What exactly is the right of privacy? Who has the right to know anything other than what I wish to tell them about myself?
Being a free person in a Republic, protected by a Constitution providing guidelines thousands have fought for and defended with their lives, my idea of the right of privacy is no one has any right to know anything about me - excepting what I choose for them to know.
My neighbors haven't any right, my banker hasn't any right, other businesses, including any I might work for, haven't the right to know anything about me except, in the case of the bank, knowing who I am in order to keep track of my money or a place of business I work for knowing who to pay (the person, not the number)
Does that take a social security number? Not hardly.
Does any business have any right to know my social security number? Not hardly.
Does anyone have any right to know any medical facts about me, excepting an health insurer or my doctor/s? Not hardly.
Heck, do I even have to have a social security number? By law, no. By misapplication and perpetuation of a gigantic hoax, yes.
Just having my picture and description on a driver's license should suffice to prove my identity to any bank or any business in which I choose to write a check. Then, my signature will add additional verification. If either doesn't match, then the check shouldn't be cashed or anything about my account given to the person. Excepting, of course, if it is me.
Should I have to give the motor vehicle people a number I shouldn't even have in order to drive a vehicle? Not hardly since it opens up a database of information that no one has any right to know - except who I choose to tell.
I value my privacy and don't want it invaded by anyone other than those I choose to allow entering of my space. I don't want some bozo from "down the street", so to speak, knowing anything about me. I am not a criminal and I do not break laws. I even stop at all stop signs, a rarity in this day and age.
So, does anyone in the government of this nation have any right to know anything about me?
Not hardly. So, just what the devil in our Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and any amendments have led the people in government to believe they do have the right?
Whatever it is, Folks, we need to straighten them out. People in government are not all powerful but the people of this nation are. We must control government and limit it as it was meant to be limited.
The movie of Orwell's 1984 has kept me scared since I first saw it over four decades ago. And, now, here it is. And, quite frankly, I don't like it, whether it be a government database or some database collected by some business who somehow believes it is their business to know my business.
Keeping track of known criminals I can understand. However, I am not a criminal but the government's increasing intrusion into my business, my right of privacy, is. And, by gosh, it galls me to have people as corrupt as they are invading my privacy.
The money I earn legally is none of the government's business, including any interest earned from banks or income from investments. How I legally spend the money I earn is none of their business. If I sell something (legal, of course), it is none of the government's business.
Since I am not a criminal or a dead-beat dad, the government hasn't any business knowing anything about me except that I am a citizen of the nation as attested to by my birth certificate. That is it - there is nothing else of a legal nature permitted to them.
Just think. I volunteered for the military in 1963 and was given a top secret clearance based on my birth in this nation and interviews with people who knew me and my character. There wasn't any tremendous database and there didn't need to be one. (But, of course, this was prior to the take over of the States by the US, the government)
I worked on missile systems and to this day, have not told people of the targeting, the yield of the warheads, the fail-safe plan (which I was part of) at the time, or locations of the systems. I believed in protecting top secret material - - - just as I believe in information about myself being top secret except to those I wish to tell.
I started driving when I was 16 and never had to give the State my social security number, a number I would not have had if I had not been lied to. The State only required proof on my birth and residency in the State of Missouri. So, why do they need it now? Only to build the database on me, data that isn't any more of their business than it is of the federal government's.
You may think it doesn't matter if the government knows everything there is to know about you but it does. If liberties are taken, there will become a time when the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution along with its amendments will be worthless documents gathering dust in forgotten crypts (or dispersing far and wide as the ashes did during Nazi Germany book burnings).
We will not be free people living in a Republic formed for the protection of the inalienable rights of the individual. Hearts of people who love the principles this nation was founded on will no longer swell when hearing the National Anthem, or the Pledge of Allegiance.
The flag will be the symbol of oppression, the symbol of greedy, power-mad elected or appointed officials along with government's lackeys, such as CIA, FBI, DEA, US Post Office, and IRS employees.
These are the people, you know, who will be enforcing whatever the government does that is unconstitutional. And, then, as now, they will hold with no boundaries of misbehavior against people they suspect of wrong-doing (which in the next decade or two will be anyone trying to enforce our unalienable rights).
The First, Second, Fourth, Fifth, Ninth, and Tenth amendments are already being violated by a government that has vowed to protect and preserve the Constitution. Several articles in the Constitution are ignored, including all those concerning taxation.
The IRS shouldn't even be in existence except for a very small scale dealing with persons earning privileged incomes, such as aliens earning an income in this country, citizens earning income from other countries under tax treaty with us, and privileged corporations or individuals.
The Post Office only needs to know the address on an envelope matches the address of a specific building or post office box. It is actually none of their business who the mail is going to.
The FBI hasn't any right to know anything about any of your activities and the CIA is only supposed to operate outside this nation (even though they seem to have forgotten that during governmental sanctioned drug sales in LA).
DEA is supposed to be tracking drug trafficking and making arrests concerning illegal drugs (where were they during illegal drug sales in this country during the Contra affair?). And, as with the FBI, the CIA, and other law enforcement organizations, must make sure they have the right place before they bust in and start shooting or beating the crap out of the residents.
And with all these people armed, when they bust in, they presume guilt, not innocence. Some bit of misinformation in your database could lead to them to invading your home and scaring the living hell out of you and your family at the least, or killing any or all of your family.
They enter with safeties off and fingers on triggers which scares the devil out of me. What if they accidentally shoot the wrong people, innocent people? What does it take to cover it up? Nothing more than putting weapons (their back-ups) in peoples' hands and going to the trunk of their car, or van, or pocket and "hiding" some illegal drug in your home or on your person. The cover-up is so simple it is scary.
Even if they don't shoot or scare the crap out of you and your family, it is now up to you to prove your innocence. Our system supposedly based on the presumption of innocence has been changed by inaccurate information to presumption of guilt. And sometimes the information comes from some drunken or drug-high informant. Or, just a neighbor that is mad at one of his neighbors.
Soon, when stopped on highways or city streets, should you refuse to allow your fingerprints to be taken in order to check databases, you may sit in jail for a couple of years.
Or, if there is any information that is inaccurate or been intentionally entered in your database illegally, you may be in the fight of your live trying to prove your innocence, a task that may have very well became impossible since all law enforcement and courts, regardless of the organization, will assume your guilt because - "how could the database be wrong?"
Maybe everyone should watch the movie, The Net, or any movie that has computer hacking in it, in particular, changing the information on people. My gosh, hackers, including government bozos, can put anything in virtually any computer they want. They could be doing me right now if anyone in government happens to be monitoring me at this exact moment. Or, anytime I step too hard on someone's toes in government or in government agencies.
Most of these possibilities would never have come about if it weren't for the government starting illegal databases on innocent, law-abiding, peace-loving citizens. Most would not have come about if we hadn't began to be numbered, an act I am now finding most offensive.
Can we fix it? Sure, but not with the hidden agendas and the people we now have in government remaining in control. Every problem is a possibility. In this case, we, the People, just need to decide we want it fixed and all databases violating our rights be totally, absolutely destroyed, even if it means melting down government computer hard-drives into worthless lumps of material.
Probably too much to hope for so guess I will pray for it instead. But, you see, I value my privacy, I want it, and I do not want a government to take from me what is inalienably mine.
So I ask you - Is that really too much for a civilized person to expect - and - demand?
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