The Geniuses Of Society Will Make You A Millionaire
When you walk out of the huge showroom, you may turn to your spouse and say, "I have never seen anything like that. That has got to be the world's most incredible magic show!" However, you would be wrong by a long shot. A magic show exists thousands of times BIGGER and thousands of times more fascinating, if we want to call it that. The leaders of this giant magic show also create illusion after illusion, for their livelihoods demand it. This giant magic show is the world we live in, and the leaders of the show are the leaders of society.
You live in the middle of a giant magic show in which the leaders benefit handsomely, and you pay the toll. If you do not believe that, consider that in the '80s a new technology sprang up too fast for the political leaders to work into their magic show of illusions. Without the political leaders and their Establishment ties benefiting, the personal-computer industry went through an unprecedented phenomenon: buying power multiplied 100,000% in a few short years.
The giant magic show goes back many centuries. Even way back then, man was kept from discovering unfathomable explosions of prosperity. For an entire 1000 years during the Middle Ages, for example, man could not see through the leaders' magic show of illusions to discover the very obvious division of labor (i.e., dividing the labors of living into enterprises and purchasable commodities). The division of labor would have brought an explosion of prosperity to the little people, but the leaders of the governing Church were benefiting too handsomely without it. Finally, after 1000 years as civilization continued growing and expanding outward, tribal towns sprang up farther and farther out on the outskirts beyond the immediate control of the leaders' magic show. So, the illusions did not completely control everything. In those outer towns, the people were somewhat able to see the obvious. Rudimentary forms of enterprise and purchasable commodities sprang up. Those towns began to thrive with an exciting, new prosperity. The illusions of the leaders were broken. As news of the new prosperity spread, the leaders of the magic show lost their livelihoods as the masses moved past the illusions and the Dark Ages...onto the Age of Enlightenment and exciting prosperity.
Once the magic show of self-serving leaders wanes, their illusions can be seen through, and then unprecedented explosions of prosperity happen for the people, as demonstrated throughout history. That get-rich phenomenon, that ending of the magic show, is the secret behind the promise for everyone to live like a millionaire without lifting a finger. History has already proven the get-rich results. Particularly now at the onset of the information highway, America has begun to see through the magic show, and not just in the computer industry, but in the telecommunication industry, the television industry, and perhaps soon in all industries. Your costs of living for everything, not just computers, will soon drop to fractions. Even the old and the needy will be able to live like millionaires.
In short, politics, not Siegfried and Roy, is the world's most incredible magic show. Politicization of civilization fills our futures with illusions...illusions for the livelihoods of the leaders -- the politicians...the magicians. The better their illusions, the more people will pay for their show.
The Modern Money Miracle, America's hottest megatrend, will end the politicization of our industries -- that is, end the magic show in which we live. Depoliticizing society during the Dark Ages brought on the Age of Enlightenment and a thousand-fold increase in the standard of living. Not politicizing the computer industry brought on an unprecedented thousand-fold multiplication of buying power. Modern technology combined with depoliticizing all industries will bring on an unprecedented multiplication of our buying power over everything. You, the ordinary person, will become rich.
Now that you have a sense of why you will become both healthy and wealthy upon depoliticizing America, let us look at the third benefit and a personal fact:
A uniquely creative genius is buried inside a deep, dark corner of your mind. That lost person within can achieve great things. That person is the person you always dreamed of -- the person you were meant to be.
Whatever happened to that person? Did you get trapped in a routine-rut job year after year and sink into miserable stagnation? If so, then that creative person you were meant to be got pushed hopelessly inside you like a dried-up seed pushed hopelessly into sand. Your creativity never had a chance to sprout and grow. ...The good life of the rich only happens to the lucky few -- the big shots and geniuses at the top, so you believe.
Similarly, for 1000 years during the Middle Ages, people wholly believed that the good life of the rich only happened to the lucky few -- the scholars and leaders of the Church and royalty. And since the masses were not part of the Church or royalty, they resigned to a peasant's life of hard labor, poverty and suffering.
As population grew, tribal towns sprang up on the outskirts of civilization, farther and farther from the leaders and their control. Eventually, those distant tribal towns discovered that prosperity could be created -- by the people themselves! That momentous discovery of enterprise and the division of labor was something amazing -- the people could create their own prosperity! Gradually, the millennium-old illusions that prosperity belonged only to the Church and its Monarchs vanished along with their archaic hierarchy of power and control over the people. People no longer had to suffer in hard labor and poverty. That was an incredible discovery.
Today the people live in a similar illusion. We believe that big wealth belongs to big shots in upper management. So, we suffer in silent frustration as we sink into miserable stagnation, forever forgetting about the creative and wealthy person we were all meant to be.
Ordinary people -- every ordinary working person -- can single-handedly create wealth. But the workplace today simply is not set up that way. Our perceived dependency on the leaders of business is not unlike our ancestors' perceived dependency on the leaders of the Church hundreds of years ago. That perception merely needs to be broken.
You see, we are on the edge of moving beyond the old division of labor and its jobs of labor into the new division of essence and its jobs of the mind. The essence or purpose of business is to BUILD WEALTH through the creation of new or improved marketable values. The division of essence breaks down businesses into jobs of the mind where each and every employee himself -- not just the founder and top executives -- can actually build wealth through personally creating new or improved marketable values. Each and every employee -- including today's janitors -- WILL CREATE AND GET RICH through jobs of the mind.
Nearly all jobs today are boring routine ruts instead of exciting mind-jobs that can advance the business. Businesses are structured into an archaic hierarchy. The need for that hierarchy that puts us in our hopeless stagnation-traps is, once again, an illusion. So, let's break the illusion. Let's take an early look at the coming division of essence and its jobs of the mind. The essence or purpose of business, remember, is to BUILD WEALTH. Over the next five pages, you will see that business can be divided by essence -- into jobs of the mind in which all workers can BUILD WEALTH. Those 21st-century wealth-building jobs of the mind will leave behind today's 20th-century stagnant jobs of labor.
As you look over the following diagrams at tomorrow's job revolution, realize that the political revolution will probably come first. You see, depoliticizing America will set free a rapidly advancing Neo-Tech Society in which businesses will have no choice but to evolve beyond their outmoded jobs of labor, our routine ruts. To remain competitive, as in the computer business, all businesses would have to tap their greatest asset: the creativity of each and every employee. Your very own place of work will bring out and nurture your buried creativity, causing a job revolution that metamorphoses our boring routine ruts into exciting jobs of the mind.
Already wealthy from a depoliticized America, your greatest reward from the coming job revolution will be the excitement of bringing bigger-than-life values to the world and becoming a very important person who makes a major difference to the prosperity of society. In other words, you will achieve great things and become the person you always dreamed of -- the person you were meant to be. Diagrams One through Four over the next five pages illustrate the obvious division of essence sitting right before our eyes. As you will see, your job will come to life, become unbearably exciting, and lead you for the first time into the world of profits. (Note: Diagrams One through Four over the next five pages are specific examples of dividing Integrated Management Associates by essence into wealth-building jobs of the mind -- that is, jobs with real purpose that BUILD WEALTH. If you want, you can do those same diagrams as they pertain to your place of work, whether it's a large or small company, regardless if you are the janitor or the president.)
In short, every responsibility in every business can be attached to its money-making purpose. All responsibilities come together into integrated chunks of essence -- into wealth-building jobs. Responsibilities no longer remain detached from their money-making purposes forming routine-rut jobs. Responsibilities no longer are such ends in themselves -- dead ends. Instead, they become exciting means to an end -- BUILD WEALTH!
Realize that each wealth-building job is a single job for a single person. The integrated responsibilities must never be broken from their money-making purpose, not even with growth of the business. For, once a responsibility gets split from its money-making purpose, then that creates a specialized, routine-rut job that is not integrated with making money -- a dead-end job with no essence.
Then, the question arises, "As the business grows, how can a person single-handedly handle a wealth-building job without delegating or splitting apart the integrated responsibilities into other jobs?" Realize that as the business grows, the number of responsibilities in a wealth-building job does not grow. The number of projects and volume of business grows. More marketing projects form within each marketing program, creating new money-making purposes with the exact same attached responsibilities. Those new wealth-building projects get transferred to other persons along with the exact same group of responsibilities. That way, as the company grows, every person's job remains an exciting wealth-building job -- a chunk of the company's essence.
In today's working world, most jobs merely MAINTAIN the business. Very few jobs give one the chance to BUILD WEALTH. Are your job responsibilities integrated means with which to build wealth? Or are they specialized ends in themselves, dead-end routine chores? Chances are you are stuck in a boring routine rut!
Jobs that can build wealth are the ends into which the responsibilities must converge. Responsibilities then become potent integrated MEANS to build wealth, not impotent specialized ENDS in themselves to routinely turn in.
Over time, third-generation-and-beyond business executives split apart the integrated wealth-building jobs into dead-end specialized departments and jobs not integrated with making money. For example, you saw in Diagram One the company's basic responsibilities, a total of 15 basic responsibilities. Traditional publishing/direct-mail companies make each of those basic responsibilities a separate job or department. Therefore, those departments and their jobs cannot build wealth and grow. Then you saw, in Diagram Four, Integrated Management's wealth-building jobs, pulling together the basic responsibilities into their money-making purposes. Those dynamic jobs of the mind can build wealth and grow without limits. ...Until now, PURPOSE, the very reason for business and the very reason for working and living, was lost to third-generation-and-beyond business leaders who could not remain competitive in an environment of creative men and women driven with purpose.
How did this happen? Why does tradition split apart the responsibilities that need to integrate with their money-making purposes? Why does tradition make the simple responsibilities ends in themselves instead of integrated means to build their money-making purposes, which can be built to no limits? Why are nearly all jobs non-growth, dead-end responsibilities in which people cannot build wealth, cannot grow, thus stagnate? ...Just why does tradition obliterate purpose throughout business?
Indeed, third-generation-and-beyond business leaders lazily delegate responsibilities into static jobs. Those executives do not have the energy or drive to handle dynamic wealth-building jobs or to manage such dynamic jobs and creative people. Today, nearly all businesses follow this path-of-least-resistance tradition. Responsibilities are split away from their money-making purpose and divided into specialized tasks -- static ends in themselves. Since the specialized tasks cannot grow, the person handling his job cannot grow. ...Instead, the ordinary person grows increasingly unhappy as he or she sinks into miserable stagnation in today's business structure. His mind becomes a prison, his creativity the prisoner.
The personal-computer industry sprang up so suddenly that it went beyond the immediate control of our governing body for a few years. During the computer industry's psychological freedom from domineering leaders, ordinary people discovered mind-jobs, self-leadership, and unimaginable creativity. Ordinary people like Steven Jobs and Bill Gates discovered they could make magnificent advancements in the business world and build fortunes. People working in Apple Computer and Microsoft reported having the absolute times of their lives as they helped advance the business and build wealth. The next wave of prosperity was beginning -- something called the division of essence.
However, the computer industry's exciting beginnings of division of essence did not spread to other industries, for the government has deeply politicized every other industry. The computer industry and perhaps its closely related sister industries are the last such revolutionary events until we depoliticize America.[ 5 ]
As the people's wealth quickly increases upon depoliticizing America, believing in political leaders will quickly subside. As our born-and-bred belief in such leaders deflates, people will feel differently about themselves. They will become wary of all unneeded supervisory leaders. Businesses will assume a different structure for a different psyche. That new business structure will do away with supervisory leaders for the ordinary worker fully integrated with the money-making purpose. He or she will discover the joy and admiration that comes from building wealth via creating major values for society. In other words, ordinary people will feel great about themselves.
We certainly live in an exciting time, for we live in the gateway to mankind's next surge of prosperity. That prosperity will come from the unfolding Technological Revolution of the 21st century. Hold your head up high and look toward the future. If America goes Neo-Tech and depoliticizes all industries, the next few years will let us harvest the fruits of super rapidly advancing new technologies. Like its forerunner -- the computer revolution that drove up purchasing power thousands of times -- the Technological Revolution will bring unfathomable wealth to you and society.
If America goes Neo-Tech, three revolutionary events will occur one right after the other over the next few years: 1) the political revolution: America depoliticizes all industries, 2) the job revolution: American businesses discover the division of essence, and 3) the Technological or Neo-Tech Revolution: new technologies take off in every industry, driving down all costs of living and driving up every ordinary American's standard of living to millionaire status.
[ 5 ] Depoliticizing America will occur through three dynamics: 1) America's economically driven anti big-government megatrend, ushering in 2) the Neo-Tech Party, and 3) the growth of the Internet. The Internet, the worldwide information superhighway accessible by almost any home computer, supersedes borders and politicization. In fact, unlike a body of land, governments could never successfully politicize cyberspace. With the aid of uncrackable encryption, industries of all types will begin offering the best services through the Internet while surpassing all the destructive politicization. The free and open cyberspace opens the way for super rapidly advancing technology in all industries and forces the collapse of the politicians' magic show. [ Back to Text ]
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