Knowledge is power. Integration of knowledge is power. It is through knowledge that one can control the destiny of his life, his environment, and his universe. It is through knowledge that one can achieve his true individuality, an indivisible conscious wholeness, and the self that is genuinely his. It is through knowledge, and through knowledge alone, that the flowering and the ultimate fulfillment of what it means to be human, what it means to be conscious, can come to exist.
For two millennia until the dawn of the Industrial Revolution and the subsequent advent of capitalism, knowledge was almost the exclusive possession of priest-scholars (e.g., Nicholaus Copernicus) or artist-engineer-scientists (e.g., Leonardo da Vinci) who worked under the sovereignty of their patronal governments. This monopolization of knowledge was a policy deliberately planned and executed by the successive master neocheaters who controlled and reigned over the world for millennia. Among these master neocheaters were some of the most brilliant and powerful kings, emperors, prime ministers, and priests or philosophers of human history.
Around 200 B.C. the master neocheaters of the Western world began a systematic oppression of human knowledge and usurpation of power by employing Platonistic-oriented philosophies that provided an ideological foundation for the propagation of mysticism. They devised a strategy whereby they successfully achieved their purpose and prepared Europe for the darkest tragedy of human history: the Dark Ages. Throughout recorded history, wherever there was a rise of commercial or business activities, there was a flourishing of Aristotelian-oriented philosophy and an advancement of human knowledge. Athens, where the Greek culture flourished, was such a place. Around 200 B.C., with the rise of the Romans who were in essence an agricultural nation, commercial activity declined and the world became more mystical. This coincided with the proliferation of the neocheaters.
Neocheaters strive for power without exerting effort to earn genuine knowledge of reality. ...They strive for power without earning genuine power. They accomplish their purpose and achieve their "power" by suppressing knowledge and disempowering others through the use of force, mystical as well as physical. Their power is in essence illusory and it is only in a mysticism-entrenched society that neocheaters can sustain such an illusion. It is only through the propagation of mysticism that neocheaters can survive.
Master neocheaters are those who have mastered the "art" of neocheating. They thoroughly understand the realm of nonreality and can see through the mysticism in others. Yet, out of dishonesty and laziness, instead of seeking to identify reality and gain genuine power and happiness, they choose to manipulate and usurp values from others. They are the masters of the mystic domain -- mind-created "realities" and "truths." So far as one is caught in the labyrinth of their domain, so far as one is caught in the web of mysticism, he can never win the battle against those masters of nonreality.
The master neocheaters' grand strategy, through which they successfully propagated mysticism, suppressed knowledge and usurped values, consisted of three major substrategies:
(1) To systematically destroy the foundation of knowledge, i.e., reason, by (a) misinforming or not informing the populace of crucially important knowledge, such as Aristotelian philosophy or the heliocentric theory of the universe, and (b) conditioning the human mind and reflexes by Platonistic-oriented mystical thinking.
(2) To systematically train those who are intellectually endowed and bright enough to be a potential threat to the master neocheaters to become specialized scholars and to advance knowledge in a manner that serves the purpose of the power structure, while making the scholars completely dependent upon the power structure for their physical survival.
(3) To restrict commercial activities to the extent that the producers produce just enough to support the continuance of the power structure, while completely controlling the line of life-support, such as food and money, by the power structure itself -- so that no incentive will ever arise to advance knowledge among the populace.
All of these substrategies were carried out by deception, force, threat of force, and the systematic propagation of mysticism. The geocentric system gained prominence over the heliocentric system within this socio-political environment. Platonistic philosophy became predominant over Aristotelian philosophy within this anti-intellectual climate, reversing the intellectual trend of the Greeks, which had produced a remarkable wealth of knowledge and incomparably brilliant intellects such as Pythagoras, Philolaus, Heraclides, Aristarchus, Apollonius, Archimedes, Socrates, and Aristotle (perhaps the foremost intellect in history). (Plato, although he was in essence anti-Greek, was nevertheless one of the great intellects and writers of human history, and without the flourishing intellectual climate of ancient Greece, even Plato would not have been possible.)
Neo-Tech defines mysticism as: (1) Any attempt to recreate or alter reality, usually through dishonesty, feelings, non sequiturs, or rationalizations. (2) Any attempt to ignore, evade, or contradict reality. (3) The creation of problems where none exist. It defines neocheating as: Any intentional use of mysticism to create false realities and illusions in order to extract values from others. From these definitions it becomes quite clear why Platonistic philosophy became the prime tool for neocheaters to carry out the first substrategy of destroying the foundation of all valid human knowledge: reason.
Reason is the faculty of the mind that conceptually identifies and integrates the materials provided by senses, perceptions, and previous conceptions. Reason is the prime faculty of consciousness in reaching ever higher abstractions or broader conceptions, first by distinguishing the relevant from the nonrelevant within the entire realm of sensory, perceptual, and conceptual data-banks, and then by conceptually integrating the relevant in accordance with logic. Logic is the art and principle of noncontradictory identification. Reason functioning in the conceptuality-centered modality is reasoning, while reason functioning in the perceptivity-centered modality or in the mystical context is rationalization.
Reasoning is an intellectual process for achieving an integrated conceptual picture of reality by always starting from perceptual experiences and then making a logical connection between what is perceived and what is conceived. Rationalization is an intellectual process for fabricating an illusionary "reality" in concepts by disconnecting conception from perception. Reasoning is based on the primacy of existence, whereas rationalization is based on the primacy of consciousness. Both use reason, logic, and concepts. However, they are diametrically opposite to one another. Reasoning begins with logically non-contradictory premises based on the facts of reality, while rationalization begins with premises that contradict reality.
No matter how logical-sounding it might be, any conclusion that begins with a contradictory premise inescapably contradicts reality. The primacy of existence is the prime principle of reality. No valid knowledge is ever possible without observing the primacy of existence, for existence exists in the very act of living, reasoning, and even rationalizing. Platonistic philosophy stands upon a ground which does not exist in reality, i.e., upon nothing, and since it is nothing it could be anything. Platonistic philosophy is the philosophical system that rationalizes rationalization and "non sequiturs" non sequiturs.
The most devastating non sequitur/rationalization that arises directly from Platonistic philosophy is altruism. As mentioned before, according to Plato, what is "really" real are the Forms, disembodied abstractions which represent that which is in common among various groups of particulars in this world of concrete perceptual experiences. Therefore, in effect, individual human beings are merely particular instances of the universal "human being"; they are ultimately not real. What is "real" about human beings is only the Form that they share in common and reflect. To Platonism, all the seemingly individual human beings are "in reality" the same one Form in various reflections.
Thus, all human beings ultimately comprise one unity, and no earthly human being is an autonomous entity. This momentous conclusion leads to altruism and all the "higher-cause", collectivist moralities. Platonistic philosophy, while establishing the primacy of consciousness, denies the supremacy of an individual wherein consciousness resides. For consciousness that is supposed to be primal is not, according to Platonism, an earthly individual consciousness but a universal entity, a Form, of which an individual consciousness is merely a reflection. Plato, with his literary genius, propagated this kind of contradictory and destructive philosophy which was to dominate the mind and thinking of humanity for the following 2300 years.
Platonistic philosophy or Platonistic-oriented philosophies provided the tools for neocheaters to exploit as well as manipulate innocent and productive individuals. People, thus Platonistically conditioned, had no means to protect themselves philosophically against the neocheaters' assaults. Although Aristotelian-based thinking was by nature always employed in all healthy and productive human endeavors which kept the life-line of human society going, people were bound to live in undeserved guilt. Some asserted Aristotelian-oriented philosophies, but, until Ayn Rand, none were able to discover the fault of Platonistic philosophy in a fully integrated and thoroughly reasoned context, and none were able to identify the poison-core of mysticism and neocheating in its entirety until Neo-Tech.
During the time of the Romans, little advance was made in the field of science. The Romans in essence lived under the glory of the Greeks intellectually, and the systematic enactment of their neocheating strategy and propagation of Platonistic-oriented philosophies prepared Europe for the Dark Ages. Around 200 B.C., Stoicism, a Platonistic-oriented philosophy, became influential among the Romans, for it presented the traditional beliefs they had inherited from the Etruscans in a more sophisticated form. Around A.D. 200, Stoicism merged with Platonism in the form of Neoplatonism, particularly in the Neoplatonistic system of Plotinus (A.D. 204-270). During those 400 years, the conditioning of the human mind to misconceive reality through Platonistic-oriented thinking became quite prevalent.
In regard to the second substrategy of training the bright to become specialized scholars, it was here that the two-millennium-old trend of specialization in knowledge originated. Since knowledge is the source, the only source, of genuine power, the ones who are capable of integrating knowledge are the greatest threat to neocheaters. Therefore, those who are intellectually endowed must be divided into their specialized fields of knowledge so that they cannot integrate different spheres of knowledge to gain integrated power. They must also be isolated from the rest of the world and made oblivious of the whole context of reality, while at the same time being made dependent upon political neocheaters for their physical survival.
A mathematician alone, no matter how brilliant he might be, could not be a threat to a neocheater without the knowledge of other fields and the rest of the world, and without the means of achieving financial independence -- without a business integration. So long as those who are bright remain divided and "specialized", oblivious of the world, neocheaters are safe to exercise their "power" and use those scholars for their own advantages. This is what happened and what has been happening throughout the entire history of man. Moreover, some of those scholars turned to mysticism or neocheating and achieved political and/or religious prominence. The so-called social "intellectuals" of today are the direct offspring of those earlier "scholars turned neocheaters".
Research in the fields of biology and anthropology reveals that all the species and tribes that became extinct did so because of overspecialization.The current educational systems of the world, which originated in the neocheating strategy of ancient political powers, emphasize specialization, and thus endanger the continuation of the human species. Until today, the least specialized field, the field that requires the widest integration of knowledge, has been politics, where neocheaters, who have the least regard for knowledge, gravitate the most. Ironically and tragically, the fittest to survive in the mysticism-ridden world of inverted reality have been the least capable of surviving in reality.
In principle, the field in which the widest integration of knowledge is required is business. It is in business that philosophy, science, and technology meet the challenge of life to integrate into higher values that benefit humanity. It is in business that metaphysical values are transformed and crystallized into physical values that nurture human needs. Without producers and their business activities, no society can possibly survive. Therefore, in executing the third substrategy, the master neocheaters could not wipe out the producers and their businesses totally. Otherwise, they would have jeopardized their own existence. It is through those heroic, yet unknown, producers that the world, albeit severely oppressed, could survive all the darkness which humanity had to endure. Time and again business flourished in various parts of the world, and every time there was a flourishing of business there was an advancement of knowledge and an evolution of human happiness and prosperity.
"It is India that gave us the ingenious method of expressing all numbers by means of ten symbols, each symbol receiving a value of position as well as an absolute value; a profound and important idea which appears so simple to us now that we ignore its true merit. But its very simplicity and the great ease which it has lent to all computations put our arithmetic in the first rank of useful inventions; and we shall appreciate the grandeur of this achievement the more when we remember that it escaped the genius of Archimedes and Apollonius, two of the greatest men produced by antiquity."-- Laplace
Producers are the Primum Mobiles (the Prime Movers) of the world and business is the very motion which carries humanity forward. It was the rise of producers and the integral component of business -- Aristotelian philosophy -- in the 13th-14th centuries that broke the Middle Ages and brought the Renaissance to Europe. It was the same rise of producers and Aristotelian-oriented philosophies, implicitly employed, during the first five centuries A.D. in India that made possible one of the greatest mathematical inventions of all time -- the zero, without which the Renaissance and the subsequent development of scientific knowledge would not have been possible.
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