No matter whether you support the recent attacks or not, your life is in danger if you're British or American. In response to these threats, the US State Department issued a Public Announcement urging US citizens to observe worldwide caution. The text of the statement reads as follows:
"The Department of State continues to remind American citizens of the need to remain vigilant with regard to their personal security practices during and after the holiday season and beyond. In light of the military operations against Iraq, the August 7 bombings of the U.S. Embassies in Nairobi, Kenya and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, the August 20 U.S. air strikes in Afghanistan and Sudan, and the apprehension of persons believed to have been involved in the U.S. Embassy bombings, the potential for retaliatory acts against Americans and American interests overseas continues to exist.In addition, terrorists, including Usama bin Ladin (who has been indicted for the Embassy bombings and for threatening to kill American nationals outside the United States), continue their threats against the United States and have not distinguished between military and civilian targets.
The Department of State continues to receive reports that make us concerned about the safety and security of both official U.S. Government and civilian targets. We take these threats seriously and the U.S. has increased security at United States Government facilities worldwide. A number of our posts have temporarily suspended or limited services to the public, and may have to do so in the future.
The Department of State reminds Americans to maintain a high level of vigilance and to take appropriate steps to increase their security awareness to lessen their vulnerability. Americans should maintain a low profile, vary routes and times for all required travel, and treat mail from unfamiliar sources with suspicion." (end of statement)
David Bergland, chairman of the Libertarian Party, is being quoted as saying the following:
"Over the past five decades, Congress has granted the president de facto power to launch any military action, anywhere in the world, for any reason. Clinton has used that power for two previous missile strikes against Iraq; to launch military operations in Haiti and Bosnia; and to launch missile attacks on the Sudan and Afghanistan.Congress has not only given away its Constitutional authority, it has also lost its moral authority to complain if President Clinton uses America's military might for venal political purposes."
The Libertarian Party's strong opposition to the attack against Iraq is not a signal that the party is sympathetic to that nation's government, said Bergland.
"Saddam Hussein is a ruthless, murderous, freedom-hating dictator - just as he was when the United States government provided military support to him in the 1980s," he said. "But Saddam poses a greater threat to his own people than he does to the United States.""In fact, you can argue that Bill Clinton poses a greater threat to the well-being of the United States than Saddam Hussein does, since Clinton's military action puts American lives at immediate risk, increases the long-term chance of retaliatory terrorist attacks on this nation, and further undermines the Constitutional limitations that are supposed to prevent this kind of reckless presidential action."
There is little we can add to this.
So What?
The US Government does not only tax your income no matter where in the world you choose to live - they also endanger your life by trying to act as "world police". So why be American after all?
If you live abroad, have dual citizenship and have ever thought about renouncing your US citizenship, now might be the time. You now have a very good reason other than to avoid taxes (which would result in additional punitive taxes). Why not claim that you're afraid of being attacked, assaulted, robbed or even murdered because of your citizenship?
It used to be great to be American, however nowadays it is just outright dangerous.
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