Neo-Tech is fully integrated honesty. Neo-Tech is the natural essence of conscious beings as demonstrated in every young child still uncorrupted by dishonesty and irrationality. Through integrated thinking and rational exuberance, every child learns to perceive, talk, and then conceptualize. Every child learns with the certainty of integrated honesty present throughout the Universe. Yet, every child loses that certainty through the diseases of dishonesty, irrationality, and mysticism.
The dynamics of Neo-Tech bring back that certainty of fully integrated honesty. Neo-Tech brings everyone back to his or her nature. Neo-Tech resurrects that Child of the Universe who sleeps in everyone's soul. ...Fully integrated honesty is the nature of every conscious being throughout the Universe.
But, on planet Earth, a parasitical-elite class has hidden the objective process of honesty for twenty-three centuries by manipulating subjective assertions of truth: Beginning about 300 BC, the philosopher Plato pulled civilization into a cave. He obliterated the individual with his force-backed master-servant collectivism. Plato then crowned the parasitical elites and his philosopher kings with souls of gold.[ 65 ] Only they would have the "wisdom" to control, exploit, and drain the productive class: the masses trapped in Plato's cave. Plato relegated to his trapped servants lowly souls of copper and iron.[ 66 ]
How did Plato finesse such an outlandish hoax that dominates the Western world to this day? By using the arbitrariness of truths to turn reality upside-down, causing a sea of "noble" lies, illusions, deceptions, shadows, doubts, and uncertainties. Such created uncertainties let the parasitical elites rule through dishonesties backed by armed agents of force. By contrast, Neo-Tech eliminates manipulated truths, doubts, uncertainties, out-of-context facts, deceptions, illusions, and gun-backed parasitical "leadership". ...The certainty of Neo-Tech uprights reality and forbids initiatory force against individuals and their property, thus, dooming the parasitical-elite class.
Reality is relational. Knowledge is contextual and hierarchal. Thus, certainty evolves from Neo-Tech -- from fully integrated honesty. By nature, fully integrated honesty is the mechanism for building relational, contextual, hierarchal knowledge. Through fully integrated honesty, we share the same certainty -- the same knowledge-building processes -- enjoyed among all mystic-free civilizations throughout the universe.
Now, consider conscious human beings with almost infinitely more life experiences available to them. Imagine a world of human beings chained to stakes from youth to death. Imagine their lives being used up and wasted solely to support the destructive livelihoods of a few parasitical-elite "masters". ...Imagine the anger that would explode if all those chained beings suddenly discovered that their lives and the lives of a hundred generations before were used up and wasted just to support a handful of parasitical elites.
What will happen when conscious beings on Earth discover the hoax that has kept them chained, used up, and wasted for a hundred generations? The rising anger will push the ostracism matrix everywhere in government, religion, business, and the professions. A relentless army of value producers will then eradicate that parasite class, ending the world of chains forever.
Using Neo-Tech, which means fully integrated honesty, Frank R. Wallace and his co-workers spent twenty-three years building the foundation of knowledge for intellectually and emotionally lighting the world forever. Today, those co-workers worldwide know exactly what will happen and exactly how it will happen...the how being cyberspace, the it being the vanishing of the parasitical-elite class in resurrecting the Child of the Universe on planet Earth.
[ 65 ] Plato also assigned souls of silver to the obedient armed agents of force serving the golden-souled rulers.
[ 66 ] In America, Plato's hoax reached its climax in 1993 with criminal-minded, golden-soul Hillary Rodham Clinton knowing what was best for the health and welfare of the masses with their lowly souls of copper and iron. Through Neo-Tech, the American public broke that hoax in the elections of 1994.
[ 67 ] Title of a lecture by objectivist philosopher Leonard Peikoff.
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