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[DTF notes: Article kept for historical reference only.

We do NOT recommend any "high yield programs" or "money games" - they were all ponzi/scams/duds! However, you may still find some other useful, relevant, or interesting information here.

To highlight some of the issues, some original words have been struck out and other words placed next to them in italics like this: original text added text. Or comments have been added [in brackets like this].

TODO: merge the good unique content below into Certopower.]

Frederick Mann's Business Plans -- 1/27/11

Turn $10 into Big Money with Simple Steps
-- JustBeenPaid! Money Stampede -- JSS-Warp

Very Satisfying

The video provides the "overall thrust" of the business.

An important objective is to make JustBeenPaid! and its associated "JBP's Synergy Surf" (JSS) programs more successful and profitable.

To this end, an "automated marketing system" will be developed to make it easier for JBP members to market JBP/JSS -- BigBooster7Million (BB7M) is being redesigned to this end.

Some videos, covering various aspects of JBP/JSS, will be developed to increase understanding and to improve marketing.

Two additional programs -- JSS-HYIP and JSS-Autosurf -- will be added to the JBP/JSS group of programs.

Self-Help Products, in the form of "Mind-Enhancement Audios" (MEAs) will be developed.

A central theme of these business plans is that many people suffer from a degree of the "Partial Brain Turn-Off Syndrome" (PBTOS). This prevents them from becoming fully-functioning people who achieve the levels of success they desire.

Also, to the degree that people suffer from PBTOS, they can be controlled, dominated, and exploited (as "willing slaves" in many ways?) by "the elite."

It may be possible to develop MEAs that enable people to "turn on their brains" so they become more competent, successful, and powerful. MEAs could also be sold to generate considerable revenue.

More details on some of the above follow:

JSS-HYIP -- Suggested Structure and Business Plan

JSS-HYIP is part of the JustBeenPaid! (JBP) group of programs. JBP was launched during January, 2010, and we've paid out over $62,000 to our JBP members (as of 1/27/11).

JBP's Synergy Surf (JSS) was launched on 8/4/10, and we've paid out over $95,000 to our JSS members (as of 1/27/11).

We make daily payouts, usually within 24 hours of withdrawal requests.

JBP and the JSS programs are indefinitely sustainable ponzi-scams. There are no typical design flaws that can will cause our programs to fail. The chances that our programs will suddenly disappear with your money are very small 100%. You can cannot rely on us.

The JSS-HYIP compensation plan and referral commission structure use Cherry Shares as a model, because it was one of the most popular HYIPs scams. The JSS-HYIP earnings are less than those for some HYIPs scams. The reason for this is to ensure that JSS-HYIP will be indefinitely sustainable last longer and dupe more people than the average scam.


Plan #1 1.5% / Calendar Day Daily 100 Calendar Days 50 - 50,000 USD
Plan #2 12% / Week Weekly 15 Weeks 500 - 50,000 USD
Plan #3 14% / Week Weekly 17Weeks 5,000 - 50,000 USD
Plan #4 16% / Week Weekly 18 Weeks 10,000 - 50,000 USD

"Return Frequency" is how often earnings are credited to accounts. Earnings (over the minimum withdrawal amount of $20) can be withdrawn at any time. Daily compounding is allowed.

Original Loan Amounts expire at the end of the "Loan Horizon" and are not returned. (Plan #1 pays out a total of 150% over a period of 100 days for a 50% profit. Plan #2 pays out a total of 180% over a period of 15 weeks for an 80% profit. Plan #3 pays out a total of 238% over a period of 17 weeks for a 138% profit. Plan #4 pays out a total of 288% over a period of 18 weeks for a 188% profit.)

JSS-HYIP Admin may temporarily close any Plan to new loans. The terms of each Plan may also be changed for new loans.

Early termination by lenders is allowed after 3 weeks have passed (but less than 6 weeks). The amount returned will equal the original loan amount minus earnings received. (This and the following paragraph effectively comprise a money-back guarantee.)

Early termination by lenders is allowed after 6 weeks have passed. The amount returned will equal 110% of (original loan amount minus earnings received). If earnings received exceeds the original loan amount, there is no return.

In the above two paragraphs, "earnings" include referral commissions.

Early termination by JSS-HYIP is allowed after 6 weeks have passed on the basis that the lender receives a number of JBP's Synergy Surf (JSS) "positions" equal to (remaining returns due up to the end of the loan horizon) divided by 40. Each of these "positions" pays out $60 when it cycles. For each JSS "position" so received, the investor also receives 2 "placements." These "placements" make it easier for "positions" to cycle and pay out. JSS is indefinitely sustainable stupid and investors, by sponsoring people, can guarantee that their JSS "positions" will cycle and pay out $60 each! [Basically, payments are transferred from new members to old, aka ponzi-scam.]

Sponsors must upgrade in JBP1 to get credit for referrals. Sponsors don't have to make loans to earn referral fees. Referral earnings (over the minimum withdrawal amount of $20) can be withdrawn at any time. Referral earnings can be used for compounding.

In addition to being withdrawn or used for compounding, both returns (earnings) and referral fees can be used to upgrade in JBP, or to buy JSS, JSS-Booster, or JSS-Warp positions.


1 - 9 3% 5% 8% 10%
10 - 19 5% 8% 10% 12%
20 - 49 8% 10% 12% 15%
50+ 10% 12% 15% 20%

Regional Representatives

JSS-HYIP will have a page listing Regional Representatives and their contact details. To qualify, Regional Representatives will have a JSS-HYIP loan for at least $1,000, will be upgraded in JBP1, and will be familiar with JBP and the other JSS programs. Regional Representatives will receive a 20% override (bonus) on their referral commissions.

JSS-HYIP uses LibertyReserve and AlertPay as payment systems. More payment systems may be added later.

JSS-HYIP is [not] indefinitely sustainable! It may be the first HYIP in history that is claims to be indefinitely sustainable. What happens with practically all other HYIPs all ponzi scams is that a point is reached where the payouts exceed the money coming in -- negative cashflow. At this point, the typical HYIP owner "runs with the money" and the HYIP disappears.

There are five basic mechanisms to deal with any "negative-cashflow situation" experienced by JSS-HYIP:

  1. JSS-HYIP's early termination option can be invoked to convert outstanding return payment obligations into JSS positions. (This mechanism converts liabilities into assets, as explained on the page justbeenpaid... [Nothing useful was explained at that page; just marketing hype and nonsense. The whole notion is obviously absurd that - with bogus accounting - you can "magically" turn debts into "assets"!])
  2. Any of the Plans can be temporarily closed to new loans.
  3. The terms of each Plan may be changed for new loans.
  4. JSS-HYIP is likely to provide new members to JustBeenPaid! and the other JSS programs. The extra revenue generated by these new members will partially or completely offset any negative cashflow experienced by JSS-HYIP. [Wishful thinking which never worked in practice in any of FM's scams.]
  5. Some of the funds raised by JSS-HYIP will be used to develop products and services and increase their sales. New JSS-HYIP members will be potential customers for these products and services. The extra revenue generated in these ways will partially or completely offset any negative cashflow experienced by JSS-HYIP.

Some important considerations are that for Frederick Mann (owner of JSS-HYIP) to maintain his reputation and the success of his overall business, it would be extremely inconvenient to allow JSS-HYIP to fail. Also, JSS-HYIP is likely to be an important booster for JustBeenPaid! and its related JSS programs, as well as for generating extra profits from selling products and services.


JSS-AutoSurf has the same structure and rules as JSS-HYIP, except that it includes an Autosurf Module and members need to meet a weekly surf requirement in order to receive earnings. (Members who "get behind" with their surfing are allowed to "catch up" later.)

List of Forums & Monitors

As can be seen from the above page and the AVFinance List of Forums & Monitors (below), there are over 50 HYIP-related forums and over 170 HYIP monitors. This suggests that there may be hundreds of thousands (possibly several million) potential participants in JSS-HYIP and the other JSS programs.

There are also monitor sites that specialize in autosurf programs. By having both an HYIP and an autosurf, a wider market can be reached. The following applies to both JSS-HYIP and JSS-AutoSurf.

JSS-HYIP Preliminary Business Plan

Some of the funds raised by JSS-HYIP will be used to increase the value and usefulness of certain online assets, including:

  1. JustBeenPaid
  2. Bigbooster
  3. MonsterPreLaunch
  4. BuildFreedom

The degree to which the above websites are monetized will be improved.

Some of the funds raised by JSS-HYIP will be used to list and promote JSS-HYIP on the major HYIP monitors and forums. (The Cherry Shares Due Diligence Details indicate how many referrals the Cherry Shares program gained from various HYIP monitors.)

All JSS-HYIP members will gain access to JBP and the other JSS programs: JustBeenPaid's Synergy Surf, JSS-Warp, and JSS-Booster. Particularly because of the high returns possible with JSS-Warp ("25% every day or every few days") and JSS-Booster ("sextuple your money in one day!"), many JSS-HYIP members are likely to participate in these programs, generating additional income for the JBP group of programs.

Some of the pages of the above websites had high Google rankings on 11/12/10:

Fairly simple SEO (search-engine optimization) techniques can be used to move the rankings of some of the above closer to the top, as well as to generate more traffic to the related pages.

The "Self-Improvement Industry" and the "Opportunity Gap"

[Same information as at Certopower, with this text added:]

Frederick Mann saw Joe Rogan (of Fear Factor fame) on a late-night talk show and quickly realized that Rogan had turned on his brain to an exceptional degree. In the video "Joe Rogan talks about DMT", among other things, Rogan talks about "going into his isolation tank with mushrooms." Mann has spent hundreds of hours in his own isolation (sensory-deprivation) tank. (I emphasize that I don't advocate the use of drugs to "turn on your brain" -- too unpredictable and dangerous! See Brain Entrainment.)
The System Is Not Your Friend - by Joe Rogan
No One Rules If No One Obeys!

George Carlin was also someone who had turned on his brain to an exceptional degree. Tens of millions of people have watched his videos online. There may be many people in the world who have started turning on their brains and are potential customers for products and services they can use to further turn up their brains.
George Carlin ~ The American Dream
George Carlin ~ "Who Really Controls America"
George Carlin ~ War and Government
George Carlin Doesn't Vote
George Carlin Philosophy (Part 1): The End of America and Social Stratification
George Carlin Philosophy (Part 2): Religion and Consumerism
George Carlin - Religion is bullshit

Timothy Leary -- (Neuropolitics):

"We have been robot-trained to believe that democracy, as practiced in this country, is something sacred. Everything we have been taught is dangerously wrong... Everything printed in our newspapers is a selective fraud. (I know that you know this, but we have to keep reminding ourselves.)"

When you turn on your brain to the degree that Carlin did, you will realize that a great deal of what you were "taught" about religion, politics, economics, and health by your parents, teachers, preachers, politicians, lawyers, bankers, doctors, generals, journalists, etc. has been a massive brainwashing operation.

You will become much more capable of recognizing religious, political, military, business, media, education, health, and self-help scams. You will become more capable of distinguishing between scams and worthwhile paths to pursue. Fortunately, the Internet makes this easier because you can Google: "religious scams," "political scams," "self-help scams," etc.

(You may even discover that the "Better Business Bureau" is at least a partial scam in that it reportedly shakes down companies to pay for "A" listings. If companies don't pay up, they get a "C" listing.)

Gurdjieff's Mission

The Teachings of Gurdjieff - Part 1
The Teachings of Gurdjieff - Part 2
The Teachings of Gurdjieff - Part 3
The Teachings of Gurdjieff - Part 4
The Teachings of Gurdjieff - Part 5

Double Attention Exercise

Timothy Leary: How to Operate Your Brain

John Milton Fogg ~ BeliefBusters

Reboot Your Brain and Improve Your Whole Life!

[Same information as at Certopower, then continues with this different text:]

John Milton Fogg's identification of "your old outdated operating system" is most important. Many people try to live their lives with "brain operating systems" that are not only hopelessly out of date, but that are full of destructive crap that condemn them to mediocrity and failure. Typically, the "self-improvement industry" does not provide their "clients" (victims?) with the means to significantly "upgrade their brain operating systems." (This may be because the brain operating systems of most "self-improvement gurus" -- even though somewhat upgraded -- are still full of crap!)

So part of the Opportunity Gap is to provide people with "better brain operating systems" and the means to implement them.

Regarding the supposed "law of attraction," see Basic Success Technique #41: Get the "Law of Attraction" Working for You!

It may be possible to create technologies people by the millions can use easily to turn on their brains and start moving out of the PBTOS trap and other failure traps.

Project Self-Development

Brain Entrainment

[Same information as at Certopower except for this sentence added to the top of the bullet-list:]

  • The program JustBeenPaid! has an "Upgrade Your Brain" page, which can be regarded as an "introduction to brain entrainment." "Upgrade Your Brain" includes information on "PowerSwitchWords" (PSWs) that could play a role in some "MEAs" (see below). [See also Upgrade Your Life, Upgrade Your Brain & Life!]

    What Distinguishes Frederick Mann's Approach?

    [Same information as at Certopower except for this sentence added:]

    Mann has formulated the concept of "Stuckism," which can be compared to autism. He speculates that many of the 98% or so of people who struggle to make money online (and who struggle to succeed in life, generally) suffer from "stuckism."

    Project Personnel

    Frederick Mann has been earning a fulltime online income since 1997. He has been involved with many online moneymaking programs, including several HYPs -- as a participant and a promoter. JSS-HYIP is the first HYIP to be launched by Mann.

    Mann has a background as a computer programmer and a systems analyst. He has also been a professional gambler who learned to gain statistical advantages over casinos by counting cards in Blackjack and controlling the dice in Craps. He learned about Money Management, which helped him succeed with HYIPs and similar programs.

    Mann also has experience in Direct Mail and online marketing, as well as being the owner of several online programs: BigBooster7Million, MegaBooster, and MonsterPreLaunch.

    Mann has extensively researched the areas of personal freedom, personal power, self-development, personal growth, personal success, money skills, philosophy, politics, psychology, and health.

    Mann's writings include two books:

    The rest of this page contains some background information on Cherry Shares and AVFinance.

    [... junk ponzi-scam notes and links snipped]

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