by Mike Goldstein
(Excerpt from WealthBooster Magazine -- Issue #199 -- December 19, 2003)
In a recent discussion I had with Frederick Mann about people who are unsuccessful in making money with on-line programs, two major things struck me:
(1) The first, and most obvious thing is why persons who follow and implement Frederick's recommendations are so much more successful, than those who don't. [FM: There are no doubt some who deceive themselves that they're following my recommendations when they're not. For example, they join a program, but risk too big a portion of their capital in it -- "gambler's ruin!" Or they join a program, but don't follow the strategy I recommend for that program.]
Education in successful actions and methods is imperative for success in any field of endeavor. People without such education tend to flounder around, making so many mistakes and accumulating so many failures that they soon just give up, usually blaming their failure on numerous reasons other than the real one -- that they just didn't know what they were doing. Such unsuccessful individuals tend to attribute success to luck rather than to gaining knowledge and skills, persistence, and hard work.
Frederick has written volumes on the successful actions that enabled him to build his wealth. [FM: See BigBooster and its links.] Most of those who study, learn, and APPLY these actions have also reaped the benefits of success. But what about those people who have read the writings, get involved with his successful programs, and still fall on their faces? [FM: Generally, the programs I promote range from high risk to very high risk. Many of them eventually fail. If you follow my recommendations you succeed in making money even with most of the programs that fail.]
(2) The second thing that struck me in our discussion is less obvious, more subtle. Why do people who have successful actions laid out for them still fail? At first glance, they may have read and even studied the successful methodology but probably didn't properly learn it or are unable to apply it. There's an entire "substructure" of Frederick's writings, beyond the simple successful actions, that deals with "debugging" people's problems with learning and applying the information. But this additional education, too, has failed to assist some people, who continue to fail...
In these cases, all the best attempts at education seem to fall on proverbial "deaf ears"... because we are dealing with something beyond education, more basic than education: the personal barriers of the individual.
An Individual's Personal Barriers
These internal barriers form a very complex trap, which individuals unknowingly spring on themselves. Since every person is different, the barriers and reasons for these barriers vary from person to person. Additionally, once entrapped by these barriers, you're unable to see them, or to figure out how to get out of them. And all the education in the world will not break down these individual barriers. Self-improvement services are usually not specific enough to be effective. Most therapists try to "talk you out of" your personal barriers. And as my mentor used to say, "trying to talk someone out of their personal barriers is like going to a movie, watching the film to the end, then watching it again and this time trying to talk it into coming out differently." Good luck! Like a movie, these barriers that you've been carrying around with you just run, automatically.
So what's the solution? We've now entered my field of expertise, IDENICS.
IDENICS and the Resolution of Your Personal Barriers
Idenics is a methodology that successfully addresses an individual's personal barriers. In Idenics I don't try to educate you out of your personal barriers. It's not like self-improvement or therapy, as we know these subjects. I don't have any answers or even any preconceived agenda for a person. The application of Idenics is a one-to-one approach that is completely nonjudgmental and non-evaluative in its application. Idenics helps you to access the true roots of your personal barriers and thereby YOU can eliminate them.
It is through such Idenics sessions that Frederick Mann was able to resolve his own barriers to success, and go forward to achieve his notable accomplishments. The reasons for and resolution of your personal barriers are never "out there," but always WITHIN YOU.
Frederick Mann has published much on Idenics over the years. If what I've said about personal barriers rings true for you, I urge you to read what Frederick has published about Idenics. [FM: do AltaVista searches for " Idenics"] Or "Google" the web and see what others are saying about Idenics. You can also go to my Idenics website and check out the information there, e-mail me from the site, or call and talk to me personally. You can reach me toll-free at 1-800-IDENICS (433-6427) or, if out of my calling area, call 303-695-4940.
Additionally, you can schedule and receive a free introductory Idenics telephone session so you can see how the service works for you before deciding to purchase it.
Success is achievable. There are plenty of tools to assist you in your quest. And if your own personal barriers get in the way of learning and applying these tools, then effective assistance is available to identify and eliminate the barriers that have been holding you back.
[FM: It seems to me that if your personal barriers -- as in the case of the "9/28/03 poster" -- trap you in a "loser cycle," the effect might be that, as you get older, you become regressively less and less capable of success. Don't let your personal barriers do this to you!]
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