Vertical thinking is digging the same hole, only deeper. Lateral thinking is digging in another place.
-- Edward de Bono
In the last chapter I said that good team management means coordinating the peculiar energies of your "eagles" and your "mules" so that they can come together in a unified, motivated effort toward common goals. In this chapter I'm going to discuss a specific, practical method of doing that in a team meeting format. It's a method my company uses all the time in our productivity seminars, and one which almost invariably shows the participating managers that participatory teamwork can give you not just better motivated players, but better plays - - that is, better solutions to business problems - - as well.
We call it Creative Problem Solving.
By "creative" we don't mean simply "intelligent" or "inventive" - - although intelligence and inventiveness are certainly parts of the method. We mean "creative" in the original sense of "productive" or "generative". A creative method of problem solving is one that leads to unique and revolutionary solutions - - solutions that could not be arrived at by simply "thinking hard" about the problem. Instead of asking managers to think harder, we ask them to think differently - - with an entirely different mental process than most of them have been used to. That's creativity. And it gets results.
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