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WBM#109: Learning to Win & Succeed

by Frederick Mann

(Excerpt from WealthBooster Magazine -- Issue #109 -- October 19, 2002)

How does a young child learn to win and succeed?

Answer: He or she asks lots of questions. "How does this or that work?" "Why...?" "What can I do?"

Asking questions is a learning formula.

Another way young children learn is by doing experiments. They try something. They observe what happens. They think about it. They learn from it.

They come up with something they hope will work better next time. They test it, observe what happens, and so on.

Experimenting is another learning formula.

I suspect that many grownups have to some extent "forgotten" these basic learning formulas. If you notice someone doing the same things month after month, with little or no success, then you might suspect that they're not asking enough questions, nor doing experiments to learn from.

In "life's situations" we inevitably run into "unpleasantness" from time to time. We can use these "situations" to learn from -- even to win and succeed in future.

A major part of waking up an individual's desires to learn, grow and succeed is becoming aware of and dealing with obstacles in one's path. A little-known yet primary obstacle is the person's RESPONSES to the unwanted conditions and unwanted identities in their life. An important section has been added to #TL03C: How to Wake Up Your Desire to Learn, Grow & Succeed -- it's called "RESPONSES TO UNWANTED CONDITIONS AND IDENTITIES" by Mike Goldstein.

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