By understanding what existence really is, you gain control over impediments blocking your life. Without those impediments, you can foretell the future to gain limitless riches.
Indeed, you can get incredibly rich by controlling the force fields of existence. But first you must know what existence really is through Neo-Tech physics. Existence is axiomatic and eternal. For, existence simply exists with no prior causes. Existence is a natural, open-ended plasma of force fields[ 22 ] eternally evolving with no beginning or end. Neo-Tech physics demonstrates how human-like consciousness is not only an integral part of existence, but is the eternal controller of its geometries, fields, and particles. ...Yet, what is the actual nature of existence?
Most existence throughout the universe exists as an open-ended electroplasma, always evolving through its interacting matter (M) and energy (E) fields or modes. Those two fields of existence eternally interchange in a relationship expressed by Einstein as M=E/c2 (from E=mc2 ), with c being the universal constant representing the velocity of light.
Existence cannot not exist. Moreover, no vacuum void of existence is possible. "Vacuums" of the matter field can exist as in outer space, in vacuumed-pumped containers, and in areas between electrons. But, all those volumes are filled with the unmovable, frictionless ether or existence field -- a uniform, continuous field of existence.[ 23 ]
Throughout eternity, a massless field uniformly occupies every spacetime point of existence. This field of existence behaves as an ether matrix with stationary wave, vibration, or string properties. Within this field matrix, both energy and matter geometries interact to form physical existence, always behaving in dynamic combinations of one mode interacting with the other. Certain motions of the matter field, for example, interact at the quantum level with the energy field. That interaction produces irreducible packets of quantized energies or geometric structures. Those irreducible quanta, such as photons, send relief-seeking signals or perturbations into the continuous existence field radiating throughout eternity.
Eventually, each point line of disturbance or pressure signal is relieved by a receptor that absorbs such signals. In turn, that disturbance absorption converts back into pinched-off packets of minimum matter energy -- chemical, potential, or kinetic. In other words, a receptor relieves signal pressures by locally absorbing quanta equivalent to the quanta from the originating source. Each absorbed quantum is then converted back into the equivalent of its original mode. Such exchanges of modes can be detected as a wave/particle in the energy field or a particle/wave in the matter field or a combination, depending on how and where that mode exchange is emitted, absorbed, and measured.[ 25 ]
Those field or mode exchanges occur, for example, when stars pour nature-controlled, gravity-fusion energy into its surrounding electrons. Those energized electrons, in turn, pour photons into the existence field. Those photons cause disturbances that simulate waves ranging from radio waves to gamma waves. Those simulated waves radiate toward receptors located at the end of all point lines throughout existence -- such as a lens of a telescope in another galaxy. That receptor conserves existence by withdrawing or absorbing equivalent amounts of pressure-alleviating photons to neutralize the disturbances from the originating source.
Similarly, a hydro, fossil-fuel, or fusion power plant on Earth pours human-controlled, power-plant energy into, for example, a television transmitter. That energized transmitter, in turn, pours its human-controlled photons into the existence-field ether. Such an action creates radiating lines of disturbances that are equilibrated by absorption of photons into the matter field of, for example, a television receiver. The same energy/matter mode equilibrations can be traced from that television set to the retina of a human eye, then to a conscious brain, and finally to volitional physical actions that both alter and control the course of nature.
Discrete quanta or particles move at high velocities approaching the speed of light mainly in (1) expansions or contractions of the universe, in (2) certain nuclear reactions or radioactive decays causing symmetry breakings or hidings, and in (3) conscious-controlled actions such as particle accelerations. By contrast, the ordinary transmission of light, electromagnetism, or quantum energy across space is not a result of any significant particle movement. But rather such linear or curved transmissions are simply vibrating, resonating, or wave-like disturbances in spacetime geometries propagating near or at the speed of light through the existence field. Thus, discrete energy quantum and matter quantum do not themselves travel across space. Instead, each creates a disturbance pressure that radiates wave like along the stationary point lines of existence. That wave-like disturbance is eventually relieved, equilibrated, or absorbed by receptors at the end of each point line of existence.
Consider the above description of locally creating and relieving energy pressures by emitters and receptors in the stationary existence-field ether. Now, consider the popular notion that almost every particle ever created or released physically races across space -- often across millions or billions of light years in space. That notion seems to violate some sort of "least-action" principle. Such an action-inefficient notion of endlessly traveling quanta seems as quaint as the notion of a geocentric universe in which all inertial matter, planets, and stars daily race around planet Earth.
Indeed, both matter and energy interact locally, not across space. Light, for example, does not literally propagate across time and space. But, rather, light locally manifests a disturbance that spreads wave like throughout the existence-field ether until absorbed or equilibrated by a receptor.[ 26 ]
Unknown to the busily self-serving Establishment, the nature of existence and its dynamics of matter and energy are today being increasingly understood and methodically verified. That verification process will lead to the corollary verification that human consciousness is the eternal integrator and controller of existence. ...Human consciousness ultimately controls the relationships and geometries of the other existence modes -- matter and energy along with space and time. The human-consciousness mode is the purposeful, unmoved mover of existence.
The age of Zon means controlling the universal information field not through Earthbound computers, but through Zonpower: the foretelling knowledge of Neo-Tech physics -- the certainty used to gain limitless excitement, power, and riches...eternally.
[ 22 ] Fields and forces are the result of noneuclidean geometries and symmetries in space. Thus, there are no unaccounted, spooky "actions at a distance". ...Superstring theory, which would involve the geometries and mathematics of Gravity Units, consist of sixteen dimensions, or, in actuality, ten dimensions because six dimensions are redundant. Those ten dimensions can, in turn, split into a rolled-up six dimensions in which time, space, motion, and entropy do not exist -- and the unrolled four dimensions of our current observable universe in which time, space, motion, and entropy do exist.
[ 23 ] An all-pervasive existence field of mass and energy modes is somewhat analogous to a combination of (1) Dirac's ocean in which exists an endless field of "electrons" or energy fluctuations at all points throughout space and (2) Faraday's nonmatter, stationary lines or fields of force. ...All known energy modes can pressure wave through the energy/matter ratios of outer space. Most modes are absorbed or changed at the energy/matter ratios either in Earth's gaseous atmosphere or in the liquids and solids of Earth itself. By contrast, almost all neutrino wave pressures can pass through the electron/nuclear fields of thick solid masses, even through the entire planet Earth without mode change.
This resurrection of an ether, not as a matter or energy field, but as a fixed existence field, reconciles Newton's classical laws and Einstein's relativity with quantum mechanics. Such a reconciliation arises from a universal Zon constant, k, which, in turn, arises from conscious control of the existence-field ether manifested at every spacetime point of existence. The resulting causal control of existence by eternal conscious beings is (1) universal, (2) fixed, (3) unmovable, and (4) independent of any frame of reference or method of observation.
[ 24 ] Not a pushing pressure, but a nonequilibrium pressure or disturbance signal seeking equilibrium. What is detected only represents what is transmitted. ...A pressure intruding into the existence field causes that field to curve around the intrusion which, in turn, traces the curved paths of gravity. The interactive relationships between mass, energy, fields, curved space, and gravity require an ether of existence fixed throughout spacetime.
[ 25 ] In measurements, the distinction between metaphysical and epistemological certainties must be discerned, especially in quantum mechanics: No metaphysical uncertainties exist in physical nature. Only epistemological uncertainties exist.* Probability statistics are used in the absence of concrete knowledge. The de Broglie/Bohm's pilot-wave theories help eliminate the mystical misinterpretations of quantum mechanics arising from the 1926 Copenhagen Interpretation. ...Pilot waves are the fingerprint disturbances guiding moving particles.
*Consider the following epistemological uncertainty: The ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter is pi or 3.14159..., a number that continues indefinitely without ever repeating. Thus, the use of pi in calculations, such as the area of a circle A=pir2 , can never yield an exact or certain answer. For the answer always depends on how many decimals one extends pi in calculating that area. Yet, an exact area exists, it just cannot be calculated by using pi or any method of diminishing triangulation.
[ 26 ] Then what really is the "speed of light", c? First, consider atomic fission or fusion in which a given mass is converted to energy as mc2 =E. Now, by contrast, the "speed of light", c, is the velocity at which a given energy is converted to mass as E/c2 =m. Yet, light itself is the opposite -- it has no rest mass. So where is the connection of light to the velocity, c? There is none. The "speed of light", c, is not the speed of light at all, but rather c is the velocity relationships of field disturbances, which all have a speed limit of 186,281 miles per second in a particular vacuum state.
Incidentally, traveling near or at the velocity of light, energy fields bend in gravitational fields. The quasi mass generated by high-velocity, photonically disturbed existence fields is what bends in gravitational fields.
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