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The Story

Chapter Six

The logs in the fireplace were crackling; the room was warm. Miss Annabelle stood in the middle of her living room. She looked through the big bay window. Her front yard, driveway, and the street were covered in a white blanket of snow. The snow was still falling, and the snowflakes seemed unusually large. It was Christmas Day.

She opened the front door and stepped outside. The roads were empty, and she loved peaceful times like this. She looked at the branches of the pine trees covered with their own blankets of snow. "It's so beautiful out here," she thought. The little blankets of snow on the branches of trees and on the mail boxes and on the cars, and the thick blankets on the houses and over the ground seemed to absorb the normal sounds right out of the air. ...Under growing pressures from the school board and faculty at school, Miss Annabelle derived great pleasure from this peaceful moment.

The neighbors' two boys suddenly cracked the silence with yelps of joy as they ran outside and instinctively started a snowball fight.

"Hi, Miss Annabelle!" they yelled when they saw her. Lee and Todd knew about her enormous popularity among the students at school. And although they were in the second and fifth grades, they felt like they lived next to a celebrity. And Todd had high hopes of having Miss Annabelle for his teacher next year.

"Merry Christmas, boys!" she said. She loved to hear those two happy children playing in the yard on weekends and holidays. "I have something for you two."

The boys came running over, and she invited them in to give them their presents. When she handed them the wrapped gifts, she said they could open them now. They tore off the wrapping paper and, at about the same moment, both said, "Cool!" when they saw their new walkie-talkies.

Miss Annabelle put batteries in their new toys; Lee and Todd could be seen the rest of the day, running around the yards, talking to each other through their walkie-talkies.

Back in her house, she was excited to start working on her lectures that day. Today was about to become her most exciting Christmas ever. A few weeks before, Miss Annabelle noticed her lectures were starting to, unexpectedly, snap together like a puzzle, building a picture bigger than the sum total of themselves.

What's happening? she wondered, at first, not yet understanding the nature of Neothink.

She thought about how hard she worked on her lectures, how deeply she thought about things and how honest she must be to cut through what appears to be to what is. The common denominator snapping together this synergistic puzzle picture, she realized, was pure honesty. It was hard work to be fully honest and get down to the essence of things -- past the appearances to what is.

But what would this growing puzzle picture of her lectures eventually reveal? What would it lead to? Today she would learn the answer.

She knew she was knocking down the complex matrix of illusions for her students, one by one. But that was all she was aware of doing -- knocking down illusions. But each time she knocked down an illusion, she was left with something tangible and valuable -- a real piece of a whole new world. Today she would explicitly realize that a whole new world exists, a world without illusions, and she was building the puzzle picture to that new world. Each illusion she knocked down, she was left with another piece to the puzzle. Today she would also learn that in that new world man lives with a different way of thinking, powerful thinking that yields power and wealth. In that world, we become the God-Man -- the next evolution of man with a new mentality. Today she would learn that the growing puzzle picture her lectures would reveal is that new world, and that revelation would show the way to make the evolutionary leap into the new think to her students.

Honesty is the common denominator building this puzzle, she thought. Can I see enough of the picture, before I know all the pieces, to suddenly see what the whole picture will look like when complete and know what I'm striving to show my students? That'll help me know what the missing pieces look like to form my lectures faster.

Suddenly she knew she needed help from the creative part of her brain. Excited by her challenge, Miss Annabelle twirled across her living room like a ballerina, over to her stereo. She placed two albums on her record player, then the beauty of Tchaikovsky filled her house.

"That's better," she sighed. She filled her bathtub with hot water and bath oils. Just before she stepped in, she remembered to light her scented candles. Then, she slid her fair, sleek body into the liquid warmth as her mind slid into an imaginative, wonderful world.

I'll visit the world of pure honesty, where there are no illusions. Everything is what is...a totally honest world. What's it like?

Swan Lake filled the air; vanilla-cinnamon did too as the warm water wrapped itself around her every mound and filled her every dip. Her mind slid toward another place and time, somewhere in the future:

She asked herself, what causes the matrix of illusions all around us? Why do the illusions exist? In many cases, she realized, the illusions originated from politics. What appears good by those who control us is really, at the essence, bad. The common denominator beneath those illusions? The illusions support people who do not contribute tradable values to society. The illusions all support politicians and freeloaders. At the same time, the illusions hurt everyone else, but the people don't know it.

What if there were a place, a world of no politicians? As absurd as that seems, Miss Annabelle closed her eyes, slid deeper into her warm bath, and tried to imagine such a place: There, everyone was happy. Letting her imagination flow, without trying to figure out the logic behind it, Miss Annabelle noticed major differences immediately: everyone was wealthy, everyone was healthy, everyone had a livelihood they loved, couples were mutually, madly in love, they were all slim and sexy, and everyone was like a genius building exciting values for the world.

The more the people built their creations, the happier they were and the wealthier society became. Everyone's job was like an entrepreneurial adventure; they thrived in the careers of their dreams. They were so happy, they would celebrate their happiness every day with their spouses of their dreams and their children. And, with so many breakthrough values coming into society, the medical field was no exception. The people lived with near-perfect health.

Somehow, Miss Annabelle knew her beautiful vision of the future, free of the matrix of illusions, was valid. All the pieces fit together perfectly. Her vision had everything to do with the people finally seeing through what appears to be -- the illusions -- to what is.

Unexpectedly, she started remembering her past, which was full of illusions that were impossible to see through. She remembered her ex-husband who always told her that he loved her. And she believed him. One day, he hit her in a jealous rage. But the next day he apologized so genuinely and articulated how he loved her with such passion, she continued to believe him.

But things got worse. She believed him...until one day he battered her so badly that she lay unconscious for over an hour on the kitchen floor. When she regained consciousness, the last thing she remembered was her husband pointing a knife at her, telling her he would kill her.

Perhaps for self-preservation, at that moment her mind saw straight through all the illusions in her marriage. And her mind did not stop there. As if the trauma had altered her brain's thought waves, she started seeing through the illusions in society all around her. No one else seemed able to break through the spell...until her students.

She had survived a horrible physical beating and severe emotional trauma. Suddenly, though, she started seeing through it all -- to the essence of things...where the power in life awaits ordinary, powerless people. For, at the essence, they can take actions that will change their lives for the better.

Like rising from the dead, Miss Annabelle turned all her meekness into the strength of ten people. She ran her husband out of her life, moved to a new state and new life, and started her year at Duncan Elementary.

As she soaked her body in the tub, she smiled at herself. A year ago, she was not able to see through the illusions that had made her a powerless prisoner...not until survival pressures forced her to. ...Survival pressures.

"Ah ha!" she shrieked. "That's it: survival pressures!" Suddenly, the mystery started coming together. Could this be how to cross over from today's world controlled by a dishonest matrix of the completely honest world of individual power and prosperity...through survival pressures?

For some time, she had likened politicians and regulatory bureaucracies to wife beaters. Indeed, they continually battered down society's potential progress, which suppressed the people's standard of living, and politicians did this harm while telling us they love us with their "compassionate" programs for the "public good".

Like me with my ex-husband, she thought, the people are powerless prisoners to the politicians' illusions. And, like me, the people cannot break free until society suffers enough that the people face survival pressures. But that won't happen because the politicians will not suppress the collective society to that low point where people will break through the illusions.

I ran my husband and his sweet talk out of my life, she thought. But will the people run the career politicians and their programs for the "public good" out of their lives? Will the people someday elect value producers instead who'll remove the debilitating regulatory bureaucracies that block rapid progress? Without that regulatory web holding everything down, more and more tender youth would rise into entrepreneurial geniuses who bring great values to the world. The computer industry advanced so fast because politicians had not figured out how to regulate it. Without the regulatory web, thoroughly spun throughout every other industry, high technology would advance like the computers in every field, driving down our costs to fractions like what was happening to the computers. And technological breakthroughs in the medical field, especially, would soar and costs would dive when we depoliticize that field of knowledge.

Costs would dive to fractions, making people wealthy. Disease after disease would be quickly eradicated. And to keep up in that rapidly advancing society, business structures would have to change to survive, she realized. The typical routine rut would become a thing of the past as the wealthy people no longer had to work from paycheck to paycheck. Instead, they would search for and discover what they really loved to do and, therefore, be highly motivated to build their competitive creations for the world. To encourage that widespread motivation, the job structure itself would have to change, under survival pressures beyond today's routine ruts. Perhaps jobs would become little entrepreneurial units to encourage and reward people's greatest asset -- their buried creativity.

And with such stimulating new jobs, people would become ever more effective thinkers, just as Miss Annabelle herself since switching off her former following mode. Moreover, they would fall in love with their work and goals...just as she had. And, being so happy, their love and family relationships would flourish. Like her own wonderful life since cutting through the illusions and dumping her oppressive ex-husband, the lives of ordinary people would soar when they cut through the illusions and dump their oppressive politicians and bureaucrats.

With nothing holding back civilization and technology, it'd be a new world with super technologies and super standards of living, she thought. Then she leaned back in the tub and rubbed her small hands over her ample breasts, up then down; she stopped to play with her nipples, and she started giggling like a schoolgirl. Just as she started this little game, she stopped and stared straight ahead. ...But how do we get that new world? How will the people ever dump the politicians and bureaucrats, for Americans are not fighting for survival?

That question tormented her; it also helped her understand the nature of her growing puzzle picture. The puzzle picture she was building for her students through her lectures was what she had just been imagining -- a new world free of the matrix of illusions. In that new world of what is, there would be no more ruling class of politicians and regulatory bureaucrats who drain the people through a matrix of illusions, because the matrix of illusions will not exist. As she imagined that illusion-free world, she realized that a paradigm shift in the human perspective occurred: man saw himself as the supreme value -- the God-Man. Nothing was above the individual, not government, not God.

The matrix of illusions was today too powerful in the minds of adults to see this fundamental shift in the human perspective. ...But as I break down the illusions, she thought, the children...they'll see it. They'll see that as the supreme value -- the God-Man -- they don't need anyone telling them how to live...they don't need politicians or regulatory bureaucrats suppressing them anymore. In that new world, the ordinary person, seeing what is, has the power to be a self-leader. He needs no external leaders. He jumps to a new mentality that integrates knowledge and builds, through mental puzzles, new knowledge and new values.

As I show them the new world, my students will make the shift...and it'll be my twelve children who bring the paradigm shift in the human perspective to the world.

Over and over, the thought kept going through her head: my twelve students will bring the paradigm shift in the human perspective to the world. But how will they do it? She pondered that question as the album changed and the music of Mozart filled her house. How will the masses make the shift in the human perspective without survival pressures? Without the fear of death, like I experienced with my ex-husband, what could possibly shatter the matrix of illusions that controls humanity?

Then it hit her: maybe our natural deaths will be what my students will eventually use to create the survival pressures needed to shift the whole human perspective. If my students can show the world that our natural death really is not natural -- not for conscious beings -- then humanity would feel immense survival pressures to make the paradigm shift in the human perspective: to feeling the supreme value of the human life. Human consciousness is too valuable to fall into the death cycle of nature, trapped there by government and religion. Human consciousness is supreme. That shift in perspective would quickly dump oppressive politicization off the nation's back and bring about the freedom, demand, and then supply of: biological immortality.

The shift in perspective to the supreme value of man -- God-Man -- would end politicians and regulatory bureaucrats as we know them. The government could no longer hold back rapid technological progress in any field, especially the medical field; the resulting wealthy and healthy people would discover such rewarding love and happiness they would desire to live eternally; entrepreneurial businessmen and women would have the freedom and motivation to rise and respond to the huge demand to cure the ultimate disease of aging and death. ...That all will happen when humanity shifts its the God-Man. Fulfilling her vision of that future world would begin in her classroom, with her growing puzzle picture of the new world populated with the God-Man.

"Perhaps that's it," she thought, "death. Death certainly is the ultimate consequence for what's wrong with humanity. Human life is the supreme value -- not government, not God -- and must not be allowed to perish."

She paused and thought to herself, I must create this puzzle picture for my students. They're the ones who'll change the world. With my puzzle picture completed, they'll have seen and will permanently know the supreme value of human life, forever in their souls. With that perspective, they'll always avoid destructive activities. They'll never do drugs or drift into other self-destructive activities; they'll even take precautions like never riding with a reckless driver or someone who's been drinking. They'll simply value their lives too much.

Miss Annabelle knew this puzzle picture of the other world and its supreme value of human life would permanently stay in her students' minds. Every decision they would hence make would be positively influenced by the immense value of their limited supply of life. Her remaining general lectures would become the puzzle pieces to complete the puzzle picture of the new world and its supreme value of life.

Upon understanding this puzzle picture about the world of the God-Man she was creating for her students, Miss Annabelle realized that the God-Man had an entirely different mentality. He needed no outside forces guiding him. By seeing the essence of things, he had the power to guide himself. Moreover, he could integrate concepts to build puzzle pictures of his future -- puzzle pictures to which he sees the puzzle pieces he must accomplish to fulfill that future picture. So, she realized, he creates his future and guides himself to fulfill that future, just as my students will do.


Miss Annabelle finished her bath and called Jessie and Angie. She was supposed to go over to their place for Christmas dinner, but the roads were not plowed. Angie and Jessie were concerned about their friend being alone on Christmas, but Miss Annabelle assured them she was deep into her lectures and would actually enjoy staying home with her thoughts today. "Happiness attacks" were going through her, all day long.

She now understood the power in her general lectures. In fact, she had an insight into why there were no more "Renaissance Men" today or great thinkers or scientists like the famous Greeks 2300 years ago.

Those great accomplishers had what she was giving her students in her general lectures, she realized. Outside of their strict academic programs, those greats also got general tutelage, often from great thinkers themselves -- as did Plato from Socrates, Aristotle from Plato, Alexander the Great from Aristotle. Those tutors would undoubtedly deliver unique insights into life that would shock the young students into different ways of thinking about things, teaching their young minds how to break through boundaries and cut through traditional dogma to the essence and power in life.

Miss Annabelle knew now that her general lectures did the same thing for her students. Indeed, they would get the basic academic training from her all day long. The general lecture in the morning, however, was her tutelage, teaching her students' minds to cut through the matrix of illusions, in penetrating laser-like bursts, to the essence of life.

Her nine-year-olds routinely broke through boundaries now and saw things from radically different perspectives. This type of tutelage was the secret behind the great minds of the famous Greeks and Renaissance men. She realized that her students' minds, with this boundary-breaking freedom and laser-like power, could become great thinkers on par with anyone in history.

For years, Miss Annabelle knew that one's deep motivational drive, or lack of it, determined his or her eventual success or failure in life. Breaking through boundaries into creative new insights on life is exciting and motivating to children, Miss Annabelle realized. By experiencing boundary-smashing insights during my general lectures, she thought, my students gain the ability to see through illusions to the essence. Their control and confidence grows. They know that they will someday make major breakthroughs. So, their motivation grows. And it is that growing, deep motivational drive that generates legendary value producers. ...As Miss Annabelle was thinking about this, she heard Lee and Todd's mother calling them to come inside for Christmas Dinner. Those two playful boys, if tutored properly, could grow up to be legendary value producers, she thought. What if I could give my general lectures to the entire student body? she wondered. What if I could spread my teaching method across the globe?


Now, 27 years later, Jake was listening to the tapes of her general lectures and lamenting over a thought Jessie had first brought up: what if she had taught these past 27 many legendary value producers would have risen from her teachings? Three legendary value producers came from her one year of teaching at Duncan Elementary.

Jake slipped in tape after tape. Miss Annabelle routinely made boundary-breaking insights and snapped together the most compelling picture on the supreme value of life ever presented to nine-year-olds. Once people experience the shift in perspective to the supreme value and power of themselves as the God-Man, Jake thought, this deep-rooted motivational drive will belong to them. With that natural drive and power, they will steadily develop into major value, something even better, he realized: they will steadily develop into major value creators, even if they have no advanced education or particular skills.

As Jake listened to the general lectures late into the night, he knew he was witnessing a different mentality than his own. In college, he had studied Julian Jaynes and his classic work called The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind. The renown Dr. Jaynes of Princeton University presented scientifically sound evidence that humanity existed with a different mentality 3000 years ago. Man lived through automatic, mimicked or learned reactions, without the internal mind space needed to think as we do today. Then around 1000 BC, under enormous survival pressures, mankind started its "jump" to the self-controlling, self-determining mentality we experience today with the internal mind space to think and make decisions.

But the God-Man's puzzle-building ability created even greater internal mind space to jump yet again, 3000 years later, to another mentality, something Jake heard Miss Annabelle call, during a science lecture, Neothink (for New Think). He realized that with puzzle-building Neothink, Miss Annabelle created new mind space and reached new levels previously unreachable within our mind space now, beyond all our thinking tools today such as metaphors and analog models of our current mentality. With the God-Man mentality called Neothink, ordinary people could take every field of knowledge and every value to the next level, not to mention create entirely new fields of knowledge and magnificent new values.

"Where is this woman taking us?" he wondered as he fell asleep on the kitchen table while listening to her lectures.

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