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The Story

Chapter Eleven

As Jake listened to more tapes, he seemed to be pulled into another world, a world that seemed so natural yet so different than the world he had always lived in.

By any outside measure, this world would seem strange: kids going national in business, kids questioning the validity of God and sitting on the edge of their seats in discussions about the universe, politics, medicine, and love. Kids running to get to class and not wanting to leave. Kids compassionate to each other's feelings. ...Even adults cannot begin to exist at this level, he thought.

Yet, when Jake listened to the tapes, it all seemed so natural. When he turned off the tapes and thought about it, however, that other world seemed bizarre, for his mind would try to measure it against this world's standards.

Using Miss Annabelle's technique to see through to the essence of things, he tried to grasp what constituted that different world where he felt so at home as he listened in on it. He really felt he belonged there.

He remembered Miss Annabelle saying to search for common denominators to help see the essence. What is the common denominator in that third-grade classroom, he pondered over and over.

He noticed how alive and motivated the twelve students became as the year went on. He also noticed that their minds did not seem at all like children -- not one of them. Their voices were high and sweet like nine-year-olds. But their minds worked in concepts that reached out far beyond most adults and made clear understandings of complex ideas. Their young minds worked much better than adults' minds. No, Jake thought, those children's minds worked beyond adults' minds; those children are in some other world.


Angie was calling Jessie and Jake to the kitchen table. She always fixed a substantial breakfast. She believed that breakfast was the most functional meal of the day and was put to good use, so she never skimped.

She scooped three poached eggs, several sausages, and cut cantaloupe onto their plates. Jessie buttered a piece of toast. Jake took a biscuit and poured some white gravy over it.

Angie and Jessie wanted to ask Jake what he had heard thus far. But Jake stared at his plate as he slowly ate. He was trying to figure out what constituted that other world. The breakfast was quiet for about three minutes. Then Jake looked up. Seeing Angie and Jessie looking at him, he smiled and apologized for his absent mindedness.

"What are you wrestling with inside your head?" Jessie asked.

Jake, suddenly buoyed by the thought that Jessie and Angie had listened to the tapes too, said "When you listened to the tapes, one after the next, did you get, uh...a feeling like some other type of life exists...that everyone is missing out?"

Angie and Jessie looked at each other and Angie sighed.

"It's like, when I listen to those tapes..." Jake continued, grasping for an analogy, "'s like going through some kind of space-time jump to another place, a special, secret place very few have ever been, but everyone belongs."

"Yes," Angie said. Then reaching over to hold her husband's hand, she added, "We've talked about that many times. It's like, in that world, everyone is learning. They just keep building those amazing thoughts."

"Everyone is doing the right thing during that one year," Jessie said emphatically. "Life out here is just not like that."

"But why not?" Jake asked, never so sincere before in his life.

"Honey, we don't know how to make it like that," Angie said with noticeable maternal feelings for Jake. "I wish...I really wish we did."

"I think I do," Jessie said, surprising Angie and Jake. "My head's been spinning with memories ever since day 'fore yesterday when Jake arrived," he said looking at Angie. "And I think I've spotted the common denominator behind every moment in that classroom that year, especially after the holidays when things really started happening fast."

Then Jessie turned his gaze to Jake and his voice dropped into the most serious tone Jake had yet witnessed: "Jake, have you heard the talks by Theodore Winters, Ian Scott, Sally Salberg, and Johnny Ward?"

"Only the talk by Ted," Jake said.

Jessie continued, holding Angie's hand while bouncing his eyes back and forth from Jake to Angie, "Those amazing learning curves and those amazing thoughts you refer to...and everyone doing the right seems so miraculous, so impossible. But what is it we witness when we hear those kids putting together those amazing thoughts? We witness people who, as far as their knowledge reaches, are completely honest with reality. Those kids become incapable of hedging on honesty. They could not rationalize away what is, regardless of what anyone else said, regardless of what everyone else said."

"Yes!" cried Jake. "Remember what Ian started saying about God being a rumor. When he had enough knowledge to see God as an illusion, he did. Nothing held him back, not a thing."

"And that's why they always did the right thing," Jessie added.

"They became so loyal to honesty, they couldn't be held back by the many illusions in this world built on a dishonest matrix of illusions," Jake added enthusiastically. "Therefore, they soared."

"It's because of their profound honesty that they so rapidly cut through to those huge insights," Jessie continued. "I remember Miss Annabelle telling me how she could explain a very complex idea to her children, an idea that cut through illusions to the essence of things. She told me that her children could immediately get it, whereas adults would take much longer, if they would ever see through the illusions at all. ...Well, now I know, that's because the children used profound honesty in dealing with logic and reality."

"That's it!" cried Jake. "That's it. Those kids and their teacher had a powerful but elusive tool: they were able to see reality -- see through the many illusions to the essence of things, which takes profound honesty in dealing with reality. Like you said, Jessie, as the year went on, they seemed to actually become incapable of being dishonest in any way. Therefore, they always did the right thing."

"Yeah, they really soared. Just wait till you get to Johnny Ward's talk," Jessie said while nodding.

"What about Johnny's talk?" Jake asked.

"You don't know who he is yet, do you?" Jessie asked; his eyes were smiling.

"Should I?" Jake asked.

"Yeah, if you follow the news," Jessie answered.

After a moment of thought, Jake blurted, "No...not Jonathan Ward. I love him! ...He's not the same person as Miss Annabelle's Johnny Ward?"

"Yup -- that's him," Jessie said laughing, "And you thought there were just three greats. Nope, there's at least four."

Jake was stunned. Jonathan Ward had shocked the world with his figures in polls as a third-party presidential candidate who came out of nowhere running under his new political party called the Neo-Tech Party. He did not lead in any poll, and he was not second. But he had captured the attention of the nation and his numbers were rising.

"My God," Jake said shaking his head in disbelief. More missing pieces to the puzzle inside Jake's mind were snapping together. "Jonathan Ward today represents that other world of profound honesty. That man blasts through all the political illusions that have existed since the beginning of civilization. He opens my eyes to illusion after illusion that even I couldn't see through."


Jake had been interested in the Neo-Tech Party after hearing Jonathan Ward deliver a campaign speech at Boston University a month ago. Jake had never been interested in politics before Jonathan's speech last month and the new Neo-Tech Party.

The Neo-Tech Party stood for new (Neo) technology (Tech). Jonathan Ward, who never held public office before, was a wealthy self-made businessman. He was a developer who revolutionized luxurious yet affordable planned communities throughout the western United States. He personally designed the homes and the tall condominium buildings. He was known for his enormous conceptual reach and, paradoxically, for his enormous capacity for tracking the details of his sprawling empire. He possessed a rare dynamism that let him smoothly handle huge situations. He was a lover of life; he knew how to succeed, and he had enormous energy.

He financed his own presidential campaign. His platform was simple: depoliticize America. It was built on two premises: 1) He would free the existing geniuses and the many more potential geniuses of society by ending government regulations, 2) in turn, new technology would soar in all industries as already happened in the nonregulated computer industry, sending consumer costs to fractions...making the consumers -- the people -- wealthy.

He promoted Six Visions that drew standing ovations at his campaign stops. His Six Visions attracted the man in the street and caused escalating support.

In his First Vision, he saw all peoples' needs taken care of by the geniuses of society, rising by the many millions as he removed nearly all government regulations. Those geniuses rapidly drove technologies into new dimensions that brought undreamed of values to the people.

His Second Vision showed him those soaring new technologies plunging toward zero costs, like the original computer revolution. That great Technological Revolution made ordinary people more and more wealthy, like millionaires, as costs in all industries kept plunging.

In his Third Vision, he saw that the new technologies racing ahead in all industries also raced ahead in the medical industry without the destructive FDA regulations holding the geniuses back. The geniuses eradicated disease after disease and drove down medical costs to mere pittance until people lived with perfect health well into their hundreds.

In his Fourth Vision, businesses strived to keep up with the rapid progress of the great Technological Revolution. So everything changed as businesses, to stay competitive, concentrated on bringing out their greatest asset -- the unique creativity of their employees. Ordinary people experienced extraordinary entrepreneurial-like jobs; they loved going to work, and they shared in the profits they created.

His Fifth Vision showed him that the romantic intensity of the first few falling-in-love months in romantic relationships did not fade over time. Why? People were no longer sinking in stagnation. Instead, they were successful and soaring in the livelihoods of their dreams. With that ongoing source of happiness, both inside and overflowing into their romantic relationships, they could forever feel the power of love.

His Sixth Vision showed him ordinary people became smarter than today's richest people. Heretofore, ordinary people awaited their instructions in life from work, by the media, by the government, the church, the Establishment. In the new, Neo-Tech world, however, instead of being told how to live, ordinary people began integrating knowledge to lead themselves. They began snapping together knowledge into growing success puzzles at work and life in general. They could see through the matrix of illusions and no longer needed or wanted to be led by "authorities". The need and desire for a government ruling class and its regulations became repulsive to the super smart multitudes.

The old structure of government could not exist with that new mentality. Jonathan Ward told packed auditoriums that the dawn of a new code of living -- wealthy living -- had arrived. During the overflowing Boston University campaign stop, he was asked why his independent political campaign kept rising in all polls when independent "third" parties before almost always pulled just a small percentage of votes. Jake listened in awe as Jonathan described a new political structure for a new mentality:

"I'm becoming a contender in this political race because my campaign has nothing to do with political ideas," he proclaimed, befuddling his college audience. "I'm becoming a contender because I represent the next evolution of man, which has already begun. Political structures, ironically, are not based on political ideas; they're fundamentally based on man's mentality. Heretofore, our political structure along with the other basic structures of civilization like religion, education, marriage, enterprise were based on mankind's mentality from the past known as the bicameral mentality. The bicameral mentality goes back to over 3000 years ago when people's minds regularly hallucinated the voices of the gods emanating from statues, tombs, pyramids or other awe-inspiring objects of worship, telling man what to do and how to live his life.

"Today's mentality still functions in that bicameral fashion. Instead of voices of the gods, however, people let the voices of the politicians and regulatory bureaucrats tell them what to do and how to live their lives. In short, the current and past mentalities seek to be told how to live by some outside authority.

"But the next evolution of man has begun. The dawn of a completely new mentality has arrived. That new mentality seeks no further than one's own mind for direction on how to live. Man's new mentality no longer looks toward external `authorities'. He needs no authorization from outside. The mentality of the future looks inside to one's own honest, integrating mind for authority.

"All those government programs for the so-called `public good', with politicians telling us how to spend our money, and all those regulatory programs with bureaucrats telling us how to run our businesses...none of those programs could survive in the new mentality that no longer accepts being told what to do. ...Perhaps now you can understand that the Neo-Tech Platform of 1) removing all government programs that are on the offense telling people how to live their lives, and 2) reducing government to programs of defense only, protecting individuals from physical not based on political ideas per se. The platform is simply a new political structure based on the new God-Man mentality of no external "authorities" telling us how to live our lives. Therefore, as mankind makes its final evolution, the Neo-Tech Party will be the only political survivor."

Jake joined the thunderous applause. Holding his hand up to quiet the crowd, Jonathan Ward continued.

"That, my friends, is the secret to this campaign. Our final evolution into the new mentality has begun. Now you can really understand where the issues of my campaign are coming from: the Solar-Eclipse Budget that eclipses over a trillion dollars from the budget to eliminate the solar spending programs for the `public good' and to eliminate the regulatory bureaucracies, leaving only a half-trillion dollars for national defense and paying off the debt...well, now you can see that such issues are much more than mere political ideas; they represent a new political structure for the new mentality of no external "authorities" telling us how to live.

"The results of eliminating a government of offense and all its burdensome regulations will be spectacular wealth for the people as the freed geniuses of society rise up. In this day and age of high technology, they'll drive technologies through the next level to create spectacular new values for us, and the cost of those spectacular new values will plunge to mere dollars as we've already seen with the computers and communications. Ordinary people will live like millionaires -- healthy millionaires who soon no longer get sick as the geniuses eradicate disease through soaring new medical technologies.

"Businessmen and women who have no interest in political careers are joining my Neo-Tech Party across the country. I call this phenomenon the Great Replacement Program as we say good-bye forever to the career politician. There'll be no such thing as career politicians telling us how to live our lives in the new mentality of no external `authorities'.

"Government programs for the `public good', including the regulatory bureaucracies, will now go to the private sector. Now, instead of politicians serving themselves and their political agendas, millions of geniuses of society will be serving you -- the consumer. I call this phenomenon the Great Displacement Program as we say good-bye forever to so-called political `public good'. There'll be no such thing as bureaucrats telling us how to spend our monies or run our businesses in the new mentality of no external `authorities'.

"As we displace those programs and services to the private sector, the Federal government will have a huge sale -- selling off everything that has nothing to do with defense. The trillions of dollars generated from the sale of big government will repay every American's past contributions toward Social Security with interest. Then, when everyone is repaid with interest, the Social Security program for the so-called `public good' will be terminated. Social Security telling us how to save our monies could never survive in the new mentality of no external `authorities'.

"The only government that could survive the rapidly approaching new mentality is a protection service, a government of defense protecting individual and property rights from aggression. A half-trillion dollar budget is all that is needed to do that. The other trillion plus dollars that go to government on the offense, telling individuals how to live, will not survive the new mentality of no external `authorities'.

"The new government structure of defense will serve one Universal Constitution of Individual Protection. In fact, it's so short, clear, and indivisible, anyone can memorize it as his or her anchor to freedom and can recite it in about two minutes anytime, anywhere to uphold it and forever protect it:

The Universal Constitution

The purpose of human life is to prosper and live happily. The function of society is to guarantee those conditions that allow all individuals to fulfill their purpose. Those conditions can be guaranteed through a constitution that forbids the use of initiatory force or coercion by any person or group against any individual:

The Constitution

Article 1: No person, group of persons, or government may initiate force, threat of force, or fraud against any individual's self or property.

Article 2: Force may be morally and legally used only in defense against those who violate Article 1.

Article 3: No exceptions shall ever exist to Articles 1 and 2.

Jonathan Ward slowly emphasized every word of Article 3 of the Universal Law. The crowd broke into whistles, clapping, and loud young men shouting, "Yeah!" and "ou! ou! ou! ou!" with their arms gyrating. Jake's face turned red as he felt his blood throbbing through his neck. He was moved and thought he might get involved with the Neo-Tech Party. ...This all happened a month before Jake knew anything about Miss Annabelle.

Jonathan Ward waved to the roaring crowd and left the platform, thinking to himself that someday soon the idea of campaign rallies will seem weird, like ancient history, as government of defense will fairly quickly run like a business based on people's performances, not elections.


Returning to the present from his memory of the moving campaign speech, Jake said to Jessie and Angie, "I'm still in shock. But it makes so much sense now. Jonathan Ward is driving for a fully honest society. That society provides ultimate conditions for happiness to everyone."

"Doesn't it fit Miss Annabelle's classroom?" Angie said. "Jonathan is using widescope honesty to blast through illusions like political `good intentions' for the `public good'."

"Yes, yes it does all fit together," Jake echoed.

"Yeah," Jessie said. Then his voice trailed off as he mumbled a tormenting, unanswerable question, "What could have been if that woman had been teaching over the past 27 years?"

That thought, indeed, haunted Jessie, Angie, and Jake. What could have been? Jake kept hearing, in his head, the word he had heard Miss Annabelle mentioned a handful of times on her tapes -- God-Man.

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