A New Illuminati Code
Author's Summary
The New Illuminati Code rises from Neo-Tech Gnosticism: First, realize that gnosticism has no connection to agnosticism. They are different words with entirely different meanings. ...Gnosticism identifies the war of good and evil -- the War of Two Worlds -- Earth's final war.
Neo-Tech Gnosticism methodically undermines Earth's lethal anticivilization built upon dishonest politics, irrational religion, and destructive utopianism while creating a universal civilization built upon honest business, rational science, and creative art. Within that same process, Neo-Tech separates today's blurred boundaries to distinguish the unreal from the real, the metaphysical from the physical, the mystical from the empirical.
On September 11, 2001, Neo-Tech Gnosticism rose to settle the War of Two Worlds by dissembling Earth's 2500-year-old Anticivilization that continually diminishes and then terminates every conscious life.
Pax Neo-Tech comprises Earth's newly-rising Universal Civilization -- a business/science/art civilization that delivers open-ended growth and prosperity to each who escapes the Anticivilization by choosing to prosper rather than perish:
Prosper or Perish Choice
To win the War of Two Worlds, first consider the "perish" choice and then the "prosper" choice:
Why not wipe out America? Why not kill every man, woman, and child. From a historical perspective, no reason not to. Consider the following facts:
At the height of the cultured-and-civilized Golden Age of Greece 2500 years ago -- during its famous "pure" democracy under Solon's law -- thousands of Athenian citizens directly voted for sending an army to smash an independent City-State rebelling for its freedom from oppressive Athenian/Delian-League taxes and controls. Athenian-worshiping citizens thereby provided an enthusiastic mandate for their army to level that city, kill every man, and enslave or murder every woman and child. Thus, genocide, lawlessness, and enslavements could proceed without qualms.
At the height of the cultured-and-civilized Roman Empire over two millennia ago during the Second Punic War, the Carthaginian general Hannibal victoriously marched across Italy on his way to conquer Rome. However, the shrewd tactics of temporary Roman-tyrant Fabius Maximus delayed Hannibal and eventually caused him to withdraw from Italy before reaching Rome. Fortunate, indeed, because Hannibal and his army had the explicit intention of burning Rome to the ground and killing every man while enslaving or killing every woman and child.
After that near genocidal annihilation of Rome, the great Roman orator Cato ended every speech with "Delenda Cartago est!" -- "Carthage must be destroyed!" Thus, a half-century later, in the Third Punic War, Roman legions marched into Carthage, burned it to the ground, and killed every man while enslaving or murdering every woman and child. The Romans then supposedly salted the land upon which the metropolis of Carthage once flourished. ... Carthage and its peoples were gone forever.
In the ninth century, at the enlightened height of the cultured-and-civilized Muslim world, the Catholic Patron Saint of Spain, St. James the Moor Slayer, sat on his horse surrounded by a sea of beheaded Muslims. He strove to massacre all Muslims without mercy or question. ... If only he had nuclear weapons, he'd have "killed 'em all" in the name of God.
Only a few decades past the enlightened height of Goethe's-and-Schiller's cultured and civilized 19th-century Germany, the democratically-elected Adolf Hitler launched his "Final Solution": First plunder and then kill every Jewish man, woman, and child in Europe in the name of the Fatherland and racial purity. Wildly cheered by his faith-swayed/hate-inculcated congregation, Hitler nearly completed his holy mission by murdering six-million Jewish men, women, and children before committing suicide in his bunker on April 29, 1945.
Now, expand the "perish" choice: Why not wipe out conscious life on Earth? Many religious fundamentalists want to do just that. Why not kill every man, woman, and child ... and then lay barren this planet? From a religious perspective, no reason not to:
The "Final Solution" of both Christian-and-Muslim scriptures demands an apocalyptic, sadistically-brutal death for every conscious life on Earth. Why that gruesome slaughter of all Earthlings? For using their own minds to think independently as did the life-prospering Prometheus, the light-bearing Lucifer, the knowledge-seeking Eve, and every other free-thinking individual -- metaphorical or real. ... Remember, also, according to the Holy Bible, God spared only the mindlessly-believing/blindly-obeying Noah and his wife from his unspeakably-cruel drowning of every man, woman, and child on Earth as well as every innocent animal, except for two of each species.
"Kill-'em-all" preachings and desires have existed among religious believers since Biblical Judaism ... and explicitly since St. John the Divine scribed the Christian Bible's Book of Revelation in which God will sadistically murder every Earthling in a final-solution apocalypse. Why? For failing Him, the Father.
On the day Hitler committed suicide, he expressed the desire to kill every German along with everyone on Earth. Why? For failing Him, the Führer. Indeed, if Hitler had the means at that moment -- doomsday cobalt-60 hydrogen bombs, for example -- he surely would have acted God-like and killed everyone on Earth.
Life-hating losers have waited millennia for low-cost, kill-'em-all means of envious retribution. Now, in the 21st century, those means are arriving. Countless such losers living today share those same psychotic Columbine/Hitlerian/God desires to kill everyone -- to kill every schoolchild, every American, everyone on Earth for causing their problems. ... In a world filled with genocidal political/religious/utopian sociopaths, it is only a matter of a not-too-distant future before they have the means -- nuclear, biological, and/or chemical means -- to kill everyone.
Perhaps within this decade, genocidal terrorists will gain access to plentiful weapons capable of annihilating entire populations. Jihadist terrorists will then focus on fulfilling the two ultimate Qur'anic commands from God: Convert everyone on Earth to Islam by killing those who resist. Then, according to both Muslim-and-Christian Scriptures, all remaining Earthlings must apocalyptically suffer hideous deaths.
Muslims, yes, but Christians leaving our planet barren of conscious life? Think for a moment what would have happened if President Jimmy Carter's Christian-evangelical friend, Jim Jones, had access to a weapon capable of liquidating every conscious life on Earth. Would Reverend Jones have pulled the trigger? ...In a New-York minute, he would have left our planet barren of conscious life.
First step: Realize this final war is not just against duped, envy-crazed/kill-'em-all Jihadists. It is a war of creative value producers versus parasitical value destroyers. It is war of honesty, rationality, and reality versus dishonesty, irrationality, and mysticism. It is a war of business, science, and art versus politics, religion, and utopianism as described throughout Pax Neo-Tech.
Second step: Replace kill-'em-all goals promoted not only explicitly by the scriptures of Christianity and Islam, but also implicitly by lethal doctrines of socialism and fascism. Replace with what? Replace those death-for-all propositions with an explicit life-for-all proposition that posits commercial, reverse-aging/non-aging biological immortality as the naturally-achievable, highest goal and responsibility for conscious life throughout the Cosmos, including on planet Earth:
Commercial Biological Immortality
Conscious Life on Earth
A Godless Idea whose Time has Come
Appalled by the godless idea of biological immortality here on Earth? Appalled by the tawdry thought of biological immortality achieved via competitive, for-profit businesses? Appalled by the thought of commercial reverse-aging/non-aging stem-cell/cloning services that let clients live youthfully, agelessly? Of course you are. Nearly everyone, consciously or subconsciously, is repelled by the most-selfish idea imaginable -- the idea of never aging, never dying -- the idea of living happily forever in a conscious-created heaven here on Earth.
Also, what about the technical problems? What about the continual increase in universal entropy and the continual shortening of DNA telomeres? What about the moral problems? What about making room for the young? Consider the scourge of overpopulation, the pollution of our planet, the exhaustion of its resources. Consider the unending boredom of eternity and the unbearable responsibility of eternal life. ... Of course, the idea of non-aging conscious life on Earth is a crackpot idea, if not immoral. It always has been and always will be. Why? Because religion says so, politics says so, philosophy says so.
But, wait! Not so fast. Business, science, and art do not say so. Today, quietly rising Pax Neo-Tech is reversing each of those problems and objections. How? By demonstrating that those technical problems and moral objections are not inherent in nature. They arise not from any valid wide-scope perspective of reality, but from biased narrow-scope perspectives that have gripped planet Earth for 2500 years. Realize that during these past twenty-five centuries, Earthlings have existed not in an open, life-giving civilization. Instead, they have existed in a closed, death-dealing anticivilization of politics and religions. Now, today, Pax Neo-Tech replaces those morbid-and-impoverished Anticivilization perspectives with healthy-and-prosperous Civilization-of-the-Universe perspectives. ...Mark Hamilton's trilogy, The First Immortals, vividly details those new-color perspectives.
Pax Neo-Tech is the dawn of everlasting prosperity. From that dawn flickers the primordial light of eternal life -- a brightening light that fades dark biases, dogma, and faiths. Conscious life reaching ever-brighter vistas generates the science, medicine, education, and business leading to commercial reverse-aging/non-aging health. ... Each such conscious life then becomes an exciting, ever-advancing/problem-solving value to every other conscious life, to society itself, and to the entire Civilization of the Universe.
A Paradigm Shift into an Immortal Psychology
The first major objective of Pax Neo-Tech is to effect a psychological shift for conscious Earthlings from an ancient mortal psychology into a modern immortal psychology.
Torment, however, comes upon realizing the blitheful, near-unanimous acceptance of today's UNNECESSARY condemnation of every conscious life on Earth to decline and death. Except possibly for a tiny few, no one fully grasps that the adjective "unnecessary", the adverb "unnecessarily", and the noun "unnecessity" are real-life facts about our seemingly doomed future -- our UNNECESSARILY doomed future.
An entirely-new psychology based on the evolution of immortal conscious life on Earth must now arise. Creating and deploying such a psychology requires the unfolding of Pax Neo-Tech among the populace. That unfolding begins with political-and-religious deconstructions that may initially bring dismay, even fear, among Earth's populations. For, most people today fatally seek ever-more controls by religious, evangelical, or cultist leaders...as well as by socialist, fascist, or populist politicians.
Yet, to whom do Earthlings really owe respect and gratitude for their survival and prosperity? They owe nothing to religious, political, or celebrity elites. Instead, they owe everything to Earth's unsung competitive value creators and producers who generate all the net values for conscious life. ... On that matter, Neo-Tech shares Einstein's perspective:
"A hundred times every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life depend upon the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the measure as I have received and am still receiving." - Albert Einstein
To survive, camouflaged parasitical elites must by any-and-all means hide from the populace the hard-fact answers to two questions: (1) Who are society's net value creators? (2) Who are society's net value destroyers?
I keep asking myself, "Who understands the implications of those two questions?" Still, I know that near total non-understandings must shroud the first leg of this journey -- a psychological journey out of a dishonest/irrational world of politics, religion, and utopian philosophies ... into an honest/rational world of business, science, and creative art. For, that psychology-changing journey travels an untrod path that no previous Earthling has broached or perhaps even perceived. ...Thereby, no choir exists for whom to preach Neo-Tech. Thus, ironically, rises Pax Neo-Tech's strength and power for completing the "Six Telescopic Acts" listed below.
Act Two
Prosperity, Health, Romance
coming soon
(look back to 2001-1999)
Act Three
Forever Young
coming soon
(look back to 1999-1997)
Act Four
Neo-Tech Bullets
coming later
(look back in history to control the short-range future)
Act Five
Cosmic Overlay Charts
coming eventually
(look back to the beginning of time to control the long-range future)
Act Six
The Grand Beginning
ultimate victory
(endless prosperity, non-aging health, romantic happiness for all)
Upon completing each Act, my responsibility shifts to making that Act fulfill its purpose of deconstructing rip-by-rip specific targets supporting today's ersatz civilization. Those targets are politics/religion/utopianism. Simultaneously, I must bit-by-bit construct the ingredients of tomorrow's universal civilization. Those ingredients are business/science/art. ... A difficult but doable job that I can and will do.
(Clean-Sweep Riches -- Act One of Six Acts)
Pax Neo-Tech weaves far-flung facts into coherent timelines that generate widely-waving/sharply-cutting matrices plus narrowly-focused/bluntly-hitting bullets. That dual wave/particle action generates increasingly accurate insights and profitable understandings of the past, present, and future.
As attuned readers proceed through Pax Neo-Tech, their expanding insights and understandings yield ever-increasing advantages -- Illuminati advantages of limitless power and profits. Such readers learn to focus on essentials while simultaneously thinking honestly, widely, and independently. They learn to think beyond biases, opinions, and faiths. They learn to neothink as revealed in Scenes One to Three. ... From neothinking evolves the changed psychology needed to gain clean-sweep riches that bring commercial reverse-aging/non-aging conscious life.
Scene One
Are You Ready?
Pax Neo-Tech's journey into the future begins by integrating past history with present facts to (1) discover the escape route from today's terminal anticivilization and then (2) travel toward tomorrow's eternal Civilization of the Universe. ... Scene One provides the explanations needed to embark on that journey.
Scene Two
Start Sweeping!
Scene Two answers the question Greek-historian Herodotus asked 2500 years ago: "What to do about history?" Integrating real-life experiences with current-and-historical facts reveals how to obsolete the present by controlling the future. Scene Two discloses the Clean-Sweep Solution not only for being a winner rather than a loser in life, but for living rather than dying on planet Earth.
Scene Three
Now, Collect Your Riches
Blending history with current events and future projections, Pax Neo-Tech deconstructs piece-by-piece today's politics, religions, and philosophies. That deconstruction dramatically fast-forwards the tortuous trend of the past 3000 years toward the Civilization of the Universe. Fast-forward how? Via the newly-unveiled Bubble-Control Tool -- a tool that profitably shreds three millennia of life-destroying deceptions and mysticisms foisted upon conscious life through political, religious, and philosophical frauds.
Upon activating that Bubble-Control Tool, a person outflanks false authorities, parasitical elites, and harmful demagogues to gain open-ended wealth, health, and romance.
The three Arias outlined below highlight additional tools required for success of the "Pax Neo-Tech/Illuminati" endeavor:
Aria #1
Song of Our Universe
The Constitution of the Universe combined with secular natural law dating back to Cicero in 51 BC provides the legal basis and protection protocol for evolving a just-and-prosperous business/science/art civilization here on Earth. ... Pax Law in Coda #2 details that protocol.
Aria #2
2003 Neo-Tech World Summit
[November 21-23, 2003]
Pax Neo-Tech riding the new Chariots-of-Fire literature is coming to win Earth's final war -- the war against political impoverishments and religious terrorisms. Victory includes ending President Bush's poker-playing "God Blessings" along with ending his election-calculated preachings against stem-cell and cloning research -- the biomedical route to reverse-aging/non-aging health.
To win the war against genocidal terrorists bent on destroying America, however, commander-in-chief Bush must defeat religious psychopaths from Islamic Saudi Arabia to evangelical America. He must also defeat America-threatening, socialist/fascist regimes in Iran, North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela as well as legions of hate-freedom, socialist/fascist saboteurs ensconced in the United States.
If Bush handily wins the 2004 elections, he must start retreating from his religious-and-political ploys. He must, for example, rid himself of Attorney-General Ashcroft's theocratic agenda. First, however, Bush must honor him for his competent post-9/11 actions that protected the American populace from further planned al-Qaeda terrorist attacks ... and then fire him. Bush must also fire his ineffective Secretary of State Colin Powell and replace him -- perhaps with free-enterprise/honest-talking Condoleezza Rice. ... That Bush/Rice team would put "Honest-Abe" Rice on a fast track to a much-needed non-lawyer/non-politician Presidency in 2008.
Aria #3
Liberating our Quantum Consciousness
Flying forever beyond today's anticivilization requires overcoming our hard-wired animal brain -- our mortal human brain. How? By liberating our quantum consciousness to evolve into neothinking -- to evolve into our natural lives of non-mystical, value-creating men and women. ... To paraphrase Aristotle's words, choosing not to reason means choosing slavery in an animal past: To paraphrase Neo-Tech words, choosing not to neothink means choosing enchainment in an anticivilization past.
The three Codas outlined below gather various Neo-Tech concepts into a unifying juggernaut. Then, after firing illusion-shattering Neo-Tech bullets in every direction, that juggernaut ploughs through and nullifies the dishonesties and irrationalities ravaging conscious life today. ... Such a unified Neo-Tech brings order out of chaos, honesty out of dishonesty, rationality out of irrationality.
Coda #1
Golden-Nugget Outtakes
Shifting from automaton nonthinking to independent neothinking tears down ideological fences. Removing those 3000-year-old fences dissipates religions, politics, and philosophies. For example, a Pax Neo-Tech unification of the Secular-Humanist socialist "left" with the George-Bush religious "right" would dissipate the biases and dogmas of both the left and right. As a result, force-backed socialisms and fascisms juxtaposed against fraud-manipulated mysticisms and religions would begin profitably canceling one another, breaking their millennia-old, lethally-noxious manipulations of the populace.
Coda #2
Pax Law
Starting 2600 years ago with the Greek-lawgiver Solon's dictum of equality when standing before the law, Pax Law maps the constitutional/legal route for preventing the political/terrorist obliteration of conscious life on Earth. In that Coda #2, live-action factual examples at every level of government, local to worldwide, illustrate the clear choices for victory or defeat -- prosperity or impoverishment -- life or death.
Coda #3
Al's Story
The reader discovers woven throughout Al's gonzo adventure a new language that harnesses the universal laws of consciousness. That elegantly-simple language of space-time consciousness weaves the span of human history and current events into accurate causes and effects that predict the future to profitably control the course of human events, both naturally-created and consciously-created.
Three Purposes of Act One
The primary purpose of Pax Neo-Tech, Act One, is to provide the psychological protocol that lets conscious life unleash its creative, productive, and neothinking powers toward developing the technologies and businesses yielding unending life and prosperity.
The secondary purpose of Act One is to remove the hostile barriers, for example, among Libertarians, Objectivists, and Secular Humanists. They need not consume their irreplaceable time and lives on pointless ideological arguments based on narrow-scope principles that yield only dogma and stagnation. Instead, they could most profitably direct their considerable intellectual-and-moral strengths toward nullifying history's three most-virulent plagues: (1) Gods and scriptures, (2) mysticisms and utopianisms, (3) socialisms and fascisms.
The final purpose of this Act One is to clean sweep the scourges spreading from those curable plagues -- the unnecessary scourges of war, crime, disease, aging, and death ravaging conscious life on planet Earth for millennia.
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