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What Country Is This?

By Ed Lewis, 435 Peck St. Brookfield, MO 64628 (660)258-4582

Just what country is this?

As I read through various mainstream newspapers and online journals, I must wonder what country it is I am living in. I thought it was the United States of America but now I am not so sure.

Finding stories here and there in past weeks concerning James Sanders' persecution and eventual prosecution by the federal government, I became so intrigued with the Flight 800 story, I finally bought Mr. Sanders' recent book concerning the downing of the aircraft, "Altered Evidence". I did so because I wanted as many facts as possible from both sides and because of my belief the federal government controls what is printed by mainstream media.

What I found is it is most probable the federal government conducted a massive cover-up of the cause of the plane going down and killing all aboard.

As with most people, I read and heard in the early reports that several hundred witnesses had seen a fiery tail which culminated in a tremendous ball of flame (presumably when it hit the aircraft). Suddenly, though, witnesses seemed to be silenced (as far as the media was concerned) and the stories started relating that the explosion was due to an internal problem with the aircraft rather than by a missile fired by friendly forces or a terrorist.

Forgotten were the facts that there were many military craft, both air and water, in the immediate area along (denied by the government initially) with many civilian sea craft in the near area. Forgotten were the many witnesses testifying to seeing what appeared to be a missile headed for the aircraft.

But, these facts were not forgotten by James Sanders or his source for the material. He continued his investigation as an investigative reporter. When he found for a fact there was missile fuel residue in the wreckage, along with other evidence, his conclusion based on the evidence was the aircraft had been downed by a missile.

Rather than using the evidence as it should have been used, to determine the truth, the FBI instead persecuted Mr. Sanders, his wife, and others associated with him. To make a long story short, both he and his wife were convicted of removing evidence and conspiring to do so. How a jury could convict him is beyond me after reading his book. Of course, juries can be controlled just as the media can.

Then, there is the case of Waco and the Davidian Compound. First of all, it wasn't a "compound" - it was just ordinary 3 or 4-strand barbed-wire fenced property. The government and media used the word "compound" to describe it because it causes the listener or reader to think it was set up like a military compound or fenced much as a prison is. One imagines armed guards and dogs patrolling the perimeter, just like in the movies which show compounds.

Now, the Davidians had not really done anything illegal. Charges were manufactured according to different reliable sources. But, the government treated the confrontation as an arrest attempt based on the bogus charges. Regardless, rather than doing as they did, they could have easily arrested members of the group quietly any time they were in town.

Instead, a siege was started by the government by its people seeming to have fired first. At the very minimum, government forces initiated the first battle by trying to storm the house. Exposed records of nearly every publicized case of law enforcement forcing their way into homes indicates officers are quite likely to fire first and indiscriminately. It happens consistently across this nation and Waco wasn't any different.

These few in numbers held off the might of the federal forces week after week. The government couldn't allow this and, eventually, it had to prove its strength against American citizens on American soil and staged a final offensive attack in which all lives of those remaining in the Davidian group were lost.

The government's claim was that the Davidians burned themselves. Well, a group that fights for their liberty and stands up for their rights as the Davidians did don't often kill themselves. And, to do so by setting one's own kids on fire - BULL!

They fought to the end all right but not the end at their own hand as claimed by the FBI. Their end, their very lives, was at the hand of over-whelming government firepower. During this end, media was kept completely back so as to not do any filming or reporting on what occurred. That, alone, is enough to convince intelligent people the government had something illegal planned.

Anyway, to make a long, sordid story short, after all the Davidians had been killed, the government buried everything, literally and figuratively, that could provide evidence as to the actual conduct of the government forces. But, they didn't quite get it all. The Texas Rangers had a huge amount and the Texas Rangers began investigating.

It is apparent to anyone with even a little bit of common sense that the government covered up its act of intentionally killing over 80 people in order to silence them as witnesses to the last days of the stand-off. Only an idiot, government terrorist, or government lackey protecting themselves could conclude and accept otherwise after reading the evidence emerging in the past few months.

Think about this for a moment. Here is the same government agency, the FBI, bulldozing evidence and hiding it from scrutiny of those who seek the truth that convicted an investigative reporter and his wife of conspiring to remove a very small, insignificant amount of evidence in order to have it tested. Enough of the material, a red residue, remained to have conducted thousands of tests concerning the material. In addition, the site the red residue was taken from wasn't even a crime site.

Not so with Waco. The Justice Department "HID" and/or destroyed tremendous amounts of evidence that did interfere with any further investigation of a crime scene.

Obviously, the government doesn't want the truth known of these two cases. Both are still going on (the persecution of the Mr. and Mrs. Sanders continues to this day) and Waco is still being investigated.

Which leads to another disturbing fact. Never do I read of these so-called protectors and servers of society being convicted as the criminals they are. Never do I read of any action against any federal agency it or its people pinned to the wall for their fabrications and cover-ups. When discovered, it seems all that happens is a few reportings of it; then the case just "disappears", so to speak.

Murder, such as when an officer shoots an unarmed person, is killing or slaughter or carnage (as with Waco) whether it is by a member of law enforcement or not. In the case of deadly shootings of innocents, the shooters should be prosecuted as any citizen would be. Their badge, or status in some government group, does not make them immune from the laws of God and Man.

Get real. If you or I fired in the general direction of a law enforcement person, it would be attempted murder at the very least and, providing we weren't killed by multiple wounds (seems I read of one person who had 9 bullet wounds), we would be prosecuted. Law enforcement people are citizens under the same laws and must be treated in a like fashion.

It now seems as if we need a special investigative group just to investigate law enforcement, including the FBI, and its acts against citizens. But, it couldn't be a group domiciled in the federal government. That would be a case of the blinded with power investigating the blinded with power . The result of that - a cover-up of the cover-up.

Maybe the only way to assure the government doesn't cover up its acts is to make all records, all evidence or potential evidence, available to private investigators and investigative reporters. Why not? Why should the federal government have the right to hide evidence of its violating nearly every law on the books, from invasion of privacy to taking of innocent lives?

In addition, when government's ally, mainstream media, hides the facts from the people of this nation, it is not serving its function of presenting impartial, undistorted news which states only facts to the people. Doing otherwise puts it in the position of conspiring with the government (or some politician) to hide the truth and possibly interfere with citizens civil rights, a violation of Title 18, Sections 241 and 242.

If the government and its atrocities against justice and the principles of this nation aren't curtailed, then we may all be asking - Just what country do I live in - The United States of America (home of truth, justice, and the American way) or The United States Socialist Regime?

If the latter, then let us go ahead and change the Pledge of Allegiance to:

I pledge allegiance to ....

The Government of the United States,
to the self-serving leaders we have allowed
to dictate our lives in any fashion they desire,

One Entity,
undivided in its intent to control the wealth and people
within and without its boundaries and possessions.

Is this what we really want?

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