The afterlife hoaxes promoted by mystical religions serve to hide the single most important, potentially provable fact on this planet: Most if not all honest conscious beings who have died on Earth in the past 3000 years continue to live with eternally expanding prosperity and happiness throughout the Civilization of the Universe!
That just destination is the inevitable consequence of nature. From that nature comes (1) immutable justice that characterizes the Civilization of the Universe, (2) the supremely leveraged, limitless value of each conscious being when placed in a rational civilization, (3) the dynamics of eternally expanding prosperity, which demand the full use of every available conscious being, and, as explained later in this chapter, (4) the technology needed to transceive[ 89 ] every volitionally developed human consciousness through the omnipresent existence field and into the Civilization of the Universe.
Humanoid criminals or parasitical neocheaters who have lived by harming others or society through force, fraud, and illusions also meet ultimate justice: They become humanoids because they destroy the human nature of their own consciousnesses. Therefore, they destroy the conscious structure needed to transceive through the Gravity-Unit existence field and into the Civilization of the Universe. Moreover, having lived as enormous net negatives to society, humanoids such as destructive politicians with their armed bureaucracies and ego-"justice" systems are, unless rehabilitated, worthless to the Civilization of the Universe. Thus, they simply vanish from existence, forever forgotten.
Listed below are the elements found in this communiqué. When assembled, those elements posit the hypotheses that (1) the Civilization of the Universe exists, (2) every fully developed, honest conscious being who lived on this planet for the past 3000 years continues to live with growing prosperity, love, and happiness in the Civilization of the Universe, and (3) technology commonly exists throughout the Civilization of the Universe that provides eternal life and prosperity to all honest, conscious beings on this planet. Those hypotheses also posit that every humanoid criminal who has died during the past 3000 years has vanished from existence. Moreover, all such parasitical humanoids who currently live by harming others will also vanish from existence. Humanoids living on Earth today, however, can be "saved" by restructuring their behaviors in order to mature into healthy, conscious human beings who competitively produce values for others and society.
Existence exists.
Existence is axiomatic, endless, eternal.
Existence exists eternally with no prior causes.
Consciousness is not only an eternal part of eternal existence, but is the eternal controller of existence.
Individual human consciousness is the greatest value in eternal existence...the seminal value from which all other values flow.
The greatest social value among conscious beings is honest, competitive businesses combined with objective law and justice.
Valid knowledge is contextual and hierarchal. Valid ideas are hierarchal paradigms of contextual facts.
Conscious knowledge is limitless because knowledge always begets new knowledge -- geometrically, up to the speed of light.
The essence of human consciousness is goodness: By nature human consciousness is noble, rational, honest, just, compassionate, value producing, benevolent, kind, loving, happy.
The only diseases of human consciousness are dishonesty, mysticism, and irrationality.
Those diseases destroy the natural good of human consciousness. Those diseases cause all wars and crimes, including politically inflicted property destructions, harms, sufferings, cruelties, and deaths. Such evils are inflicted by force or fraud to support the lives of open criminals (subhumans) such as muggers and rapists...or the much more evil, hidden criminals (humanoids) such as destructive politicians, tyrannical rulers, and killer-type (WACO) bureaucrats.
Camouflaged irrationality and deception used to drain, harm, and kill human beings is called neocheating.
Neocheaters are highly intelligent humanoids in whom the diseases of dishonesty and irrationality have destroyed the human nature of their conscious minds. Thus, such neocheaters are no longer human beings. They are humanoids who have destroyed the conscious structures of the human essences needed to enter the Civilization of the Universe. [Ref: The Neo-Tech Matrix described in the Neo-Tech Discovery]
To parasitically exist, neocheaters purposely propagate a bizarre, irrational civilization on planet Earth within which conscious life always moves toward unnatural death instead of natural immortality.
This unnatural, transitory anticivilization in macroscopic existence is somewhat analogous to the unnatural, transitory antiparticle in microscopic existence.
As the bizarre antiparticle vanishes forever on contact with natural matter, the bizarre anticivilization will vanish forever on contact with the natural Civilization of the Universe.
The supreme value of human consciousness will always be preserved by advanced civilizations using multidimensional[ 90 ] transceiver technologies in quantum-state, digitized cyberspace. Those technologies integrate rational consciousness with the existence field throughout the Civilization of the Universe.
By the fact of their continued existence, civilizations technologically advanced significantly past their Nuclear-Decision Thresholds are free from the diseases of dishonesty, mysticism, and irrationality. Thus, all such advanced civilizations are a part of the Civilization of the Universe.
In most areas, no one can predict the state of technology 100 years ahead, and certainly not a 1000 years ahead, much less a million years into the future. We cannot even imagine the technological states and economies of the advanced societies throughout the Civilization of the Universe.
We can, however, know that no society, regardless of how advanced, can contradict the laws of physics or nature. Moreover, we can know that conscious beings throughout the Civilization of the Universe will never purposely act to violate their nature, well being, and happiness.
The basic nature of rational conscious beings has never and will never change. No rational being would ever let technology overtake his or her nature, self-control, self-responsibility, growth, and happiness. For, that loss of control over one's self -- one's greatest value -- would be self-destructive and irrational. Indeed, all conscious beings in the Civilization of the Universe are free of such irrationality or any other impediments to the growth and happiness of individual consciousness.
Thus, conscious beings in the Civilization of the Universe have the same nature: They live for happiness and its corollary emotions of genuine self-esteem and love. Indeed, the moral purpose of conscious beings is to meet the requirements for achieving rational happiness.
The nature of existence includes (1) objective law and justice, which characterize the Civilization of the Universe, (2) the limitless value of each conscious being when functioning in a rational civilization, (3) the dynamics of continually expanding value production and prosperity, which demands eternally preserving the supreme value of every conscious being.
The most bizarre characteristics of the anticivilization are its overpopulation and aging problems. In any rational civilization, overpopulation and aging are impossible. Exactly the opposite occurs. When free of destructive humanoids, each conscious being is free to productively, culturally, and artistically innovate and flourish without limits, becoming a priceless value to others and society. For, each conscious being in a rational civilization is free to innovate and produce through division-of-labor dynamics far more values and resources than he or she consumes. ...Always increasing in value while always decreasing entropy, conscious beings remains forever young and precious.
Thus, in the open-ended Civilization of the Universe, a great demand for volitionally conscious people always exists. ...When free in an open and rational society based on objective law, each conscious individual enormously benefits and enriches all other conscious individuals and their societies. Through eternity, therefore, each conscious being will eventually contribute more value to society than its entire population at any given point in time.
Knowledge and technology increase endlessly. All advancing civilizations require developing ever greater and cheaper energy sources and production efficiencies.
Prosperity and happiness of conscious beings do not depend on their actual level of knowledge or technology, but depend on their rational thinking and acting processes required for continuously advancing knowledge and technology from any level.
Throughout the universe, every level of advancing knowledge and technology exists. Therefore, a technological level of conscious beings exists whose most efficient production of values depend on the unsupervised development and utilization of free-will conscious beings. Thus, each such transceivable conscious person would provide endless values to all individuals and societies in the Civilization of the Universe.
Every populated area in existence has the economic-growth needs for which each additional, volitionally developed, conscious being from any civilization would be of immense value. Thus, honest conscious beings anywhere in existence are never allowed to perish.
In Earth's anticivilization, every volitionally developed, honest conscious person is transceived/redeemed on a commercially profitable basis into the Civilization of the Universe. In other words, essentially every honest conscious being who has ever lived on Earth continues to live, flourishing eternally, in the Civilization of the Universe. ...But, the harmful humanoids of past history self-programed themselves to perish -- to vanish from existence forever in the ultimate Ostracism Matrix.
Thus, justice and rationality are preserved through immortality.
Of course, the primary responsibility of conscious beings on Earth today is to protect and preserve their existence -- to create their own immortality in which transceiving would be unnecessary.
[ 87 ] Religious faith has, however, been a key value at various periods in history. At times, for example, religious faith served to divide and weaken government tyranny, and vice versa, leaving pockets of freedom to advance knowledge, technology, and well-being within the anticivilization.
[ 88 ] Profit-driven immortality as presented in this chapter is a speculative hypothesis arising from a-priori logic. Yet, logically, no contradictions exist in that hypothesis. Today, the chief value of that hypothesis is metaphorical -- an illustration of justice that reality ultimately asserts. Tomorrow? Facts and knowledge will unfold to reveal the hypothesis as fact or fiction.
[ 89 ] Transceived not in the mystical Plato sense of a detached soul. For, the soul and physical body are one in the same and function as a unit. But, transceived (within a profit-mode, business dynamic) in the Gravity-Unit form that captures conscious "I"ness immortality as described in The Neo-Tech Discovery, all in accord with the laws of physics. ...The crucial importance of "I"ness in the rejection of the cryonic approach to immortality is detailed in the Neo-Tech Protection Kit, volume II, pages 371-375, Neo-Tech Publishing Company (1994).
[ 90 ] Such multidimensional examples are derivable from superstring and wormhole theories. Traversable wormholes, rotating black holes, and above-and-below Gravity Units offer theoretical but questionable time-travel possibilities at superluminal speeds. Such possibilities, nevertheless, can be codified through mathematics.
[ 91 ]
In the mid 19th century, the great German mathematicians, C. F. Gauss and G. F. Riemann uncovered the noneuclidean geometries and higher spatial dimensions involved in such transductions throughout existence. Matter, energy, forces, and fields arise from motions through varying geometries in various dimensions and quantum states. Einstein needed Riemann's geometries to develop general relativity. Today, superstring theory originating from Kaluza-Klein theory further links geometries in various dimensions to existence.
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