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Beware - they are out there!
When going offshore, Big Brother is only one of those who want to separate you from your money. Unfortunately, the offshore world has also attracted thousands of scamsters who try to lie and cheat you out of your money.
We learned this first-hand as we lost a substantial six figure amount within less than two years. Yes, it did hurt us to have worked very hard for two years - just to support the life-style of a bunch of thieves and liars!
Among them:
Safety Spar & Darlehenskasse (SSD) and Parex Bank, Latvia. A long story that cost us a substantial five figure amount, and almost our lives. Our friends and clients know all about this story, and we don't want to warm it up again. These scamsters are currently using the name "Merckx-Lambert Banking Group MLBG", and continue to bank at the Parex Bank.
Another Latvian Bank which we do not call by name here. They froze one of our associated companies' account and along with it the five figure amount that was in it. They claimed that they had no ID on file, which turned out to be their own mistake as they had never requested it! After freezing the money, they vehemently decided not to cooperate with the company in releasing the money, even though they offered them many different solutions and even had their authorized representative contact the bank with identification. They insisted on receiving an ID of the initial company representative, who no longer worked for the company and could not be reached. Money gone.
e-gold. They froze our account without court order, kept it frozen for almost two months, and then unfroze it. We didn't receive any clarification from them while the account was frozen. When they unfroze it, they claimed that one of our clients had paid us with e-gold which he had obtained fraudulently. Of course, they didn't say which client it was or how exactly he had obtained the e-gold... so we were unable to cancel the client's order or even verify the truth of this claim! Be careful with these guys! As of November 2000 we keep receiving reports about e-gold delaying out-exchanges and ignoring (or lying to) customers. This smacks either of growing pains - or of serious liquidity problems! In addition to this, the SEC is currently investigating e-gold... which could result in account seizures in the not too distant future. In either case, e-gold is definitely not a place to keep substantial amounts of money.
Here are a few ideas on what to look out for:
Blacklist of Known Thieves and Scamsters
Baltic Banking Group - we have heard of at least one confirmed incident of client money ($100k+) being stolen by the BBG. However, they have good connections with the big M and are thus "immune" from investigation and prosecution. ("Immune" in this case means that people investigating them tend to have mysterious accidents!). Don't touch them, too hot to handle...
Destiny Offshore / Vista de la Costa - the Costa Rican "black hole" maildrop service. Are they just incompetent, or have fraudulent intentions? We don't know, but the results for their unfortunate clients are the same! Fact is, they have been accused of defrauding their clients for several hundred thousand dollars. They have recently raised their ugly heads again using the following new names: "Visa Offshore" and "Offshore Earnings".
Kobale, Johnson & Rois - known scammers from Slovenia. They operate in different "businesses", but always lie and never deliver. Mr. Pavel Rojs (Address: Aškercev trg 1, 3240 Smarje pri Jelsah, Slovenia) is a former public notary but still uses his notary stamp to "certify" fraudulent documents.
Merckx-Lambert Banking Group MLBG - the current name of the Safety Spar- & Darlehenskasse (SSD)
Nigeria - this country seems to live from scams. If you receive a letter or email from Nigeria, asking you to provide a bank account to receive millions of dollars, trash it. Tens of thousands of people have received a similar letter. Sooner or later you'll be asked for an up-front fee, and if you pay, you'll never see your money again. If you don't pay, you will be threatened, extorted and terrorized.
Robert Jackson aka Andrew Newman, a former bodyguard, French Foreign Legion Member, and Senegalese Honorary Consul, is offering stolen passports, claiming them to be genuine. He also promotes diplomatic appointments but does not deliver, just takes the money and disappears. We heard from several other websites who too have been contacted by him. Total reported loss is in excess of $150,000.
Silverbay Finance Ltd, Christopher Robinson, James T. Hesketh - known passport scammers who extort their "clients".
SSD, Ron Higgins and Parex Bank - explained above
Tibere aka Robert Sirtaki - another known passport scammer. French accent, very slimy.
World Currency Cartel - an outright scam claiming to take advantage of a "secret flaw" in the banking system. It doesn't work.
We hope this has given you some ideas. Check back every now and then as we'll extend this section whenever we come across new scams.
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