by Frederick Mann
(Excerpt from WealthBooster Magazine -- Issue #200 -- December 20, 2003)
In WealthBooster Magazine -- Issue #199 -- December 19, 2003 I wrote:
Comshares and Success!
... I've sponsored 657 people into Comshares. From the downline information available to me, and interactions with my referrals, it seems that that fewer than 30 of my referrals are applying the complete strategy necessary for best results. That's fewer than 5%!
On 9/23/08, on a discussion list, I found the following post:
"If it was real trading they would not play with these referral fees and would tell in advance what trades they plan to do! I'm sure 110% this IS a Big PONZI! All the ingredients are present! I bet they never did a single trade! They're similar to Ez-Bucks etc... they'll pay a few peanuts to keep new spending pigeons coming in and one of these days... POOF! Gone! I stayed 2 days in that trap and asked for a refund of my 200 euros, they gave me my money back but of course took their 25% punishment fee! Ridiculous!"... It seems to me that some people trying to make money on the Internet may be stuck in a "loser cycle." They get into a program, They don't study the website and other available materials and/or don't apply them. They fail with the program. They make irrational conclusions and blame others and factors outside themselves. After each failed attempt to make money they may become more irrational and emotional and less responsible... Possibly less capable of making money with the next program they join...
Does this shed some light on why fewer than 5% of my referrals are doing the simple things necessary for success?
This morning I received an email from "DL" in response to my "Comshares and Success!" It's a very important email because it reflects the level at which the author typically operates. Many subscribers may operate at more or less the same level. For anyone who operates at a similar level, failure is virtually guaranteed.
If you personally haven't been successful at making money on the Internet, then you may want to consider the possibility that you've been operating at a level similar to that of DL. Maybe you can use DL's email as a mirror to discover your own habitual level:
"OK so far with regard to ComShares. But what about your recommendations about FutureBussines, BRideby and many others up to StockGeneration? What you do not talk about is the thousands of people like myself who lost substantial amounts of money. In the 3 examples above alone that you recommended I lost more than 90% of my money.TurnKeyPC seems to be the next scam. At the end of October I wire transfered $271 for 2 months of membership. Until now they are not able to trace back my funds. I let my bank trace funds and they confirmed that the money was received November 3rd. This tracing back fo funds costs me another $26. TurnKeyPC is still searching the money... "bar none the best deal on the net."
Nevertheless, Frederick, I know that you are earning thousands and tens of thousands $$$ every month. Life can be very comfortable as long as you find followers and dreamers like me. But, frankly, wouldn't it make more sense and give you more fulfillment to promote something that would make those dammed little losers happy? As for me, I rather prefer to continue to work in a factory than piling up masses of unhappy people every month. I couldn't handle such a burden. Can you?" -- DL
DL, I suggest you read "Comshares and Success!" and "The Success and Limitations of Education" again. Do yourself a favor and reread them several times. Each time ask yourself, what you might have missed the last time you read them.
Realize that your ability to make good decisions may be at about the same level as that of the "9/28/03 poster". See #TL03G: How to Make Great Decisions
You can also ask yourself:
Find out about RESPONSIBILITY. See 'Do It - Part Five' and TL10: Escape From Helplessness and Move up to Power.
It's possible that you're trapped in personal barriers that effectively prevent you from LEARNING WHAT YOU NEED TO from the materials referenced above, and the articles at BigBooster, Build Freedom, etc. If this is the case, consider contacting Mike Goldstein.
DL, during the past 5 years, in what ways have you improved your ability to make money on the Internet? Or have you perhaps gotten regressively worse?
I also received this (possibly sarcastic) email:
"I've read your interesting update on ComShares. I just wonder how can I earn 30%+ on my investment as you say, because I put in 1 euro 120 days ago and so far the active balance in my account is: 0.5860 Euro. I must be doing something wrong." -- JO
JO, you are doing several things horribly wrong. Among other things, you've been in ComShares for 120 days without studying their website to find out how the program works. You're among the 95% who don't read and apply proper strategy. Read the update again (multiple times if necessary), learn from it, and attempt to apply it. If you're unable to do that, consider giving Mike Goldstein a call.
People who habitually operate at a disadvantage often grossly and dramatically underestimate their disadvantages. JO, this may apply to you -- see: #TL10E: The Power Of Doing Things Right.
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