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Learning to Think

The Mindset of Independence

Everyone can be exposed to new ideas and concepts. We encounter fresh viewpoints, opportunities, and philosophies every day. But how many actually see what they are being shown? How many actually consider what is before them before their existing mindset pushes anything "new" or "controversial" out from their mind? Precious few. Although the human mind is wonderfully curious and inventive, it is also all too easily trained to reject new information that conflicts with a prior knowledge base.

At some point in time, everyone has felt a spark of enlightenment when a novel idea momentarily penetrates the imposing barricades of prejudice and groupthink. However, the spark usually dies mere moments after its birth, since it is hard work to think and most people would rather not bother. To quote Bertrand Russell: "Most people would rather die than think; in fact, they do so."

This is not the case with those rare individuals who somehow kept that spark alive and fanned it just a little bit brighter. Perhaps it was the way they were feeling one day. Maybe they were stuck somewhere with a book they otherwise wouldn't take the time to read. Possibly they were influenced by a charismatic and persuasive speaker who seized their imagination.

For whatever reason, they began considering things that most other people wouldn't. Despite all the ignorance and learned "knowledge" around them, they brought forth new ideas and new interpretations of old ideas. They looked at the world about them in fresh ways. They rejected the obvious and known and looked for the subtle and unknown. And within, they discovered how to look into their own minds' and studied the content inside as if it were a new and rare animal.

With these actions, that little spark grew larger and hotter and fiercer, burning away mental walls that had lasted a lifetime and freeing the mind for greater and deeper thought. And in the minds of the greatest thinkers, that spark ignited into a bonfire that laid waste to the all-encompassing cultural hypnosis that still paralyzes virtually all members of society.

Objectiveness is always the result of this new mindset; "fully integrated intellectual honesty" would be a more sophisticated way of saying it. But the essential facts are that someone who has truly learned to think has succeeded -- to one degree or another -- in removing mental obstacles to clear, logical, and unbiased thinking.

"Normal" people who rely on others find those mental walls as imposing as impregnable armoured fortifications. But the same barriers are weak and small in the mind of a thinker. It is merely a matter of perception, and what has changed that perception in the mind of a thinker is the hard work performed to "de-energize" the walls until they lose their mentally coercive powers.

That the boundaries exist in the first place is no accident. They are there for a reason. Governments and religions could not survive in their present form without the authoritative "mysticism" they have used to poison free-thinking and creative individuals. The mass hypnosis of conventional society is by design because it is of enormous benefit to those who would rule over others.

A free thinker has learned to see this and it is always a solitary effort. There is no official support for a course or program that teaches people to be independent of their political and theological masters.

So how does such learning occur? It comes from the ability to ask questions, not the ability to memorize answers (as is the case in our government-sponsored education systems). Let's illustrate this with some examples.

Q1: Why do we pay taxes?
Q2: Why do we fight wars?
Q3: Why does [insert any law] exist?
Q4: Who is more concerned about my personal welfare: myself or someone else?

The answers are not as clear-cut as many people would have you believe. Anyone spending a good thirty minutes considering any one of the above issues (use a stopwatch to time yourself) will inevitably be led to more and more profound questions. The domino effect teaches and inspires, and the end result is that some fundamental truths will be uncovered.

Here's an example, using "stock" answers from a non-thinker gradually forced to think:

And so it goes. Of course, US readers may feel that a for-profit health care system has its own problems. But do some Q & A creative thinking (yes, it actually works!) and you'll find that the answers to those problems will inevitably lead back to government interference being a bad thing.

And once you're enlightened enough to realize that the supposed "authorities" are more of hindrance than a help to free-thinkers (in any topic you care to name, not just health care), you're ready to take the next step. This means putting words (and thoughts) into action. This means taking your welfare into your own hands.

Your welfare always revolves around your money, because your money determines your environment and lifestyle. It might not buy you love, but it can buy you pretty much anything else on this planet, including freedom and independence. And you already know that no one cares more about your money than you. Not your family, not your friends, and certainly not the government.

Taking control of your life, money, business, etc. is the next logical step. It's the ultimate expression of independence. Why let "authorities" try to tell you what you should do with your personal ticket to freedom?

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