by Frederick Mann
(Excerpt from WealthBooster Magazine -- Issue #24 -- May 9, 2001)
Someone wrote to me from South Africa about the basic theme: "If you're earning $100 a week from your Internet activities and you find a way to increase this by 5% very week, then after one year you would be earning nearly $6,000 per month!"
How do you do this?
It's easy to say, but not quite so easy to do. First, you have to get to the point of earning $100 a week.
Anyway, suppose every month, for twelve months, you can start making money with one program. This might make it possible to achieve the 5% per week growth rate.
However, there can be setbacks along the way. Tri-West, from which my earnings had grown in nine months from $200 to $5,000 per month, has just stopped paying. They probably decided to run with the money. Fortunately, I took out my earnings every month. TW had been paying reliably for six years. My payment for April and future months would have been $2,500+. With TW I had achieved more than a 5% per week earnings growth.
I could have been very upset about this. But I was only mildly disappointed, because in the overall scheme of things it doesn't make much difference. It also made me realize that I needed to improve my Rating System, which I've now done.
My response to the TW "disappearance" is associated with a Deep-Orientation -- a way of thinking -- that minimizes the negative effects setbacks have on me.
I've also had a setback with No-Excuses. So far I've sponsored over 150 people. Some of them have sponsored others. If everyone had stayed in, my downline would have been about 200. However, last time I looked, my downline had collapsed to about 5 or 6 people! So you can work hard to build a sizable downline, only for it to collapse -- no 5% per week growth rate, here!
From this I've learned that I should never again join a program with dynamics similar to NE. Key question: What percentage of referrals are likely to drop out within a few months?
With Six-Figure Income it's a different story. I have a downline of over 4,000, growing by nearly 1,000 a month. Every day, several people upgrade to member. (Some members are dropping out, too.) My earnings are getting close to $1,000 per month and growing every month, but not even close to the 5% per week growth rate.
My earnings growth rates for some of the programs I'm in are higher than others. For some, the monthly earnings vary widely. But overall, there's a healthy growth.
There's a Deep-Orientation involved, here: To earn more money every month. It includes evaluating how I'm doing from time to time, figuring out what I need to do, what I need to improve, what other programs I should be promoting. Its a kind of mission.
Some people have a Deep-Orientation to do things right, some to do things wrong, others to do things in half-hearted ways. See WBM#22: The Power Of Formulas. To achieve a goal like increasing your weekly earnings by 5% to the point of earning $6,000 a month, may require that you change some of your Deep-Orientations. A good place to start is with the book 'The Science of Getting Rich'
You could follow up with 'The Secret of the Ages' by Robert Collier.
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