| Parent Index
| Build Freedom:
Zonpower from Cyberspace
Zonpower Index
- A -
- Abortion, 184, 290, 295, 296
- Abraham, 171
- Academe, 102, 115, 131, 139, 167, 226, 244, 266
- Accounting, wide-scope, see Wide-scope
- accounting
- Achilles, 246
- Acupuncture, 253
- Advanced Concepts of Poker, The, 174, 318
- Aeneas, 262
- Aeneid, The, 260
- Aerobics, 294
- Aesthetics, 232
- Africa, 141
- Afterlife, 273, 280
- hoaxes, 273
- Agamemnon, 246
- Aging, 122, 278
- AIDS, 87, 238
- AIDS cures, 20, 86, 122, 133,142
- Air, 5
- Alcohol, 294, 299
- Alexander the Great, 184, 226, 320
- Alfvén, Hannes, 206
- American Indians, 250
- America today, 154, 155
- Amoeba, 100
- Amos, 250
- Analog models, 245, 246
- Anger, 115-119, 156, 157
- Animal mind, 305, 306
- Animals, 5, 236, 237
- Anti-abortion gangs, 140, 167
- Antiaging genetics, 69
- Anticivilization, 11, 15, 16, 23, 28, 39, 94, 113,194,
- 198, 202, 209, 218, 221, 262, 266, 277, 280, 303
- Civilization of the Universe vs., 28
- control of, 227
- defined, vii, 189
- disconnection from, 285, 287, 298-300
- elimination of, 215
- exposure of, 233
- as forgotten, 281
- Goy politics and, 184, 187, 189
- Illuminati and, 176, 180
- illusions of, 286
- irrationality of, 21
- hypnotic spell of, 205, 206, 215
- origins of, 222-224
- Peikoff and, 232-234
- rise of, 258-260
- termination of, 28, 229-232, 233-236
- vanishing of, 37, 177, 263, 271, 286, 301, 314
- zero value of, 288
- Zon and, 285
- Antimatter particles, 266
- Antigone, 126
- Anti-power civilization, 227
- Aquinas, Thomas, 22, 226
- Archaea, 48
- Archimedes, 3, 50
- Aristotle, viii, 12, 20, 22, 40, 50, 187, 232
- Arrow of time, 206
- Art, 245
- Asia, 112, 141, 145
- Asian trade, 107-111, 112
- Asimov, Isaac, 83
- Aspect, Alain, 45
- Assyria, 242
- Astrology, 115, 244, 251, 254
- Astronomy, 26, 122
- ATF, see Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms
- Athletics, 245
- Atkins, Robert C., 291
- Atoms, 3, 4, 5, 24, 183
- Augustine, Saint, 20
- Authority, 252, 253
- of consciousness, 255, 256
- external, 241-244, 249, 252-256
- Autism, 211-215
- Ayatollahs, 153, 226, 251, see also specific individuals
- by name
- B -
- Babbitt, Bruce, 258
- Babylonia, 242
- Bacon, Francis, ii, 30, 81
- Bankers
- Illuminati and, 171, 178, 179
- Bartleby, 287
- Baskin & Robbins, 290
- BATF, see Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and
- Firearms
- Beethoven, 136
- Behaviorism, 254
- Belgium, 107
- Bell Curve, The, viii
- Bell's Theorem, 45
- Bennett, William J., 146, 226, 237
- Beowulf, 262, 263
- Berliner, Michael, 272
- Bible, 83, 242, 252
- Bicameral mind, 50, 52, 53, 65, 223, 241-255, 305,
- 306, see also Origin of Consciousness in the
- Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind, The
- defined, 49, 50
- evidence for, 241-255
- in today's world, 250-256
- Big Bang Never Happened, The, 206
- Big-bang theory, 6, 23, 56, 57, 85, 96, 207
- Big business, 135, 136, 167, 168, 266
- Bilderbergers, 171, 173, 176
- Binswanger, Harry, 272
- Biological immortality, 51, 75-77, 82, 86, 88,
- 218, 235, 236
- achievement of, 64-71
- motivation for, 68, 69
- myths about, 70-72
- as natural state of consciousness, 71-73
- value of, 68, 69
- Biological weapons, 312
- Black holes, 13-24, 42, 55-59, 194, 223, 277
- man-made, 85, 86
- naked, 20
- Blame, 116-119
- Body destruction of, 291
- Book of Zon, 284, 300, 301
- Bohm, David, 34
- Bohm's wave functions, 34
- Bohr, Niels, 45, 97, 209
- electron-orbit jump, 305
- Boltzmann, Ludwig, 12
- Born-again movement, 253, 254
- Bosons, 38, 183
- Branden, Nathaniel, 264
- Nathaniel Branden Institute (NBI), 264
- British Museum, 180
- British Publishing Society, 181
- Brontë, Anne, 214
- Brontë, Emily Jane, 214
- Bruno, Giordano, 23, 226
- Buchanan, Pat, 168, 237
- Büchner, Georg, 180
- Building a Global Business Empire, 310
- Bunyan, John, 202
- Bureaucracies, elimination of, 126, 282
- armed, 126
- Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF),
- 118, 119, 167, 168
- Goy politics and, 184
- Bush, George, 142, 146, 262
- Business
- big, 135, 136, 167, 168, 266
- competitive, 196, 167
- defined, 9,108, 109
- dynamics of, 177, 196, 197, 313
- Neo-Tech minds in, 327
- as power of the universe, 9-12
- white-collar-hoax, 100, 125, 131, 135, 168, 226,
- Business-controlled master plans, 172-173
- Businesspeople
- Illuminati and, 171, 175, 178, 179
- Jewish, 175
- Business plan of Illuminati, 173-177
- C -
- Cable News Network (CNN), 146, 147
- Caesar, Julius, 226
- Caffeine, 294, 299
- California Pacific Railroad, 100
- Caligula, 155, 184, 226
- Cambodia, 258
- Canadian Air Force study, 291
- Cancer cures, 20, 86, 87, 112, 122, 133, 142
- Candide, 202
- Cannonballs, 41
- Capone, Al, 261
- Carbohydrates, 291-293, 299
- Carnegie, Andrew, 136, 226
- Carnivorous nature of humans, 292, 299
- CAS diet, 294, 299
- Cassandra's Secret, 318
- Cassandra, Cassandra's Secret, vii, 173, 176, 177, 185,
- 215, 267, 270, 313
- of Troy, 205
- Castro, Fidel, 168, 214
- Cause and effect, 12
- Ceausescu, 146, 147
- Cerenkov radiation, 8
- Certainty, 34, 154
- Cervantes, 202
- Chants, 253
- Chaos, 193, 194
- Chaos theory, 13, 14, 193-199
- Chanrasekhar limit, 16
- Character, 214
- Charles VII, King of France, 321
- Chemical clocks, 89
- Chemical energy, 33
- Chemistry, 38
- Child labor vs. Dickens/Gifford, 291
- Child of the universe, 151
- Children, 211-215, 217, 218, 222-223
- abuse of, 291, 292
- innocence of, 283, 289
- protection of, 301
- China,106, 107, 109, 112
- Chinese literature, 250
- Christianity, 251, 252
- Christian Science, 254
- Churches, 115, 116, see also Religion
- Churchill, Winston speaking ability of, 189
- Civilization of the Universe, 9, 23, 24, 28, 29, 37, 43, 94,
- 188, 194, 197-199, 202, 217-219, 221, 222, 236, 239,
- 262, 271, 273-275, 277-280, 303-308, 314, 316
- anticivilization vs., 28, 29
- communique from, 39
- cosmology of infinite riches rising from, also
- see Cosmology of infinite riches
- defined, vii, 218
- discovery of, 21-24, 197-199, 313
- dynamics of, 300
- entering of, 15
- experience of, 282, 283
- Goy politics and, 187
- historical erratic contacts with, 23
- Illuminati and, 176, 178
- journey to, 13-16
- law in, 187, 281
- philosophy and, 232-234
- power of, 20, 227
- proof of, 39, 40
- propulsion into, 266
- rationality and, 24
- riding into, 281-284
- Seven Waves to, 21-29
- timing of, 231, 232
- ushering in of, 284
- Cliches, 255, 256
- Clinton, Bill, 113, 142, 168, 184-187, 189, 190,
- 214, 307
- breaking of illusion of, 190
- fake compassion of, 185
- hypocrisy and the criminal mind of, 126, 190
- lack of principles of, 189
- speaking ability of, 189
- Clinton, Hillary, 113, 146, 153, 167, 184, 189, 190,
- 192, 214, 237, 258, 261, 262, 291
- breaking of illusion of, 190
- fake compassion of, 185
- hypocrisy and the criminal mind of, 126, 190
- Clinton/Gore Envynomics, 168, 193, 193
- Clocks, 45, also see Chemical clocks
- Clouds, 5, 6
- Club of Rome, 171, 173
- CNN satellite news, 146, 147
- Coarse graining, 46
- Coca-Cola®, 295
- Cold fusion, 13, 14
- Colorado River, 74
- Columbus, Christopher, 203
- Communication, 6-12, 25, 26, 199
- facilitated, 213
- politicization of, 184
- Communism, 146
- Compassion, 236-238, 300
- toll-booth, 185, 186, 188
- fake, 185,186
- genuine, 188
- Complementary principle, 97
- Complexity, 194, 195
- Compounds, 5
- Computerized ostracism, 150, 162, 163
- Computers, 45, 67, 68, 79, 195
- Concept formation, 245, 246
- Confrontational phase, 163
- Confucius, 24, 250
- Conscious beings, 5, 6, 65, 196, see also Consciousness
- black-hole equilibriums and, 18-20
- business and, 9,108, 109
- capability of, 51, 52
- communication among, 9-12
- as component of the universe, 63, 64
- defined, 194, 195
- existence controlled by, 21-24, 76, 77, 193, 194
- extraterrestrial, 48, 74-77, 86
- Grand Cycle interdicted by, 84
- infinite number of, 14, 15
- nature of, 214, 215
- nature controlled by, 72-75
- power of, 15
- preservation of, 68-69
- purpose of, 66, 67, 278
- responsibility of, 51, 75
- throughout the universe, 48, 49, 72-77, 86, 87
- universes created by, 23-26
- Zon talking to, 199
- Conscious dynamics, 241-256
- Consciousness, 2, 11, 12, 31, 38, 49, 50, 64, 178,
- 241-243, see also Conscious beings
- authority of, 255, 256
- capacity of, 80-82
- control of existence by, 36, 37, 42, 46, 275
- defined, 54, 245-248
- destruction of, 76
- detachment of from objective reality, 185
- development of, 73, 74, 242, 243, 248-251
- discovery of, see invention of
- dual faculty of, 77, 78
- energy relationship to, 40
- eternal nature of, 49-51, 208, 209
- eternalness of, 9, 10
- existence controlled by, 23, 24, 36, 37, 42, 46, 275
- in fetuses, 296
- force field control by, 31-36
- existence integrated with, 76, 77
- government and, 236
- Grand Cycle integrated with, 72-76
- gravity and, 36
- history of, 222, 223
- as infinite, 76, 76
- invention of, 50-52, 241-244, 246-248
- knowledge creation by, 77, 78
- light and, 36
- mass relationship to, 40
- metaphors and, 245, 246
- mind, 305, 307
- as mover of existence, 37, 209
- natural state of,71-73
- nature of, 49-52, 208, 209
- nature's patterns and, 71, 72, 75
- neocheater repression of, 254, 255
- particle acceleration by, 35
- power of, 81-83
- preservation of, 51, 52, 75
- primacy of, 20
- religion and, 234-236
- repression of, 254, 255
- significance of, 82, 83
- supreme value of, 277
- symmetry breaking, 35
- unchanging nature of, 49-52
- understanding of, 245-248
- as unifying force, 48-50
- "universal", 208, 209
- universe compared to, 81-83
- value of, 82, 83, 88
- Conservatives, 161
- Consistency, 130, 131
- Conspiracy theories, 171, 173, 180
- Constant k of Zon, 11, 12, 307
- Constitutional rights, 119
- Constitution of the Universe, 188, 234, 235
- Contextual knowledge, 290
- Control
- over body, 39
- over events, 39
- of existence, 33, 42, 46, 275
- of force fields, 269
- of future, 39
- over mind, 39
- of nature, 268
- of reality, 205-210
- Cooper, Kenneth, 293
- Coordinate systems, 12
- Copenhagen Interpretation, 34
- Copernican revolution, 96
- Corn-syrup sweeteners, 292
- Correspondence criterion, 97
- Cosmic Business Control, 9, 318
- Cosmological constant, quantum, 11, 28
- Cosmology of infinite riches, 47-88
- biological immortality and, see Biological immortality
- consciousness and, 49-52
- creation cycle and, see Creation cycle
- Einstein and, 48-50
- existence and, 51-53
- infinity and, 63-65
- as Neo-Tech discovery, 47-49
- Council on Foreign Relations, 171, 173
- CPT symmetry breaking, 45
- Creation cycle, 52-88
- explosion and, 55, 56-59, 60-63
- flow chart, 53
- implosion and, 56-60, 61-63
- infinity and, 63-65
- universe turning inside out and, 60-63
- Creator(s), 14, 15, 23-26, 51, 82, 83, 85-86, 88
- Crime, 119, 120, 142, 143
- elimination of, 282
- political, 184, 187, 188
- prevention of, 190
- Crime and Punishment, 187, 282, 326
- Criminal minds
- of Clintons, 190
- Glory-seeking, 259
- Goy politics and, 185-187, 190-191
- obsoleting of, 185-187
- propagation of, 262
- rise of, 257
- Cryonics, 274
- Cults, 251
- Cuneiform writing, 246, 247
- Cyberspace, inside front cov er (c-2), ii, 128, 141, 146,
- 157, 160, 162, 163, 172, 181, 190, 192, 265, 267,
- 309, 310, 314, 316, 318, 322, 328
- digitized, 277
- Cyclamates, 293
- D -
- Dante, Alighieri, 202
- Darwin, Charles, 226
- Da Vinci, Leonardo, 136
- Daybreak analogy for becoming Zon, 285
- DEA, see Drug Enforcement Administration
- Death, 70, 71, 137, 138, 218
- elimination of, 282
- federal agencies as cause of, 118-125
- freedom from, 133, 198, see also Biological
- immortality
- as unnatural, 72, 73
- Death camps, Nazi, 155
- de Broglie, Louis, 34, 206
- Decentralization, 162
- Deception, 257, 258
- Decriminalization, 190
- Deep-pocket litigations, 168
- Defoe, Daniel, 202
- Deja vu, 253, 254
- Delphi oracle, 252
- Democritus, 183
- Demons, 251
- Depoliticization, 173-177, 185
- Dershowitz, Alan, M., 226
- Descarte, René, 20
- de Sitter, Willem, 45
- Deuteronomy, 250
- Dewey, John, 226
- Diabetes, 291
- Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and
- Montesquieu
, 181 - Diet, see also Food
- politicization of, 184
- Diet Revolution, The, 291
- Dirac, Paul, 32, 95, 97
- Disease, elimination of, 282
- Disease cures 86, 112, 122, 133, 142
- Discipline, Thought, then Control (DTC), 298, 299
- Disconnection from anticivilization, 285, 287, 298-300
- Dishonesty, 94, 138, 153, 202, 206, 231, 232, 276
- biological immortality and, 64, 68
- curing of, 20, 162, 163, 202
- freedom from, 202, 281
- as irrational, 66, 67
- matrix and web of, 202
- Di Silvestro equation, 239
- Disorder, 289
- Disney, Walt, 226
- Distance, 63, 64
- Diviners, 251
- Division of labor, 279
- Dole, Bob, 120, 168
- Dominator, world-order, 145, 146
- Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 187, 202, 281, 326
- Doppler effect, 57
- Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), 118,
- 119,120, 123, 139, 147, 167, 168
- Goy politics and, 184
- Drugs, 120, 123, 139
- politicization of, 184 "Drug War", 123, 139
- du Pont, E. I., 136, 235
- E -
- Earth's rotational and orbital speeds, 45
- Eastern Europe, 141, 145
- Eating disorders, 292
- Ecclesiastes, 250
- Ecoists, 139, 140, 226
- Economic failures, 193, 194
- Economy decay of, 190
- Edison, Thomas, 157, 226, 307
- Edison/Gates mind, 307
- Education
- decay of, 190
- politicization of, 184
- Edwards, Jonathan, 272
- Effort, 11, 197, 239
- health and, 295
- Ego "justice", vii, 23, 27, 119, 125, 141, 156, 207,
- 214, 258, 259, 261, 269, 274, 276
- freedom from, 281
- Goy politics and, 190
- Jesus, and, 23
- Zonpower and, 20, 28, 29, 168, 231, 226, 232
- Egypt, 242
- Einstein, Albert, 7, 16, 17, 21, 28, 32, 40, 41, 52, 54, 64, 80,
- 95, 136, 183, 209, 226, 230, 303, 305, 307, 314
- Bohr debate, 45
- Cosmological constant, 11, 12, 28
- Grand Cycle and, 55, 56, 72-75
- oversights of, 41, 49, 72-77
- surpassing of, 18, 19, 20, 23-26, 122
- unifying link and, 48-50
- Electromagnetic-plasma cosmology, 206
- Electromagnetism, 5, 11, 25, 35, 38
- discovery of, 183
- Electrons, 5, 6, 32
- Electroplasma, 13, 31
- Elite class, see Parasitical-elite class
- E=Mc2 or E=mc2 , 32, 36, 45, 80, 239
- Emotionalisms, 66
- Emotions, 66
- Enemy of the People, An, ii
- Energy, 2, 5, 6, 24, 25, 32-36, 42, 45, 48-50, 58-61, 63, 64,
- 194, 195, 208, 239, 240, see also specific types
- altering of, 83, 84
- changing nature of, 49, 50, 54-57
- chemical, 33
- relationship to, 40
- releasing, 36
- continuous flow of, 33
- control of, 76, 77
- eternal, 196
- flow of, 33, 206
- fluctuations in, 32
- kinetic, 33
- matter ratios to, 32
- nature of, 54-57
- potential, 33
- sources of, 279
- thermonuclear, 312
- waves of, 56, 57
- England, 107
- Entrepreneurs, 130, see also specific individuals by name
- defined, 99, 100
- as IRS targets, 120, 121
- market, 99, 100, 102, 226
- political, 99, 100, 102, 108, 226
- in revolution, 165
- types of, 99, 100
- Entrepreneurs Versus the State, 99, 100
- Entropy, 57-61, 65, 289
- increase of, 31, 59
- death, 56, 58
- Environment, 236, 237
- Environmentalism, 184
- Environmental movement, 139, 226
- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 118, 119, 147,
- 167, 168
- Envy, 70, 71, 185, 189, 288
- Envynomics, 193, 194
- EPA, see Environmental Protection Agency
- Epistemological
- uncertainties, 34
- Epistemology, 232
- Equilibrium, 33
- Erasmus, Desiderius, 272
- Eric Flame, 318
- ESP, see Extrasensory perception
- Eternal life, 219, see also Biological
- immortality
- Eternity, 5, 10, 88, 98, see also Infinity
- Ether, 32, 40-45, see field of existence
- fixed, 43, 44
- Ethics, 21, 22, 232
- Euclid, 12, 31
- Europe, 141, 145, 146
- Evangelism, 168
- Everett, Hugh, 45
- Everman, Justin, J., 98
- Evil
- Illuminati and, 180
- profound, 133-136
- Evolution, 50, 52, 63, 64, 243, 244
- Exercise, 291, 294, 298-299
- Existence, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10, 88, 95, 98, 239, 240
- as axiomatic, 10, 31, 52
- birth of, 14, 15
- components of, 54, 63, 64, 75
- consciousness as grand-unifying force controlling, 12, 15, 16
- consciousness integrated with, 76, 77
- consciousness as prime mover of, 37, 209
- controlling component of, 50
- control of, 11, 15, 16, 21, 23, 24, 36, 42, 46, 54, 55,
- 77, 193, 194, 275, 286-289
- creation of, 52
- defined, 15, 16, 31, 32
- eternal nature of, 5, 6, 31, 51-53
- field, 32-37, 40-46, 92, 274
- as fixed, 43, 44
- fundamental fact of, 21
- as infinite, 53, 54
- knowledge relationship to, 79, 80
- laws of, 80, 81, 83
- macro components of, 53, 54
- nature of, 5, 6, 51-53, 183, 208, 278
- objectivism and, 232, 233
- order for, 197
- origin of, 14, 15
- primacy of, 20, 52, 53
- matrix of, 40
- unchanging nature of, 50, 51-53
- symmetry of, 183
- as weightlessness, 41
- Explosion cycle, 55, 56, 57-59, 60-63
- External authority, 242, 244, 249, 254-256
- Extrasensory perception (ESP), 254
- F -
- Facilitated communication, 211-215
- False context, 146, 147
- Faraday, 32, 183
- Fascism, 68, 146, 184, 254
- Fat-free foods, 293
- FDA, see Food and Drug Administration
- Fear, 207
- Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 118, 119
- Feeder railroads, 104
- Fermions, 38
- Fetuses, 296
- Feynman, Richard, 95
- Field, H., 318
- Field equations, 46
- Field of existence (ether), 32-38, 40-46, 92, 274
- Fijinje, 258
- First Neo-Tech World Summit, 70, 71
- Fish, 5
- Fission, 36
- Fitness, 291, 294, 299
- Flag of Neo-Tech, 164
- Flatlander, 28, 282
- Folsom, Burton W., Jr., 99
- Food, see also Diet politically correct, 294 politicization of, 184
- Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 118, 122, 124,
- 168, 258, 293
- biological immortality and, 66-68
- deaths caused by, 122, 124
- Goy politics and, 184
- Forbes, 119
- Football-stadium experiments, 43
- Force, 118, 119, 152-154, 164, 188
- initiation of, 27, 239
- threat of, 27, 239
- use of, 28, 29, 188
- Force-backed law,108, 109, 112
- Force fields,
- conscious control of, 36, 206
- control of, 268
- of Zon, 31
- Forces of nature, five, 38
- Ford Hall Forum, 263
- Ford, Henry, 136, 226
- Foretelling power, 37, 39, 267, 270
- Forward-essence movement, 107, 110, 113
- Fourth Reich, 180
- Fraud, 70, 105-108, 119, 237
- elimination of, 282
- Free enterprise, 142, 143
- Free expression, 162
- Free markets, 68
- Free press, 163
- Free will, 232, 325
- Freedom from irrationality, 211, 212
- Freidmann, Aleksandr, 56
- Freemasons, 173
- French Revolution, 176
- Fructose, 292
- FTC, see Federal Trade Commission
- Fuhrers, 251, see also specific individuals
- by name
- Fully integrated honesty, 11, 82 129, 147 152, 154,
- 157, 218, 232, 233, see also Neo-Tech; Zon
- discovery of, 235
- irrationality and, 66, 67
- philosophy and, 231-234
- Fusion, 13, 34, 36, 71, 72, 311
- Future, 316-317
- control of, 269
- belongs to, 24
- prediction of, 37, 39, 46, 267, 271, 277
- G -
- Galaxies, 5, 34, 83, 84-85, 86, 182, 195
- Galileo, 12, 23, 30, 136, 226, 308
- Galley ships, 155
- Gamma waves, 34
- Gasses, 5
- Gates, Bill, 113, 226, 307
- Gauss, C.F., 280
- Gay bashing, 167
- Gay rights, 168
- General Motors (GM), 238
- Gell-Mann, Murray, 14
- Genetic engineering and antiaging, 69, 71
- Geometries, 2, 8, 20, 21, 26, 28, 35, 42, 46, 84, 208, 280
- Geometry Units, see Gravity Units
- Giuliani, Rudolph, 139, 167, 226
- Giuliani, Ted Kennedy, 137
- Gleick, James, insert page 193, 194
- Global Business, 9
- Glossolalia, 251
- Gluons, 38, 46
- GM, see General Motors
- "God", i, iv
- God Particle (Higgs boson), 183
- God(s), 14, 15, 21-23, 89
- bicameral mind and, 243
- existence of, 21-23
- lack of need for, 87
- termination of, 239
- Zon vs., 22-23
- Golden-age Greeks, 29
- Golden Helmet, 310, 318
- Golden Helmet, vii, 203, see also Wide-scope
- accounting
- dynamics of, 176
- Illuminati and, 176
- income tax replaced by, 188
- Golden Power Package, 310
- Golden World, 203, 204
- Goodness, 276
- Googolplexes, 3-10
- Googolth-of-a-second cycle, 55, 56, 59-61
- Googol units, 3-4, 56, 57
- Googol-year cycle, 62, 63, 73
- Googol-year explosion, 55, 56
- Googol-year implosion, 55, 56
- Gordon, Bruce, 88. 98
- Gore, Albert, A., Jr., 168
- Gould, Jay, 167, 226
- Government, 12, 234-236, 241, 256
- Goy politics, 175, 183-191 nonreality and, 183-185 objective law and, 183 obsoleting of, 185-187 reality and, 183 seven-point agenda against, 187-189 subjective law and, 183-185
- Grand Cycle, 54-57
- alteration of, 85
- altering of, 84
- conscious beings interdiction of, 82, 83
- consciousness integrated with, 72-77
- prevention of, 85
- super, 62-64
- Grand-unifying force, 16, 48-50, 54, 194
- Gravity, 2, 5, 6, 12, 18-20, 24-26, 38, 40-42, 58-60, 85,
- 88, 92, 239
- discovery of, 183
- Gravity-coded computers, 79, 80
- Gravity cone, 92
- Gravity-fusion, 34
- Gravity Unit energy, 24-26
- Gravity Units, 2, 3-7, 20, 23-26, 30, 42-45, 88, 89-92,
- 98, 183, 199, 240, 247, 277, 327
- as dark matter, 2
- quantized, 2
- Gravity waves, 55, 58
- Gravitons, 38, 46
- Great Northern Railroad, 102-104
- Greed, 185
- Greeks, 29
- Greenpeace, 168
- Guilt, 70, 116-119, 237, 250, 251, 255
- Gurus, 244
- Guth, Alan, 7, 23
- H -
- Hamilton, Alexander, 226
- Hamilton, Mark, 9, 228, 268, 318, cover 3
- Happiness, vii, 66, 72, 88, 197, 221, 234-236,
- 278-280
- Illuminati and, 171-172
- Hawking, Stephen, 95
- Health, 291, 295
- expansion of, 298-299
- Health care
- decay of, 190
- politicization of, 184
- Heart disease cures, 111, 122, 134, 291
- Heat energy, 60
- Hector, 246
- Hegel, 20, 226
- Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, 11
- Helen of Troy, 246
- Helms, Jesse, 168
- Helmsley, Leona, 135, 139, 141, 167, 226, 227
- Heraclaitus, 12
- Herrnstein, Richard J., viii
- Hexameter rhythms, 246
- Hieroglyphics, 246
- Hiertatic writings, 246
- Higgs boson (God Particle), 183
- Hill, James J., 99, 102, 103, 105-113, 136, 226
- "Hill's folly", 102
- History, 145, 146
- Hitler, Adolf, 119, 144, 214, 226, 227,
- 260-262, 307
- Goy politics and, 184
- speaking ability of, 189
- Hitlerian/Clintonian mind, 307
- Hoaxes, 126, 137, 145-147, 236, 238, 278, see also
- specific types
- Hobbes, Thomas, 20
- Homer, 250, 258-268
- Honda, Soichiro, 226
- Honesty, 94, 129, 137, 197, 219, 237, 238, 268
- biological immortality and, 67, 68
- blocking of, 206
- defined, 327
- fully integrated, see Fully integrated honesty
- health and, 295
- protection by, 289
- unconquered, 94
- of universe, 85
- Hoover Dam, 74
- Horace, 272
- Hugo, Victor, 136, 215
- Human consciousness, see Consciousness
- Humanoids, see Parasitical-elite class
- Hume, David, 20
- Hyperspace, 79
- Hypnosis, 206, 254
- Hypnotic spell, 205-206, 270
- of anticivilization, 212
- Hypocrisy, 190
- Hypoglycemia, 291
- I -
- Iago, 126
- I & O Publishing, 133
- attacked, 202, 318
- Ibsen, Henrik, ii
- ICC, see Interstate Commerce Commission
- Ice cream, 290
- I Ching, 254
- Identity, law of, 12, 14
- Idols, 244, 248, 251
- Ignorance
- sweeping away of, 268
- Iliad, 242, 246, 247, 250, 259
- Illuminati
- business plan of, 173-177
- defined, 171-181
- goal of, 180, 311-317
- protocols of, 171-175, 177, 180, 181, 187, 311
- strategy of, 174, 311-317
- Zon, 189-191
- Zon and, 171-181, 315-317
- Immigrants, 122
- Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS),
- 118, 121-125, 147, 168
- biological immortality and, 67, 68
- Goy politics and, 184
- Immortality, 274, 280, see Biological immortality
- proofs of, 274, 286, 308
- Implosion cycle, 57, 58-60, 61-63
- Income taxes, 188, see Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
- India, 107, 250
- Indians, 251
- Individual rights, 27, 185, 188
- Industrialization of Asia, 112
- Inertia, 40
- Infinite knowledge, 70-72, 193
- Infinite power, 241-256
- Infinite-regression questions, 52, 53
- Infinity, 5, 14, 15, 17, 18, 53, 54, 63-65
- Inflation Theory, 8-9, 90
- Innocence of children, 283, 289
- INS, see Immigration and Naturalization Service
- Insanity, 185, 290, 291
- Instant communication, 5-10
- Integrated thinking, 106, 110, 112, 307, 325
- speed of, 307
- Integration, 96, 112, 238, see also specific types
- Intelligence vs. IQ, viii, 51, 239
- Intent, 240
- Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 118, 120-122, 123,
- 124, 139, 141, 147, 167, 168
- biological immortality and, 67, 68
- commissioners of, 133, 134
- criminal behavior by, 133, 134
- Goy politics and, 184
- International networking, 210
- Internet, 182, 210, 317, also see cyberspace
- Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC), 109
- Invulnerability, 285-289
- Irrationality, 23, 24, 208, 209, 218, 223
- of anticivilization, 21
- biological immortality and, 66-68
- camouflaged, 276
- as cause of unhappiness, 72
- curing of, 65-74, 77, 81, 86, 87, 269
- dangers of, 230
- freedom from, 211-213, 277, 278, 281
- hypnosis and, 205-207
- investment in, 212
- invulnerability to, 287
- impact of, 116, 128, 134, 276
- origin of, 61-62
- symptoms of, 116
- termination of, 135, 205-210, 269, 277
- IRS, see Internal Revenue Service
- J -
- Jackson, Jesse, 168
- Japan, 107, 109
- Japan bashing, 167
- Jaynes, Julian, 50, 229, 230, 233, 234, 241, 242, 244-254,
- see also Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown
- of the Bicameral Mind, The
- Jefferson, Thomas, 148, 226
- Jesus, 23, 252, 321
- Jew bashing, 167
- Jewish businessmen, 175
- Jewish people, 184
- Joan of Arc, 320
- Job losses caused by IRS, 121
- Jobs, Steven, 226
- Johnson, Lyndon, 226
- Joly, Maurice, 181
- Jonestown, 251
- Journalists, 115, 136, 139, 141, 168, 226, 237, 244, see
- also media; specific individuals by name
- Judges, 131, 155, 167, 168, 231, 232, 237, 266
- Justice, 257, 259, 268, 276
- idefined, 325
- ego, see Ego "justice"
- fulfilling of, 273, 274
- objective, 118
- ultimate, 273, 274
- Juvenal, Decimus Junius, 272
- K -
- Kaluza-Klein theory, 280
- Kant, Immanuel, 12, 20, 226, 307
- Kelley, David, 272
- Kepler, Johannas, 30
- Kessler, David, 122, 258
- Keynes, John M., 226
- Khan, Genghis, 226
- Khomeini, Ayatollah, 226
- Kinetic energy, 33, 60
- King, Martin Luther, Jr., 167
- Kinship with others, 287
- Knowledge, 9, 10, 68, 154, 157, 193
- as contextually based, 276, 290
- existence relationship to, 80
- as function of time, 80
- generation of, 79-81
- geometrically increasing, 73-81, 86
- growth of, 276
- increase in, 279
- infinite, 70-72
- laws of, 80
- limitlessness of, 9, 70
- linearly increasing, 79, 80
- mega-advanced, 79-81
- processing of, 79-81
- at speed of light, 76-82
- storage of, 79-81
- time integrated with, 80
- Kroc, Ray, 113, 226
- K=Tc2 , 80
- L -
- Land, 5
- Language, 241, 242, 246, 247
- Law, see below
- cause-and-effect, 12
- in Civilization of the Universe, 187, 281
- force-backed,108, 109, 112
- identity, 12, 14
- of knowledge, 80, 81
- of nature, 5, 6, 13, 194
- noncontradiction, 14
- objective, see Objective law
- of physics, 6, 14, 82, 84, 193, 199, 275, 278
- seizure, 168
- subjective, see Subjective law
- the-point vs. a-point, vii
- thermodynamic, 57
- universal, 204
- Lawyers, 20, 135, 136, 165, 167, 168, 231, 266, 268,
- see also specific individuals by name
- bicameral mind and, 243, 244
- dishonest, 115, 116, 131
- Zonpower and, 226
- Laziness, 185, 294
- Learning, 245, 246
- by children, 283
- Least-action principle, 35
- Lederman, Leon, 183
- Left hemisphere, 246, 247, 253, 254
- Legal system corruption, 119-121
- Lenin, 119, 226
- Leptons, 38
- Lerner, Eric, J., 206
- "Let there be light", 83, 86, 87
- Liberals, 162
- Lies, 269
- Life wasting, 115-122
- Light, 28, 33, 42, 44
- "let there be", 83, 86, 87
- speed of, 4, 6, 17, 18, 20, 36, 43, 62, 80-82
- knowledge at, 76-82
- transmission of, 35
- velocity of, 32
- Light cones, 92
- quasi, 92
- Lincoln, Abraham, 167, 184, 226, 227
- Li Peng, 226, 258
- Liquids, 5
- Listening, 245, 246
- Litigations, 168
- Local police, 188
- Locke, John, 22
- Long-distance running, 294, 298-299
- Longevity, 122, 125, 142, 196, 294
- Long Wave: Surpassing Einstein, The, 24-26, 56
- Lorentz, Hendrik, A., 308
- Love, 196, 221, 275, 278
- M -
- Malcolm X, 167
- Man's Choice, 318
- Mao, 119, 214, 226, 227
- Market entrepreneurs, 99, 100, 102, 109, 226
- Mars, 48
- Marsden, Victor, 180
- Marxism, 254, 255
- Masons, 173
- Mass, 2, 24, 25, 32, 33, 42, 48-50, 60, 61, 63
- altering of, 83, 84
- changing nature of, 54-57
- control of, 75
- consciousness, eternal, 196, 197
- inertial, 40 gravitational, 40
- nature of, 54-57
- not intrinsic, 40, 41
- relationship to, 40
- scattering of, 62, 63
- Mass/energy transceivers, 277
- Master neocheaters, 255
- Master plans, 172-173
- Master terminator role of Neo-Tech, 127-129
- Mathematical view, 88
- Mathematics, 14, 20, 30, 84, 88
- Matter, 31-33, 35, 36, 59, 208, 239 energy ratios to, 32 minimum energy, 33
- "Meaning of Life, The", 47-49, 81
- Mechanics, quantum, 34
- Media, 20-22, 135, 141, 167, 168, 243, 244, see also
- Journalists; specific types, also see News media
- nationalistic, 171, 173
- populist, 171, 173
- religious-right, 171, 173
- ultra-conservative, 171
- Medicine, 20, 22
- Meditation, 254
- Mediums, 251
- Mega-advanced knowledge, 79-81
- Melville, Herman, 287
- Memorial Day hoax (vs. Decoration Day), 126
- Mercantilism, 142
- Mesopotamia, 242
- Metabolism, 291, 292
- Metaphors, 245, 246
- Metaphysical uncertainties, 34
- Metaphysics, 232, 254
- Meta-universe, 44, 62
- Michelangelos, 136
- Michelson-Morley experiment, 44
- Milken, Michael, 135, 139, 141, 167, 226, 227, 230
- Milky Way, 47, 48, 63, 64
- Milton, John, 200, 202
- Mind
- destruction of, 291
- Mind control, 254, 255
- Minimum energy matter, 33
- Missing-link puzzle, 244
- Mode-exchange dynamic, 34
- Molecules, 5
- Money, 326
- Montessori, Maria, 226
- Monty Python, 47, 81
- Moses, 23, 250
- Mountains, 5
- Mozart, 136
- Multidimensional mass/energy transceivers, 277
- Multivitamins, 292
- Murder abortion as, 296 imaginary, 290-297 real, 290-297
- Murderous organizations, 118-121
- Murray, Charles, viii
- Muscular dystrophy cures, 122, 133, 134
- Music, 245, 253
- Mysticism,11, 15, 115-117, 151, 153, 160, 199,
- 217-219, 324
- bicameral mind and, 241-244, 254, 256
- cosmology of infinite riches and, 47
- curing of, 20, 65, 81, 162, 163, 229
- defined, 324
- disease of, 20
- elimination of, 282
- freedom from, 281
- as hoax, 115, 116
- impact of, 86, 87
- as irrational, 66, 67
- in science, 253-255
- scientists and, 20
- termination of, 229
- N -
- Nader, Ralph, 140, 168
- Nanotechnology, 13, 14
- Napoleon, 226
- NASA, 48
- National defense, 188
- Nationalism, 172, 178, 187
- Nationalistic media, 171, 173
- National sales tax, 188
- Natural law
- Zon and, 284
- Natural power, 212
- Nature
- altering of, 83
- conscious control of, 268
- control of, 21, 64, 72-75, 268
- dynamics of, 82, 83, 84-85
- fifth force of, see Consciousness
- forces of, 12
- Grand Cycle of, see Grand Cycle
- laws of, 6, 13, 193, 194, 199, 273
- patterns of, 71, 75
- Nazis, 155
- NBC news producers, 238
- Nebulas, 195
- Needy, 236, 237
- Neocheaters, 66, 67, 88, 165, 257, 262, 274, 276, 277
- see also Neocheating
- biological immortality and, 67, 68
- cosmology of infinite riches and, 50
- Golden-Helmet trap for, 163
- as hidden criminals, 257
- master, 255
- redemption of, 188
- termination of, 69, 86
- unhappiness and, 72
- Neocheating, 318
- Neocheating, vii, 82, 255, 269, 324, see also
- Neocheaters
- Goy politics and, 186
- Neo-Tech, 11, 77, 82, 86, 87, 146, 147, 234, 235, 319,
- see also Fully integrated honesty
- advantages of, 241
- attack on, 149-157
- author of, see Wallace, Frank R.
- basis of, 20
- biological immortality and, 65-71
- certainty through, 154
- child of the universe resurrected by, 151
- cosmology of infinite riches and, 47-49
- defined, vii, 128, 129, 151-157, 232, 234, 323
- discovery of, 235
- dynamics of, 311-313
- flag of, 21, 164
- Goy politics and, 185, 190
- Illuminati and, 177
- implications of, 256
- irrationality and, 66, 67
- light and, 83
- literature distribution, 310
- as master terminator, 127-129
- natural mission of, 128, 129
- objective law and, 130, 131
- Ostracism Matrix, 157, 159, 163
- peace and, 149
- philosophical basis of, 20, 232
- Pincer I, II, and III, 310
- reality and, 152-155
- requirements of, 130, 131
- self-leaders of, 159-161, 162
- task of, 20
- World Summits, 310
- Zonpower and, 232-234
- Neo-Tech Advantage, 70
- Neo-Tech Cosmic Business Control, 228, 268, 318
- Neo-Tech business minds, 327
- Neo-Tech Discovery, 52, 122, 177, 235, 256, 260, 310,
- 318, 328
- Neo-Tech Encyclopedia, 318
- Neo-Tech Global Business Control, 318
- Neo-Tech Map, The, 149
- Neo-Tech minds, 327
- Neo-Tech Protection Kit, The, 119, 258, 274, 310, 318
- Neo-Tech Publishing, 9
- Neo-Tech Research Center, 121
- Neo-Tech Wedge, 125
- Neo-Tech Worldwide, 9
- Neothink, 65, 75, 241, 325
- Networking, 210
- Neutrino wave pressures, 32
- Neutrons, 5, 6
- Newsweek, 139, 226
- New-age ideas, 208
- New Testament, 252
- News media, 126, 141, 167, 168, 328, see also Media
- Newton, Isaac, 23, 40, 136, 183, 209, 226, 308, 314
- Newtonian physics, 7, 12, 96, 209
- Newtonian revolution, 96
- Nicomachean Ethics, 187
- Nietzsche, Elizabeth, 239
- Nietzsche, Friedrich W., 232, 239
- Nightingale, Florence, 136, 167
- Nihilists, 226
- Noncontradiction law, 14
- Nonequilibrium pressures, 33
- Noneuclidean geometry, 31, 46, 280
- Nonreality
- Goy politics and, 183-185
- Noriega, 167
- Northern Pacific Railroad, 100-103
- Nothing power, 227
- Novas, 195
- Nuclear-Decision Thresholds, 70, 277
- Nuclear energy, 24, 60
- Nuclear forces, 5, 12, 25
- Nuclear fusion, 311
- Nuclear weapons, 312
- Nutrasweet®, 293
- O -
- Obesity, 290, 291
- Objective justice, 119, 278
- Objective law, vii,109, 130, 190, 231, 232, 257, 276,
- 278, 279, 297, 317
- enforcement of, 155
- in Civilization of the Universe, 281
- defined, 297, 317
- Goy politics and, 183
- Illuminati and, 176
- upholding of, 226
- Objective reality, 207
- Objectivism, 229-234, 263-264 see also Peikoff, L.;
- Rand, Ayn
- Objectivism: the Philosophy of Ayn Rand, 229, 272
- Observer, 15-20
- Oceans, 5
- Odysseus, 259, 260
- Odyssey, The, 242, 250, 259, 260
- Oklahoma City, bombing, c-2, 185
- Old Testament, 242, 250
- Omar Khayyám, 304
- One-liners, 256
- One-world agenda, 175, 181
- One-world conspiracy theories, 171, 180
- Oracles, 251, 320
- at Delphi, 320
- Order, 196, 206
- Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the
- Bicameral Mind, The
, 229, 241-256 - Ostracism, 232
- computerized, 162, 163
- of parasitical-elite class, 125, 143, 159
- Ostracism Matrix, 157, 159, 163, 280
- Othello, 126
- Ouija boards, 213, 250-253
- Overpopulation, 278
- P -
- Paperwork of federal agencies, 134
- Paradise Lost, 202
- Parallel universes, 45
- Parasites, 214, 223, 265, 268, see also Parasitical-elite class
- sweeping away of, 269
- Parasitical-elite class, vii, 20, 115, 121, 122, 124,
- 140-143, 146, 149, 156, 227, 258, 266, see also
- Value destroyers
- archetypes of, 226
- Bakunin description of, 152-154
- categories of, 160, 161
- chaos and, 193, 194
- Clinton Envynomics and, 193, 194
- defined, 22-23, 27, 325
- as enemy in value producers' revolution, 165
- escape from, 28, 29
- examples of, 226
- expanding, 95, 96
- exposure of, 233
- fraud and, 105-108
- Golden Helmet and, 162, 163
- guilt of, 237, 238
- Hitler's description of, 152
- hoax of, 145-147
- ostracism of, 125, 143, 159
- Peikoff and, 232
- plunderers, 262
- potentials of, 226
- power of, 167, 168
- rise of in America, 99-199
- rule of, 222
- state of being of, 226
- subjective law and, 155
- support for, 135, 136
- survival of, 193, 194, 226
- termination of, 127-131, 146, 151, 159, 163, 165, 198
- peacefulness of, 162
- permanent, 20
- timing of, 229-232
- Zonpower and, 28, 29, 222, 226, 229, 230-232
- Zon attacked by, 236, 237
- Parasitical cycle, 312
- Parasitical elites, 20, 291, 297
- dynamics of, 311, 313
- Goy politics and, 186, 187
- Illuminati and, 173, 177, 180, 315
- redemption of, 188
- religious-right and, 296
- vanishing of, 314
- Zon and, 285, 288
- Parasitism, 167, 168
- Parmenides, 12, 22
- Particle physics, 13, 21, 38
- Pascal, Blaise, cover 2
- Path of least resistance, 183
- Pauley, Jane, 237
- Peace, 115-119, 151
- Peikoff, Leonard, 20, 22, 154, 229, 230, 231-234,
- 263-264, 272, see also Objectivism
- Penrose, Roger, 4, 95
- People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), 168
- Periodic table, 310
- Perot, Ross, 141
- Perpetual motion, 13, 14
- Personal terminator, 127-131
- PETA, see People for the Ethical Treatment
- of Animals
- Peyote, 251
- Phantom-bantam companies, 163
- Philosophers, 22, see also specific individuals by name
- Philosophy, 22, 231-234, 265, see also specific types
- Photoelectric effect, 303, 305
- Photons, 33, 34, 38, 44, 46
- Photonic gravity units, 35
- Physical fitness, 291, 294, 299
- Physics, 7, 14, 21-26, 30, 39-46, 122, 303, 304, 306, 308
- laws of, 5, 6, 14, 82, 84, 193, 199, 275, 278
- Newtonian, 32, 40, 95, 209
- particle, 13, 21
- quantum, 13, 14, 21, 22, 26, 34, 48, 49, 209 relativistic, 209 spacetime, 303-306
- Pike, Albert, 172
- Planck, Max, 4, 5, 12, 305
- energy, 303, 305-307
- Planets, 5, 6, 48, 49, 63, 64, 75, 86
- Plants, 5
- Plasma, see Electroplasma
- Plato, 12, 20, 50, 145, 153, 184, 189, 217,
- 226, 258-262, 283, 289, 297
- souls of gold and iron, 153
- Plato's cave, 283
- Plato's disease, 223, see also Irrationality;
- Mysticism
- Plato's hoax, 153
- Poetry, Poems, and Epics, 199-200, 252, 253
- Poker, see Illuminati
- Poker strategies
- The advanced concepts of, 174, 318
- Illuminati and, 174, 175, 177, 179-180, 312-317
- replacement of, 311-317
- Police
- local, 126, 188
- Police state, 186
- Political-agenda law, 20, 214
- Political correctness, 139, 168, 184, 206, 217, 294, 296
- in food, 294
- Political crimes, 184, 187, 188
- Political entrepreneurs, 99, 100, 102, 108, 226
- Political-policy law, see political-agenda law
- Politicians, 20, 261, 262
- Politicization, 184, 187
- Polo, Marco, 202
- Pol Pot, 214, 258
- Popes, 21, 251
- John Paul, 237
- Populist media, 171, 173
- Positron, 26
- Potential energy, 33, 59, 60
- Poverty, 142, 143
- elimination of, 282
- Power, 66, 140, 141, 143 227, 270
- business as, 9-12
- of Cassandra, 270
- of Civilization of the Universe, 20, 227
- of conscious beings, 15, 16
- of consciousness, 81-8
- criminal acquisition of, 184
- foretelling, 37, 39, 267, 270
- of future prediction, 39
- of God, 15
- infinite, 241-256
- limitless, 37, 230
- mightiest, 86, 87
- natural, 212
- nothing, 227
- of parasitical-elite class, 167, 168
- political, 50
- prosperity, 227
- real, 177
- super-symmetry, 211
- unearned, 185
- of universe, 11, 12
- unlimited, 47, 48, 227
- of value destroyers, 227
- of Zon, 265, 269, see Zonpower
- Power Plants, 34
- Prayer in school, 295, 296
- Prayers, 249, 250
- Predators, 190, 281
- Predestination, 53-55
- Presidential campaign of 1996, 162, 267
- Prigogine, Ilya, 206
- Primates, 6
- Privatization, 188
- Probability statistics, 12, 48, 49
- Productive-class virtuous minds, 326
- Productive effort, 11, see also Value producers
- Productivity, 130, 131
- Professors, 102, 115, 131, 139, 167, 226, 244
- Profiles in Courage, 226
- Property rights, 121, 122, 186, 188
- Prophets, 251
- Prosecutors, 130, 131, 155, 165, see also specific
- individuals by name
- Prosperity, 125, 197, 218, 219, 273, 275, 278, 279, see
- also Prosperity Revolution
- anger bringing, 115-119
- criterion for, 11
- guarantee of, 127-131
- Illuminati and, 171-172
- limitless, 37, 229, 230, 267
- personal terminator and, 127-131
- unlimited, 47, 48
- Zon delivery of, 3-10
- Prosperity power, 227
- Prosperity Revolution, 127, 130, 131, 141, 145-150,
- 310, see also Prosperity
- anger and, 157
- call for, 165
- as greatest event in history, 162
- as irreversible, 147, 157
- as leaderless, 159, 160
- rising of, 154
- seven waves of, 162
- task of, 159, 160
- Proteins, 292, 294
- Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, The, 175
- Protons, 5, 6
- decay of, 55, 58
- Protoplasm, 5
- Pseudo free-market system, 142, 143
- Pseudo-leaders, 160, 161
- Psychiatrists, 244
- Psychologists, 244
- Psychuous Sex, 310
- Public Broadcasting, 213
- Public opinion, 161
- Pulsars, 85, 194, 195
- Purpose, 66
- Pyramids, 196
- Python, Monty, 47, 81
- Q -
- Quanta, 33, 35, 43
- Quantum Crossings, 202
- Quantum dynamics/mechanics, 12
- Quantum energy, 35
- Quantum flux, 26
- Quantum mechanics, 14, 21, 26, 34, 48, 96, 209, 240
- Quarks, 5, 6, 26, 38, 42, 46, 88, 193, 194
- Quasars, 26, 195
- R -
- Race riots, 168
- Racism, 142, 168
- Radioactive decays, 20, 35
- Radio waves, 34
- Railroads, 99-111
- Rand, Ayn, 12, 20, 22, 90, 229, 232-234, 263-264,
- 307, see also Objectivism
- Rather, Dan, 168
- Raskolnikov, 187
- Rationality, 24, 67, 223
- symmetry of, 183
- Rationalization, 291
- Reading, 245
- Readers Digest, 175
- Reality, 14, 15, 152-155, 156
- control of, 205-210
- Goy politics and, 183
- integration of, 239
- objective, 207
- protection by, 289
- singularity and, 19
- Reason, 66, 67
- Reasoning, 245, 246
- Reformers, 226
- Regulations, 135, 136, 139-141, see also specific
- agencies; specific types
- Relativity, 7, 17, 19, 21, 32, 40, 41, 43, 44, 88, 95, 96,
- 209, see also Einstein, Albert
- discovery of, 183
- Relaxation, 265, 267
- Religion, 116, 142, 168, 273, see
- also specific types
- bicameral mind and, 241-244, 249-256
- biological immortality and, 67, 68
- cosmology of infinite riches and, 49
- Goy politics and, 187
- need for, 234, 235
- origin of, 249, 250
- politicization of, 184
- of Zon, 11, 12
- Religious-right, 295-296
- media of, 171, 173
- Renaissance, 96
- Reno, Janet, 126, 258, 296
- Republic, The, 146, 259
- Responsibility, 51, 75, 88, 190, 249, 255
- Illuminati and, 175
- Revolution, 130
- blindness of past, 146
- call to, 165
- irreversible, 147
- Prosperity, see Prosperity Revolution
- translations of word, 162
- two points of, 165
- RIBI, see Research Institute for Biological
- Immortality
- Riches, see Wealth
- RICO, 150, 168
- Riemann, G.F., 280
- Right hemisphere, 247, 253, 254
- Rights, see also specific types
- constitutional, 120
- of fetuses, 296
- gay, 167, 168
- individual, 27, 188, 190
- property, 27, 186, 188
- Riots, 168
- Rockefeller, David, 171, 314
- Romania, 147
- Romantic love, 221
- Roosevelt, Eleanor, 167
- Roosevelt, Franklin D., 113, 127, 184, 226, 227
- New Deal, 127
- speaking ability of, 189
- Rotation of Earth, 45
- Rubáiyát, The, 304
- Ruling class, see Parasitical-elite class
- Running, aerobic, 294, 298-299
- S -
- Saccharine, 293
- Sales taxes, 188
- Salk, Jonas, 226
- Samuel, 250
- Sante Fe Railroad, 100-103
- Savage, Eric, 9, C-3
- Schindler, Oskar, 178
- Schindler's List, 178
- Schizophrenia, 185
- Schizophrenics, 142, 206, 243, 246, 247, 252, 253
- savants, 320
- Schopenhaur, 284
- School prayer, 296
- Schrödinger, Erwin, 45, 206
- cat paradox, 45
- Schwartz, Peter, 272
- Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 127
- Schwarzschild radius, 16
- Science, 30, 253-255
- Scientific method, 30, 95
- Scientific proofs, 39
- Scientists, 13-15, 20, see also specific
- individuals by name
- Scientology, 254, 255
- Seances, 251
- Sears, Barry, 291
- SEC, see Securities and Exchange Commission
- Secret of Cassandra, see Cassandra's Secret
- Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 118, 119
- Seizure laws, 168
- Self-esteem, 278
- Self-exposure traps, 163, see also specific types
- Self-leaders of Neo-Tech, 159-161, 162
- Self-respect, 190
- Self-responsibility, 190, 249, 255, 256
- Sensitivity training, 254, 255
- Seven Waves to Civilization of the Universe, 21-29
- Seven Waves to prosperity, 162, 163
- Shakespheare, William, 126
- Shangrila, 203
- Sherman Antitrust Act,108, 109
- Sibyls, 251
- SIGUs, see Super-Inflation Gravity Units
- Simpson, O.J., 187, 190-191
- Singing, 253
- Singularity, 13-24
- Slogans, 256
- Smith, Adam, 22
- Smith, Susan, 291
- Smoking, 263
- politicization of, 184
- Social Connection, 310
- Social nature of humans, 300
- Social programs, 188
- Social Security privatization of, 188
- Socialism, 68, 226
- Socio-facism, 184
- Socrates, ii, 24, 50, 202, 226
- Sophocles, 126
- Solids, 5
- Soul, 287
- Space, 19, 49, 53,54, 63, 64, 239, 240
- Space displacement, 41
- Spacetime, 304-308
- Speaking, 245, 246, 253, 254
- Special relativity, 17
- Speed of light, 4, 6, 17, 18, 26, 35, 36, 62, 63, 80-82 knowledge at, 76-82
- Spinoza, Baruch, 22, 226, 232, 239
- Stagnation, 218, 219
- Stalin, Joseph, 227, 262
- Stars, 5, 6, 194
- Starvation, 143
- Stonehenge, 196
- Strange attractors, 88
- Streep, Meryl, 237
- String or duality string theory, see Superstrings
- Subatomic particles, 3, 5, 26, 196, 197
- Subhumans, 258
- Subjective law, vii, 23, 155, 258
- freedom from, 281
- Goy politics and, 183-185
- sweeping away of, 269
- Sugar, 292-295, 299
- Sugar-free foods, 293
- Sum-Over histories, 46
- Super collider, 14
- Superconductivity, 71
- Super googolplexes, 4
- Super grand cycles, 62-64
- Super-Inflation Gravity Units (SIGUs), 3-10, 26
- Superluminal geometry changes, 92
- Superstrings (duality theory), 21, 31, 59, 89, 92, 280
- Supersymmetry power, 211
- Supreme Court, 318
- Supreme creators, 88
- Surpassing Einstein -- Relativity and the
- Long Wave
, 23-26 - Schwarzschild radius, 16
- Swift, Jonathan, 202
- Symmetry, 51, 88, 183, also see Supersymmetry
- Symmetry breaking, 35
- Syracuse University, 213
- T -
- Tachyons, 9
- Tarot cards, 251
- Tax collection, 133-136, see also Internal Revenue
- Service (IRS)
- Taxes, 121, 288
- consumption and sales, 121, 188
- Goy politics and, 184, 186
- income, 121, 188
- national sales, 188
- Technology, 68, 69, 75, 279 increase in, 279
- Televangelists, 226
- Television transmitters, 36
- Terminators, 127-131
- Terrorism, 257
- Thales, 226
- Theory, final in physics, 239, 240
- Theosophy, 115, 116
- Thermodynamic laws, 57, 58
- Thermonuclear energy, 312
- Thinkon, 38, 46, 92
- Third Reich, 260
- "Three Steps to Achieving Commercial Biological
- Immortality in Our Lifetime",70, 71, see also
- Biological immortality
- Tiananmen Square, 258
- Time, 4, 19, 49, 50, 88, 98
- dilation, 19-20, 46, 307
- eternal, 196, 197
- flow or arrow of, 58, 206
- of googol-year cycle, 73, 74
- as infinite, 53, 54, 63, 64
- knowledge as function of, 79, 80
- knowledge integrated with, 80, 81
- redefining of, 206
- travel, 277, 304, 306, 308
- Toll-booth compassion, 185-186, 188
- Tort law, 168
- Trade, 107-111, 112
- Transceivers, 277
- Transcontinental railroads, 99-111
- Trilateral Commission, 171, 173, 176, 180
- Trojan-Horse Neo-Tech, 181
- Truth, defined, 327
- Twain, Mark, 226
- T1=T2k, 96, 239, 240
- U -
- UGU, see Universe-Containing Gravity Unit
- Ultra-conservative media, 171
- Uncertainties, 34
- Uncertainty Principle of Heisenberg, 12
- Unconquered honesty, 94
- Understanding, 206, 207
- Unemployment, 142, 143
- Unified-Field Theory, 49
- Union Pacific Railroad, 100-102
- Universal communication, 199
- Universal computer, 4, 79, 80
- "Universal consciousness", 208
- Universal constants and forces, 25, 30
- Universal law, 290, 297, 317
- Universal laws, 287
- Universe-Containing Gravity Unit (UGU), 23-26
- Universe(s), 3-6, 193, 194, 196, 197
- birth of, 14, 15
- business as power of, 9-12
- child of the, 151
- citizens of, 235
- Civilization of the, see Civilization of the Universe
- communication among, 5-10, 26
- compassion in, 236-238
- components of, 63, 64
- conscious beings throughout, 48, 72, 75, 86, 125
- consciousness compared to, 81-83
- Constitution of, 164
- creation of, 14, 15, 23-26, 85-86
- death of, 58
- destruction of, 76, 77
- essence of, 222, 223
- finite, 207
- government of, 234
- history of, 55, 56
- honesty of, 235, 236
- infinite number of, 14, 15
- instant communication across, 5-10
- man-made, 85-86
- observation of, 62
- origin of, 14, 15
- religion of, 234, 236
- super-fast growth of, 6-8
- turning inside out of, 60-63
- wave function of, 45
- Upanishadic writings, 250, 251
- Urban riots, 168
- User fees, 188
- V -
- Vacuums, 8, 32, 240
- false or quantum, 8, 96
- Value-and-job producers, 20, 112, 113, 128, 129, 135,
- 136, 141, 145, 147, 157, 218, 259, 260, 261, see also
- specific individuals by name
- archetypes of, 226
- call to revolution for, 165
- defined, 326
- demise of, 118
- draining of, 29
- examples of, 226
- Goy politics and, 186
- Illuminati and, 177-179
- immortality of, 280
- INS and, 121, 122, 124
- IRS and, 120-121, 133, 134
- religious-right as, 295-296
- ruining of, 312
- state of being of, 226
- survival of, 226
- Zon and, 288
- Zonpower and, 226
- Value destroyers, 118, 119, 165, 167, 168, 210, 214,
- 217, 218, 236, 258, see also Parasitical-elite class;
- specific individuals by name
- Golden Helmet and, 162, 163
- guilt of, 239
- power of, 227
- redemption of, 188
- subjective law and, 154, 155
- termination of, 159-161, 226, 231, 232
- Zonpower and, 224
- Vatican, 13, 21
- Vegetarianism, 292
- Virgil, 260
- Virtuous minds, 326
- Vitality, 298
- Vitamins, 292
- Volitional choice, 325
- Voltaire, ii, 202
- W -
- Waco, c-2, 191, 258, 276, 297
- Wagnerian opera, 196
- Wallace, Frank R., 157, 174, 202, 235, 241, 268
- jailed, 202, 318
- Walton, Sam, 226
- War, 20, 70, 71, 194
- elimination of, 282
- "War on Drugs", 123, 139
- Warner Bros. Inc., 264
- Waves
- pilot, 34
- radio, 34
- Wasting of life, 115-122
- Water, 5
- Wavefunction, 45
- Wealth, 2, 37, 205-215
- cosmology of, see Cosmology of infinite riches
- Illuminati and, 171-172
- start of guiltless, 197, 198
- unlimited, 221, 222, 227
- unlocking secrets to, 95, 96
- Zonpower and, 239, 240
- Zon's force field and, 31, 37
- Wealth distribution schemes, 185
- Weight, 40-41, 290, 291
- Weightlessness, 40, 42 ,44
- Weishaupt, Adam, 172, 314
- Welfare programs, 188
- White-collar-hoax business people, 100, 125, 131,135,
- 168, 226
- White holes, 55, 58
- Wide-scope accounting, 118, 120-122, 125, 134,
- 143, see also Golden Helmet; Neo-Tech
- Civilization of the Universe and, 290
- Illuminati and, 172, 176
- Zon and, 236, 286
- Will America Go Neo-Tech, 268, 318, cover 3
- Wilson, Woodrow, 113, 184, 226
- Wigner's friend, 45
- World Bank, 180
- World War l, 260
- World Wide Web, 199, 200
- Wormhole theory, 277
- Woyzech, 180
- Writing, 245, 246
- Wuthering Heights, 214
- X -
- Xon, see Zon
- Y -
- Young, Brigham, 23
- Youth, eternal, 89
- Z -
- Zhirinovsky, Vladimir, 258
- Zon, 199, 207, 214, 217, 221-240, see also Fully
- integrated honesty; Zonpower
- aesthetics of, 21, 232
- age of, 37
- becoming, 11, 214, 285-301
- constant k of, 11, 239
- as controller of existence, 286
- daybreak analogy for becoming, 285
- defined, vii, 28, 171-181, 237, 284
- discovery of, 176, 234-237
- dynamics of, 176, 180, 311-313
- epistemology of, 21
- escape of, 223
- ethics of, 21, 232
- experiencing of, 286
- force field, 31
- foretelling age of, 31, 37
- goals of, 210
- God vs., 23
- government of, 11
- Goy politics and, 185
- Illuminati and, 171-181, 315-317
- irrational civilization and, 222-224
- Jesus of, 23
- metaphysics of, 21, 232
- poker stategies replaced by, 311-317
- politics of, 21, 232
- power of, 265, also see Zonpower
- product from, 28
- prosperity delivered by, 3-10
- protocols of, 172, 181, 283, 317
- religion of, 11
- task of, 20
- words from, 218-219
- Zon137=hc/[pi]e2 , 328
- Zon 2000, 318
- Zon Association, 23
- Zon constant, 32
- Zonpower, 318
- Zonpower, 11,15, 28, 37, 211-213, 215, 217, 219,
- 223-224, 228, 237, 319-322, see also Zon
- awakening, 303
- capturing of, 20, 28, 223
- children and, 221-223
- defined, vii, 13, 28, 221
- discovery of, 95, 238
- disease cures and, 20
- journey to, 13-22
- omnipotence of, 265
- philosophy and, 232
- physics of, 39, 46
- rising of, 95
- scientific validity of, 95
- wealth through, 239
- world summits, 310
- Zonpower Discovery, 310, 318
- Zon Protocols, 200, 310, 318, 319-322
- Zon Protocols, 300-301, 319-320, 321
- Zone, The, 291
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