and paradoxical discovery: The unbeatable player -- the biggest winner -- is ultimately the biggest loser.

After publishing his deadly-effective poker book, Wallace heeded his own discovery and abandoned the world of poker. He then applied his discoveries far beyond the boundaries of poker to gain much-greater rewards. That is why Neo-Tech exists today rather than just another wealthy poker professional who created no new values for himself, his loved ones, or humanity.

Meaning of that Paradoxical Discovery

Wallace generalized and then applied his poker discoveries to today's irrational anticivilization. Eventually, as happened in poker, despite delivering ever-increasing profits, Neo-Tech itself began revealing its ultimate dead-end result if one remains in an anticivilization (e.g.: remaining in the world of poker). For, remaining in such irrational environments eventually drags one down and destroys every conscious value, including life itself.


Jumping conscious life over anticivilization boundaries requires obsoleting the old by creating the new. Classical Neo-Tech dynamics let one flourish within today's closed-boundary anticivilization. Individuals must now jump beyond those boundaries into limitless realms. For, human consciousness by nature is designed to function without boundaries -- freely, limitlessly, agelessly. Thus, once boundless and free, human consciousness fulfills its natural state of forever flourishing through non-aging health and limitless creativity as dramatized in Mark Hamilton's forthcoming trilogy, The First Immortals -- first as children, then as adults, and finally as nature-controlling Zons.

Fixed Boundaries bring Increasing Losses

A handful of brilliant Objectivists and Libertarians developed and propagated important ideas and outstanding values during the mid-20th century. Realize that perhaps a third of the original Neo-Tech concepts were inspired by -- but were not derivative of -- Ayn Rand's Objectivism. Especially powerful were Rand's profound identifications of altruistic-and-egalitarian utopianisms as being malevolent frauds manipulated throughout history by the parasitical-elite and criminal-ruling classes.

In addition, as described in earlier literature, Neo-Tech ideas expressed in Frank R. Wallace's 1970 Barron's Magazine advertisement for The Capitalist Party of the United States were precursors to the Libertarian Party. Yet, to gain the riches streaming from Pax Neo-Tech, one must jump beyond previous boundaries to obsolete every closed system -- including Objectivism, Libertarianism, and even classical Neo-Tech.

Intransigent adherents to obsolete systems become losers in life, subject to exploitation, often by a dogmatic authority or revered guru. For example, one observes how some of the brightest, most-articulate, most-voluminous posters on both Objectivist and Libertarian newsgroups become trapped within closed boundaries as they shrink into seemingly-safe circles of "certainty" -- "certainty" proclaimed certain by someone else -- "certainty" proclaimed certain by some external authority such as Ayn Rand.

Similar to dead-end poker professionals who live for meaningless money wins, dead-end Objectivist-and-Libertarian posters live for meaningless ego wins. Functioning from intellectual straightjackets, they never seem to actualize their creative potentials that lie beyond the barbed-wire fences of authority-proclaimed orthodoxy. Thus, they squelch their independence and creativity while dissipating their time, talents, and lives.

For bright Objectivists and Libertarians to waste their precious lives spinning within someone else's closed circles is a sin. Yes, too many Libertarians and Objectivists politicize and philosophize their lives away to reap barren ends. ...Consider what a fellow Usenet poster recently said of them -- "You are people who haven't done much, slamming people who have done a lot."

Moreover, as with religious fundamentalists, the blind defensiveness of trapped ideologues too often turns into ad-hominem attacks, nasty incivility, even physical threats. Thus, in foolish spectacles, many intelligent-and-talented people fade toward null points. To them, say this: Wake up! Cut loose from your spout-much, accomplish-little lives. You need not shrivel into unpleasant personalities. You need not waste your lives as losers. As perhaps your past idols sadly did, you need not deprive yourself of living richly-prosperous lives, enjoying enduringly-romantic love, and building eternally-valuable families.


Nullifying Dishonesties and Irrationalities

The 1990s Clintonian era metastasized dishonesties into every aspect of life and society. A decade later, both hidden-and-overt dishonesties have become so widespread and accepted among the media, academe, politics, religion, and the courts that most people no longer distinguish honesty from dishonesty. Moreover, the derivatives of honesty -- honor, trust, kindness, and civility -- are now fading from public awareness.

Entrenched dishonesty is the nut to crack for conscious life to (1) survive on Earth and then (2) flourish forever into the future. Will we crack that nut? Today's surface indicators suggest not. For, through "big-lie" dynamics, ever-more destructive dishonesties and their resulting irrationalities are morphing into blindly-embraced Hollywood "realities". Indeed, many celebrities, journalists, academics, lawyers, and politicians today rationalize their conjured "realities" as "truth". Thus, politically-correct Orwellian hoaxes befall human life as the public today increasingly feels blatant dishonesties and blind irrationalities as newspeak truth. ... When such arbitrary feelings replace honesty and rationality, the conscious mind has no defense mechanism. Conscious life then crashes, burns, and disappears -- perhaps into mushroom clouds or plague-contorted corpses.

Yet, each dishonesty and irrationality is vulnerable to the nullification dynamics of Neo-Tech. As illustrated throughout Pax Neo-Tech, such nullifications profitably flip the impoverishments of our dishonest political/religious anticivilization into the enrichments of an honest business/science civilization.

The Neo-Tech Mandate

[memento mori]

Few Earthlings, including Neo-Tech readers, grasp the need to obsolete the best of today's politics and philosophies. Yet, such obsolescence is Neo-Tech's mandate, which becomes starkly-clear upon realizing that Earthlings must abandon mortally-flawed anticivilization artifacts or end dead.

Still, essentially no one integrates that mandate into his or her intellect or emotions. Why? Because it means demolishing one's own closed-circle, mortal agendas designed to "get by" in this lethal anticivilization, perhaps even gaining some fleeting wealth and fame before death. Thus, during one's brief life, each person is compelled to "grab" before dying whatever furthers his or her anticivilization agenda by any open-or-hidden means -- such as by value-creating/public-protecting means as with Ayn Rand and George W. Bush -- or by value-destroying/criminal-apocalyptic means as with Adolf Hitler and Osama bin Laden.

Beneath arrays of good-and-bad actions, all agendas operate through mortal dynamics in which everyone ends dead. Moreover, essentially everyone today shuns the awesome responsibility inherent in achieving eternal life on Earth. Starting in 2006, however, that transcending responsibility will radiate from volume two of Mark Hamilton's trilogy, The First Immortals as Adults.

Now comes Neo-Tech's mandate to obsolete Earth's anticivilization by replacing old certainties and close-ended thinking with new insights and open-ended thinking: Consider the totally-new thinking and insights that unfolded when Einstein obsoleted Aristotle's 2500-year-old "absolute certainty" of fixed time and space with the new fact of relative time and space. Finally, consider the fallacy of "absolute-certainty" -- the fallacy lodged in Aristotle's syllogism:

All men are mortal;
Socrates is a man; therefore,
Socrates is mortal"

Yes, as with all other animals on Earth, mortality is the nature of human life without consciousness. But, immortality is the nature of conscious life throughout the Universe. Thus, replace Aristotle's syllogism with the new fact of the yet unrealized immortal nature of human consciousness on planet Earth.

Most humans are conscious
Consciousness by nature is immortal; therefore,
Most humans by nature are immortal.

Aristotle's ancient syllogism is replaced only now because, prior to Neo-Tech, essentially no anticivilization citizen understood, strove for, or lived by one's universal conscious nature.

Now, consider the 2500-year-old oedipal dynamic of youth advancing by killing their elders. In an anticivilization, such a dynamic seems necessary. However, that ancient, deeply-embedded/kill-the-elders dynamic will dissipate as limitless prosperity and reverse aging nullify the dishonesties of politics and irrationalities of religion.

In that new eternal-life dynamic, elders gain ever-more vitality and experiential power in creating ever-lengthening chains of competitive values and new knowledge. Youngers tap into and then branch those chains by creating ever-new values in building their own chains of unique knowledge for their youngers to tap into and branch from. Such matrix-building dynamics between elders and youngers then advance conscious life at ever-quickening paces. ...The world's largest and most successful chemical company, E. I. DuPont de Nemours, Inc. provides an excellent pre-immortal example of a powerfully-advancing, multigenerational family dynamic:

The DuPont Family Dynamic


The DuPont family from the early 1800s to the mid 1950s founded, built, and controlled the largest, most-benevolent, highest-return-on-investment company in history. Yet, during the 1950s, the United States Government Anti-Trust Division unjustly and destructively broke that company into pieces, including the forced sale of DuPont's subsidiary -- giant General Motors. ... If the government had let DuPont expand naturally, competitively, and without limits that scientific-research wonder would have advanced Earth's lethal anticivilization toward the Civilization of the Universe -- but probably not into that universal civilization without the "immortality" understandings rising from Neo-Tech.

Today, however, Pax Neo-Tech quantum jumps beyond that DuPont model by aiming for individual biological immortality here on Earth. ... Thus, no more King-Lear scenarios. No more Oedipus-Rex fates. No more overthrowing and killing the father.

Recall that in Greek mythology, before their pagan gods became immortal, the gods would kill their fathers to seize power. Thus, Zeus killed his father, the titan Kronus. Likewise, Kronus had killed his father, the first supreme-ruler of the universe, Uranus. And, Zeus feared being killed by his son, Heracles. That cycle of patricide ended when the gods became immortal. ... Likewise, today's cycles of direct-and-indirect homicides of conscious life on Earth will end when conscious life meets its ultimate responsibility of curing aging and death.

Mortality into Immortality

What would make biological immortality feasible and achievable on planet Earth? The operative word is "commercial". For, commercial Biological Immortality is the sorting mechanism that reveals who understands, desires, and accepts the tremendous responsibility of terminating the anticivilization by curing the diseases of dishonesty, crime, aging, and death. ... Free-market dynamics will discover those who supremely want and strive for the ever-greater responsibility of immortal life. Others by their own choosing will continue along their self-terminating mortal trajectory until no more mortal humans remain.

Terminating the Anticivilization

In certain ways, Pax Neo-Tech operates as a spy working to terminate the anticivilization. Consider that a spy embedded in the Nazi regime would heil Hitler while working to terminate him. However, to terminate an anticivilization, a Neo-Tech "spy" must operate on much deeper-and-subtler Illuminati levels than anyone could suspect. ... Showing only iceberg tips, Pax Neo-Tech operates mainly beneath its visible waves.

Consider the multi-layered Illuminati "spy" dynamic in the following Neo-Tech letter of November 2003 to President Bush:

2003 Letter to President Bush

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" President Reagan demanded in 1987 after he had proclaimed to the world in 1982 that the Soviet Union was an evil empire. Reagan defied the outraged howls of socialist/fascist politicians chorused with their parasitical-elite cohorts, bias-manipulating media, and Marxist-haranguing academics. He made those demands against an enemy threatening the lives and properties of every American. With those actions plus Reagan's economy-booming tax cuts and military buildup, especially his antiballistic-missile program, the uncompetitive Soviet Empire financially-and-politically collapsed. ... President Reagan decisively won the nuclear-threatening, 35-year cold war without a shot fired.

Now, President Bush, comes your turn to be equally clear and decisive to win Earth's final war -- the war of two worlds -- the war against international terrorists and genocidal Jihadists threatening annihilation of America and the Western World. You must now expose and condemn the root cause of those who impoverish and mass murder the innocent. That root cause is religion -- not just Islam, but also Christianity, Judaism, Socialism, Fascism, and Populism. Those theistic-and-secular religions function via fictional scriptures, whimsical laws, populist parasitisms, demagogic nationalisms, and utopian ideologies. Indeed, their irrationalities, dishonesties, and criminalities have caused three catastrophic millennia of crimes, miseries, and genocides.

President Bush, you must now publicly identify the seminal axis of evil beyond Iraq, Iran, and North Korea. That axis of evil is religion, scriptures, and fascist socialism -- irrationality, dishonesty, and criminal parasitism. ...First, win the 2004 elections. Then having to win no more elections, cut loose from the past: Stop your "God Blessings". Stop pandering to socialist/fascist populism. Stop being a man of faith. ...Become a man of rationality and honesty.

Start by publicly denouncing every religious-and-political irrationality, dishonesty, and criminality. Each is a manipulation that brings harm and ultimately death to everyone on Earth. You must expose and then denounce those manipulations for America and the world to survive and prosper into the future.

Reach into the depths of your rational mind and honest character. Bring forth the most loving-and-compassionate gift that you or anyone could deliver to America and humankind. Denounce every facet of theocracy, tyranny, and criminality. Denounce every mythical God and political demagogue. For, they are the forces that covertly and overtly destroy human prosperity, diminish human intelligence, degrade human dignity, and kill human life.

The stark lesson of September 11, 2001 is fading. Support for the world war on terrorism is not only slipping away but is changing to resistance, obstruction, and sedition from many quarters -- not just from political opponents and freedom haters but from many of your previous supporters. Yet, you must not let mounting oppositions and hate-driven seditions undermine our government's prime responsibility to protect the lives and properties of its citizens. You must strengthen, not weaken. ...You are the Commander-in-Chief of America's military forces. You alone in this world have not only the legal-and-moral authority but also the military means to defeat a world of genocidal terrorists.


Only governments legally and overwhelmingly control the use of force. Irrational supernaturalism and religion along with criminal socialism and fascism must thus be stripped from every facet of every government, starting with the world's most powerful-and-influential nation -- the United States of America -- led by you, Mr. President. Under your leadership, America must eradicate the genocidal capacities of religious terrorists and political tyrants. ...You must denounce and nullify the lethality of religion and politics.

Factual rationality and honesty -- not baseless belief and faith -- will show why and how to nullify that twin hoax of religion and politics. You and America shall then be victorious. Stunning will be the effect rising from the most moral act by any leader in history. After the initial shock of such clean-sweep honesty shall come waves of world relief on realizing that the President of the United States has explicitly identified and discredited that unspeakably-cruel, 2500-year-old twin hoax of religion and politics. Such rational and honest words shall fall upon the ears of humanity as history's greatest blessing.

Courage, Mr. President. Break free from history's past delusions. You can and must end the genocidal destructions flowing from religion and politics. ... Become history's greatest benefactor.

Face it! President Bush is the only person on Earth today, in November 2003, with the legal power and military means to prevent biological, chemical, radiological, and nuclear obliterations of America. Realize this: The only valid justification and function of any government is to protect the rights to life, property, and contract of each individual citizen by objective law and protective force -- nothing more, nothing less.

Chariots of Fire

Beyond the walls of our anticivilization lies Pax Neo-Tech ready to rumble round the world, powered by four flaming Chariots arriving in 2005 and 2006: (1) Mark Hamilton's profoundly-moving trilogy, The First Immortals as Children, then as Adults, and finally as Zons, (2) the mystic-breaking book by Eric Savage and Tracy Alexander titled No More Lies -- Breakthrough to Enlightenment, (3) Mark Hamilton's prosperity miracles found in his books The Neo-Tech System along with his master work The Neo-Tech World, and (4) Rosa Maria Wallace's excitingly-moving revelations in her book Romantic Love Eternal.

Five clean-sweep actions designed to obsolete today's anticivilization flow from Pax Neo-Tech riding those flaming chariots:

Action #1: Switch from terminal Anticivilization nonthinking to eternal Civilization-of-the-Universe neothinking. ...Switch from insanity to sanity.

Action #2: Recast Neo-Tech literature into anonymous digital bullets that on impact splinter the anticivilization. With most of the world populations unaware of Neo-Tech, the firing of those wealth-generating bullets will degrade the anticivilization bit by profitable bit. ...As the anticivilization splinters and fades, the need for those bullets will also fade as the honest-and-rational Civilization of the Universe unfolds here on Earth.

Action #3: Demonstrate the quantum nature of human consciousness [editor's note: See Aria #3, Liberating our Quantum Consciousness]. The prize is to empirically identify quantum units of thought called thinkons. Perhaps we will detect the first evidences of thinkons in our "quantum-computer" right brain as Eric Savage suggested in his talk this morning. While wholly speculative at this time, such fundamental units of thought could be controlled, directed, and programmed to generate ever-more productive and creative activities of ever-wider scopes and values.

Action #4: Seek among Neo-Tech's forthcoming Overlay Charts evidences, perhaps even proofs, for conscious control of the universe in the past, now, and/or in the future. ...Note that, even today, Earthlings are reaching beyond our planet to increasingly control nearby segments of the cosmos -- our solar system.

Action #5: Obsolete today's classical Neo-Tech.

Obsoleting Classical Neo-Tech

First, realize that Neo-Tech's drive to obsolete its own classical anticivilization advantages does not apply at this time to any of us here or to anyone else. For each of us today, utilizing the full array of Neo-Tech Advantages in this dangerous anticivilization is essential for achieving open-ended prosperity, even physical survival. Yet, also realize that the ultimate aim of Pax Neo-Tech is to obsolete all anticivilization dynamics.

The logic of non-aging immortality is premised on conscious life obsoleting today's anticivilization. On that premise, imagine emerging into a free-enterprise civilization that is always safe, secure, and booming -- always free of sickness, crime, and war -- always happy, exciting, and romantic. Then, imagine freed conscious life exponentially advancing business, science, technology, health, and art over the next thousand years...even over the next hundred years or in just the next few years. From that perspective, achieving commercial non-aging mind/body immortality becomes not only logical and obvious, but becomes fully natural and essentially certain.

Yet, today, only a minuscule few Earthlings intellectually grasp, psychologically accept, and emotionally embrace the goal of achieving immortal prosperity and happiness here on planet Earth. Fewer still realize the inextricable link between free-enterprise prosperity and achieving mind/body immortality.

What about the Immortalists? Starting with history's first recorded immortalist -- Gilgamesh -- five millennia ago up to today's Cryonicists and Life Extensionists, they all miss the essential laissez-faire/business-science/freedom link to achieving biological immortality here on Earth. Thus, they remain, trapped in ever-encircling anticivilization boundaries -- never breaking free to understand, much-less clarify, their fuzzy, non-viable goals.

Everyone today lives among dead populations walking. Each is walking into a terminally-declining existence. However, Pax Neo-Tech driven by Chariots-of-Fire literature can reverse that lethal walk, turning it into a sprint toward non-aging health with eternal prosperity here on Earth. ... Consider the following three points:

1. Three millennia ago, pre-conscious bicameral man had no way to understand consciousness. Thus, he could not evolve into consciousness. As Professor Julian Jaynes of Princeton University identified in the 1970s, the use of consciousness became widespread only after its discovery as a powerfully-advantageous survival tool during the catastrophic collapse of bicameral civilizations three-thousand years ago.

2. As Eric Savage pointed out in his talk this morning, a European from the Middle Ages injected into today's society could perhaps adjust to the technological advances. Still, that person would probably be unable to understand and adjust to today's profoundly different way of thinking. Instead, that person would be hopelessly lost, wanting only to flee back to his or her familiar thinking mode of the Middle Ages. That person would especially be fleeing from today's individualist age of competitive value producers and creators -- fleeing back into the collectivist age of the fixed social classes in the Great Chain of Being. ...Those fixed classes "mandated by God" began breaking apart amid the turmoil of 17th-century England and Europe, especially during England's reign of William and Mary. ...That Great Chain of Being was finally shattered in individualistic, frontier America.

3. What happens when age-old nonthinking of an anticivilization encounters profoundly-different neothinking of a universal civilization? The nonthinker flees. He or she flees the awesome responsibility of achieving eternal prosperity. By fleeing the awesome responsibility of achieving eternal prosperity, that person declines and then dies in the millennia-old mode of lethal politics, religions, and utopianisms with their cynically-promised life-after-death frauds.

Thus, today, two routes seem possible for the populace to evolve into the Civilization of the Universe: One route is via the widespread distribution and use of the coming Neo-Tech Chariots of Fire literature and the coming Neo-Tech bullets. Backed by that new literature, those inescapable bullets will methodically splinter and then profitably nullify the dishonesties and irrationalities of an anticivilization as explained in Pax Neo-Tech. The other route is the powerfully-advantageous survival tool that such thinking -- neothinking -- would provide during a catastrophic economic/terrorist collapse of today's anticivilization. ... Will Earthlings escape their anticivilization matrix of life-terminating deceptions? If so, by which route?


Finally, let me explain why this De la Rosa World Summit is the last Neo-Tech summit -- and why that may be the best news. But, first, I want to hail whom I believe to be the most genuinely-happy spirit in today's anticivilization -- a beautiful person who brings to us her happiness made from the love of life as we travel toward the Civilization of the Universe. Let us emblazon our own spirits by remembering this lovely beam of light -- this enduring beacon of joy, this amazingly-wonderful person -- our free-spirit Summit impresario, Rosa María Wallace. ... What a woman!

[presentation of roses to Rosa María Wallace by two children]

So, why is this the last summit? Time is the answer. Each principal at Neo-Tech Publishing Company must, before it is too late, muster all possible time and energy to obsolete and then sweep away this anticivilization. How? With Pax Neo-Tech powered by the coming Chariots-of-Fire literature combined with shattering Neo-Tech Bullets and unifying Overlay Charts.

Now for that best news: When you read Volume Two of Mark Hamilton's trilogy, The First Immortals as Adults, you will discover the exhilarating gatherings of those who are evolving into the Civilization of the Universe. They gather for the sheer enjoyment of honest value creators synergistically benefiting one another. Such gatherings yield increasing pleasures, romance, and values as most of you have begun tasting during the precursor to those "vacations" -- Rosa Maria's World Summits.

So, farewell until we meet again for those magnificent "vacations" on the beaches, in the mountains, and across the great cities of our world. May we gain the time needed to succeed. May we meet again before long. Then, across the endless span of time, we shall celebrate our lives together in a new society woven throughout the joyfully-free Civilization of the Universe.

To paraphrase the opening line of Giusseppe Verdi's Nabucco, "Fly, Thought, on Golden Wings": Fly, Neo-Tech, over the fences of today's mortal Anticivilization into tomorrow's immortal Civilization of the Universe.

[The summit concluded with Verdi's prelude to Nabucco symbolizing the unification in brotherhood of tomorrow's Universal Civilization]

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