| Parent Index
| Build Freedom:
Poker: A Guaranteed Income for Life
- A -
- ABCs of Poker xvii
- Acting 72-73
- Action 180
- Additional cards 62-63
- Advanced Concepts of Poker, xvii-269, 17-18, 257, 260
- Aerobics 263
- Aggressiveness 26-28, 215, 267
- Agreements 143-144
- Alcohol 32, 130, 140, 214, 216, 262
- Analytical thinking--See Thought
- Ante 6, 65, 181
- Appraising 50-57
- example of 51
- game 51,55
- hand 55
- opponents 51-54,55
- changes 53
- classification 52-54
- mixture 53
- position 55-58
- Arguments--See Emotions
- Armed robbery l68,196
- Assets 127,176
- Astrology symbols 214
- Atmosphere 79-81,179-180
- attractive 179-180
- carefree 80
- pleasant 80-81
- relaxed 80
- unpleasant 74-75, 216
- Attitude 78,79-81,182-183
- poor 96-97
- proper 96
- B -
- Bad-boy behavior 216
- Bad debts -- See Credit
- Bankrupt player; vi. 99
- Bath 34
- Beginning Poker xvii
- Behavior 72-96
- bizarre 207-212
- friendly 75-76
- in game 72-95
- non game 94-96
- tough, unfriendly, unpleasant 74-75,102, 216
- Bet or get 62
- Betting 26-28,44-47,84,97, 136-138
- defensive 137-138
- feeler bet 90
- indirect 137
- manipulations 45-46
- offensive 137-138
- pot limit 64,267
- ratios 29,215
- side bets 143-144
- table stakes 6,64,267
- weird bets 45
- Betting pace 28-29,58,77-78, 80,97,131-132,181,194
- examples of 28-29
- game pace 28
- hand pace 28
- optimum pace 29
- ratios 29
- Betting stakes 26-28,58-60, 65-69,77,132,194,267
- increases 65 - 69
- example of 66-69
- limit stakes 268
- raising 161
- temporary increases 65
- Bibliography 278-298
- Blackjack 200
- Thorpe-type counting system 200
- Black notebook 7-8,51,83, 104,131-132
- Blandness 72-73
- Blind shuffling 219,238
- Bluffing 44-48,73,90, 116, 132-133,177-178,211, 212,231-232,235,243, 265
- Bluffs
- evoking or eliciting 90, 231-232, 235, 243, 265
- purpose 265
- reading 266-267
- Boasting 16, 130, 217-218
- Bonds 128
- Books--See Poker Books
- Bragging--See Boasting
- Breathing 263
- Bribes (favors) 135
- Bug card--See Joker
- Business 128
- Business contacts 169
- C -
- California card clubs--See Card Clubs
- Card clubs (also see Gardena) 193-256
- owners 202
- seats 248
- survey 249-251
- Card odds--See odds
- Cards 180
- Card sequence 7
- Cardsharps--See Cheaters
- Cash 97
- Cash position 102-104
- Casino poker
- cheating 220, 236-248
- house dealer 199-200, 212, 240
- Las Vegas, Nevada 194-196, 198, 236-248, 255-256
- learning 205-206, 212-216
- management 221, 224-225, 236, 245
- poker 192-256
- rake 129, 199-204
- survey 156, 248-256
- Lake Tahoe 248
- Las Vegas 252-256
- other Nevada 248
- Reno 248
- Caution vi
- Character 217-218, 225- 229, 271-272
- Character catalyst 271
- Cheaters and Cheating 7, 17, 88, 109, 110-119, 218-247
- accepting cheaters 112-113
- amateur 222-223
- bait 229
- card manipulations 219
- card marking and treatments 111-112, 219
- casino management 221, 224-225, 236-237, 245
- classical 219-221, 234-235
- cold deck 119
- collective 114
- collusion partners 110-ll6, 217-219, 220-221, 240-247
- cost of 112-113
- counteractions 228-247
- crimping 219, 238
- culling and stacking 219, 241
- daubing 219
- dependence on 247
- detecting 116-118, 228-229, 244-245
- eliminating cheating 114
- exposing cheaters 114
- extent of 195
- false cutting 219, 238
- false riffling 219, 238
- five-card or six-card stud 239
- flashing 223, 231, 233
- Gardena, California 230-235
- house dealer 236-242
- Las Vegas, downtown 236-242
- Las Vegas, the Strip 242-247
- litigation 225
- lowball 231, 232-233
- mechanical devices 111, 219
- MGM scandal 224
- modern 220, 222
- natural-play technique 236-240
- patterns, illogical 117, 228-229, 245
- professionals 195, 220, 222-223, 228-247
- proof of 221
- reciprocal card flashing 230-235
- rejecting cheaters 113-115
- Robin Hood 115-116
- second dealing 219
- setup 229
- stacking 111, 236-241, 246-247
- stealing from pots 111,115, 224
- surveillance of 221
- switching cards 111,115, 235, 246
- techniques 110-112, 218-247
- tournaments 227-228
- unbeatable 229,230, 232-233,236-240, 244-245,246-247
- uncontrollable 224
- victims 217
- violence 110, 227,229
- Cheating vs. deception 226-227
- Check raising 61,263
- Checks (bank) 101
- bounced checks 103
- cashing checks 103-105
- check winnings 105
- Chips--See Poker
- Chips "Cincinnati Kid" 266
- Clark Kents 266
- Cleaning expenses 167
- Club poker (Also see Gardena)
- cheating 223,230-235
- collection 191-205
- Gardena, California 201
- learning 205-212
- survey 249-250
- Collection fees 204
- Collusion cheating 110, 116, 223,242-247
- amateur 245-246
- counteractions 240-247
- crossfire betting 217-218, 242-245
- signals 240,247
- unbeatable 240,247
- Companionship 128,130
- Complaints 180
- Concealing--See Deception
- Concentration 31,92
- Concepts--See Poker Concepts
- Conclusion 271-272
- Confidence 8
- Conflicts 189
- Contacts 154
- Control 44-48,101,129, 153-154,167,188
- Cracking signals 239
- Craps 129,200
- Credit 12,15,97-105,135,181
- bad debts 99-105
- absorbed 102
- legal recourse 103
- maximum 102
- buying loans 104
- credit rating 104
- extending credit 100
- reciprocating loan 100
- refusing credit 101
- risks 102
- Credit rule 99-101
- exception 100, 103
- Crimping 219,238
- Crossfire betting 219,242-244
- Culling 219,238,240-241
- Cutting pot (Also see House Cut) 129,167,201
- D -
- Danger vi
- Dark glasses 83
- Daubing 219
- Daydreaming 142
- Dealer advantage 15,57
- Dealer or dealing (Also see House Dealer) 84,88-89
- Dealing seconds 219
- Debts--See Credit
- Deception and deceit 2, 17-18, 49, 76-78,226-227
- concealing desires 77
- concealing facts 77-78
- deception vs. cheating 226-227
- lying 78-79,92
- Decisions 21-24
- Definitions 1-29
- betting 26-29
- emotions 8-10
- odds 18-26
- poker 1-3
- poker concepts 10-18
- poker players 4-8
- Derivation of poker 276
- Deterioration 32
- Diamond 70-71
- Discipline 31-41
- Discouragement 189
- Disputed plays--See Rules
- Distractions 139-142
- examples of 142
- Drawing 84,88-89
- odds for 333-337
- Draw poker 57,86-87
- Drinking--See Alcohol
- Drop--See Fold
- Drunkenness--See Alcohol
- DTC method 31-48
- control 44-48
- discipline 31-41
- thought 41-44
- E -
- Early bet 62
- Earnings and winnings
- cheaters 112-113,197-198
- good players 16, 77, 113, 150-151,189-190, 197-198
- professionals 197-198
- shills 197-198
- Edge odds--See Odds
- Edge percentage--See Odds: Edge odds
- Effort 42,135
- Eldorado Card Club 207-212
- Eliciting bluffs vi, 89-90, 231-232, 235, 243, 265
- Emotions 8-10,109-110,113, 116,127-128
- arguments 109-110, 179-180
- disputes 109
- emotional characteristics 9-10
- emotional involvement 127-128,130
- fear 9, 63
- hurt feelings 169,171,189
- influence 8
- personal problems 109,181
- reactions 8-9
- resentment 185
- scaring 170
- stresses 9
- Encouragement 170
- Erroneous ideas 96-97
- Errors 7,33,136-137
- Ethics 74,88,226-228
- Evaluations 34-39
- outlines and notes 34-39
- semi-annual game notes 36-37
- semi-annual player profiles 38-39
- weekly game notes 34-35
- Evasions 271-272
- Evoking bluffs-See Eliciting Bluffs
- Evolution of poker 277
- Excuses-See Rationalizations
- Expansion 168-179
- Exploitation 131-144
- Eye actions or movements 83, 91
- Eyeglasses 83,88
- Eyeshades 180
- F -
- False cutting 219,238
- False riffling 219,238
- Farm system 187-190
- Favors 135
- Fear-See Emotions
- Feigning disorders 207
- guttural sounds 207, 212-213
- insanity 207-211
- muteness 207,212
- tics 207,212-213
- Finances 188
- Fines 160-161
- Finn, John 2-269
- Neocheating 268-269
- notes 261-269
- notes, lowball cheating 231-233
- notes, public poker 213-216
- Flashed cards (Also see Intentional Flashing) 87-91,222-223,230-235
- pressure against 231,233
- statistics 89
- Flattery 95,170
- Fold 88-89,92-94,136
- Food 32,40-41,42,80,133, 135
- Formulas 21,24,28
- understanding 21,24
- Freak hands 63,334-335
- Future earnings 48
- Future of poker 255-256
- G -
- Gamblers and gambling 4,32, 102,127-129,262
- blackjack 200
- books on 290
- collapse of 258
- craps 129,200
- definition of 127
- gambling intensity 129
- gambling situations 129
- honesty of 256
- horses 98,129,140
- illegal 201
- inveterate 259
- lottery 129
- numbers 129
- roulette 129,200
- slot machines 129
- Game--See Poker Game
- Game modifications 58-64
- Game notes--See Evaluations
- Game pace 28
- Game rules--See Rules
- Gang cheating--See Collusion Cheating
- Gardena 194-212,230-235
- card-club poker
- learning 205-212
- poker earnings 197
- tough players 205-212
- Chamber of Commerce 202
- club owners 202
- establishment 230
- gossip 230
- overconfidence 231
- poker mecca 201
- poker players 205-206
- survey 248-251
- Ghost hands 86-87
- Gifts 180
- Glossary 299-332
- Golden glow 219
- Good-luck charms 214
- Good players--See Poker Players: Good Players
- Gossip 142,230
- Guaranteed income
- private poker 1-190
- public poker 191-256
- Guttural sounds 207
- H -
- Hand pace 28
- Health 162,189,263
- High-low poker 13, 61
- qualifiers 61
- History 273-277
- Holding cards 92
- Hold 'em 63,222
- tournaments 227-228
- Honest marked cards 111-112
- Honest poker 111-112
- Horse racing 98,129,140
- House cut 129,192,197-204 214
- casino rake 129,198-201
- Gardena time collection 193,197-205
- House dealer 199-200, 206, 212, 214
- all-knowing-See Public Poker
- cheating 223,228,236-242, 246-247
- paying off collusion dealer 240
- toking 199-200,212,244
- House game--See Public Poker
- illegality of 201
- sponsored by good player 201
- House rules--See Rules
- Hoyles 278-279
- Hypnosis 131,138-139
- I -
- Illness 184-185
- Image, loose-player 266
- Impulses 5
- Income--See Poker Income
- Individualism 271-272
- Influence--See Control
- Insanity vi, 207-211
- Insurance 150-151
- Intentional flashing 90-91, 230-235
- Investment odds--See Odds
- Investment situations 128-129
- banks 128
- bonds 128
- business 128
- intensity 128-129
- situation 128-129
- stocks 128
- winner 128
- Invitations to games 154-155, 174
- Involvement 127-130,159
- emotional 127-128
- financial 129-130
- J -
- Job 42,162
- Joker 63,133
- Justice 247,272
- K -
- Kibitzers--See Peekers
- L -
- Late hours 14,161-163
- Las Vegas casino poker--See Casino Poker
- Las Vegas riffle 219
- Laws--See Taxes and Laws
- Laziness 7,9,135
- Liabilities 155,170-171
- Library of Congress 280,290
- Loans--See Credit
- Location, 80,167-168
- Loose player image 266
- Losers 100,127-130,168-169, 255-256,259-269, 271-272
- chronic 259
- helping 180-182
- on cover i
- Losing streak 8,32
- Losses 188-189
- on-purpose losses 148-151
- Lottery 129
- Lowball draw 63,215
- cheating 223,230-235
- odds for 338-339
- Luck 2,6,7,12,14,97
- Lying--See Deception
- M -
- Maintenance 179-186
- Major-league game 187-190
- Manipulations 45-46,213
- betting 45
- defensive 45-46
- offensive 45
- Marked cards 111-112,219
- honest markings 111-112
- Marker (buck) 57
- Maximum-value hand 63
- Maximum-win approach 4-5
- Mechanics of poker 50
- Memorizing 32,86-87,238
- discards 86
- in draw 86-87
- in stud 86-87
- Merciless poker 271-272
- Minor-league game 187-190
- Money xvii, 9, 96-97,271-272
- unattached money 17
- Money extraction 144-151, 159
- Money flow or patterns 45, 48,58,145-151
- controlled 148-151
- ideal 148
- uncontrolled (normal) 144-146
- Morale 151,158,182-184
- Morals viii, 226-227,260-261
- Motives 127-130
- Muteness 206-211,212-213
- Mystical attitude 5-7,214
- N -
- Nap 34
- Negative activity 160-161 271
- Negative qualities 271-272
- Neocheating 217-218, 268-269
- Nervousness 42
- Nevada casino poker (Also see Casino Poker) 194-196
- expansion of poker 248
- survey 248,252-255
- Newspaper 140,142
- Nonbettors 263
- Nongame behavior 93-96
- Nongame contacts 95-96
- Notes (Also see Evaluations)
- Finn's lowball-cheating notes 231-232
- Finn's poker notes 261-267
- Finn's public-game notes 213-216
- Novel games 63
- Numbers 129
- O -
- Objective attitude 5-8, 271-272
- Objective thinking--See Thought
- Observation 79-94
- Odds 18-26,333-343
- accurately defined 333-334, 336
- calculations of 333-334,336
- comparison of 343
- card odds 18-21,333-335
- examples of 18-19, 335-343
- low hands 19, 338-339
- statistics 20
- consistently calculated 334-335,336
- draw odds 336-337
- edge odds 24-26,45,48,63, 66-67,70-71,109,127, 146,156,161,168,199, 200,205,232-233,239
- formula 24
- statistics 25-26
- graph of wild-card odds 343
- hold 'em odds 340
- investment odds 21-24,44, 137-138, 214,220,228, 233,239,242,262
- examples of 21-24
- formula 21
- lowball odds 19, 338-339
- pat hands 337-338,341,342
- draw hands 336,338,339, 341
- high pairs 338
- two pairs 342
- various hands 337
- rank of hands 334-335
- stud odds 340,341
- tables of 334-343
- wild card odds 342
- Off days 184-185
- One million dollars 189
- On-purpose losses 150-151
- Opponents 51-54,55,76, 77-78,127-151,211-212, 215-216,261-267
- changes in 53
- classification of 54
- disintegration of 54
- families of 95
- intimidation by 206-211
- stimulating poor attitudes in 96-97
- wives of 95-96
- Optimum pace 28-29
- Other games 77
- Organization 158-168
- P -
- Pace--See Betting Pace
- Pan 251
- Peekers 88-89,91-94
- Penalties 13,160-161, 271-272
- Personality 74-76
- friendly 75-76
- friendly traditions 75
- split 75,95
- unfriendly, tough 74-75, 101-103,157,171-174, 216
- Personal weakness--See Weakness
- Physical fitness 216, 261, 263
- Physical movements 72
- Pick-up checks 61
- Place-and-show-tickets-split-pot-with-twist-your-neighbor 63
- Player notes--See Evaluations
- Players--See Poker Players
- Poker xvii, 1-3,14,16, 271-272
- availability 194,213,248
- deception, rightness of 226-227
- derivation of 276
- electronic 225-226
- evolution of 277
- faking success 271-272
- future 225,255-256
- good poker 4-5,17-18,31, 49-51
- history 273-277
- inflation hedge v
- justice 247
- nonproductive activity 261
- penalties 271-272
- private 1-190
- public 191-256
- casinos 193-256
- public clubs 193-256
- rewards 271-272
- stereotyped, fictionalized, and romanticized views 266
- Poker books 12-16,278-298
- Gambler's Book Club 298
- gambling books 290
- in Library of Congress 280-290
- University of Nevada 298
- Poker chips 80,97,141
- Poker concepts 11-19
- advanced 1-269,257-259
- common xvii, 11-17
- new 188
- Poker game 153-190
- attendance 178-179
- breaking up 158
- card club 191-212,230-235, 248,249-251
- casino 129,191-201, 212-216,236-247, 252-255
- collapsing 158,167,256
- expanding 168-179
- farm system 187-190
- fast game 205-207
- filled game 178-179
- financial potential 158
- high stake 187
- irregular games 159
- leaving early 185-186
- location 167-168
- different 168
- permanent 167
- low stake 187-188
- maintenance 179-186
- major league 187,190
- making attractive 179-180
- minor league 187-188,190
- new games 153-155
- one-shot games 157
- organizing 158-168
- other games 153-158
- public 191-256
- quitting 157
- World Series 216
- Poker income 42,66-67,77, 125,130,150,155, 189-190,197,198
- Poker Manual xvii. 257-260, 275,297
- buyers 257-258
- profits from 260
- use of 258-260
- Poker notes
- general 35-40,257-267
- lowball cheating 231-232
- private poker 261-267
- public poker 212-218
- Poker players 4-8
- bankrupt 99
- breaking in 187
- contacting 164-167
- desirable 154-155
- financial limits 159
- good players 4-5,7,45, 74-77,129,156,170-174
- house-game sponsor 201
- independent 217
- playing against 5,7
- profits 195,197-198
- rejecting 170-174
- two in a game 5
- helping 169-170
- irregular players 178-179
- keeping 169-170
- losing tolerances 159
- new-breed player 218,318
- new players 169-170
- permanent players 155-157
- poor players and other players 5-7,14,77-78, 154-155,168,261
- potential 95,168,187-188
- professional 217-256
- recruiting 154,155,158
- rejecting 170-174
- selecting 187-188
- women players 174-178, 208-209,215
- Poker rules--See Rules
- Poker, World Series of 216, 227
- Policies 96-110
- Pornographic literature 140
- Position 55-58
- fundamental 48,55
- seat 56-58
- technical 55
- Positive qualities 271-272
- Posture 32
- Pot limit--See Betting
- Pride 100
- Private-game professional 217-218
- Private poker worldwide 192, 194-196
- Private vs. public poker 192-193,194-196
- Probabilities--See Odds: Card Odds
- Professional establishment 206-207,221,228
- Professional players 191-256, 217-256
- beating 228-247,266-267
- beginner 228
- character 217-218,226-229
- cheating 218-247,255-256
- establishment 206-207,221, 228
- nature of 217-218,226-229
- new breed 218,318
- private-game 216-218
- proposition players 197
- reading 206
- shills 197,198,215
- stereotype 206,217,228, 266
- trade tools 228
- well-known 216,218
- winnings 195,197-198
- women 175-176,215
- Profit 66-67,125,190
- poker income; 125,130,190, 197-198
- profit motive 4-7
- Proposition players 197
- Psychology 8-10,46,94-96, 267
- Public-game professional 217-256
- Public poker 191-256
- billion-dollar-a-year industry 255-258
- cheating 222-223,228-247
- collapse 256
- control of 216
- earnings 195,197-198
- learning 205-216
- notes 212-216
- women players 208-209, 215
- Public vs. private poker 192-196
- Q -
- Qualifiers 61,67
- Questions and responses 82-83,85,265
- Quitting a game 157-158
- Quitting poker 260-261
- Quitting time 16,161-162
- R -
- Radio 139-140,142
- Raising 13,44,84
- Rake--See house Cut
- Raking power 199-200
- Rank of hands 18-19, 334-335
- Rationality 256,271-272
- Rationalization 7,259-260, 265
- Razz 251
- Readable patterns 72,83-86, 91-92,247
- Reading bluffs 265
- Reading cheaters--See Cheaters, detecting
- Reading opponents 82-86, 247,264-265
- Recruiting players 154-155, 158
- Reflected cards 88-90
- Relative performance--See Odds: Edge Odds
- Relaxation 263
- Religious crosses 214
- Remembering--See Memorizing
- Reno casino poker--See Casino Poker
- Resting place 188
- Riffle, cull, and stack 219
- Right to bet 62
- Robbery 168,196
- Roulette 129
- Routines, roses and rules 214
- Rudeness 171-174,216
- Rules xvii, 6,105-109,214, 278
- disputed plays 106-107
- exposed cards 106
- misdeal 106
- out of turn 107
- game rules 105-108,278
- equitable interpretations 105,108
- problems 106-107,108
- Gardena 208
- house rules 107-108
- Hoyles 278-279
- inequitable rules 107
- modified rules 105-106
- ruleless situations 105-106
- S -
- Salvation Army 208
- Seat position 56-58
- arrangement 57-58
- height 216
- swapping 57
- Self-control--See Discipline
- Shave 34
- Shills 197, 198, 215
- Shuffling 86-87
- Side bets 143-144
- Signals--See Collusion Cheating
- cracking signals 247
- Six-card stud, Reno 239
- Slot machines 129
- Smoking 208, 216, 262
- Social contacts 169
- Spectacular plays 46
- Spectators 91-92
- Split pot--See high-Low Poker
- Squeezing cards 43, 84
- Stakes--See Betting stakes
- Starting time 159, 160
- indefinite 160
- firm 160
- Statistical game 214, 262
- Statistical value 55
- Stocks 128
- Strategical game 214, 262
- Strategy 49-125, 78, 92
- ingredients of 49-50
- immediate or action 50, 55
- long range 50
- short range 50
- Strength, estimated 55
- Stud poker, 57, 85, 86-87
- five-card 64
- odds for 340-341
- Sunglasses 83
- Super-powerful hands 229
- Superstitions 132-133, 214
- Systemization 72-73
- T -
- Table stakes--See Betting
- Tailor-made games 58-64
- Tattletale 103
- Tattoos 214
- Taxes and laws 119-125
- federal excise tax 119
- federal income tax 119
- tax form 125
- state laws and taxes 120-124
- Technique 31-48
- control 44-48
- discipline 31-41
- DTC method 31-48
- thought 41-44
- Telephone calls 164-167
- telephone forms 165
- Television 139, 142
- Tells--See Reading opponents
- Tension 263
- The Diamond 70, 71
- Thorpe counting system 200
- Thought 21, 41-44, 271-272
- analytical thinking 41
- objective thinking 41
- Tics 207, 212
- Tight playing 11, 15, 78
- Time cuts of collections--See house Cuts
- Gardena schedule 203, 204, 214
- Time limit 6
- Time lost 260-261, 271
- Tipping-See Toking
- Toking 199-200,212,244,246
- Tough behavior--See Personality: unfriendly
- Tournament poker 216,227
- cheating in 227-228
- Twist 59,60-61
- double twist 60
- giant twist 60
- unlimited twist 61
- U -
- Underbetting hands 263
- Understanding poker xvii, 1-2,50-51
- learning public poker 205-216
- Unexposed cards 88-91
- Unfriendly game 42,213,218
- V -
- Verbal expressions 72
- Violence 110,196,229
- Vocal tones 72,82
- W -
- Wallace, F. R. xvii, 260-261, 268,297
- Weaknesses 131-135
- Welching 16,102
- Whims 271
- Wild cards 63
- odds for 342
- Wild games 6,63
- Winners (Also see Poker Players: good Players) 128,271-272
- as losers 261
- nature of 4-5, 256-261, 271-272
- Winning 143
- rate 144-145
- too fast 144-145
- Winnings 42,67,77,125,130, 150,154,155,163, 189-190,195,197-198
- professionals 195,197-198
- Win one-million dollars 189-190
- Win streak 8,16,32
- Women players 174-178, 208-209,215
- World Series of Poker 216, 227
- Y -
- Yearly income 42,125,150, 154,155,163,190,195, 197-198
| Parent Index
| Build Freedom:
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