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Compiled and edited by Frederick Mann

"When you find that you are on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect" -- Mark Twain

"Almost everything that almost everyone believes is wrong." -- Andrew J. Galambos

How to Do Things Right
and Succeed

Your 11 Hidden Core Thought Patterns determine your level of success. FIX THEM OR FAIL. Most people don't know what sabotages their success. Switch all 11 of your Hidden Core Thought Patterns to "win" and succeed big time.Think right and success follows!

DEEP in your MIND is a SECRET POWER. Unlock it with the 10X KEY. Jack Welch of General Electric found the 10X KEY. In 1985 it was taught to GE managers. By 1988 they had grown GE from a $30 billion company into a $300 billion company!


Some people seem to live in a kind of "know-it-all" condition -- they don't seem to realize that in order to succeed, they need to LEARN and GROW. Consider someone who learnt everything he thinks he could have from his parents, teachers, professors, and a few books he's read. Suppose that in general he knows more than 95% of the general population. About life in general, he knows as much as anyone in his circle of family, friends, and contacts. His education is complete... he thinks.

Such a person may have a job that pays reasonably well... just enough to pay the bills every month. He may not be particularly ambitious... or he might be dissatisfied and turn to the Internet to earn extra money...

It's possible that some people have high expectations of themselves, but don't realize that in order to succeed they have to LEARN a great deal and GROW into much more capable and effective human beings. If you're not as successful as you'd like to be, chances are you have some learning and growing to do.

I've interacted with many people on how to make money on the Internet. Most people who try to do this fail. On several occasions, I've set up forums where members can ask questions and discuss what they need to do to succeed. The Bigboostergroup Forum is an example.

Typically, people join a money-making program. To succeed, they then need to sponsor people. Most people don't know how to sponsor. In the forum they have the opportunity to ask questions, e.g., "I tried such and such, but it didn't work. Nobody joined. What must I do now?" The vast majority who fail, don't ask for assistance or advice.

Maybe they have a very poor understanding of cause and effect. "If I do X, the consequence is likely to be Y"; "If I send this sales letter to 1,000 people, one or two is likely to respond"; If I improve the headline (subject) of the sales letter, 10 people might respond"; etc.

They might have a poor understanding of how to learn to improve what you're doing so as to produce better results.

It seems to me that many people can benefit from Waking up their Desire to Learn, Grow & Succeed!

If you're the kind of person:

  1. Who doesn't know how to do something (maybe deceiving yourself that you know); and
  2. Tries to do it anyway; and
  3. Fails miserably; and
  4. You don't know how to learn to do it better; and/or
  5. You can't ask for and receive assistance from someone who has offered it to you;

then you may want to start by applying the "Non-Existence Formula" in #TL80A: Creativity Report #1.

If you're among the kind of people who think they want to understand something, but don't want to do what they have to do to understand (possibly because of "know-it-all arrogrance"), then I'm afraid you'll just have to remain stuck where you are!

Some time ago, "David" emailed me that he didn't understand how to receive free leads as a member of FREEnetleads. I suggested that he read everything on the FREEnetleads website. He emailed back that he'd read everything but still didn't understand how to receive the free leads. I emailed him to find an Internet-savvy person to sit down next to him at his computer and explain it to him. He emailed me back, "Thanks for nothing!"

A major part of waking up an individual's desires to learn, grow and succeed is becoming aware of and dealing with obstacles in one's path. A little-known yet primary obstacle is the person's RESPONSES to the unwanted conditions and unwanted identities in their life .

Don Winfield asks the important question, "How do we go from being a child who loves to learn everything to an adult who hates to learn anything?" His article HAVE YOUR CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS BEEN SABOTAGED? is included at the end of this report.

In July 2002, I wrote WBM#96 - WAKE UP Your Desire to Learn, Grow, and Succeed, in which I asked the following:

1. How can people in general WAKE UP their Desire to Learn, Grow, and Succeed?

2. How did I (if applicable) WAKE UP my Desire to Learn, Grow, and Succeed?

3. How can I personally (if applicable) WAKE UP my Desire to Learn, Grow, and Succeed?

4. What percentage of humans, who think they have WOKEN UP their Desire to Learn, Grow, and Succeed, are deceiving themselves?
(a) 10%?
(b) 50%?
(c) 90%?
(d) 99%?

5. What fraction of humans do you think have really WOKEN UP their Desire to Learn, Grow, and Succeed?
(a) 1 in 100?
(b) 1 in 1,000?
(c) 1 in 1,000,000?
(d) 1 in 10,000,000?

6. What do you think are the main differences between people who have really Woken Up their Desire to Learn, Grow, and Succeed, and those who haven't?

I offered prizes of $50, $25, and $10 for the best responses.

The exercise of putting considerable thought into the above questions and your answers may be an empowering endeavor.

Interesting Answers to the Questionnaire

>3. How did I (if applicable) WAKE UP my Desire to
>Learn, Grow, and Succeed?

A: One of the big eye openers for me was my encounter with the Bone Lady at age three. Boy, oh boy. Did she ever expand my little three year old perspective. Another big one for me was reading Yogananda's "Autobiography of a Yogi" -- especially the stories about Babaji, the deathless avatar who lives in great isolation in the Himalayas most of the time. No one knows how old he is or where he came from. 2,000 years old? 10,000 years old? No one knows. He looks like a young man in his 20s.

[Editor: The "Bone Lady" presumably refers to Mary H. Manhein, author of the book 'The Bone Lady.']

>4. What fraction of humans do you think have WOKEN
>UP their Desire to Learn, Grow, and Succeed?
>(a) 1 in 100?
>(b) 1 in 1,000?
>(c) 1 in 1,000,000?
>(d) 1 in 10,000,000?

A: I would say perhaps 1 in 100 have made a semi-serious commitment to do this, in that they make some greater-than-average, substantial, measurable progress during the course of a normal life span on a variety of important life issues. Most people just mark time and mechanically go through the motions for which the culture programs them. Probably the number who arrive at a state like Babaji's -- where they absolutely master life and most importantly their own body and mind, such that their actions become almost magical from the perspective of an ordinary human -- this would certainly be 1 in 10,000,000, perhaps 1 in 100,000,000. It is a very select group. I suspect that there may be a few dozens, not likely more than a few hundred of these beings on the planet; for the most part they do not advertise their presence... I surmise that, at most, there would probably be several tens of thousands more who, while not of the degree of attainment of a Babaji-type being, are nevertheless rather remarkable men and women, by the standards of ordinary people.

[Editor:During the 80s I had some acquaintances who traveled to India to visit Babaji. They paid him something like $100 to sprinkle "holy water" on them that was supposed to "enlighten" them. As far as I could tell, they came back just as gullible and unenlightened as they were before visiting Babaji. I named my cat Babaji, and when people asked me when I was going to visit Babaji, I said there was no need because he was living in my apartment as my guest!]

Sometimes you can spot them at a very young age. I was in a grocery store in Albuquerque one day and came around the end of an aisle and BAM! -- there was a little kid sitting right there in a shopping cart who plainly was much, much more than a "little" kid. I almost went up to her mother and said, "Excuse me Ma'am, but did you know your child is a very unique, extremely special kid, one in a million?" And then I realized that nothing at all needed to be said and I simply went on about my business. That is the only time I have personally spotted one of them at such a young age.


>1. How can people in general WAKE UP their Desire
>to Learn, Grow, and Succeed?

A: People can focus on where they have been, what has succeeded, what has
failed, and what they have learned from each. They can then make a list of
dream goals for themselves, and match up what they have learned with the top
priority goals. They can break these down into steps, and also list out what
they still need to learn in order to reach their goals. They can live in
gratitude for the lessons learned and the opportunities still coming their
way, both known and unknown.


$10 Prize Winner:
>1. How can people in general WAKE UP their Desire
>to Learn, Grow, and Succeed?

A: Not sure. I think that happens when you arrive at a point in your life where you are open to it. This could happen as a result of several significant events happening almost simultaneously. But I don't think one can make it happen any more than one can cause some one to fall in love with you.

>2. How did I (if applicable) WAKE UP my Desire to
>Learn, Grow, and Succeed?

A: When I first came to understand that I have the ability and the power to do whatever I want in my life and to create any quality of life for myself that I desire. When I came to understand that I am the master of my own destiny and that life is my servant. It will deliver whatever I order of it, if I am clear about it. In the beginning I learned this from my involvement in direct commission sales and by reading and studying self-help books. But it was surviving a life threatening situation and my spiritual awaking that started to make it all come together. It's a process. There's about 25 years between the two events I refer to here.

>3. How can I personally (if applicable) WAKE UP
>my Desire to Learn, Grow, and Succeed?

A: Keep and open mind. Always be honest with self about self --earn to take stock. Be willing to do whatever I have to do in order to attain my goals.

>6. What do you think are the main differences
>between people who have really Woken Up their
>Desire to Learn, Grow, and Succeed, and those
>who haven't?

A: Life experience. When we graduate from the school of hard knocks intact we learn that life is short. To me the word desire implies a starting point. We all have to start somewhere. Most desire a better life for themselves and their families. Until desire is translated into action it's just a dream. What's the saying? A goal without a deadline is only a wish. So yeah, commitment is the word. Unswerving dedication to your dream. Set your goals in stone but understand your path is through the sand.


$10 Prize Winner (Keegan Keplinger - Kodiak, Alaska):

>1. How can people in general WAKE UP their Desire
>to Learn, Grow, and Succeed?

A: Exploration, curiosity, presumption of own lack of knowledge, inquiring into random experiences. Exercising creativity. New Places, People, and Things.

>2. How did I (if applicable) WAKE UP my Desire to
>Learn, Grow, and Succeed?

A: Examining everything in life (even the mundane) as if I were on an acid trip. As if life was a role playing game. Music and its magnificent harmonic theory helped a lot too.

>3. How can I personally (if applicable) WAKE UP
>my Desire to Learn, Grow, and Succeed?

A: Ignoring feelings of exclusion, shyness, fear or laziness. New Music, New People, New Places, New Experiences.

>6. What do you think are the main differences
>between people who have really Woken Up their
>Desire to Learn, Grow, and Succeed, and those
>who haven't?

A: Hardened, narrowed eyes, that tend to look in only a limited range of direction usually show someone who has accepted life as they see it, and don't have much of a desire for anything but a lucky break. Some of the unawakened are bouncy, frivilous kind, and some timid.

The only thing that links these people is that they usually have a constant mood or set of moods. They are stuck in what happened to them and what is happenening to them, not what can and will.

Fear keeps most of them away from the unknown

Sloth keeps most of them away from the far limits.


$10 Prize Winner:

>1. How can people in general WAKE UP their Desire
>to Learn, Grow, and Succeed?

A: Write down things that you would like to do, or be able to do. Then give yourself a time limit for motivation.

>2. How did I (if applicable) WAKE UP my Desire to
>Learn, Grow, and Succeed?

A: I am very hard to motivate, and I do tend toward laziness. When I wanted to go to college, I signed up and paid the money to commit myself. Then I found someone who was of the same intelligence as I, and gave myself some competition all the way through school. That is how I graduated. Now I have to find something new to motivate me to keep my business growing.

>3. How can I personally (if applicable) WAKE UP
>my Desire to Learn, Grow, and Succeed?

A: I need to start by realizing what my dreams are, then setting some goals, then finding a way to motivate myself to meet those goals in a timely manner.


$10 Prize Winner:

>1. How can people in general WAKE UP their Desire
>to Learn, Grow, and Succeed?

A: When they become enthusiastic about an opportunity and get the vision to reach the ultimate level of that opportunity. When one is and enthusiast by an example of someone else, by reading a (success) story, it is most likely that someone get the thrill to start.

>2. How did I (if applicable) WAKE UP my Desire to
>Learn, Grow, and Succeed?

A: By an inborn desire to have my own business and to become financially independent. After this first desire I became enthusiastic at the time when I found a business that made me happy and where I felt at home like a fish in water. In due time you realize that you have to learn, get experiences (positive and negative) and need to go on, and on, and on...

>3. How can I personally (if applicable) WAKE UP
>my Desire to Learn, Grow, and Succeed?

A: To investigate by myself, what will I want to reach in life. If you don't know what your desires are or how you want to succeed in life, then you don't have a vision. If you don't have a vision you set no coals and if you have no goals in life, you stay where you are...

>6. What do you think are the main differences
>between people who have really Woken Up their
>Desire to Learn, Grow, and Succeed, and those
>who haven't?

A: (a) An inborn behavior to become independent;
(b) Not be affraid to leave the social and secure world they live in;
(c) Not be lazy;
(d) The heart in the right place (if you have your heart in the right place, you can succeed with anything);
(e) Be a mental fighter and have your own will;
(f) Be able to have n vision -- "I have a dream!"


$25 Prize Winner:

>1. How can people in general WAKE UP their Desire
>to Learn, Grow, and Succeed?

A: First, you should look around. Why you are always angry, tired, not satisfied. Second, read some good books and articles - Very good ones - which make you think as you read and do not let you sleep at night. Third, find a person, who will benefit from your success. If it is to be only you, you will probably never succeed. At the moments of failure you will be often willing to give up saying, "It's not worth it, all I already have is enough for me, maybe I do not need more, etc."

>2. How did I (if applicable) WAKE UP my Desire to
>Learn, Grow, and Succeed?

A: I started waking my desire some time ago just reading all the motivotional books I could ever find. I thought: If I start a successful business I will be so lucky man. I joined some MLM programs, lay on my couch and was extremely glad to be a man of success... I used to go to work every day (100 km away from my home) commuting by train. I had quite good salary, nice living conditions, but I knew something inside was talking to me. It Is not the kind of living you would like to conduct.

18 months ago my son (Fryderyk) was born. It was recession time and my boss told me he was to cut my wages by 60% (temporarily of course) until good times come back. I started to panic; I have a newborn baby and may have to live below the level I was used to. When my wife came back from the hospital and I looked at my son, I realized that if I want him to be successful I must be so too. I stopped thinking about myself and started thinkig about the future of my kid.

The next day was the last one I have gone to work. I knew I must do something on my own. Then I bought "Rich Dad, Poor Dad' by R. Kiyosaki I really could not sleep at night!

The next week, I had a small office rented.

The next month, I started my first Internet business:
It is a small local portal, but it is something mine.

The second month, I had my online bookstore with 3 items only set up (the items were books by Kiyosaki.

I started learning how to promote on local market online.

After 2 months I managed to find my first customers.

A month ago I decided to start a worldwide business. It is not set up yet, but I am doing everything to get going during the next two weeks.

The most important is: I started my REAL desire to succeed once I knew I am not doing it for myself. Frankly, my businesses have not made me much profit yet (I am much more in debt than I was 18 months ago) but these debts are my assets -- they work for the future of my son.

>6. What do you think are the main differences
>between people who have really Woken Up their
>Desire to Learn, Grow, and Succeed, and those
>who haven't?

A: When you really wake up your desire, you will find everything you need to succeed. And if you fail or fall, you will stand up and start again.


$50 Prize Winner:

>1. How can people in general WAKE UP their Desire
>to Learn, Grow, and Succeed?

A: To wake up a true desire for growth, you have to become growth-focused. As growth implies a better future, the first step of waking up becomes trying to rid yourself of the common cultural fallacy of "Rightness" and "Wrongness." These concepts paint the world in a static, black and white, Platonic/Aristotelian dichotomy that has no natural analog. In reality, things or ideas can seem effective or ineffective, successful or unsuccessful, clever or brutish, but never "right" and "wrong." Those two come from our cultural obsession with the way people live and they paint a very limited and unchanging world.

Once that obstacle gets cleared you must then learn to be creation-focused. For to change the world you need to create something. Humans enjoy the creative act and by stretching our imagination and envisioning a better situation, we can do things to bring about that situation. Typically, after the blocks on creativity get quashed, and the creative drive comes into a person's life, they can figure out for themselves what would make them happy and how to learn and grow and succeed.

[Editor: See "BECOME A 10X PERFORMING PERSON!" and "Model of the Bicameral Mind."]

>2. How did I (if applicable) WAKE UP my Desire to
>Learn, Grow, and Succeed?

A: A list of websites/books I used through this process follows:

(a) 'Ishmael' by Daniel Quinn. This work introduced me to the idea that certain cultural programs instilled in my without my active knowledge could be blocking my happiness. It helped me separate the voices of culture with my own thoughts and feelings.

(b) Many of the links on Build Freedom's The Ten Core Concepts of Freedom Technology proved instrumental in helping me to understand the ways in which I had limited my own vision. The ideas on how to achieve practical freedom felt both good to implement and profitable for me.

(c) The links to Michael Hewitt-Gleason's School of Thinking persuaded me to do his thinking course -- see "BECOME A 10X PERFORMING PERSON!". While his system seems a little "under complex" it does a good job of ridding people of their obsession with "Rightness" and "Truth."

(d) The course offered by Mentagon felt very helpful in increasing focus and thus the ability to think clearly.

(e) General Semantics and E-Prime of course does and excellent job of ridding people of the "Rightness" and "Truth" demons as it becomes impossible to say, "I am Right!" and other such false to fact ideas. Very helpful in communicating with other people and removing demons from yourself. Your "F-Prime" works along those lines as well. [Editor: See "The Anatomy of Slavespeak."]

(f) Carmine Baffa's method of NLP [neurolinguistic programming] helped greatly. He takes a different approach to NLP that got him ostracized with the rest of the community, but his ideas feel both sound and practical.

(g) Practice, Practice, Practice. I took these ideas and incorporated them into projects of my own that allow me to not have to live the 9 to 5 world that others seem obsessed with. Only through actually creating things as opposed to just reading about creation can any change occur.

>3. How can I personally (if applicable) WAKE UP
>my Desire to Learn, Grow, and Succeed?

A: While my desire rages in my heart, I maintain a constant vigil against the buffers of cultural signs, signals, and expressions that try to lull everyone back to sleep. Avoiding much time in front of the TV seems important, as does avoiding people who have "True Belief" in the series of lies people tell each other.

>4. What percentage of humans, who think they have
>WOKEN UP their Desire to Learn, Grow, and Succeed,
>are deceiving themselves?

A: 90%; almost everyone I know who says they have "Woken Up" still deals with depression, lifestyle poverty, and seem unwilling to figure out a lifestyle that truly enriches their lives as much as I know they could. People need to understand the difference between knowing the way and walking the way.

>5. What fraction of humans do you think have really
>WOKEN UP their Desire to Learn, Grow, and Succeed?
>(a) 1 in 100?
>(b) 1 in 1,000?
>(c) 1 in 1,000,000?
>(d) 1 in 10,000,000?

A: (d) gives about 600 people truly awake, which I find a bit small. (c) gives 6,000 people who truly grow on this planet. Perhaps I engage in wishful thinking here but I hope that the number would be larger than that. (b) gives 6,000,000 awake people, which I can find no evidence for. Thus I choose (c), but I hope that more people actually have woken up. The living ecosystem that we rely on currently encounters great threats. We need many more awakened people to figure out a way beyond this planetary wide mess we find ourselves in.

>6. What do you think are the main differences
>between people who have really Woken Up their
>Desire to Learn, Grow, and Succeed, and those
>who haven't?

A: Happiness. With creative growth comes limitless happiness and a vision of life that involves love, support, and true wealth.

I see the most fundamental "mental difference" as shedding the "Truth meme." With that meme, you may find it difficult to learn to grow, because of its self-limiting effect. Without it, you can do anything.


How to Start
For many people it seems that to START is difficult. One of the lessons of the "10X Thinking Course" is titled "It can be very difficult to start things." You may want to add some software to your brain that makes you a better starter. The 10X Thinking Course includes a brain software package called SDNT = START DO NOTICE THINK.

You could read the material provided to you, relating to some activity, project, or program. If no material has been provided, you can most likely find some on the Internet. As you read, you make a list of things you could do. Then prioritize your list and start doing the tasks. Notice what happens. Do your actions provide desired results. Think about what you did and what happened. Learn from it. Find out what works, do more of it, and do it better. Abandon or change what doesn't work.

"From Small Steps to Big Results!" and "Step Over the Threshold to Success!"

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." -- Lao Tzu

"Taking a new step, uttering a new word, is what people fear most." -- Fyodor Dostoevsky

"The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one." -- Mark Twain

"Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative and creation, there is one elementary truth the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents, meetings and material assistance which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now." -- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Why Start?
If you have achieved everything you want in life, then there's obviously no reason for you to start with Waking Up Your Desire to Learn, Grow & Succeed. If that were the case, you almost certainly wouldn't be reading this report.

So, if there are still things you would like to achieve, then it may help you to Wake Up Your Desire to Learn, Grow & Succeed.

In the areas where you want to achieve something, it may be appropriate for you to do an evaluation of where you are. In Internet Marketing For Beginners & Professionals I delineate six levels of Internet marketing expertise:

  1. IMB - Internet Marketing Baby;
  2. IMC - Internet Marketing Crawler;
  3. IMW - Internet Marketing Walker;
  4. IMR - Internet Marketing Runner;
  5. IMP - Internet Marketing Professional;
  6. IMG - Internet Marketing Guru.

Many people, even when they've been trying to market on the Internet for years, when they read the descriptions for the above levels, realize that they're at the IMC or IMW level. If they remain at these levels, their chances of success are close to zero. Internet Marketing For Beginners & Professionals also indicates what Internet marketers need to do to advance to the next level.

For whatever area you want to achieve things in, you could define a number of levels of expertise similar to the above. It may help to consult a professional in the area. You can then see at what level you are and what you need to do to advance to the next level.

If the amount of learning and growing you need to do to succeed seems overwhelming, you break it down into manageable steps and do the steps one at a time.

What are You Clinging to that is Holding You Back?
I just received this e-mail:
>I apologize for not transferring the $85.00
>to your account sooner as agreed. I understand
>how that slows things for everyone and I must
>seem pretty flaky. I hope I have not lost the
>chance to participate or lost my position.
>I don't want to make excuses but just to give
>you a bit of insight into my situation. My
>wife makes much more than I do at her job
>and is very against me being involved with
>anything but a regular 9-5 job. She sees my
>efforts to succeed at something of my own as
>a waste of time and money so I have to be
>rather careful and do things when she is not
>around. Our work schedule gets in sync every
>20 days and we have two days off together and
>we spend that whole time together. This time
>happened to be this Sunday and Monday (the
>time I should have been sending the money
>and learning what to do next). I tried to
>get some privacy several times to do the
>transaction, but couldn't prevent her from
>looking over my shoulder and asking questions.
>I know she will enjoy spending the extra
>money once I build this thing but for now
>I will need to play this little game of
>keeping it a secret. I'm sure this all
>sounds pathetic but that's where I am right
>now and it won't change till I succeed at
>this. Reclaiming my personal power over
>my financial decisions will be a great
>motivation for succeeding.
>I hope that you will accept my apology
>and still be willing to work with me. I
>sent the $85.00 to your account a few
>moments ago... and will send the rest in
>the morning in the form of a money order.
>Thanks for your time and all you do.

This person will obviously benefit from Waking Up His Desire to Learn, Grow & Succeed. His "story" is also an indication of where he is -- his current situation -- the "helpless-baby level?"

Recognizing where you are now can help you pinpoint your next step.

It may be worthwhile for you to write "your own story" to help you recognize where you are.

Key question: What am I Clinging to that is Holding Me Back?

I suggest you sit down with pen and paper somewhere quiet where you won't be disturbed. Ask yourself, "What am I Clinging to that is Holding Me Back?" Write down all the answers that come up. If at any time later, more answers occur to you, write them down.

Just before going to sleep at night, ask yourself, "What am I Clinging to that is Holding Me Back?" If you wake up during the night or the next morning, write down whatever answers come up.

This powerful exercise may help you recognize where you are and what you need to do next.

What if You Feel Apathetic, Helpless, and/or Hopeless?
Study the following:

How to Deal with Self 1 Interference
In his "Inner Game" books, W. Timothy Gallwey makes a distinction between "Self 1" and "Self 2." Self 1 is an invented or alien self. Self 2 is your natural self. You can read more about this in #TL04C: The Ultimate Success Secret.

Your Self 1 may play a powerful role in preventing you from Waking Up Your Desire to Learn, Grow & Succeed. It may fill your mind with "chatter-messages" designed to stop you. One way to deal with this interference is to write down all such messages as they appear in your mind. In each case, thank your Self 1 for sending you a message. Write down an apposite opposite of the negative message. Example: Self 1 sends you, "This will never work!" Write down the message and thank Self 1 for sending it. Now write down the apposite opposite of the message, "This will work if I persist!" (Apposite = strikingly appropriate and relevant.)

Obstacles to Waking Up Your Desire to Learn, Grow & Succeed
Above, I have covered a number of obstacles to Waking Up Your Desire to Learn, Grow & Succeed.

Arrogance may be a big obstacle for some. This may apply to "David" (see Introduction, above). He may have "high general intelligence" coupled with some blind spots in certain areas and a "high dose of arrogance."

"Denial of selective ignorance" may be an important obstacle for some. If you're generally highly intelligent, you may deny that you have areas of ignorance. See also #TL03E: The Many Forms of Denial.

One or more "fixed ideas" may be holding you back -- see #TL03A: How to Discover and Release Fixed Ideas.

Fore some, "psychological inertia" may be a big obstacle -- see #TL03B: Apathy, Psychological Inertia & Success.

"Economic Correctness" may also be an important obstacle -- see HOW TO OVERCOME "ECONOMIC CORRECTNESS."

If any reader knows or thinks of additional obstacles to Waking Up the Desire to Learn, Grow & Succeed, please send an email with the details to Frederick Mann.

by Mike Goldstein

In Frederick Mann's report #TL030: Scarcity to Abundance; Poverty to Prosperity; Limited to Unlimited Thinking, I included an article pertaining to "identities and unwanted conditions" in people's lives. Since then, I have had a plethora of questions and comments on this writing. Unfortunately, certain common responses that people have to their unwanted conditions and identities only serve to bury them deeper in sorrow. I therefore thought it might be helpful to talk about some of these responses.

A common response to an unwanted condition is to BLAME others or the world around a person for one's misfortune. Such a response may seem perfectly reasonable since it is easy to "build a case" against things outside oneself that explain one's difficulties. One can also get much agreement from other people regarding this activity, since most people engage in it. Additionally, many popular therapies support this idea.

Blaming, as an explanation, may bring some minor, temporary relief, but never works to resolve the unwanted condition. And in the long run, such an activity only serves to make an individual more of the victim that they are already claiming to be!

So, let's take a look at some of the mechanics of "blame: "Bill made me angry!" How many times have we heard this scenario? The fact of the matter is that it's not true. It's not possible for Bill to MAKE you angry. Something "flowed" from Bill to you. Let's say he told you that you were an idiot. And your RESPONSE to what flowed from Bill to you was that you got angry. There are two SEPARATE things happening here. What flowed to you and your response. By lumping the two things together, you give Bill the credit for YOUR response. The "show" is now all HIS, and now you assume the role of victim.

Things do happen to us that we don't like. But instead of blaming, you might find that the following action may bring about relief and help you feel better:
(1) The truest thing that you can say is that what flowed to you, you did receive. In your mind, simply let the source of that flow know that you did receive it. But do this WITHOUT additives such as, "Thanks for ruining my life!" Without judgment, disapproval or anything else, just a courteous indication that the message was received. A simple, "I got that," will suffice.
(2) Then, notice the response you had to that flow. The truest thing you can say about your response is that you did have it. Simply take credit for the response. Once again, without additive or self-recrimination. Simply, "I did do that."

As was gone over in more detail in my previous article, people routinely shift in and out of various "identities." And sometimes, we find ourselves in identities that we don't care for. A common response to unwanted identities is to try to come up with a better identity to be when certain circumstances occur. Additionally, there is much support for this activity in various self-improvement systems. However, this response, at best, only serves to bring about a temporary solution. One is still left with the stuck, unwanted identity to automatically plague one at a later time. IDENICS is a facilitation that assists a person to resolve the automatic nature of unwanted identities. Trying to resolve these things on ones' own can be extremely difficult due to the nature of what one is working with. To be more specific, it's more due to the nature of what one is working FROM. In other words, what identity the person is in when trying to resolve things. The analogy of "not being able to see the forest through the trees" is very applicable. However, here are a few actions that might be of assistance in dealing with some unwanted identity:
(1) If you find that you have shifted into some unwanted identity, simply NOTICE that you did shift, and leave it at that. Don't go into why you did that or that you shouldn't have done it. Just notice that you shifted and that's it. Such an action may bring relief and prevent more upset. And, if each time you shift into that identity you just did the above, sooner or later that identity would probably come off of automatic.
(2) If you must explore this unwanted identity I suggest NOT asking yourself WHY you do that. Such a question almost never brings any relief. A much more effective question is "What is that identity SUPPOSED to accomplish?" I have found that this question provides a very worthwhile inspection that can provide some remarkable results.

Unwanted identities are initially assumed at times of confusion and do, in some way, resolve that confusion AT THAT TIME. Because of their apparent success, people tend to hold on to these identities and later shift into them automatically. Until properly inspected, these identities remain stuck. Coming up with "better" identities, as a solution is not a very viable activity.

You may also find the above actions useful in assisting another who is in need. Rather than giving the person advice or opinion you may discover it much more helpful to apply these techniques with that individual.


I hope that the above will be of some assistance to you. If you are interested in IDENICS you may call and schedule a free introductory telephone session that should provide an excellent introduction to what IDENICS can do for you. Feel free to call my toll-free number, 1-800-IDENICS (433-6427). If you are out of my calling area, you can reach me at 303-695-4940.


Following is a recent letter I received from a BuildFreedom reader who has done a couple of IDENICS sessions. I thought you might enjoy reading it:

"I first learned of Idenics years ago through Frederick Mann (BuildFreedom). This past week, after learning more about Idenics, I finally decided to give it a try. I was encouraged that Idenics could be delivered over the phone and that a free no-obligation, no hassle session was being offered.

I was amazed by the results. In just two phone sessions with Mike Goldstein totaling three and a half hours, I have gotten rid of (or handled) unwanted conditions I have been "struggling to get rid of" (and "thinking" about) for the last seven years.

With Mike's help, through his simple questioning, I only had to perform the easy task of "looking," instead of the difficult task of "thinking," to become a new me. And the amazing thing is, I have a deep sense that these unwanted conditions I have had are never coming back.

It has been over a week since my first session and a few days since my second and I have been working much more efficiently and I am now "in tune" with my family, friends, and co-workers.

Ever since the first minute after my first session, "Life" has put my "new being" to the test and my "new being" has delivered me the results I was hoping for!

I encourage you to give it a try. There is absolutely no pressure." -- T.M.

by Don Winfield [Don Winfield is one of the world's leading authorities on how society functions without governments by gun.]

Are you part of the 20% of Highly Effective Learners Who Are Part of the 10% Who Still Enjoy Learning?

Would You Like to Be?

Do you prize your critical thinking skills? Do you go out of your way to learn and to choreograph new skills into your life? Do you prize learning opportunities as one of the premier experiences in your life?

Have you watched any child who has not been to school yet? They love to learn. They enjoy taking responsibility to do things for themselves.

In one of the programs presented by Jay Abraham (Jay's programs run from $5,000 up to $35,000 for a hands-on learning experience on sales, marketing and business.), Chet Holmes ("change trainer" to many Fortune 500 companies), reveals their research on the number of people who take the time to learn without it being a requirement of their work. In studies of the number of adults who enjoy learning, the number is less than 10%.

How do we go from being a child who loves to learn everything to an adult who hates to learn anything?

According to research by John Taylor Gatto (John was New City Teacher of the Year for three years before being awarded New York State Teacher of the Year, the same year he was fired), the school system was designed to make people good factory employees with low thinking skills. In short, today's school system was designed to dumb us down. [Editor: See John Taylor Gatto.]

The creators of the modern American school system were: Andrew Carnegie (the steel baron), John D. Rockefeller (the duke of oil), Henry Ford (master of the assembly line which compounded steel and oil into a vehicular dynasty), J.P. Morgan (the king of capitalist finance), and Frederick W. Taylor (the brilliant efficiency expert, who inspired the entire "social efficiency" movement of the early twentieth century, along with providing the new Soviet Union its operating philosophy and doing the same job for Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany). See "The Makers of Modern Schooling."

Schools are also used as a propaganda opportunity to extoll the virtues of the state and its political scum.

In 1797, Andrew Bell, brought the system of Hindu schooling to America. The entire purpose of the Hindu schooling system was to preserve the caste system, where 95% of the population are used for menial labor. He praised it for its ability to make students quickly docile and as an effective impediment to learning, writing, ciphering and control of reading development.

In the late 1800s, Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie, John Rockefeller, and other industrialists became concerned that educated people would not be satisfied to stay on assembly lines. Whether from their personal interests or in a misguided belief in the efficiency of central planning, they funded a team to seek out and discover the best systems to limit the natural abilities of the eager young minds soon to be pushed into the "free (we pay for it; politicians control it; the press calls this "free") school system.

Prussia was at that time the land of the professional soldier. Prussia had succeeded in creating the best cannon fodder in the world. Their young men would follow orders no matter how stupid or suicidal. This really excited the central planning power freaks.

Schools are to be like factories...

"In which raw products, children, are to be shaped and formed into finished products... manufactured like nails, and the specifications for manufacturing will come from government and industry." -- Elwood P. Cubberly, 1905 (Dean of the School of Education, Stanford University)

"In our dreams... people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hands. We shall not try to make these people or any of their children into philosophers or men of learning or men of science. We will not raise up from among them authors, educators, poets, or men of letters. We shall not search for embryo artists, painters, musicians, nor lawyers, doctors, preachers, politicians, statesmen, of whom we have ample supply. The task we set before ourselves is very simple... we will organize children... and teach them to do in a perfect way the things their fathers and mothers are doing in an imperfect way..." -- Rockefeller's General Education Board Occasional Letter Number One (1906)

"We want one class to have a liberal education. We want another class, a very much larger class of necessity, to forego the privilege of a liberal education and fit themselves to perform specific difficult manual tasks." -- Woodrow Wilson

"Plans are underway to replace community, family and church with propaganda, education, and mass media... the state shakes loose from Church, reaches out to School... People are only little plastic lumps of human." -- Social Control, 1906; Edward A. Ross, University of Wisconsin Sociologist, trained in Germany

If you study much about learning, one of the first things you notice, is that saturation and immersion into a topic until you choose to rest your mind or change your focus is one of the best ways to learn. Normally, it takes you a certain amount of time to get up to speed in whatever you are doing.

If you jump from subject to subject, you never give yourself the opportunity to get up to any levels of efficiency. You are still learning, but, it is like bicycling up a hill versus gliding down one. Which is easier and covers the most distance faster? If all bicycling was uphill, how many people would quickly grow tired of it?

Brrring!!! In schools, the thought process is deliberately interrupted (brrring!!!) to destroy the ability to concentrate (brrring!!!), handicap the learning ability (brrring!!!), and create bad habits for life. Brrring!!!

When children start in school, their natural love of learning is systematically destroyed. Brrring!!! Many of the central planning aristocrazies believe this un-American hate of learning is a natural state and only through their superior thinking can society move forward. Brrring!!! Can you think of any other reason why so many children of all ages and levels of society begin to hate to learn? Brrring!!! Can you think of any other reason why so many adults hate to learn today? Brrring!!!

That stupid bell represents the destructive force of the government brainwashing system. It is not the only tool used to destroy thinking ability. The school system promotes one right answer in a world where multiple answers not only are the answer; but, the adherence to one right answer destroys creativity, abundance, opportunity and progress. The school system teaches theories as facts. You are taught not to question authority. And you are taught that your politicians and bureaucrazies represent... the light, the truth and the way.

Memorization is pushed while the connections between events are ignored or twisted to show the glory of the state.

When I left school, I would not read a nonfiction book. I assumed that all nonfiction books were as bad as what I had suffered through in school. I was about 30 years old before I began to read nonfiction, again. A friend persuaded me to read Dale Carnegie's 'How to Win Friends and Influence People.' I was flabbergasted. I did not know a book could be nonfiction and enjoyable.

I don't remember what convinced me to start the book. This story stands out in my memory. I may have found it glancing through the book and been wonder-struck with its wisdom, simplicity and humor.

And Dale Carnegie said, "Personally, I am very fond of strawberries and cream; but I have found for some strange reason fish prefer worms."

I have probably averaged one nonfiction book per week for the last twenty years. I read books on science, business, neurolinguistic programming, linguistics, self-help, creativity, economics, advertising, marketing, war, history, strategy and tactics... and there are excellent and entertaining books written on all of these subjects.

I have been trying to find my source for the following statistics. Unfortunately, I did not make notes at the time. I have not been able to verify these statistics on the Internet. Therefore, assume I could be wrong. Things could be better or worse.

The school system is a success. It fulfills its purpose. It destroys independence of thought, self-reliance, and the love of learning.

Most people do not understand the purpose of the school system. Once you understand it, your conditioning will still make you root for your child or other children to make good grades. Their success in school is an indication of the success of the conditioning process. Yet, we have been sufficiently conditioned that we are mightily pulled to want their scholastic success; just watch your feelings when the subject of grades for the children you care for comes up.

In the early days of schools in America, you could not attend until you knew how to read, write and handle arithmetic.

Win Wemger is an internationally known expert on creativity, co-author with Richard Poe of 'The Einstein Factor' and author of many books on learning, teaching and creativity. He heads up the Strategic Accelerated Learning and Teaching Project. The SALT Project is creating an encyclopedia of accelerated teaching and learning techniques from around the world. One of the questions I have asked John Taylor Gatto and Win Wenger is how long it would take to learn the basic skills taught in school. Both believe that all of the necessary skills taught in school can be learned in under 100 hours.

Let's see. That means that a student could learn all of the basic skills in less time than it takes them to be bussed to and from school in one year. That seems about right. The rest of the time is spent destroying their love of learning and molding them into obedient, unquestioning citizens for the good of the government family dynasties and whoever they steal for to remain in office.

Now, how do you know if you have blind spots and how do you overcome them?

Start with the assumption: you have blind spots. You won't be wrong. Next, add the assumption; everyone has blind spots. You are still batting a thousand.

Now, add to your awareness: If you are aware you have blind spots which can effect your thinking in ways you are not aware of, then you can safely accept the possibility that you may be wrong on just about anything. This understanding of your fallibility can help keep you from many of the psychotic-like behaviors of true believers.

It makes no difference what you are a true believer about. It can be about anything from the superiority of Dr. Pepper over Coke, to your religion, to your country, to the fiscal soundness of social security, to the fortune you are going to make in bank debentures.

You can choose to be an educated believer rather than an unquestioning believer.

You and I have been manipulated and are being manipulated by forces we are not even consciously aware of.

Here are some easy tools to use to reduce the ability of others to manipulate you.

Love of learning with an open and questioning mind is the nemesis of the school system, the aristocrazy political dynasties, the public feeding trough, the mega-corporations and any structure dependent on unquestioning obedience to authority.

1. Learn from the following alternative education and self directed learning resources:

2. Tell yourself everyday for thirty days: "I have prejudices and conditioned responses I am not aware of; therefore, I accept the possibility that I and the entire society can be wrong."... Or put another way, "Question Authority!"

The world is flat.
Rockets cannot work in space.
The sun revolves around the earth.
Heavier than air flight is impossible.
Wars are good for the economy.

You might want to remember this quote by Andrew J. Galambos: "Almost everything that almost everyone believes is wrong." It's a mind bender and eye opener. Write it down and look at it once a day for a month. If you watch the news or read newspapers, notice all of the assumptions treated as facts.

3. When introduced to new information: Listen as if it is true. After listening in that frame of mind; then, you may go back and compare what you have been offered with your previous experience. Keep in mind, you may have programming and conditioning in place that have a strong influence on your ability to think objectively.

Question the information. Question your assumptions. Question your conclusions. Find the humor. Humor helps.

Happy questioning!

Further Reading

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