Breaking the Bubble
Neo-Tech/Zonpower cures irrationality. Curing irrationality will end the parasitical-elite class and its hoax-built anticivilization. Indeed, curing irrationality and breaking its mystical bubbles of illusions will bring everyone into the Civilization of the Universe. ...Key knowledge for breaking everyone's mystical bubble evolved from three sources: The Neo-Tech Discovery by Frank R. Wallace (800 pages, Neo-Tech Publishing, revised 1994), The Origins of Consciousness by Julian Jaynes (467 pages, Houghton Mifflin, New York, 1976), and Objectivism: the Philosophy of Ayn Rand by Leonard Peikoff (493 pages, Dutton, New York, 1991).
Julian Jaynes, an academic at Princeton University, avidly avoids recognizing the titanic significance of his discovery that human consciousness is man-discovered, not nature-evolved.[ 81 ] For, to protect his own personal bubble of mysticism needed to live "acceptably" in today's anticivilization, he must avoid knowing the mystic-shattering key embodied in his work. And, as did the late Ayn Rand, her protégé Leonard Peikoff, a highly productive and principled philosopher, also avoids knowing the mystic-vanishing power lying within his and Rand's work. For, he, too, must protect his mystical bubble in order to live "normally" in today's anticivilization.
As is now experienced explicitly with mystic-breaking Neo-Tech, Peikoff's masterwork will be experienced implicitly as a threat by everyone living "normally" in an irrational anticivilization. Thus, today, Peikoff's great work is largely ignored or minimized not only by the threatened parasitical-elite class, but by his professional peers and objectivist cohorts. And, finally, neither Jaynes nor Peikoff recognizes the achievements of the other. Thus, neither integrates their great works together: Jaynes's work reveals the origins and metaphysical nature of consciousness; Peikoff's work reveals the epistemological nature of consciousness and its philosophical consequences.
Other major value producers, such as Albert Einstein and Michael Milken, were also trapped in their own bubbles of mysticism. Thus, they never identified the widest, most important values contained in their work. For, they would rather perish than abandon their lifelong emotional and material investments in the status quo that trapped them in Earth's anticivilization. ...Every citizen of planet Earth exists in a self-made mystical bubble in order to live "correctly" in a loser's anticivilization.
"No, that could never happen," everyone exclaims. "Not in a generation, a century, or even a millennium."
Such an exclamation is valid within today's hoaxed anticivilization. But, anyone who steps into the Civilization of the Universe will exclaim: "Parasitical elites? An anticivilization built on force and deception? ...Everything was so irrationally destructive and boring back then. What is there to remember about such a value vacuum -- such nothingness?"
Indeed, parasitical elites are subhumans or humanoids who lack the requirements for supporting human life. They lack honest character, long-range principles, real power. They live by manipulating truth to bleed others -- by undercutting objective law, societal well-being, and human happiness. They bring society only losses and suffering. Thus, all memories of those parasites and their hoaxed civilization will vanish as the Civilization of the Universe brings to Earth the excitement of boundless prosperity and happiness.
How can such certainty exist about vanishing the parasitical elites and their anticivilization? That certainty rises from new knowledge: As demonstrated in Zonpower, every hoax and illusion is revealed on exposure to the Civilization of the Universe. Stripped of their illusions, parasitical elites go down the memory hole in whirlpools of absurdity. Also washed away will be politicians living as destructive humanoids, bureaucrats violently enforcing harmful political agendas, judges applying ego "justice", and prosecutors ignoring objective law and justice. ...They all will vanish down the drain of public ostracism.
As the Civilization of the Universe envelops Earth, genuine value-and-job producers from hard-working laborers to multimillionaire entrepreneurs will assume power. This anticivilization will then end. ...What guarantees the end of this anticivilization? Relentless self-spreading Neo-Tech guarantees the end of the parasitical-elite class and its hoax-built anticivilization.
Ironically, the Civilization of the Universe with its Zonpower requires no explicit philosophy. For, by nature, the only moral and practical philosophy throughout all universes and all times -- Objectivist philosophy -- is self-evident to everyone in the Civilization of the Universe. Indeed, valid philosophy -- its metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, politics, and aesthetics -- reduces to thirteen words: What is is. Perceive it. Integrate it honestly. Act on it. Idealize it. ...Honesty is free will.
Peikoff definitively grounds those thirteen words to existence. After thirty years of preparation and six years of writing and editing, he crafted Ayn Rand's philosophy of Objectivism into 180,000 words. Those words link the Civilization of the Universe to existence, throughout time. ...Dr. Peikoff provides an unmovable position that philosophically exposes the parasitical-elite class and its anticivilization.
In philosophically exposing the anticivilization, Peikoff provides a reality-linking tour from sense perception and volition to concept formation, objectivity, and reason; from the nature of man to the concepts of good, virtue, happiness, government, economics, and art. That tour is the death knell for the grotesque anticivilization in which today every citizen of Earth lives...and upon which every Earth-bound citizen falsely feels dependent. Indeed, everyone's comfort-zone rationalizations, livelihoods, socializings, and contemporary lifestyles are falsely dependent on a wealth-and-life-destroying anticivilization. Yet, in reality, no healthy, prosperous life is dependent on any anticivilization or on any parasitical humanoid.
How does Neo-Tech extend Jaynes's and Piekoff's works into Zonpower? Neo-Tech is fully integrated honesty applied within a dishonest anticivilization. Zonpower is the limitless power radiating from the Civilization of the Universe. Zonpower both unifies and evolves existence, radiating as unbreached, integrated honesty throughout the universe. With Neo-Tech literature seeding the world in many languages, the Civilization of the Universe will blossom to vanish Earth's anticivilization. ...Ironically, from the rising specter of uncompromised Zonpower, those people closest to Neo-Tech, even the discoverer and author of Neo-Tech, will also feel their bubble-protecting urges to shun the rise of Zonpower. For, they too will feel the threat of losing their stake in the anticivilization if their "protective" bubbles of mysticism are broken. ...On stepping into the wider social dimensions found in the Civilization of the Universe, one can use Zonpower to vanish all connections with the anticivilization.
In an anticivilization, destructive governments and irrational religions grow from Earth-bound "authorities" manipulating truths based on illusions and faith. Thus, harmful behaviors and subjective laws evolve. A parasitical-elite class backed by force can then rise by draining the value producers. Stagnation of conscious life results. By contrast, the government and religion of the universe grow from rational consciousness. Humanoid parasites cannot rise or even exist in the rational Civilization of the Universe. Thus, an unlimited flourishing of conscious life results.
Zon is the unbreached honesty of the universe. Zon honors the honesty within each conscious being. By contrast, mysticism profanes honesty. Those who hold the honesty of Zon above the dishonesty of mysticism become all-powerful. Those who use the power of Zon to end the destructiveness of Earth's anticivilization secure themselves among the stars.
Movement II of Zonpower identifies the problem: Earth's irrational anticivilization. Movement II also shows how Neo-Tech lets one live free and incorruptible within Earth's unfree, corrupt anticivilization. And, finally, Movement III of Zonpower shows how the universal "government" and "religion" of Zon let one become a Citizen of the Universe to live free of the anticivilization -- to live forever with unbounded prosperity and happiness protected by the Constitution of the Universe shown on page 188.
Thirty years ago, Frank R. Wallace discovered fully integrated honesty, later called Neo-Tech. He then abandoned the Earth-bound ideas of government and God formulated through manipulated truths and mystical faith. In 1972, Dr. Wallace resigned his position as Senior Research Chemist at E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company with the goal of bringing the limitless benefits of Neo-Tech to everyone on Earth. Twenty years later, The Neo-Tech Discovery is published in twelve languages and distributed worldwide -- in 156 countries.
From the indelible foundation of Neo-Tech, the world advances toward fully integrated honesty -- toward Zon, the rational government and religion of the universe. Today, Zon rises on planet Earth midst the pillagings, jailings, and deprivations inflicted upon the value-and-job producers. Zon rises midst the economic destructions by a burgeoning parasitical-elite class comprising morally corrupt journalists, politicians, bureaucrats, and judges who are circling to silence Neo-Tech. They must silence fully integrated honesty to continue their harmful livelihoods. To survive, they must break the all-exposing, wide-scope accounting of Neo-Tech. But, they cannot silence the unsilenceable. They cannot break the unbreakable. ...Professional value destroyers cannot survive in the Civilization of the Universe. In America, the first hint of their demise was signalled in the elections of November, 1994.
Those compassion hoaxers do not function through benevolence and good will. They function through parasitical force and malevolent destruction. Be they politicians, journalists, judges, professors, advocates, or entertainers, they all hypocritically feign good intentions to conceal agendas of unearned livelihoods, power, esteem.
How much can one trust a president or anyone who must implore his victims to "trust" him? How good are the intentions of politicians, news journalists, judges, or clergy who must constantly try to convince themselves and others of their good intentions and compassion, especially toward their ultimate victims, such as minorities, the poor, the disadvantaged, innocent animals, and the environment?
By contrast, the genuinely honest, trustworthy, and good-intentioned person never needs to publicly prove that he or she is honest, trustworthy, good-intentioned, compassionate. In fact, the more genuinely good-intentioned and compassionate one really is, the less that person is aware of being good-intentioned or compassionate.
Essentially every parasitical elite and professional value destroyer is consumed with guilt over his or her self-made, destructive nature. Each lives by what others think rather than by the facts of reality. Thus, each squirms behind hoaxes of good intentions and compassion. Within each such hoaxer exists an agenda of vilifying, draining, and destroying genuine value-and-job producers from innocent GM truck manufactures to innocent apple growers. ...Dishonest compassion hoaxers at the end of Earth's anticivilization era include people like Hillary Clinton, Pope John Paul, Jane Pauley, NBC news producers, Meryl Streep. Equally dishonest are the religious-exploiting demagogs seeking political power such as Pat Buchanan and Bill Bennett. ...Zon vanishes those souls of malevolence.
Remember, Zon is fully integrated honesty: the widest integrations of reality throughout the universe. Those who produce genuine jobs for others and competitive values for society have authentic power and benevolence. Those who have earned that power have the greatest good intentions and compassion toward others. Thus, through Zon, those with authentic power -- those souls of benevolence -- reign supreme among the stars, eternally delivering genuine compassion and prosperity to all citizens of the universe.
[ 81 ] Jaynes's work is reviewed in Chapter 28 of this communiqué.
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