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Neo-Tech Love and Sexual Pleasures


A broader integration of all concepts for the Neo-Tech Pleasures essences are found on the following page numbers in the complete, unabridged volumes of Neo-Tech.

(1) Frank R. Wallace,
Neo-Tech Discovery, I & O Publishing Co.
1988, pp. iii, (Hereafter identified as Neo-Tech Discovery).
(2)Ibid., p. 7.
(3)Frank R. Wallace,
Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia,
I & O Publishing Co., 1975, p. 1.
(Hereafter identified as Neo-Tech Encyclopedia).
(4)Ibid., 2.
(5)Neo-Tech Discovery., p. ix.
(6)Ibid., p. 3.
(7)Ibid., p. 5.
(8)Ibid., p. 151, 153.
(9)Neo-Tech Discovery., p. 161.
(10)Ibid., p. vii.
(11)Ibid., p. ix, xi.
(12)Ibid., p. 35.
(13)Ibid., p. xi.
(14)Ibid., p. 27.
(15)Ibid., p. 27.
(16)Ibid., p. 11.
(17)Ibid., p. 15, Neo-Tech Encyclopedia,
Table 3, provides a happiness test.
(18) Ibid., p. 191, and
Neo-Tech Encyclopedia., p. 305.
(19) Neo-Tech Discovery., p. 17.
(20) Ibid., p. 24.
(21) Ibid., p. 31.
(22) Neo-Tech II., p. 187.
(23) Neo-Tech Discovery., p. 31, 35.
(24) Ibid., p. 93, 95.
(25) Ibid., p. 205.
(26) Ibid., p. 117.
(27) Ibid., p. 121, 123.
(28) Ibid., p. 143.
(29) Ibid., p. l 25.
(30) Neo-Tech Discovery., p. 157.
(31) Ibid., p. 157, and
Neo-Tech Encyclopedia., p. 291.
(32) Neo-Tech Discovery., p. 85.
(33) Ibid., p. 285, 289, 291.
(34) Ibid., p. 147, 149, 151.
(35) Ibid., p. 143, 145.
(36) Ibid., p. 81.
(37) Neo-Tech Encyclopedia., p 59.
(38) Neo-Tech Discovery., pp. 23, 142.
(39) Ibid., p. 93.
(40) Ibid., p. 89.
(41) Neo-Tech Encyclopedia., p. 238.
(42) Ibid., p. 101.
(43) Neo-Tech Discovery., p. 95.
(44) Neo-Tech Encyclopedia., p. 233.
(45) Ibid., Table 4.
(46) Ibid., p. 274.
(47) Ibid., p. 226.
(48) Ibid., p. 266.
(49) Ibid., p. 267.
(50) Neo-Teeh Discovery., p. 101.
(51) Ibid., p. 97.
(52) Ibid., p. 303, and Neo-Tech
Encyclopedia., table 26a
(53) Ibid., p. 87.
(54) Neo-Tech Encyclopedia., p. 366.
(55) Neo-Tech Discovery., p. 365.
(56) Ibid., p. 355.
(57) Ibid., p. 105.
(58) Ibid., p. 111.
(59) Ibid., p. 105.
(60) Ibid., p. 125.
(61) Neo-Tech Encyclopedia., p. 245.
(62) Ibid., p. 246.
(63) Neo-Tech Discovery., p. 165, 167.
(64) Neo-Tech Encyclopedia., p. 264.
(65) Neo-Tech Discovery., p. 153.
(66) Neo-Tech Encyclopedia., p. 262.
(67) Neo-Tech Discovery., p. 113.
(68) Neo-Tech Encyclopedia., p. 302.
(69) Neo-Tech Discovery., p. 187.
(70) Neo-Tech Discovery., p. 77.
(71) Neo-Tech Encyclopedia., p. 348.
(72) Neo-Tech Encyclopedia., p. 267.
(73) Ibid., p. 275.
(74) Ibid., p. 278

(75) Ibid., p. 226.
(76) Ibid., p. 229.
(77) Ibid., p. 230, 233.


- A -

Abortion, 101
Abstract concepts, 3
Abstract values, 59, 60, 84
Abuse of partner, 67-68
Acceptance of self, 24
Actions, 34, see also specific types
criticism of, 36
destructive, 34
emotion-based, 36
responsibility for, 37
right or wrong, 37
Addiction, 81-82, see also specific types
Adolescence, 18, 80
love and, 19-21
Neo-Tech pleasures and, 50-51
sex education and, 48-49
Adult-child sex, 19
Adultery, 112
Advanced Concepts of Romantic Love, 99
"Advice to a Young Man", 119
Aerobics, 82
"Aerobics", 82
Aesthetic pleasures, 83-85
Age of Reason, 114-116
Aging, 80-81
Alcibiades, 100
Alcohol, 22, 35, 96
Altruism, 51
Ancient Greece, 100
Andre, 106
Anti-individual sense of life, 11
Anti-life philosophy, see Platonistic philosophy
Anxiety, 40
performance, 18
Aphrodisiacs, 22
Appearance, 81-82
Ar Amatoria, 101-102
Aristotelian philosophy, 2, 108
Aristotle, 9
Aroused sexual organs, 89-91
Art, 83, 84, see also specific types
ownership of, 85
standards for, 84
theme of, 84
"Art of Love, The', 101-102
Asceticism, 102,111, 112
Atkins, Robert C., 82
Attractiveness, 21
Augustus Caesar, 101
Average individual, 5
Awareness, 34, 52, 83
physical, 9

- B -

Bad thought (BT) jealousy, 62-64
Beauty, 22-23
Bestiality, 41
Beyond understanding, 61-62
Biological needs, 2, 9
Bionyx Control Technique, 89
Birth control, 50, 89, 101, 123
Birth-control pills, 89
Bisexuality, 100
Blue Laws of 1650's, 113
Bluenoses, 112
as good, 48
integration of mind and, 9, 10, 110
separation of mind and, 115
Body communication, 21
Boleyn, Anne, 110
Books, see also specific books
on love, 1
on marriage, 37
on self-improvement, 79
on sex, 1, 37, 92
valuable, 79-80
Boredom, 24, 127
Born-again Christianity, 127
Brownings, 119
BT, see Bad thought

- C -

Caffeine, 22
Calvin, John, 112
Calvinism, 113
Cancer, 124
Capitalism, 117
rise of, 120-121
Career housewives, 72-77
Casanova, Giovanni Jacopo, 116
Castigliones, 109
Castration, 67
Casual relationships, 38-40
Casual sex, 21-22, see also Playboy view
Catholicism, 103, 104, 108, 111, 123
Cause and effect, 3
Celibacy, 111
Change, 51
capacity to, 78-79
Character, 21, 23
development of, 30, 79, 85, 91
Child of past, 4
Children, 72-77
agreement about, 72
as burdens, 75
cost of raising, 123
discipline of, 78
love between parents and, 77, 78
Neo-Tech pleasures and, 50-51
as nonconsenting, 19
respect for, 77, 78
sex with, 19
Choice, 3, 34, 51
Chopin, iii, 9
Chretien, 107
Christ, 112
Christianity, 102, 116
born-again, 127
Dark Ages and, 102-104
Church, see also specific types
Renaissance vs., 107-111
"City of God, The", 103
Cliches, 13
Clinging-vine personality' 118
Clitoral-hood orgasm, 92-93
Clitoral orgasm, 49, 92, 95
Clitoris, 92
Closeness, 35
Cohabitation, 70
agreements on, 73-74
Commitment, 42, 125
to honesty, 15, 52-54
to objectivity, 15
to rational thought, 43
in romantic love, 32
Communication, 52, 53, 54-56, see also specific types
body, 21
map of, 54
open, 36, 37, 54
verbal, 21
Competition, 22
Compromise, 37, 38
Compulsive gambling, 22
Concepts, 2, 3, see also specific types
abstract 3
"Confessions", 103
Confidence, 67
Consciousness, 8
function of, 28
mysticism as disease of, vi
Contraception, SO, 89, 101, 123
Contracts, 70, 72, 73-74
Control, 12, see also Discipline, Thought, Control (DTC)technique
of emotions, 34
of life, 82
of own destiny, 4-5
Cooper, Kenneth H., 82
Copyrights, 85
Corbett, 119
Court of Love, 106
Courtier, The", 109
Courtly love, 105-108
dangers in, 52
objective, 51
unjust, 36-37
valid, 68
Crying, 62

- D -

Da Vinci Leonardo, iii, 9
Dante, 106
Dark Ages, 99, 102-104
Dating, 125
Death, 69
Deception, 22
Deep-muscle vaginal orgasm, 93, 94
Denial, 102
Derepression, 36
Destiny, 4-5
Destructive actions, 34
Diet, 81-82, see also specific types
Discipline, 52, see also Discipline, Thought, Control (DTC) technique
of children, 78
Discipline, thought, control (DTC) technique, 31-33, see also Control; Discipline; Thought
Disease prevention, 50
Dishonesty, v, 22
Disputes, 53
Divorce, 38, 113, 121, 124, 126
do-it-yourself aids on, 71
laws on, 70-71
as positive action, 70-72
Puritans and, 114
Renaissance and, 110
in twentieth century, 121
Dogma, 2
Dominican brothers, 108
"Dr. Atkins
Diet Revolution", 82
Drama, 82, 83
Drugs, 22, 35, 96
DTC technique, see Discipline, thought, control
Du Pont, ii
Duke of Urbino, 109
Duncan, Isadora, 123
Duty, 76, 77, 78, see also Responsibility

- E -

public, 118
sex, 48-50
Egypt, 102
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., ii
Eleanor, Queen of France and England, 106-107
Electric vibrators, 49
Ellis, Havelock, 124
Emotional closeness, 35
Emotional needs, 9, 62
Emotional stress, 36, 54
Emotionalism, 114-115
Emotions, see also specific types
acceptance of, 34
actions based on, 36
awareness of, 35
capacity to feet 34
conclusions based on, 35-36
deadening of, 34
depth of, 44
derepression of, 36
experiencing of, 61
expression of, 44
of fear, see Fear fluctuation of, 10
irrational, 37
judgments based on, 36
negative, 36, 37, 54, 64, 65
painful 34
release of, 45
repression of, 34, 35, 53, 54
suppression of, 35
value of, 34-35
"Encyclopaedia Britanica", 119
Ending of relationships, 68-69, see also Divorce
Endorphins, 82
Enjoyment, 13
Enlightenment, 110
Envy, 65, 67
Equality, 6-7, 91
Eroticism, 103
Errors, 18-19, 24-26, 36, 52, 67
correction of, 18, 51-52
identification of, 69
in judgment, 28-29
paying for, 37
start of relationship and, 31-33
Evaluation, see also Judgment
of relationships, 16
Evolution, 9
Experience, see also specific types
of emotions, 61
exclusive female, 61-62
exclusive male, 61-62
negative, 36
Explicit techniques, 89-97
Exploitation, 57-59
Explosive orgasm, 44
Extramarital sex, 42, 50
Extraprimorbital sex, 42

- F -

Failure to judge syndrome, 28-29
Family love, 9
Fantasies, 91, 120
test for, 96-97
Fatigue, 82
Fatness, 81, 82
Fear, 26-28
of being hurt, 56
irrational, 26, 28
in men, 54
objective, 26
of rejection, 25, 56
in women, 54
Fearlessness, 26-28
Feelings, see Emotions
Feminism, 67, 77, 92, 123
Roman, 102
Fine arts, 84
Fitness, 22, 81-82
Flagellation, 120
Force, 34
Formal marriage, 72
France, 105,106,109, 115
Franklin, Ben, 116
Free love, 121, 123, 124
Freedom, 3 1-33
to be oneself, 51-52
of choice, 51
Freud, Sigmund, 13, 91
Friendship, 9, 57, 59, 60, 64
Frigidity, 40, 44, 67, 95
Frigidizing behavior, 67
Full time relationships, 42
Fully integrated honesty, see Neo-Tech
Fundamental basis of romantic love, 30
Fundamentalist religions, 127
Future, 5
optimistic look at, 99
romantic love in, 128
Future potential of love relationship, 30-31

- G -

Gambling, 22
Genocide, 35
Ginseng root, 22
Golden Age of
Greece, 100-101
Gonzaga, Elizabetta, 109
Good thought (GT) jealousy, 62-64
Government schools, 118
Greatness, 72-77
Greece, 100-101
Growth, 34, 32, 36, 51, 52, 54, 75, 78, see also specific types
direction of, 31
ending of, 68
intellectual, 4
process of, 57, 69
psychological, 80
psychuous, 4
GT, see Good thought
Guilt, 17, 18, 65, 87
unearned, 13
unjust, 36-37
Guinevere, 107

- H -

Habits, 82, see also specific types
Hammond, William, 119
Hangovers, 96, 97
Happiness, 12-13, 14, 87
defined, iv-v
Hefner, Hugh, 17
Henry 11, 107
Henry VIII, 110
"Heptameron", 109
Heterosexual sex, 95-96
Highs, see also specific types
natural, 82-83
psychuous, 44-45
reality, 82-83
History of love and sex, 98-128
Homeric women, 100
Homosexuality, 19, 23, 40, 95-96, 106
Honesty, 15, 85
commitment to, 15, 53
fully integrated, see Neo-Tech
Hormonal differences between men and women, 7
Housewives, 127
Hugo, iii
Human beings, see also Men; Women
nature of, 2-3
Humor, 68
Hunt, Morton M., 100
Hurt, fear of, 56

- I -

Idealists, iii, see also specific people
Impotence, 18, 40, 44, 67-68, 95
psychosexual, 48
Incest, 19,104, 109
Incompetence, 26
Independence, 45, 53, 57, 78
Independent judgment, 15
Individual differences, 2, 37-38
Individual rights, 78, 128
Individual uniqueness, 5-6
Industrial revolution, 117, 118, 121, 122
Infatuation, 28-29
Inheritance laws, 114
Initiation of force, 34
Injustice, 87
Innuendos, 67
Inquisitors, 108
Inspiration, 79
Integration, 2, 3
of mind and body, 9, 10, 110
Intellectual development, 91
Intellectual growth, 4
Intellectual love, 9
Intellectual needs, 9
Intense listening, 24
Intense orgasm, 41- 15, 90, 95, 96
mind image during, 47
Intensity of pleasures, 44
Introspection, 69
Irrational emotions, 37
Irrational fear, 26, 28
Irrationalists, iii, see also specific people

- J -

Jealousy, 41, 42
bad thought (BT), 62-64
cycle of, 66
good thought (GT), 62-64
injustice of, 62-64
nonsexual (NS), 65-67
poison core of, 64-65, 66
Jesus, 112
Jovinian, 102
Joy, 13, 14
Juan, Don, 21, 116
Judgment, see also Evaluation
emotion-based, 36
errors in, 28-29
failure in, 28-29
independent, 15
moral, 28
segmentalized, 28-29
traps in, 28-29
Julian laws, 101
Justice, 58

- K -

Kamarovsky, M., 127
Kegel, Arnold, 92
Kegel Clinic, University of Southern California, 92
Kidding, 68
Know, John, 113
Kramer, Henry, 108

- L -

Lady killer syndrome, 23
Lancelot, 107
Law of cause and effect, 3
Laws, see also specific types
inheritance, 114
unjust, 19
Laziness, 58
Legal marriage, 21
Levator ani muscle, 94
Liberalism, 117
control of, 82
function of, 59
goal of, 11-12
purpose of, 11-12, 87
rights to, 128
sense of, 10-11
Life-Lifting Capacity, 31, 32
Life-long marriages, 20
Lindsay, Ben, 124
Listening, 24
Literature, 82, 83, 84
Logic, 3
Louis XIV, 115
adolescent, 19-21
books on, 1
courtly, 105-108
death of, 69
defined, 9
family, 9
free, 121, 123, 124
history of, 98-128
intellectual, 9
nonmarital, 19-21
pagan, 101
between parents and children, 77, 78
premarital, 19-21
romantic, see Romantic love
of self, 11
sex and, 110
types of, 9
unnatural, 40-41
waxing and waning of, 10
Loyalty to truth, 53
Lust, 43, 44, 103
Luther, Martin, 111-112

- M -

Mary, 112
"Malleus Maleficarum", 108
Man killer syndrome, 23
Manipulation, 34
Manners, 115
Marcuse, 13
Marriage, 20, 103, 105, 106, 120, 124, 126
books on, 37
defined, 21
formal, 72
in Greece, 101
legal, 21
life-long, 20
open, 124
Puritans and, 112, 114
Renaissance and, 109-110
in Rome, 102
sex and, 104, 111
Victorianism and, 117
"Married Love", 124
Martyr attitude, 67
Masochism, 19, 35, 40
Mass murder, 35
Masters and Johnson, 48, 89, 92
Masturbation, 48, 49, 50, 95-96, 97, 120, 124
Material needs, 9
Material values, see Tangible values
attributes sought in women by, 22
differences between women and, 6-7, 62, 91
dominance of, 91
emotional needs of, 62
equality of women and, 6-7
exclusive experience of, 62
fear in, 54
Michalangelo, iii
Middle class, 110
Milton, John, 113-114
conscious, see Consciousness
integration of body and, 9, 10, 110
intense orgasm and, 47
pleasurable gratification of, 8
rational, 9
separation of body and, 115
subconscious, 65
Modem romantic love, 124-127
"Monk's Awful Disclosures, A", 120
Moore, Tom, 118
Moral judgments, 28
Moral values, 29
Morality, 17
Motivation, 21, 22
Mt. Holyoke College, 121
Multipartner sex, 41, 50
Murder, 35
Muscular tensions, 83
Music, 82, 83, 84
Mutual seduction, 21-22
Mutual values, 31
Mystically oriented philosophy, see Platonistic philosophy
Mysticism, 22, 99, 128
defined, v-vi
as disease of consciousness, vi
elimination of, v
Neo-Tech as opposite of, v
rejection of, 6
symptoms of, vi
Mystics, 87
Myths, 1, see also specific types
about art 84

- N -

Natural highs, 82-83
"Natural History of Love, The", 99
of human beings, 2-3
of relationship, 30
Needs, 9, 12, see also specific types
biological 2, 9
emotional 9, 62
intellectual, 9
physical 9, 12, 15, 99
psychological, 9, 12, 15, 84, 99
sexual, 99
Negative aphrodisiacs, 22
Negative emotions, 36, 37, 54, 64, 65
Negative experiences, 36
Neo-Tech, ii
defined, v
Neo-Tech Discovery, i, ii Vi 80, 87
Neo-Tech pleasures, defined, iii
Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia, i
Neocheaters, 87
elimination of, v
Neocheating, 99, 128
defined, vi
Neurosis, 41, 96, see also specific types
Neurotic sex, 104
Neurotic values, 84
Nicotine, 22
Non sequiturs, v, vi, 52
Nonconsenting people, 19
Nonmarital love, 19-21
Nonsexual jealousy, 65-67
NS, see Nonsexual

- O -

Oberlin College, 121
Obesity, 81, 82
Objective conclusions, 35-36
Objective criticism, 51
Objective fear, 26
Objective reality, v, 28, 35, 96
contradiction of, 1
defined, vi
Objective standards, 84
Objective truth, 28
Objective values, 29, 59, 78, 84
Objectivity, 15
Octavian (Augustus) Caesar, 101
One-night stands, 40
O'Neill, George and Nina, 124
Open communication, 36, 37, 54
Open marriage, 124
"Open Marriage", 124
Openness, 56
Opinions of others, 15
Oppression, M, 87, 99, see also specific types
Optimism, 99
Orgasm, 43, 90, 91, 96
capacity for, 89
clitoral, 49, 92, 95
clitoral-hood, 92-93
explosive, 44
female, 91-95
force of, 46
intense, 44-45, 90, 95, 96
mind image and, 47
quantity of, 89
surrender to, 89-91
vaginal, 91, 93, 94, 95
women's right to, 124
Orgy sex, 40-41, 104, 109
Others' opinions, 15
Ovid, 101
of art, 85
of person, 53, 63, 64

- P -

Pagan love, 101
Pain, 34
Painful emotions, 34
"Paradise Lost", 113-114
love between children and, M, 78
as scapegoats, 77-78
Parents without
Partners, 26
Partner abuse, 67-68
Partner swapping, 41, 109
Passion, 37
child of, 4
as gone forever, 4
living in, 4
Patriarchy, 119, 120
Peace, 62
Penis, 93
Pepys, Samuel, 115
Performance anxiety, 18
Performing arts, 84
Pericles, 100
Personal appearance, 81-82
Personality, 21, 38
Philosophers, see also specific people
job of, 1
Philosophy, 1-2, see also specific types
anti-life, see Platonistic philosophy
Aristotelian, 2, 108
mystical, see Platonistic philosophy
Platonistic, 2
pro-life, see Aristotelian philosophy
pseudo, 1
psychology/physiology reconciled with, 7
reality oriented, see Aristotelian
task of, 1
Physical attractiveness, 21
Physical awareness, 9
Physical beauty, 22-23
Physical fitness, 22, 81-82
Physical needs, 9, 12, 15, 99
Physical senses, 8
Physical stimulation, 91
Physical ugliness, 81
Physiological differences between men and women, 6-7
Physiology, 7
Picking up people, 25, 26
Platonistic philosophy, 2
"Playboy" magazine, 17
Playboy view of sex, 16-18, 21-22, 95
Pleasure, 13,14,17, see also specific types
achievement of, 42-43
aesthetic, 83-85
faking of, 44
Neo-Tech, defined, iii
Polygamy, 124
Pope Alexander Vl, 109
Pope Clement Vll, 110
Pope Innocent Vll's Bull of 1484, 108
Pomography, 120
Positive thinking approaches, 79
Possessiveness, 42, 65
Potency loss, see Impotence
"Praise and Mspraise of Women, The", 110
Pre-Renaissance courtly love, 105-108
Preferences, 38
Premarital love, 19-21
Premarital sex, 125
Premature ejaculation, 90
Present, 5
Principles, 1, 2
Privacy, 65, 76
right of, 56
Pro-individual sense of life, 11
Pro-life philosophy, see Aristotelian
Problem solving, 52-54
Procreative view of sex, 16
Productivity, 12,13, 15, 23, 58, 85, 99
Promiscuity, 34, 40, 56
Property rights, 114, 128
Prosperity, 87
Prostitution, 40, 101,104,117,119, 120
Prudishness, 119
Pseudo philosophies, 1
Psyche death, 70, 72
Psychological differences between men and women, 6-7, 62
Psychological growth, 80
Psychological needs, 9, 12, 15, 84, 99
Psychological stimulation, 91
Psychological well-being, 83
philosophy and physiology reconciled, 7
rational, 5
Psychosexual characteristics, 91
Psychosexual impotence, 48
Psychosexual virgins, 48
Psychuosity, 8
defined, iii
sensuous vs., 8
Psychuous growth, 4
Psychuous highs, 44-45
Psycheous pleasures, 4344
defined, 7
four-dimensional, 85-87
intensity of, 44
requirements for, 8-9
Public schools, 118
Pubococcygenus (PC) muscle, 92, 94
Puritans, 111-114
Purpose of life, 11-12, 87
Put-down humor, 68
Pywe, 110

- Q -

Queen Marguerite of France, 109
Quixote, Don, 105

- R -

Random- walk capacity, 5
Rape, 19, 104
Rational mind, 9
Rational psychologies, 5
Rational thought, 12, 31
commitment to, 43
Rationalists, iii 114, 116, see also specific people
Rationalizations, v, 52
clarification of, 1
identification of, 28, 52
mind-created, v
objective, v, 28, 35, 96
contradiction of, 1
defined, vi
subjective, v
Reality highs, 82-83
Reality-oriented, see Aristotelian
Reasoning, 3
Reformation, 111
Reich, 13
Reich, Wilhelm, 124
Rejection, 52
fear of, 25, 56
value of, 24-26
Relationships, see also specific types
ending of, 68-69, see also Divorce
evaluation of, 16
full time, 42
romantic, see
Romantic love
Religion, see also specific types
effect of, 17
Religious view of sex, 16-18
Renaissance, iii, 107-111
spirit of, 109
Repression of emotions, 34, 35, 53, 54
Respect for children, 77, 78
Responsibility, vi, 34, 49
for actions, 37
defaulting on, 42
self-, 43, 52, 58
Reverse infatuation, 29
Reward, 15-16
Rights, see also specific types
individual, 78, 128
life, 128
to orgasm, 124
privacy, 56
property, 114, 128
women's, 124
Risk taking, 56-57
Role playing, 51
Romans, 101-102, 125, 126
decline of, 102
Romantic, defined, iii
Romantic love, 9-10
benefits from, 16
commitment in, 32
communication in, 54-56
defined, iv
finding partners for, 24-26, 27
fundamental basis of, 30
future, 128
future potential of, 30-31
modem, 124-127
renewal of, 10
segments of, 29-31
standards for, 29-31
start of, 31-33
success of, 31
twentieth century, 121-124
types of, 31
value exchange in, 59-61
Romanticism, iii 125
"Romeo and Juliet", 110
Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 117-118
Rules elimination, 2
Russell, Bertrand, 124

- S -

Sacrifice, 102
Sadism, 19, 35, 40, 104
Salem witch trials, 113
Sanger, Margaret, 123, 124
Satisfaction, 13-15
Saturation, 42
Seduction, 21-22
Segmentalized judgment, 28-29
acceptance of, 24
freedom to be, 51-52
Self-awareness, 34, 52, 83
Self-discipline, 52
Self-esteem, 45, 49, 50, 57, 58, 85
addictions and, 82
children and, 75
development of, 51
happiness and, 12, 13
loss of, 40, 41
natural highs and, 83
need for, 9, 23, 125
ultimate reward and, 15-16
undermining of, 17
Self-improvement, 52, 79
books on, 79
Self-love, 11
Self-responsibility, 43, 52, 58
Self-sufficiency, 12, 57
Self-torture, 102
Self-worth, 15, see also Self-esteem
Selfishness, 11
Selflessness, 11
Sense of life, 10-11, 84
anti-individual, 11
pro-individual, 11
Senses, 8
Sensibility, 117
Sensitivity, 117
Sensual familiarity, 42
Sensuosity, 8, 17, 18
Sensuosness, 8
Sensuous projection, 21
Sentimentalists, iii see also specific people
Sentimentality, 117, 118
Serenity, 62
Serious relationships, 38-40
Serious sex, 21-22
Sex, see also specific types
adolescent, 19-21
adult-child, 19
books on, 1, 37, 92
capacity for, 42
defined, iv
extramarital, 42, 50
extraprimorbital, 42
history of, 98-128
love and, 110
marriage and, 104, 111
multipartner, 41, 50
neurotic, 104
nonmarital, 19-21
orgy, 40-41, 104, 109
Playboy view of, 16-18, 21-22, 95
premarital, 19-21, 125
procreative view of, 16
quantity of, 42
religious view of, 16-18
serious, 21-22
swinging, 41
Sex education, 48-50
"Sex in History" ,100
Sex objects, 61
Sexologists, 92
Sexual attractiveness, 21
Sexual capacity, 89, 90
Sexual competition, 22
Sexual confidence, 67
Sexual dominance, 91
Sexual dysfunction, 18, 40, 44, 67-68, 95, see also specific types
Sexual energy flow, 124
Sexual fantasies, 91, 120
test for, 96-97
Sexual influences, iv
Sexual liberation, 122-123
Sexual needs, 99
Sexual organs, 89-91
Sexual performance, 67
anxiety about, 18
Sexual positions, 102
Sexual put-downs, 68
Sexual Revolution, 122-123, 124
Sexual roles, 67-68
Sexual tensions, 90, 96
Sexuality, 99
Shakespeare, William, 110
Shyness, 23-24
Singles dances and clubs, 26
Sir Lancelot, 107
Slavery, 5
Slogans, 1
Sloppiness, 81
Smith, Adam, 123
Smoking, 22
Soap operas, 125
Social incompetence, 26
Socrates, 100
Solitary masturbation, 97
Soviets, 122
Spanish fly, 22
Spankings, 78
Spencer, iii
Spiritual well being, 83, 85
Sprenger, Jacob, 108
St. Augustine, 103, 114
St. Jerome, 104
St. Simon, 102
St. Thomas, 107
for art, 84
objective, 84
for romantic love, 29-31
Stopes, Marie, 124
Sttength, 22
Stress, 36, 54
Subconscious mind, 65
Subjective reality, v
Subjectivity, 84
Sugar, 22
Sun king of France, 115
Suppression of emotions, 35
Surrender to orgasm, 89-91
Survival, 3, 15
Swinging sex, 41

- T -

"Taming of the Shrew, The", 110
Tangible values, 59, 60-61
Tastes, 38
Taylor, G. Rattray, 100
Techniques, 89-97
Tenderness, 62
Tension, 46
Tensions, 83, see also specific types
sexual 90, 91, 96
Testing, 64
Theme of art, 84
Thinking ability, 3
Thought, see also Discipline, thought, control (DTC) technique
rational, 12, 31
commitment to, 43
Thrill killing, 35
Time, 42
Tobacco, 22
"Tractatus de Amore et - de Amoris Remedio", 106-107
Trader atmosphere, 57-59
"Treatise on Love and Its Remedy", 106-107
Troubadours, 106
Trust, 21
loyalty to, 53
mind-created, v
objective, 28

- U -

Ugliness, 81
Understanding, 61-62
University of Cologne, 108
University of Southern California, 92
Unjust criticism, 36-37
Unjust guilt, 36-37
Unjust laws, 19
Unknowable, 61-62
Unknown, 61-62
Unnatural love, 40-41
Unnecessary aging, 80-81

- V -

Vagina, 93
Vaginal orgasm, 91, 93, 94, 95
Values, 17, see also specific types
abstract 59, 60, 84
delivery of, 57
exchange of, 57-61
individual differences and, 37-38
material see Tangible values moral, 29
mutual 31
neurotic, 84
objective, 29, 59, 78, 84
production of, 58, 59
receiving of, 57
tangible, 59, 60-61
trading of, 57-61
Vandalism, 35
Vasectomy, 89
Venus, 105
Verbal communication, 21
Verbal disputes, 53
Vibrators, 49
Victorianism, 114, 117-120
decline of, 120-121
Virginity, 20, 48, 91, 113
"Vita Nuova", 106
Voluntary acts, 19, see also specific types
Von Lichtenstein, Ulrich, 105
Voting, 121

- W -

Wallace, Frank R., i, ii, vi, 99
Wallstonecraft, Mary, 120
War, 35
Weekend affairs, 40
Weight control 82
Well-being, 13, 14, 59, 83, 97
Wells, H. G., 124
Wife beating, 111
William 11, Duke of Aquitaine, 106
Witches, 108, 109, 113
"Witches' Hammer, The", 108
Wolsey, Bishop, 110
attributes sought in men by, 22
differences between men and, 6-7, 62, 91
emancipation of, 120-121
equality of men and, 6-7
exclusive experience of, 61-62
fear in, 54 greatness and, 77
Homeric, 100
as housewives, 72-77, 127
liberation of, 77
oppression of, 77
orgasm in, 91-95
rights of, 124
as sex objects, 61
voting by, 121
"Women in the Modern World", 127
Word distortions, iv
Work, 58, see also Productivity

- Y -

Yohimbine, 22
Self-discipline, 52
Self-esteem, 45, 49, 50, 57, 58, 85


Neo-Tech Pleasures describes anything that combines and integrates the activities of the mind, body, and emotions to achieve rational pleasures and happiness. Such integrations cause not only pleasure but the cessation of all conflict among the mind, body, emotions. Neo-Tech Pleasures is a self-love, self-interest approach to personal well-being and romantic love. Neo-Tech Pleasures harnesses the total human potential for love, happiness, and prosperity.

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