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Zonpower from Cyberspace

Zonpower Index

- A -

Abortion, 184, 290, 295, 296
Abraham, 171
Academe, 102, 115, 131, 139, 167, 226, 244, 266
Accounting, wide-scope, see Wide-scope
Achilles, 246
Acupuncture, 253
Advanced Concepts of Poker, The, 174, 318
Aeneas, 262
Aeneid, The, 260
Aerobics, 294
Aesthetics, 232
Africa, 141
Afterlife, 273, 280
hoaxes, 273
Agamemnon, 246
Aging, 122, 278
AIDS, 87, 238
AIDS cures, 20, 86, 122, 133,142
Air, 5
Alcohol, 294, 299
Alexander the Great, 184, 226, 320
Alfvén, Hannes, 206
American Indians, 250
America today, 154, 155
Amoeba, 100
Amos, 250
Analog models, 245, 246
Anger, 115-119, 156, 157
Animal mind, 305, 306
Animals, 5, 236, 237
Anti-abortion gangs, 140, 167
Antiaging genetics, 69
Anticivilization, 11, 15, 16, 23, 28, 39, 94, 113,194,
198, 202, 209, 218, 221, 262, 266, 277, 280, 303
Civilization of the Universe vs., 28
control of, 227
defined, vii, 189
disconnection from, 285, 287, 298-300
elimination of, 215
exposure of, 233
as forgotten, 281
Goy politics and, 184, 187, 189
Illuminati and, 176, 180
illusions of, 286
irrationality of, 21
hypnotic spell of, 205, 206, 215
origins of, 222-224
Peikoff and, 232-234
rise of, 258-260
termination of, 28, 229-232, 233-236
vanishing of, 37, 177, 263, 271, 286, 301, 314
zero value of, 288
Zon and, 285
Antimatter particles, 266
Antigone, 126
Anti-power civilization, 227
Aquinas, Thomas, 22, 226
Archaea, 48
Archimedes, 3, 50
Aristotle, viii, 12, 20, 22, 40, 50, 187, 232
Arrow of time, 206
Art, 245
Asia, 112, 141, 145
Asian trade, 107-111, 112
Asimov, Isaac, 83
Aspect, Alain, 45
Assyria, 242
Astrology, 115, 244, 251, 254
Astronomy, 26, 122
ATF, see Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms
Athletics, 245
Atkins, Robert C., 291
Atoms, 3, 4, 5, 24, 183
Augustine, Saint, 20
Authority, 252, 253
of consciousness, 255, 256
external, 241-244, 249, 252-256
Autism, 211-215
Ayatollahs, 153, 226, 251, see also specific individuals
by name

- B -

Babbitt, Bruce, 258
Babylonia, 242
Bacon, Francis, ii, 30, 81
Illuminati and, 171, 178, 179
Bartleby, 287
Baskin & Robbins, 290
BATF, see Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and
Beethoven, 136
Behaviorism, 254
Belgium, 107
Bell Curve, The, viii
Bell's Theorem, 45
Bennett, William J., 146, 226, 237
Beowulf, 262, 263
Berliner, Michael, 272
Bible, 83, 242, 252
Bicameral mind, 50, 52, 53, 65, 223, 241-255, 305,
306, see also Origin of Consciousness in the
Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind, The
defined, 49, 50
evidence for, 241-255
in today's world, 250-256
Big Bang Never Happened, The, 206
Big-bang theory, 6, 23, 56, 57, 85, 96, 207
Big business, 135, 136, 167, 168, 266
Bilderbergers, 171, 173, 176
Binswanger, Harry, 272
Biological immortality, 51, 75-77, 82, 86, 88,
218, 235, 236
achievement of, 64-71
motivation for, 68, 69
myths about, 70-72
as natural state of consciousness, 71-73
value of, 68, 69
Biological weapons, 312
Black holes, 13-24, 42, 55-59, 194, 223, 277
man-made, 85, 86
naked, 20
Blame, 116-119
Body destruction of, 291
Book of Zon, 284, 300, 301
Bohm, David, 34
Bohm's wave functions, 34
Bohr, Niels, 45, 97, 209
electron-orbit jump, 305
Boltzmann, Ludwig, 12
Born-again movement, 253, 254
Bosons, 38, 183
Branden, Nathaniel, 264
Nathaniel Branden Institute (NBI), 264
British Museum, 180
British Publishing Society, 181
Brontë, Anne, 214
Brontë, Emily Jane, 214
Bruno, Giordano, 23, 226
Buchanan, Pat, 168, 237
Büchner, Georg, 180
Building a Global Business Empire, 310
Bunyan, John, 202
Bureaucracies, elimination of, 126, 282
armed, 126
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF),
118, 119, 167, 168
Goy politics and, 184
Bush, George, 142, 146, 262
big, 135, 136, 167, 168, 266
competitive, 196, 167
defined, 9,108, 109
dynamics of, 177, 196, 197, 313
Neo-Tech minds in, 327
as power of the universe, 9-12
white-collar-hoax, 100, 125, 131, 135, 168, 226,
Business-controlled master plans, 172-173
Illuminati and, 171, 175, 178, 179
Jewish, 175
Business plan of Illuminati, 173-177

- C -

Cable News Network (CNN), 146, 147
Caesar, Julius, 226
Caffeine, 294, 299
California Pacific Railroad, 100
Caligula, 155, 184, 226
Cambodia, 258
Canadian Air Force study, 291
Cancer cures, 20, 86, 87, 112, 122, 133, 142
Candide, 202
Cannonballs, 41
Capone, Al, 261
Carbohydrates, 291-293, 299
Carnegie, Andrew, 136, 226
Carnivorous nature of humans, 292, 299
CAS diet, 294, 299
Cassandra's Secret, 318
Cassandra, Cassandra's Secret, vii, 173, 176, 177, 185,
215, 267, 270, 313
of Troy, 205
Castro, Fidel, 168, 214
Cause and effect, 12
Ceausescu, 146, 147
Cerenkov radiation, 8
Certainty, 34, 154
Cervantes, 202
Chants, 253
Chaos, 193, 194
Chaos theory, 13, 14, 193-199
Chanrasekhar limit, 16
Character, 214
Charles VII, King of France, 321
Chemical clocks, 89
Chemical energy, 33
Chemistry, 38
Child labor vs. Dickens/Gifford, 291
Child of the universe, 151
Children, 211-215, 217, 218, 222-223
abuse of, 291, 292
innocence of, 283, 289
protection of, 301
China,106, 107, 109, 112
Chinese literature, 250
Christianity, 251, 252
Christian Science, 254
Churches, 115, 116, see also Religion
Churchill, Winston speaking ability of, 189
Civilization of the Universe, 9, 23, 24, 28, 29, 37, 43, 94,
188, 194, 197-199, 202, 217-219, 221, 222, 236, 239,
262, 271, 273-275, 277-280, 303-308, 314, 316
anticivilization vs., 28, 29
communique from, 39
cosmology of infinite riches rising from, also
see Cosmology of infinite riches
defined, vii, 218
discovery of, 21-24, 197-199, 313
dynamics of, 300
entering of, 15
experience of, 282, 283
Goy politics and, 187
historical erratic contacts with, 23
Illuminati and, 176, 178
journey to, 13-16
law in, 187, 281
philosophy and, 232-234
power of, 20, 227
proof of, 39, 40
propulsion into, 266
rationality and, 24
riding into, 281-284
Seven Waves to, 21-29
timing of, 231, 232
ushering in of, 284
Cliches, 255, 256
Clinton, Bill, 113, 142, 168, 184-187, 189, 190,
214, 307
breaking of illusion of, 190
fake compassion of, 185
hypocrisy and the criminal mind of, 126, 190
lack of principles of, 189
speaking ability of, 189
Clinton, Hillary, 113, 146, 153, 167, 184, 189, 190,
192, 214, 237, 258, 261, 262, 291
breaking of illusion of, 190
fake compassion of, 185
hypocrisy and the criminal mind of, 126, 190
Clinton/Gore Envynomics, 168, 193, 193
Clocks, 45, also see Chemical clocks
Clouds, 5, 6
Club of Rome, 171, 173
CNN satellite news, 146, 147
Coarse graining, 46
Coca-Cola®, 295
Cold fusion, 13, 14
Colorado River, 74
Columbus, Christopher, 203
Communication, 6-12, 25, 26, 199
facilitated, 213
politicization of, 184
Communism, 146
Compassion, 236-238, 300
toll-booth, 185, 186, 188
fake, 185,186
genuine, 188
Complementary principle, 97
Complexity, 194, 195
Compounds, 5
Computerized ostracism, 150, 162, 163
Computers, 45, 67, 68, 79, 195
Concept formation, 245, 246
Confrontational phase, 163
Confucius, 24, 250
Conscious beings, 5, 6, 65, 196, see also Consciousness
black-hole equilibriums and, 18-20
business and, 9,108, 109
capability of, 51, 52
communication among, 9-12
as component of the universe, 63, 64
defined, 194, 195
existence controlled by, 21-24, 76, 77, 193, 194
extraterrestrial, 48, 74-77, 86
Grand Cycle interdicted by, 84
infinite number of, 14, 15
nature of, 214, 215
nature controlled by, 72-75
power of, 15
preservation of, 68-69
purpose of, 66, 67, 278
responsibility of, 51, 75
throughout the universe, 48, 49, 72-77, 86, 87
universes created by, 23-26
Zon talking to, 199
Conscious dynamics, 241-256
Consciousness, 2, 11, 12, 31, 38, 49, 50, 64, 178,
241-243, see also Conscious beings
authority of, 255, 256
capacity of, 80-82
control of existence by, 36, 37, 42, 46, 275
defined, 54, 245-248
destruction of, 76
detachment of from objective reality, 185
development of, 73, 74, 242, 243, 248-251
discovery of, see invention of
dual faculty of, 77, 78
energy relationship to, 40
eternal nature of, 49-51, 208, 209
eternalness of, 9, 10
existence controlled by, 23, 24, 36, 37, 42, 46, 275
in fetuses, 296
force field control by, 31-36
existence integrated with, 76, 77
government and, 236
Grand Cycle integrated with, 72-76
gravity and, 36
history of, 222, 223
as infinite, 76, 76
invention of, 50-52, 241-244, 246-248
knowledge creation by, 77, 78
light and, 36
mass relationship to, 40
metaphors and, 245, 246
mind, 305, 307
as mover of existence, 37, 209
natural state of,71-73
nature of, 49-52, 208, 209
nature's patterns and, 71, 72, 75
neocheater repression of, 254, 255
particle acceleration by, 35
power of, 81-83
preservation of, 51, 52, 75
primacy of, 20
religion and, 234-236
repression of, 254, 255
significance of, 82, 83
supreme value of, 277
symmetry breaking, 35
unchanging nature of, 49-52
understanding of, 245-248
as unifying force, 48-50
"universal", 208, 209
universe compared to, 81-83
value of, 82, 83, 88
Conservatives, 161
Consistency, 130, 131
Conspiracy theories, 171, 173, 180
Constant k of Zon, 11, 12, 307
Constitutional rights, 119
Constitution of the Universe, 188, 234, 235
Contextual knowledge, 290
over body, 39
over events, 39
of existence, 33, 42, 46, 275
of force fields, 269
of future, 39
over mind, 39
of nature, 268
of reality, 205-210
Cooper, Kenneth, 293
Coordinate systems, 12
Copenhagen Interpretation, 34
Copernican revolution, 96
Corn-syrup sweeteners, 292
Correspondence criterion, 97
Cosmic Business Control, 9, 318
Cosmological constant, quantum, 11, 28
Cosmology of infinite riches, 47-88
biological immortality and, see Biological immortality
consciousness and, 49-52
creation cycle and, see Creation cycle
Einstein and, 48-50
existence and, 51-53
infinity and, 63-65
as Neo-Tech discovery, 47-49
Council on Foreign Relations, 171, 173
CPT symmetry breaking, 45
Creation cycle, 52-88
explosion and, 55, 56-59, 60-63
flow chart, 53
implosion and, 56-60, 61-63
infinity and, 63-65
universe turning inside out and, 60-63
Creator(s), 14, 15, 23-26, 51, 82, 83, 85-86, 88
Crime, 119, 120, 142, 143
elimination of, 282
political, 184, 187, 188
prevention of, 190
Crime and Punishment, 187, 282, 326
Criminal minds
of Clintons, 190
Glory-seeking, 259
Goy politics and, 185-187, 190-191
obsoleting of, 185-187
propagation of, 262
rise of, 257
Cryonics, 274
Cults, 251
Cuneiform writing, 246, 247
Cyberspace, inside front cov er (c-2), ii, 128, 141, 146,
157, 160, 162, 163, 172, 181, 190, 192, 265, 267,
309, 310, 314, 316, 318, 322, 328
digitized, 277
Cyclamates, 293

- D -

Dante, Alighieri, 202
Darwin, Charles, 226
Da Vinci, Leonardo, 136
Daybreak analogy for becoming Zon, 285
DEA, see Drug Enforcement Administration
Death, 70, 71, 137, 138, 218
elimination of, 282
federal agencies as cause of, 118-125
freedom from, 133, 198, see also Biological
as unnatural, 72, 73
Death camps, Nazi, 155
de Broglie, Louis, 34, 206
Decentralization, 162
Deception, 257, 258
Decriminalization, 190
Deep-pocket litigations, 168
Defoe, Daniel, 202
Deja vu, 253, 254
Delphi oracle, 252
Democritus, 183
Demons, 251
Depoliticization, 173-177, 185
Dershowitz, Alan, M., 226
Descarte, René, 20
de Sitter, Willem, 45
Deuteronomy, 250
Dewey, John, 226
Diabetes, 291
Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and
Montesquieu, 181
Diet, see also Food
politicization of, 184
Diet Revolution, The, 291
Dirac, Paul, 32, 95, 97
Disease, elimination of, 282
Disease cures 86, 112, 122, 133, 142
Discipline, Thought, then Control (DTC), 298, 299
Disconnection from anticivilization, 285, 287, 298-300
Dishonesty, 94, 138, 153, 202, 206, 231, 232, 276
biological immortality and, 64, 68
curing of, 20, 162, 163, 202
freedom from, 202, 281
as irrational, 66, 67
matrix and web of, 202
Di Silvestro equation, 239
Disorder, 289
Disney, Walt, 226
Distance, 63, 64
Diviners, 251
Division of labor, 279
Dole, Bob, 120, 168
Dominator, world-order, 145, 146
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 187, 202, 281, 326
Doppler effect, 57
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), 118,
119,120, 123, 139, 147, 167, 168
Goy politics and, 184
Drugs, 120, 123, 139
politicization of, 184 "Drug War", 123, 139
du Pont, E. I., 136, 235

- E -

Earth's rotational and orbital speeds, 45
Eastern Europe, 141, 145
Eating disorders, 292
Ecclesiastes, 250
Ecoists, 139, 140, 226
Economic failures, 193, 194
Economy decay of, 190
Edison, Thomas, 157, 226, 307
Edison/Gates mind, 307
decay of, 190
politicization of, 184
Edwards, Jonathan, 272
Effort, 11, 197, 239
health and, 295
Ego "justice", vii, 23, 27, 119, 125, 141, 156, 207,
214, 258, 259, 261, 269, 274, 276
freedom from, 281
Goy politics and, 190
Jesus, and, 23
Zonpower and, 20, 28, 29, 168, 231, 226, 232
Egypt, 242
Einstein, Albert, 7, 16, 17, 21, 28, 32, 40, 41, 52, 54, 64, 80,
95, 136, 183, 209, 226, 230, 303, 305, 307, 314
Bohr debate, 45
Cosmological constant, 11, 12, 28
Grand Cycle and, 55, 56, 72-75
oversights of, 41, 49, 72-77
surpassing of, 18, 19, 20, 23-26, 122
unifying link and, 48-50
Electromagnetic-plasma cosmology, 206
Electromagnetism, 5, 11, 25, 35, 38
discovery of, 183
Electrons, 5, 6, 32
Electroplasma, 13, 31
Elite class, see Parasitical-elite class
E=Mc2 or E=mc2 , 32, 36, 45, 80, 239
Emotionalisms, 66
Emotions, 66
Enemy of the People, An, ii
Energy, 2, 5, 6, 24, 25, 32-36, 42, 45, 48-50, 58-61, 63, 64,
194, 195, 208, 239, 240, see also specific types
altering of, 83, 84
changing nature of, 49, 50, 54-57
chemical, 33
relationship to, 40
releasing, 36
continuous flow of, 33
control of, 76, 77
eternal, 196
flow of, 33, 206
fluctuations in, 32
kinetic, 33
matter ratios to, 32
nature of, 54-57
potential, 33
sources of, 279
thermonuclear, 312
waves of, 56, 57
England, 107
Entrepreneurs, 130, see also specific individuals by name
defined, 99, 100
as IRS targets, 120, 121
market, 99, 100, 102, 226
political, 99, 100, 102, 108, 226
in revolution, 165
types of, 99, 100
Entrepreneurs Versus the State, 99, 100
Entropy, 57-61, 65, 289
increase of, 31, 59
death, 56, 58
Environment, 236, 237
Environmentalism, 184
Environmental movement, 139, 226
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 118, 119, 147,
167, 168
Envy, 70, 71, 185, 189, 288
Envynomics, 193, 194
EPA, see Environmental Protection Agency
uncertainties, 34
Epistemology, 232
Equilibrium, 33
Erasmus, Desiderius, 272
Eric Flame, 318
ESP, see Extrasensory perception
Eternal life, 219, see also Biological
Eternity, 5, 10, 88, 98, see also Infinity
Ether, 32, 40-45, see field of existence
fixed, 43, 44
Ethics, 21, 22, 232
Euclid, 12, 31
Europe, 141, 145, 146
Evangelism, 168
Everett, Hugh, 45
Everman, Justin, J., 98
Illuminati and, 180
profound, 133-136
Evolution, 50, 52, 63, 64, 243, 244
Exercise, 291, 294, 298-299
Existence, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10, 88, 95, 98, 239, 240
as axiomatic, 10, 31, 52
birth of, 14, 15
components of, 54, 63, 64, 75
consciousness as grand-unifying force controlling, 12, 15, 16
consciousness integrated with, 76, 77
consciousness as prime mover of, 37, 209
controlling component of, 50
control of, 11, 15, 16, 21, 23, 24, 36, 42, 46, 54, 55,
77, 193, 194, 275, 286-289
creation of, 52
defined, 15, 16, 31, 32
eternal nature of, 5, 6, 31, 51-53
field, 32-37, 40-46, 92, 274
as fixed, 43, 44
fundamental fact of, 21
as infinite, 53, 54
knowledge relationship to, 79, 80
laws of, 80, 81, 83
macro components of, 53, 54
nature of, 5, 6, 51-53, 183, 208, 278
objectivism and, 232, 233
order for, 197
origin of, 14, 15
primacy of, 20, 52, 53
matrix of, 40
unchanging nature of, 50, 51-53
symmetry of, 183
as weightlessness, 41
Explosion cycle, 55, 56, 57-59, 60-63
External authority, 242, 244, 249, 254-256
Extrasensory perception (ESP), 254

- F -

Facilitated communication, 211-215
False context, 146, 147
Faraday, 32, 183
Fascism, 68, 146, 184, 254
Fat-free foods, 293
FDA, see Food and Drug Administration
Fear, 207
Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 118, 119
Feeder railroads, 104
Fermions, 38
Fetuses, 296
Feynman, Richard, 95
Field, H., 318
Field equations, 46
Field of existence (ether), 32-38, 40-46, 92, 274
Fijinje, 258
First Neo-Tech World Summit, 70, 71
Fish, 5
Fission, 36
Fitness, 291, 294, 299
Flag of Neo-Tech, 164
Flatlander, 28, 282
Folsom, Burton W., Jr., 99
Food, see also Diet politically correct, 294 politicization of, 184
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 118, 122, 124,
168, 258, 293
biological immortality and, 66-68
deaths caused by, 122, 124
Goy politics and, 184
Forbes, 119
Football-stadium experiments, 43
Force, 118, 119, 152-154, 164, 188
initiation of, 27, 239
threat of, 27, 239
use of, 28, 29, 188
Force-backed law,108, 109, 112
Force fields,
conscious control of, 36, 206
control of, 268
of Zon, 31
Forces of nature, five, 38
Ford Hall Forum, 263
Ford, Henry, 136, 226
Foretelling power, 37, 39, 267, 270
Forward-essence movement, 107, 110, 113
Fourth Reich, 180
Fraud, 70, 105-108, 119, 237
elimination of, 282
Free enterprise, 142, 143
Free expression, 162
Free markets, 68
Free press, 163
Free will, 232, 325
Freedom from irrationality, 211, 212
Freidmann, Aleksandr, 56
Freemasons, 173
French Revolution, 176
Fructose, 292
FTC, see Federal Trade Commission
Fuhrers, 251, see also specific individuals
by name
Fully integrated honesty, 11, 82 129, 147 152, 154,
157, 218, 232, 233, see also Neo-Tech; Zon
discovery of, 235
irrationality and, 66, 67
philosophy and, 231-234
Fusion, 13, 34, 36, 71, 72, 311
Future, 316-317
control of, 269
belongs to, 24
prediction of, 37, 39, 46, 267, 271, 277

- G -

Galaxies, 5, 34, 83, 84-85, 86, 182, 195
Galileo, 12, 23, 30, 136, 226, 308
Galley ships, 155
Gamma waves, 34
Gasses, 5
Gates, Bill, 113, 226, 307
Gauss, C.F., 280
Gay bashing, 167
Gay rights, 168
General Motors (GM), 238
Gell-Mann, Murray, 14
Genetic engineering and antiaging, 69, 71
Geometries, 2, 8, 20, 21, 26, 28, 35, 42, 46, 84, 208, 280
Geometry Units, see Gravity Units
Giuliani, Rudolph, 139, 167, 226
Giuliani, Ted Kennedy, 137
Gleick, James, insert page 193, 194
Global Business, 9
Glossolalia, 251
Gluons, 38, 46
GM, see General Motors
"God", i, iv
God Particle (Higgs boson), 183
God(s), 14, 15, 21-23, 89
bicameral mind and, 243
existence of, 21-23
lack of need for, 87
termination of, 239
Zon vs., 22-23
Golden-age Greeks, 29
Golden Helmet, 310, 318
Golden Helmet, vii, 203, see also Wide-scope
dynamics of, 176
Illuminati and, 176
income tax replaced by, 188
Golden Power Package, 310
Golden World, 203, 204
Goodness, 276
Googolplexes, 3-10
Googolth-of-a-second cycle, 55, 56, 59-61
Googol units, 3-4, 56, 57
Googol-year cycle, 62, 63, 73
Googol-year explosion, 55, 56
Googol-year implosion, 55, 56
Gordon, Bruce, 88. 98
Gore, Albert, A., Jr., 168
Gould, Jay, 167, 226
Government, 12, 234-236, 241, 256
Goy politics, 175, 183-191 nonreality and, 183-185 objective law and, 183 obsoleting of, 185-187 reality and, 183 seven-point agenda against, 187-189 subjective law and, 183-185
Grand Cycle, 54-57
alteration of, 85
altering of, 84
conscious beings interdiction of, 82, 83
consciousness integrated with, 72-77
prevention of, 85
super, 62-64
Grand-unifying force, 16, 48-50, 54, 194
Gravity, 2, 5, 6, 12, 18-20, 24-26, 38, 40-42, 58-60, 85,
88, 92, 239
discovery of, 183
Gravity-coded computers, 79, 80
Gravity cone, 92
Gravity-fusion, 34
Gravity Unit energy, 24-26
Gravity Units, 2, 3-7, 20, 23-26, 30, 42-45, 88, 89-92,
98, 183, 199, 240, 247, 277, 327
as dark matter, 2
quantized, 2
Gravity waves, 55, 58
Gravitons, 38, 46
Great Northern Railroad, 102-104
Greed, 185
Greeks, 29
Greenpeace, 168
Guilt, 70, 116-119, 237, 250, 251, 255
Gurus, 244
Guth, Alan, 7, 23

- H -

Hamilton, Alexander, 226
Hamilton, Mark, 9, 228, 268, 318, cover 3
Happiness, vii, 66, 72, 88, 197, 221, 234-236,
Illuminati and, 171-172
Hawking, Stephen, 95
Health, 291, 295
expansion of, 298-299
Health care
decay of, 190
politicization of, 184
Heart disease cures, 111, 122, 134, 291
Heat energy, 60
Hector, 246
Hegel, 20, 226
Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, 11
Helen of Troy, 246
Helms, Jesse, 168
Helmsley, Leona, 135, 139, 141, 167, 226, 227
Heraclaitus, 12
Herrnstein, Richard J., viii
Hexameter rhythms, 246
Hieroglyphics, 246
Hiertatic writings, 246
Higgs boson (God Particle), 183
Hill, James J., 99, 102, 103, 105-113, 136, 226
"Hill's folly", 102
History, 145, 146
Hitler, Adolf, 119, 144, 214, 226, 227,
260-262, 307
Goy politics and, 184
speaking ability of, 189
Hitlerian/Clintonian mind, 307
Hoaxes, 126, 137, 145-147, 236, 238, 278, see also
specific types
Hobbes, Thomas, 20
Homer, 250, 258-268
Honda, Soichiro, 226
Honesty, 94, 129, 137, 197, 219, 237, 238, 268
biological immortality and, 67, 68
blocking of, 206
defined, 327
fully integrated, see Fully integrated honesty
health and, 295
protection by, 289
unconquered, 94
of universe, 85
Hoover Dam, 74
Horace, 272
Hugo, Victor, 136, 215
Human consciousness, see Consciousness
Humanoids, see Parasitical-elite class
Hume, David, 20
Hyperspace, 79
Hypnosis, 206, 254
Hypnotic spell, 205-206, 270
of anticivilization, 212
Hypocrisy, 190
Hypoglycemia, 291

- I -

Iago, 126
I & O Publishing, 133
attacked, 202, 318
Ibsen, Henrik, ii
ICC, see Interstate Commerce Commission
Ice cream, 290
I Ching, 254
Identity, law of, 12, 14
Idols, 244, 248, 251
sweeping away of, 268
Iliad, 242, 246, 247, 250, 259
business plan of, 173-177
defined, 171-181
goal of, 180, 311-317
protocols of, 171-175, 177, 180, 181, 187, 311
strategy of, 174, 311-317
Zon, 189-191
Zon and, 171-181, 315-317
Immigrants, 122
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS),
118, 121-125, 147, 168
biological immortality and, 67, 68
Goy politics and, 184
Immortality, 274, 280, see Biological immortality
proofs of, 274, 286, 308
Implosion cycle, 57, 58-60, 61-63
Income taxes, 188, see Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
India, 107, 250
Indians, 251
Individual rights, 27, 185, 188
Industrialization of Asia, 112
Inertia, 40
Infinite knowledge, 70-72, 193
Infinite power, 241-256
Infinite-regression questions, 52, 53
Infinity, 5, 14, 15, 17, 18, 53, 54, 63-65
Inflation Theory, 8-9, 90
Innocence of children, 283, 289
INS, see Immigration and Naturalization Service
Insanity, 185, 290, 291
Instant communication, 5-10
Integrated thinking, 106, 110, 112, 307, 325
speed of, 307
Integration, 96, 112, 238, see also specific types
Intelligence vs. IQ, viii, 51, 239
Intent, 240
Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 118, 120-122, 123,
124, 139, 141, 147, 167, 168
biological immortality and, 67, 68
commissioners of, 133, 134
criminal behavior by, 133, 134
Goy politics and, 184
International networking, 210
Internet, 182, 210, 317, also see cyberspace
Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC), 109
Invulnerability, 285-289
Irrationality, 23, 24, 208, 209, 218, 223
of anticivilization, 21
biological immortality and, 66-68
camouflaged, 276
as cause of unhappiness, 72
curing of, 65-74, 77, 81, 86, 87, 269
dangers of, 230
freedom from, 211-213, 277, 278, 281
hypnosis and, 205-207
investment in, 212
invulnerability to, 287
impact of, 116, 128, 134, 276
origin of, 61-62
symptoms of, 116
termination of, 135, 205-210, 269, 277
IRS, see Internal Revenue Service

- J -

Jackson, Jesse, 168
Japan, 107, 109
Japan bashing, 167
Jaynes, Julian, 50, 229, 230, 233, 234, 241, 242, 244-254,
see also Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown
of the Bicameral Mind, The
Jefferson, Thomas, 148, 226
Jesus, 23, 252, 321
Jew bashing, 167
Jewish businessmen, 175
Jewish people, 184
Joan of Arc, 320
Job losses caused by IRS, 121
Jobs, Steven, 226
Johnson, Lyndon, 226
Joly, Maurice, 181
Jonestown, 251
Journalists, 115, 136, 139, 141, 168, 226, 237, 244, see
also media; specific individuals by name
Judges, 131, 155, 167, 168, 231, 232, 237, 266
Justice, 257, 259, 268, 276
idefined, 325
ego, see Ego "justice"
fulfilling of, 273, 274
objective, 118
ultimate, 273, 274
Juvenal, Decimus Junius, 272

- K -

Kaluza-Klein theory, 280
Kant, Immanuel, 12, 20, 226, 307
Kelley, David, 272
Kepler, Johannas, 30
Kessler, David, 122, 258
Keynes, John M., 226
Khan, Genghis, 226
Khomeini, Ayatollah, 226
Kinetic energy, 33, 60
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 167
Kinship with others, 287
Knowledge, 9, 10, 68, 154, 157, 193
as contextually based, 276, 290
existence relationship to, 80
as function of time, 80
generation of, 79-81
geometrically increasing, 73-81, 86
growth of, 276
increase in, 279
infinite, 70-72
laws of, 80
limitlessness of, 9, 70
linearly increasing, 79, 80
mega-advanced, 79-81
processing of, 79-81
at speed of light, 76-82
storage of, 79-81
time integrated with, 80
Kroc, Ray, 113, 226
K=Tc2 , 80

- L -

Land, 5
Language, 241, 242, 246, 247
Law, see below
cause-and-effect, 12
in Civilization of the Universe, 187, 281
force-backed,108, 109, 112
identity, 12, 14
of knowledge, 80, 81
of nature, 5, 6, 13, 194
noncontradiction, 14
objective, see Objective law
of physics, 6, 14, 82, 84, 193, 199, 275, 278
seizure, 168
subjective, see Subjective law
the-point vs. a-point, vii
thermodynamic, 57
universal, 204
Lawyers, 20, 135, 136, 165, 167, 168, 231, 266, 268,
see also specific individuals by name
bicameral mind and, 243, 244
dishonest, 115, 116, 131
Zonpower and, 226
Laziness, 185, 294
Learning, 245, 246
by children, 283
Least-action principle, 35
Lederman, Leon, 183
Left hemisphere, 246, 247, 253, 254
Legal system corruption, 119-121
Lenin, 119, 226
Leptons, 38
Lerner, Eric, J., 206
"Let there be light", 83, 86, 87
Liberals, 162
Lies, 269
Life wasting, 115-122
Light, 28, 33, 42, 44
"let there be", 83, 86, 87
speed of, 4, 6, 17, 18, 20, 36, 43, 62, 80-82
knowledge at, 76-82
transmission of, 35
velocity of, 32
Light cones, 92
quasi, 92
Lincoln, Abraham, 167, 184, 226, 227
Li Peng, 226, 258
Liquids, 5
Listening, 245, 246
Litigations, 168
Local police, 188
Locke, John, 22
Long-distance running, 294, 298-299
Longevity, 122, 125, 142, 196, 294
Long Wave: Surpassing Einstein, The, 24-26, 56
Lorentz, Hendrik, A., 308
Love, 196, 221, 275, 278

- M -

Malcolm X, 167
Man's Choice, 318
Mao, 119, 214, 226, 227
Market entrepreneurs, 99, 100, 102, 109, 226
Mars, 48
Marsden, Victor, 180
Marxism, 254, 255
Masons, 173
Mass, 2, 24, 25, 32, 33, 42, 48-50, 60, 61, 63
altering of, 83, 84
changing nature of, 54-57
control of, 75
consciousness, eternal, 196, 197
inertial, 40
gravitational, 40
nature of, 54-57
not intrinsic, 40, 41
relationship to, 40
scattering of, 62, 63
Mass/energy transceivers, 277
Master neocheaters, 255
Master plans, 172-173
Master terminator role of Neo-Tech, 127-129
Mathematical view, 88
Mathematics, 14, 20, 30, 84, 88
Matter, 31-33, 35, 36, 59, 208, 239 energy ratios to, 32 minimum energy, 33
"Meaning of Life, The", 47-49, 81
Mechanics, quantum, 34
Media, 20-22, 135, 141, 167, 168, 243, 244, see also
Journalists; specific types, also see News media
nationalistic, 171, 173
populist, 171, 173
religious-right, 171, 173
ultra-conservative, 171
Medicine, 20, 22
Meditation, 254
Mediums, 251
Mega-advanced knowledge, 79-81
Melville, Herman, 287
Memorial Day hoax (vs. Decoration Day), 126
Mercantilism, 142
Mesopotamia, 242
Metabolism, 291, 292
Metaphors, 245, 246
Metaphysical uncertainties, 34
Metaphysics, 232, 254
Meta-universe, 44, 62
Michelangelos, 136
Michelson-Morley experiment, 44
Milken, Michael, 135, 139, 141, 167, 226, 227, 230
Milky Way, 47, 48, 63, 64
Milton, John, 200, 202
destruction of, 291
Mind control, 254, 255
Minimum energy matter, 33
Missing-link puzzle, 244
Mode-exchange dynamic, 34
Molecules, 5
Money, 326
Montessori, Maria, 226
Monty Python, 47, 81
Moses, 23, 250
Mountains, 5
Mozart, 136
Multidimensional mass/energy transceivers, 277
Multivitamins, 292
Murder abortion as, 296 imaginary, 290-297 real, 290-297
Murderous organizations, 118-121
Murray, Charles, viii
Muscular dystrophy cures, 122, 133, 134
Music, 245, 253
Mysticism,11, 15, 115-117, 151, 153, 160, 199,
217-219, 324
bicameral mind and, 241-244, 254, 256
cosmology of infinite riches and, 47
curing of, 20, 65, 81, 162, 163, 229
defined, 324
disease of, 20
elimination of, 282
freedom from, 281
as hoax, 115, 116
impact of, 86, 87
as irrational, 66, 67
in science, 253-255
scientists and, 20
termination of, 229

- N -

Nader, Ralph, 140, 168
Nanotechnology, 13, 14
Napoleon, 226
NASA, 48
National defense, 188
Nationalism, 172, 178, 187
Nationalistic media, 171, 173
National sales tax, 188
Natural law
Zon and, 284
Natural power, 212
altering of, 83
conscious control of, 268
control of, 21, 64, 72-75, 268
dynamics of, 82, 83, 84-85
fifth force of, see Consciousness
forces of, 12
Grand Cycle of, see Grand Cycle
laws of, 6, 13, 193, 194, 199, 273
patterns of, 71, 75
Nazis, 155
NBC news producers, 238
Nebulas, 195
Needy, 236, 237
Neocheaters, 66, 67, 88, 165, 257, 262, 274, 276, 277
see also Neocheating
biological immortality and, 67, 68
cosmology of infinite riches and, 50
Golden-Helmet trap for, 163
as hidden criminals, 257
master, 255
redemption of, 188
termination of, 69, 86
unhappiness and, 72
Neocheating, 318
Neocheating, vii, 82, 255, 269, 324, see also
Goy politics and, 186
Neo-Tech, 11, 77, 82, 86, 87, 146, 147, 234, 235, 319,
see also Fully integrated honesty
advantages of, 241
attack on, 149-157
author of, see Wallace, Frank R.
basis of, 20
biological immortality and, 65-71
certainty through, 154
child of the universe resurrected by, 151
cosmology of infinite riches and, 47-49
defined, vii, 128, 129, 151-157, 232, 234, 323
discovery of, 235
dynamics of, 311-313
flag of, 21, 164
Goy politics and, 185, 190
Illuminati and, 177
implications of, 256
irrationality and, 66, 67
light and, 83
literature distribution, 310
as master terminator, 127-129
natural mission of, 128, 129
objective law and, 130, 131
Ostracism Matrix, 157, 159, 163
peace and, 149
philosophical basis of, 20, 232
Pincer I, II, and III, 310
reality and, 152-155
requirements of, 130, 131
self-leaders of, 159-161, 162
task of, 20
World Summits, 310
Zonpower and, 232-234
Neo-Tech Advantage, 70
Neo-Tech Cosmic Business Control, 228, 268, 318
Neo-Tech business minds, 327
Neo-Tech Discovery, 52, 122, 177, 235, 256, 260, 310,
318, 328
Neo-Tech Encyclopedia, 318
Neo-Tech Global Business Control, 318
Neo-Tech Map, The, 149
Neo-Tech minds, 327
Neo-Tech Protection Kit, The, 119, 258, 274, 310, 318
Neo-Tech Publishing, 9
Neo-Tech Research Center, 121
Neo-Tech Wedge, 125
Neo-Tech Worldwide, 9
Neothink, 65, 75, 241, 325
Networking, 210
Neutrino wave pressures, 32
Neutrons, 5, 6
Newsweek, 139, 226
New-age ideas, 208
New Testament, 252
News media, 126, 141, 167, 168, 328, see also Media
Newton, Isaac, 23, 40, 136, 183, 209, 226, 308, 314
Newtonian physics, 7, 12, 96, 209
Newtonian revolution, 96
Nicomachean Ethics, 187
Nietzsche, Elizabeth, 239
Nietzsche, Friedrich W., 232, 239
Nightingale, Florence, 136, 167
Nihilists, 226
Noncontradiction law, 14
Nonequilibrium pressures, 33
Noneuclidean geometry, 31, 46, 280
Goy politics and, 183-185
Noriega, 167
Northern Pacific Railroad, 100-103
Nothing power, 227
Novas, 195
Nuclear-Decision Thresholds, 70, 277
Nuclear energy, 24, 60
Nuclear forces, 5, 12, 25
Nuclear fusion, 311
Nuclear weapons, 312
Nutrasweet®, 293

- O -

Obesity, 290, 291
Objective justice, 119, 278
Objective law, vii,109, 130, 190, 231, 232, 257, 276,
278, 279, 297, 317
enforcement of, 155
in Civilization of the Universe, 281
defined, 297, 317
Goy politics and, 183
Illuminati and, 176
upholding of, 226
Objective reality, 207
Objectivism, 229-234, 263-264 see also Peikoff, L.;
Rand, Ayn
Objectivism: the Philosophy of Ayn Rand, 229, 272
Observer, 15-20
Oceans, 5
Odysseus, 259, 260
Odyssey, The, 242, 250, 259, 260
Oklahoma City, bombing, c-2, 185
Old Testament, 242, 250
Omar Khayyám, 304
One-liners, 256
One-world agenda, 175, 181
One-world conspiracy theories, 171, 180
Oracles, 251, 320
at Delphi, 320
Order, 196, 206
Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the
Bicameral Mind, The, 229, 241-256
Ostracism, 232
computerized, 162, 163
of parasitical-elite class, 125, 143, 159
Ostracism Matrix, 157, 159, 163, 280
Othello, 126
Ouija boards, 213, 250-253
Overpopulation, 278

- P -

Paperwork of federal agencies, 134
Paradise Lost, 202
Parallel universes, 45
Parasites, 214, 223, 265, 268, see also Parasitical-elite class
sweeping away of, 269
Parasitical-elite class, vii, 20, 115, 121, 122, 124,
140-143, 146, 149, 156, 227, 258, 266, see also
Value destroyers
archetypes of, 226
Bakunin description of, 152-154
categories of, 160, 161
chaos and, 193, 194
Clinton Envynomics and, 193, 194
defined, 22-23, 27, 325
as enemy in value producers' revolution, 165
escape from, 28, 29
examples of, 226
expanding, 95, 96
exposure of, 233
fraud and, 105-108
Golden Helmet and, 162, 163
guilt of, 237, 238
Hitler's description of, 152
hoax of, 145-147
ostracism of, 125, 143, 159
Peikoff and, 232
plunderers, 262
potentials of, 226
power of, 167, 168
rise of in America, 99-199
rule of, 222
state of being of, 226
subjective law and, 155
support for, 135, 136
survival of, 193, 194, 226
termination of, 127-131, 146, 151, 159, 163, 165, 198
peacefulness of, 162
permanent, 20
timing of, 229-232
Zonpower and, 28, 29, 222, 226, 229, 230-232
Zon attacked by, 236, 237
Parasitical cycle, 312
Parasitical elites, 20, 291, 297
dynamics of, 311, 313
Goy politics and, 186, 187
Illuminati and, 173, 177, 180, 315
redemption of, 188
religious-right and, 296
vanishing of, 314
Zon and, 285, 288
Parasitism, 167, 168
Parmenides, 12, 22
Particle physics, 13, 21, 38
Pascal, Blaise, cover 2
Path of least resistance, 183
Pauley, Jane, 237
Peace, 115-119, 151
Peikoff, Leonard, 20, 22, 154, 229, 230, 231-234,
263-264, 272, see also Objectivism
Penrose, Roger, 4, 95
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), 168
Periodic table, 310
Perot, Ross, 141
Perpetual motion, 13, 14
Personal terminator, 127-131
PETA, see People for the Ethical Treatment
of Animals
Peyote, 251
Phantom-bantam companies, 163
Philosophers, 22, see also specific individuals by name
Philosophy, 22, 231-234, 265, see also specific types
Photoelectric effect, 303, 305
Photons, 33, 34, 38, 44, 46
Photonic gravity units, 35
Physical fitness, 291, 294, 299
Physics, 7, 14, 21-26, 30, 39-46, 122, 303, 304, 306, 308
laws of, 5, 6, 14, 82, 84, 193, 199, 275, 278
Newtonian, 32, 40, 95, 209
particle, 13, 21
quantum, 13, 14, 21, 22, 26, 34, 48, 49, 209 relativistic, 209 spacetime, 303-306
Pike, Albert, 172
Planck, Max, 4, 5, 12, 305
energy, 303, 305-307
Planets, 5, 6, 48, 49, 63, 64, 75, 86
Plants, 5
Plasma, see Electroplasma
Plato, 12, 20, 50, 145, 153, 184, 189, 217,
226, 258-262, 283, 289, 297
souls of gold and iron, 153
Plato's cave, 283
Plato's disease, 223, see also Irrationality;
Plato's hoax, 153
Poetry, Poems, and Epics, 199-200, 252, 253
Poker, see Illuminati
Poker strategies
The advanced concepts of, 174, 318
Illuminati and, 174, 175, 177, 179-180, 312-317
replacement of, 311-317
local, 126, 188
Police state, 186
Political-agenda law, 20, 214
Political correctness, 139, 168, 184, 206, 217, 294, 296
in food, 294
Political crimes, 184, 187, 188
Political entrepreneurs, 99, 100, 102, 108, 226
Political-policy law, see political-agenda law
Politicians, 20, 261, 262
Politicization, 184, 187
Polo, Marco, 202
Pol Pot, 214, 258
Popes, 21, 251
John Paul, 237
Populist media, 171, 173
Positron, 26
Potential energy, 33, 59, 60
Poverty, 142, 143
elimination of, 282
Power, 66, 140, 141, 143 227, 270
business as, 9-12
of Cassandra, 270
of Civilization of the Universe, 20, 227
of conscious beings, 15, 16
of consciousness, 81-8
criminal acquisition of, 184
foretelling, 37, 39, 267, 270
of future prediction, 39
of God, 15
infinite, 241-256
limitless, 37, 230
mightiest, 86, 87
natural, 212
nothing, 227
of parasitical-elite class, 167, 168
political, 50
prosperity, 227
real, 177
super-symmetry, 211
unearned, 185
of universe, 11, 12
unlimited, 47, 48, 227
of value destroyers, 227
of Zon, 265, 269, see Zonpower
Power Plants, 34
Prayer in school, 295, 296
Prayers, 249, 250
Predators, 190, 281
Predestination, 53-55
Presidential campaign of 1996, 162, 267
Prigogine, Ilya, 206
Primates, 6
Privatization, 188
Probability statistics, 12, 48, 49
Productive-class virtuous minds, 326
Productive effort, 11, see also Value producers
Productivity, 130, 131
Professors, 102, 115, 131, 139, 167, 226, 244
Profiles in Courage, 226
Property rights, 121, 122, 186, 188
Prophets, 251
Prosecutors, 130, 131, 155, 165, see also specific
individuals by name
Prosperity, 125, 197, 218, 219, 273, 275, 278, 279, see
also Prosperity Revolution
anger bringing, 115-119
criterion for, 11
guarantee of, 127-131
Illuminati and, 171-172
limitless, 37, 229, 230, 267
personal terminator and, 127-131
unlimited, 47, 48
Zon delivery of, 3-10
Prosperity power, 227
Prosperity Revolution, 127, 130, 131, 141, 145-150,
310, see also Prosperity
anger and, 157
call for, 165
as greatest event in history, 162
as irreversible, 147, 157
as leaderless, 159, 160
rising of, 154
seven waves of, 162
task of, 159, 160
Proteins, 292, 294
Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, The, 175
Protons, 5, 6
decay of, 55, 58
Protoplasm, 5
Pseudo free-market system, 142, 143
Pseudo-leaders, 160, 161
Psychiatrists, 244
Psychologists, 244
Psychuous Sex, 310
Public Broadcasting, 213
Public opinion, 161
Pulsars, 85, 194, 195
Purpose, 66
Pyramids, 196
Python, Monty, 47, 81

- Q -

Quanta, 33, 35, 43
Quantum Crossings, 202
Quantum dynamics/mechanics, 12
Quantum energy, 35
Quantum flux, 26
Quantum mechanics, 14, 21, 26, 34, 48, 96, 209, 240
Quarks, 5, 6, 26, 38, 42, 46, 88, 193, 194
Quasars, 26, 195

- R -

Race riots, 168
Racism, 142, 168
Radioactive decays, 20, 35
Radio waves, 34
Railroads, 99-111
Rand, Ayn, 12, 20, 22, 90, 229, 232-234, 263-264,
307, see also Objectivism
Rather, Dan, 168
Raskolnikov, 187
Rationality, 24, 67, 223
symmetry of, 183
Rationalization, 291
Reading, 245
Readers Digest, 175
Reality, 14, 15, 152-155, 156
control of, 205-210
Goy politics and, 183
integration of, 239
objective, 207
protection by, 289
singularity and, 19
Reason, 66, 67
Reasoning, 245, 246
Reformers, 226
Regulations, 135, 136, 139-141, see also specific
agencies; specific types
Relativity, 7, 17, 19, 21, 32, 40, 41, 43, 44, 88, 95, 96,
209, see also Einstein, Albert
discovery of, 183
Relaxation, 265, 267
Religion, 116, 142, 168, 273, see
also specific types
bicameral mind and, 241-244, 249-256
biological immortality and, 67, 68
cosmology of infinite riches and, 49
Goy politics and, 187
need for, 234, 235
origin of, 249, 250
politicization of, 184
of Zon, 11, 12
Religious-right, 295-296
media of, 171, 173
Renaissance, 96
Reno, Janet, 126, 258, 296
Republic, The, 146, 259
Responsibility, 51, 75, 88, 190, 249, 255
Illuminati and, 175
Revolution, 130
blindness of past, 146
call to, 165
irreversible, 147
Prosperity, see Prosperity Revolution
translations of word, 162
two points of, 165
RIBI, see Research Institute for Biological
Riches, see Wealth
RICO, 150, 168
Riemann, G.F., 280
Right hemisphere, 247, 253, 254
Rights, see also specific types
constitutional, 120
of fetuses, 296
gay, 167, 168
individual, 27, 188, 190
property, 27, 186, 188
Riots, 168
Rockefeller, David, 171, 314
Romania, 147
Romantic love, 221
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 167
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 113, 127, 184, 226, 227
New Deal, 127
speaking ability of, 189
Rotation of Earth, 45
Rubáiyát, The, 304
Ruling class, see Parasitical-elite class
Running, aerobic, 294, 298-299

- S -

Saccharine, 293
Sales taxes, 188
Salk, Jonas, 226
Samuel, 250
Sante Fe Railroad, 100-103
Savage, Eric, 9, C-3
Schindler, Oskar, 178
Schindler's List, 178
Schizophrenia, 185
Schizophrenics, 142, 206, 243, 246, 247, 252, 253
savants, 320
Schopenhaur, 284
School prayer, 296
Schrödinger, Erwin, 45, 206
cat paradox, 45
Schwartz, Peter, 272
Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 127
Schwarzschild radius, 16
Science, 30, 253-255
Scientific method, 30, 95
Scientific proofs, 39
Scientists, 13-15, 20, see also specific
individuals by name
Scientology, 254, 255
Seances, 251
Sears, Barry, 291
SEC, see Securities and Exchange Commission
Secret of Cassandra, see Cassandra's Secret
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 118, 119
Seizure laws, 168
Self-esteem, 278
Self-exposure traps, 163, see also specific types
Self-leaders of Neo-Tech, 159-161, 162
Self-respect, 190
Self-responsibility, 190, 249, 255, 256
Sensitivity training, 254, 255
Seven Waves to Civilization of the Universe, 21-29
Seven Waves to prosperity, 162, 163
Shakespheare, William, 126
Shangrila, 203
Sherman Antitrust Act,108, 109
Sibyls, 251
SIGUs, see Super-Inflation Gravity Units
Simpson, O.J., 187, 190-191
Singing, 253
Singularity, 13-24
Slogans, 256
Smith, Adam, 22
Smith, Susan, 291
Smoking, 263
politicization of, 184
Social Connection, 310
Social nature of humans, 300
Social programs, 188
Social Security privatization of, 188
Socialism, 68, 226
Socio-facism, 184
Socrates, ii, 24, 50, 202, 226
Sophocles, 126
Solids, 5
Soul, 287
Space, 19, 49, 53,54, 63, 64, 239, 240
Space displacement, 41
Spacetime, 304-308
Speaking, 245, 246, 253, 254
Special relativity, 17
Speed of light, 4, 6, 17, 18, 26, 35, 36, 62, 63, 80-82 knowledge at, 76-82
Spinoza, Baruch, 22, 226, 232, 239
Stagnation, 218, 219
Stalin, Joseph, 227, 262
Stars, 5, 6, 194
Starvation, 143
Stonehenge, 196
Strange attractors, 88
Streep, Meryl, 237
String or duality string theory, see Superstrings
Subatomic particles, 3, 5, 26, 196, 197
Subhumans, 258
Subjective law, vii, 23, 155, 258
freedom from, 281
Goy politics and, 183-185
sweeping away of, 269
Sugar, 292-295, 299
Sugar-free foods, 293
Sum-Over histories, 46
Super collider, 14
Superconductivity, 71
Super googolplexes, 4
Super grand cycles, 62-64
Super-Inflation Gravity Units (SIGUs), 3-10, 26
Superluminal geometry changes, 92
Superstrings (duality theory), 21, 31, 59, 89, 92, 280
Supersymmetry power, 211
Supreme Court, 318
Supreme creators, 88
Surpassing Einstein -- Relativity and the
Long Wave, 23-26
Schwarzschild radius, 16
Swift, Jonathan, 202
Symmetry, 51, 88, 183, also see Supersymmetry
Symmetry breaking, 35
Syracuse University, 213

- T -

Tachyons, 9
Tarot cards, 251
Tax collection, 133-136, see also Internal Revenue
Service (IRS)
Taxes, 121, 288
consumption and sales, 121, 188
Goy politics and, 184, 186
income, 121, 188
national sales, 188
Technology, 68, 69, 75, 279 increase in, 279
Televangelists, 226
Television transmitters, 36
Terminators, 127-131
Terrorism, 257
Thales, 226
Theory, final in physics, 239, 240
Theosophy, 115, 116
Thermodynamic laws, 57, 58
Thermonuclear energy, 312
Thinkon, 38, 46, 92
Third Reich, 260
"Three Steps to Achieving Commercial Biological
Immortality in Our Lifetime",70, 71, see also
Biological immortality
Tiananmen Square, 258
Time, 4, 19, 49, 50, 88, 98
dilation, 19-20, 46, 307
eternal, 196, 197
flow or arrow of, 58, 206
of googol-year cycle, 73, 74
as infinite, 53, 54, 63, 64
knowledge as function of, 79, 80
knowledge integrated with, 80, 81
redefining of, 206
travel, 277, 304, 306, 308
Toll-booth compassion, 185-186, 188
Tort law, 168
Trade, 107-111, 112
Transceivers, 277
Transcontinental railroads, 99-111
Trilateral Commission, 171, 173, 176, 180
Trojan-Horse Neo-Tech, 181
Truth, defined, 327
Twain, Mark, 226
T1=T2k, 96, 239, 240

- U -

UGU, see Universe-Containing Gravity Unit
Ultra-conservative media, 171
Uncertainties, 34
Uncertainty Principle of Heisenberg, 12
Unconquered honesty, 94
Understanding, 206, 207
Unemployment, 142, 143
Unified-Field Theory, 49
Union Pacific Railroad, 100-102
Universal communication, 199
Universal computer, 4, 79, 80
"Universal consciousness", 208
Universal constants and forces, 25, 30
Universal law, 290, 297, 317
Universal laws, 287
Universe-Containing Gravity Unit (UGU), 23-26
Universe(s), 3-6, 193, 194, 196, 197
birth of, 14, 15
business as power of, 9-12
child of the, 151
citizens of, 235
Civilization of the, see Civilization of the Universe
communication among, 5-10, 26
compassion in, 236-238
components of, 63, 64
conscious beings throughout, 48, 72, 75, 86, 125
consciousness compared to, 81-83
Constitution of, 164
creation of, 14, 15, 23-26, 85-86
death of, 58
destruction of, 76, 77
essence of, 222, 223
finite, 207
government of, 234
history of, 55, 56
honesty of, 235, 236
infinite number of, 14, 15
instant communication across, 5-10
man-made, 85-86
observation of, 62
origin of, 14, 15
religion of, 234, 236
super-fast growth of, 6-8
turning inside out of, 60-63
wave function of, 45
Upanishadic writings, 250, 251
Urban riots, 168
User fees, 188

- V -

Vacuums, 8, 32, 240
false or quantum, 8, 96
Value-and-job producers, 20, 112, 113, 128, 129, 135,
136, 141, 145, 147, 157, 218, 259, 260, 261, see also
specific individuals by name
archetypes of, 226
call to revolution for, 165
defined, 326
demise of, 118
draining of, 29
examples of, 226
Goy politics and, 186
Illuminati and, 177-179
immortality of, 280
INS and, 121, 122, 124
IRS and, 120-121, 133, 134
religious-right as, 295-296
ruining of, 312
state of being of, 226
survival of, 226
Zon and, 288
Zonpower and, 226
Value destroyers, 118, 119, 165, 167, 168, 210, 214,
217, 218, 236, 258, see also Parasitical-elite class;
specific individuals by name
Golden Helmet and, 162, 163
guilt of, 239
power of, 227
redemption of, 188
subjective law and, 154, 155
termination of, 159-161, 226, 231, 232
Zonpower and, 224
Vatican, 13, 21
Vegetarianism, 292
Virgil, 260
Virtuous minds, 326
Vitality, 298
Vitamins, 292
Volitional choice, 325
Voltaire, ii, 202

- W -

Waco, c-2, 191, 258, 276, 297
Wagnerian opera, 196
Wallace, Frank R., 157, 174, 202, 235, 241, 268
jailed, 202, 318
Walton, Sam, 226
War, 20, 70, 71, 194
elimination of, 282
"War on Drugs", 123, 139
Warner Bros. Inc., 264
pilot, 34
radio, 34
Wasting of life, 115-122
Water, 5
Wavefunction, 45
Wealth, 2, 37, 205-215
cosmology of, see Cosmology of infinite riches
Illuminati and, 171-172
start of guiltless, 197, 198
unlimited, 221, 222, 227
unlocking secrets to, 95, 96
Zonpower and, 239, 240
Zon's force field and, 31, 37
Wealth distribution schemes, 185
Weight, 40-41, 290, 291
Weightlessness, 40, 42 ,44
Weishaupt, Adam, 172, 314
Welfare programs, 188
White-collar-hoax business people, 100, 125, 131,135,
168, 226
White holes, 55, 58
Wide-scope accounting, 118, 120-122, 125, 134,
143, see also Golden Helmet; Neo-Tech
Civilization of the Universe and, 290
Illuminati and, 172, 176
Zon and, 236, 286
Will America Go Neo-Tech, 268, 318, cover 3
Wilson, Woodrow, 113, 184, 226
Wigner's friend, 45
World Bank, 180
World War l, 260
World Wide Web, 199, 200
Wormhole theory, 277
Woyzech, 180
Writing, 245, 246
Wuthering Heights, 214

- X -

Xon, see Zon

- Y -

Young, Brigham, 23
Youth, eternal, 89

- Z -

Zhirinovsky, Vladimir, 258
Zon, 199, 207, 214, 217, 221-240, see also Fully
integrated honesty; Zonpower
aesthetics of, 21, 232
age of, 37
becoming, 11, 214, 285-301
constant k of, 11, 239
as controller of existence, 286
daybreak analogy for becoming, 285
defined, vii, 28, 171-181, 237, 284
discovery of, 176, 234-237
dynamics of, 176, 180, 311-313
epistemology of, 21
escape of, 223
ethics of, 21, 232
experiencing of, 286
force field, 31
foretelling age of, 31, 37
goals of, 210
God vs., 23
government of, 11
Goy politics and, 185
Illuminati and, 171-181, 315-317
irrational civilization and, 222-224
Jesus of, 23
metaphysics of, 21, 232
poker stategies replaced by, 311-317
politics of, 21, 232
power of, 265, also see Zonpower
product from, 28
prosperity delivered by, 3-10
protocols of, 172, 181, 283, 317
religion of, 11
task of, 20
words from, 218-219
Zon137=hc/[pi]e2 , 328
Zon 2000, 318
Zon Association, 23
Zon constant, 32
Zonpower, 318
Zonpower, 11,15, 28, 37, 211-213, 215, 217, 219,
223-224, 228, 237, 319-322, see also Zon
awakening, 303
capturing of, 20, 28, 223
children and, 221-223
defined, vii, 13, 28, 221
discovery of, 95, 238
disease cures and, 20
journey to, 13-22
omnipotence of, 265
philosophy and, 232
physics of, 39, 46
rising of, 95
scientific validity of, 95
wealth through, 239
world summits, 310
Zonpower Discovery, 310, 318
Zon Protocols, 200, 310, 318, 319-322
Zon Protocols, 300-301, 319-320, 321
Zone, The, 291

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