The Rise and Fall
of the
Earth's anticivilization is characterized by humanoids with criminal minds controlling value-producing human beings. For 3000 years, such humanoids survived through hidden agendas designed to usurp the wealth created by the productive class. Those hidden criminals are responsible for all wars, slave-master relationships, mass thefts, purposeful property destructions, terrorisms, genocide.
The subhuman class of criminals sporadically commit crimes against various individuals. The humanoid class of criminals daily, continuously commit crimes against everyone and society through their destructive careers.
The anticivilization is created by the parasitical-elite class and its legions of professional value destroyers. They exist by manipulating the disease of irrationality. Such career criminals deceive and plunder populations through subjective laws, harmful regulations, and dishonest ego "justice".
The Iliad's hero, the nonconscious amoral Achilles, and the Odyssey's hero, the conscious immoral Odysseus, were in essence nothing more than wildly irrational, criminal killers with no sense of honesty or justice. The nature of all glory-seeking criminal minds is summed up in the character of Odysseus, especially as he returns home after a decade of "glorious" battles and "heroic" adventures. The great bully Odysseus simply plunders and butchers the innocent populations of defenseless coastal towns whenever he and his cohorts want to feel big and powerful -- whenever they want to plunder the value producers, rape them, kill them, have a good time.
Such Homeric-hero characters are not human beings, but are humanoids with no concept of honesty, human values, or objective justice. They are criminals who pretend worthiness through fake glories, destructive heroics, and evil ego "justice". All their boastfully paraded "heroics", "courage", and "glory" are nothing more than masks for criminal acts and parasitical cowardice. ...All such humanoids are simply plunderers and killers, nothing more, no matter what "heroics" they stage. Indeed, was that the message which the blind-poet Homer intended? For, Homer grants no hint of virtuous good-versus-evil struggles by those "heroes".
If so, 400 years later, the politician-philosopher Plato turned Homer's message upside down. As identified in the Neo-Tech Discovery, Plato ingeniously constructed an integrated philosophy justifying the parasitical control and dictatorial rule of the honest value producers by criminal-minded elites. Finally, 300 years after Plato, the Roman poet Virgil in his famous secondary epic, the Aeneid, recycled Homer's Odyssey into a "gentler", more hidden form of evil. Thus, Virgil laid the structure for ever more subtle and hidden neocheating techniques.
Ever since Virgil, subtle neocheating techniques have allowed criminal-minded humanoids to plunder the value producers in countless, hidden ways while appearing moral, even heroic. Thus, those neocheating techniques allowed an irrational anticivilization to rise and exist to this day on planet Earth.
Most Germans and many others in the 1930s were duped into admiring Hitler's Odysseus-like courage as one of the bravest soldiers in World War I and the strutting Wagnerian "glory" he bestowed on the Third Reich. Thus, most Germans and many others blinded themselves to the obvious fact that popular, glory-talking Hitler was nothing more than a criminal value destroyer -- a mass murderer for his own parasitical livelihood and glory. Like most politicians, Hitler increasingly committed destructive acts so he could increasingly feel big, important, powerful.
Likewise, prompted by a deeply dishonest media, many Americans were duped into admiring a good-sounding, smooth-talking Hillary Clinton. Until the Neo-Tech dynamics began taking hold in America in 1994, most people were blind to the fact that she was a criminal-minded lawyer intent on controlling society by draining the value producers. She almost succeeded through her attempted power-grab encompassing America's entire health-care system. How would she have carried out her giant, free-lunch fraud? Through use of government force -- through subjective laws and gun-backed regulations enforced by ego "justice". ...Had Hillary Clinton succeeded, health-care would have decayed, effective medical research would have stopped, businesses would have shut down, jobs would have been lost, innocent value producers and dedicated doctors would have been fined and jailed, many precious lives would have been lost.
How could anyone be so purposely destructive? Given the chance, essentially any politician from a small-town mayor to a nation's president or his wife would eagerly seize Hitlerian power with all its criminalities and destructiveness. For, that is the essence of essentially all politicians. Under camouflaged deception, they will simply plunder and destroy people, property, jobs, capital, whatever they can get away with, in order to advance their own harmful careers, glory, and order to have an Odysseus-like good time.
In this anticivilization, most political leaders are nothing more than camouflaged, criminal-minded plunderers. Those "leaders" hide behind Plato's and Virgil's neocheating techniques. They are simply modern-day Odysseuses committing their hidden crimes to garner unearned livelihoods, power, and glory -- be they a Hitler, a Stalin, a Bush, a Clinton.
Will the to-be-announced Neo-Tech presidential candidate be the first major political figure of the past 2000 years to embody the life-enhancing character of Beowulf? By 2001 AD, will the benevolent spirit of Beowulf vanish the neocheaters and let the value producers bring eternal prosperity and happiness to all human beings? By 2001 AD, will Cassandra's Secret and the fully integrated honesty of Neo-Tech have vanished this anticivilization? By 2001 AD, will Zonpower be delivering limitless prosperity, love, and happiness to all conscious beings on Earth?
The Neo-Tech web site honors the values delivered by the premier entrepreneur philosopher -- Dr. Leonard Peikoff. The values he delivers to mankind are grossly under recognized and under appreciated not only by the public, but by libertarians, objectivists, Peikoffian Objectivists, even Dr. Peikoff himself. Leonard Peikoff has produced and continues to produce more major, competitive values than all the other professional Objectivists combined.[ 85 ] Thus, sadness arises when that outstanding man diminishes himself through his own irrationality. He has become a tragic Aeneas/Beowulf contradiction. ...Indeed, sadness is felt whenever irrationality diminishes anyone of great personal value, be it one's spouse or child or mega value producers such as Ayn Rand and Leonard Peikoff. Whatever the root of his irrationality, Dr. Peikoff's persona shrinks with his advocating force-backed intolerance as he expressed during his 1995 Ford Hall Forum lecture. Recall how Ayn Rand's life was tragically diminished by her irrational, deadly, "dot-of-light" glamorization of smoking. Her emotional, irrational denials of the narcotically addictive, physically destructive nature of tobacco smoking led her and some of her "caped" followers to the grave. ...Now, today, arises the Peikoff tragedy -- Greek-tragedy style. But, because this outstanding value producer still lives, he has the potential for a life of supreme fulfillment through his continuing production of universal values. He can soar to great heights by using fully integrated honesty to eliminate his tragic flaw -- his advocating force-backed intolerance. Consider those who brought functional Objectivism to the general public. Of course, Ayn Rand was the prime contributor. But major contributors also included: 1) Dr. Leonard Peikoff as the continuing producer of exciting, profitable Objectivist values; 2) Dr. Nathaniel Branden as the highly successful, NBI business-entrepreneur director who profitably marketed Objectivism to the public as well as being a major contributor to its products (a value greatly under appreciated and misunderstood by Ayn Rand and most of her followers), and 3) Warner Brothers, Inc., as the business-savvy launch pad of Ayn Rand's work and fame (a value also under appreciated and misunderstood by Ayn Rand). The values those competitive producers gave to our civilization should be kept separate from their personal contradictions and errors. Such errors, as with any public figure, should be identified and accounted for objectively. But, at the same time, their gifts of competitive universal values should always be recognized, appreciated, and honored. For, their values, not their errors, are what count for the quality of our lives and futures. Those who seek ego boosts by attacking Ayn Rand, Leonard Peikoff, or Nathaniel Branden without acknowledging the outstanding universal values each has given to mankind should first consider what outstanding universal values they themselves have given to mankind. The bottom line: Absorb and integrate the values produced by others, honor those values, and then profit from them. Also, identify the errors, reject them, and then make objective adjustments for them. That process is called wide-scope integration with fully integrated honesty. That process takes profitable advantage of every value and error available. That process carries one to eternal prosperity -- to the Civilization of the Universe.
[ 85 ] By stating that Dr. Peikoff has delivered more competitive, commercial values than all the other professional Objectivists combined does not imply the works of other Objectivists lack value. To the contrary, almost all written and audio works of the Peikoff-sphere Objectivists such as the Berliners, Binswingers, Schwartzs are valuable, interesting, and valid.
The Peikoffian dynamics of intolerant no-compromise Objectivism provide great power and strength when applying its principles. Problems with the Peikoffians arise when they generalize their intolerances inaccurately or emotionally to non-applicable areas of people and situations. Such misapplied intolerances are invalid, self-limiting, and eventually lead to intellectual isolation, even personal defeat...especially now as every area of mystical intolerance will be subject to the full scrutiny of the integrated honesty that ultimately rules cyberspace.
Leonard Peikoff has a wide array of valuable commercial products involving education and communication. Many of his products contain uniquely original, invaluable information that will be around for a long time. Also, his 493-page book, Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand, Dutton, 1991, is a supreme accomplishment that permanently locks Objectivism into our civilization. Generally, those who carp about that masterpiece do not see the book as a powerful, wide-scope value that will eventually drive all bogus philosophies from this planet.
Also, it was important to publicly identify Peikoff's "Police-State" error so adjustments can be made to make his work even more valuable in the future. Hopefully, Dr. Peikoff will see and correct that error so he can more fully enjoy the fruits of his great work.
The books, tapes, lectures and other products of the "tolerant", more open-ended Kelley-sphere Objectivists might be more valuable to both professional philosophers and those interested in studying philosophy in technical depth. Also, David Kelley's sphere might grow in academic importance faster than Leonard Peikoff's sphere.
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