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Hypericum & Depression

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Prelude Press
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© Copyright 1996 by
Harold H. Bloomfield, M.D.
and Peter McWilliams

Feel free to copy portions of this book and send the copies to your friends (or anonymously to your boss). Information is meant to be shared. But please do not sell what you copy from this book -- you do not have that copy right.

Editor: Jean Sedillos
ISBN: 0-931580-38-2

The Small Type (Our lawyers insist)

This book is not intended as a practical guide for self-mediation. A reliable diagnosis can be made only by a physician and that is why professional advice should always be sought before dosing yourself, or anyone else, with herbs. It is strongly recommended that a doctor's advice is sought before administration for any medical problem. Only in this way can you safely make use of the beneficial effects of hypericum.

This book is dedicated

to Mother Nature
for the gift of hypericum,

to medical science
for confirming hypericum's antidepressant benefits,

and to you, dear reader,
with appreciation and respect.

Copyright © 1996 by Harold H. Bloomfield, M.D. and Peter McWilliams

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