LIFEPOWER: Natural Development of Choice
LIFEPOWER is a personal philosophy based on the idea that each individual is a fundamental deciding unit. For this idea to be considered in a meaningful way, it must be integrated with the idea that individuals come from and depend on their environment. Philosophies of individualism and collectivism often emphasize one side or the other, without realizing the dependence each point of view has on the other.
Collectives need productive individuals, and individuals need the support of collectives to survive and prosper. The key to maximizing this relationship is VOLUNTARY CHOICE based on MUTUAL ADVANTAGE.
LIFEPOWER means that individuals prosper most when they take responsibility for their own lives, and treat others with the respect they would like to receive themselves. This is done not from the weakness of self-sacrifice, but from the strength of self interest. The honest recognition of inherent selfishness is necessary to achieve the best in personal relationships, career choices and the pursuit of happiness. Ironically (to some), society is much better off when people embrace their own self interest without the destructive baggage of collective guilt.
Ignoring the importance of other individuals and the environment on which they depend is often a limiting factor in ideas that emphasize the individual as supreme. While the individual's own biased, selfish view of the world may be supreme in his/her eyes, too much emphasis on this can lead to narcissism and other self-destructive behaviors. While the LIFEPOWER philosophy emphasizes the power of each individual to choose actions based on rational self interest, it recognizes the importance of the environment in which individuals are nurtured and grow.
In short, individuals depend on their environment, suggesting respect, awe and humility. Collectives are created and supported by individuals, suggesting appreciation and mutual benefit. When individuals forget the importance of their environment, or when collectives forget their dependence on their members, tension, imbalance and conflict often result.
This choice is the essence of LIFEPOWER.
The goals of LIFEPOWER are:
Welcome To My World. Fasten your seat belt, and be prepared to follow your dreams, cherish your friends and forgive your enemies (to free up energy you didn't know you had).
Join me on a journey to discover the awesome power of individual choice, creative expression and a life without guilt, subservience or apology to those who would control or limit it. The POWER of LIFE is at your command. CHOICE is your greatest tool. And the world is at your feet.
I am an engineer, writer, publisher, businessman, dog trainer and philosopher. I seek a better understanding of the universe from which I came, and to which I may have to return someday. I have been an Air Force Officer (top secret clearance), orbital analyst, consulting engineer, expert witness, businessman, political candidate, professional (part-time) banjo player and will always be a student of life. I have sold over a million dollars worth of information and advice.
I prefer to be called by my middle name (Craig), and sometimes write provocative political philosophy under the pen name, "Paine's Torch." This stems from my deep admiration of Thomas Paine, an offensive firebrand who almost single-handedly changed a tax revolt into the most important social revolution of mankind.
I am interested in history, philosophy, science, technology, health, freedom and the internet (which integrates all these subjects). I plan to live at least 100 years, through nutrition and other lifestyle choices. Within the next three decades or so, I expect genetic engineering and nanotechnology to conquer the disease of aging. I am fascinated by the human mind, and wonder how I fit into this awesome thing we call the universe.
I look forward to the integration of: 1) biology and physics, 2) science and spirituality and 3) reason and intuitive thinking. I am currently pursuing the mind/body integration of Tai Chi (ancient Chinese form of moving meditation), as well as a doctor-supervised life extension program of diet, blood testing and nutritional supplements.
I am a senior fellow in water policy at the Independence Institute, a Colorado free market think tank. You can see my 2002 issue paper about Colorado water rights on the institute's website (
I admire Epictetus, Zeno, Scipio Africanus, Baruch Spinoza, John Locke, Isaac Newton, Thomas Paine, Frederick Douglass, Nikola Tesla, Lysander Spooner, Rose Wilder Lane, Phil Zimmerman (inventor of PGP encryption software) and other honest, productive and courageous souls who didn't compromise their individuality for the comfortable stupor of mass conformity and obedience.
The traits I admire most in people are courage and independent thinking.
Jerry Emanuelson's 70-page Life Extension Manual (MOST highly recommended!)
Software For the Brain (Brain Freebie - ALSO highly recommended!)
TAI CHI - elegant "moving meditation" (as a health ballet)
TAI CHI - the most deadly martial art (a more complete version of the art)
BODYSPEAK (tm) - integrated thinking through creative movement
"Virus of the Mind" (current book on memetics)
Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) (programming your brain for achievement)
"The Nature of Government" Most PROFOUND Essay On The Subject
World's Smallest Political Quiz (Advocates for Self Government)
My Tracking Dog Training Articles (Basset Hound Club of America)
DigitaLiberty (freedom in cyberspace)
Thu Jun 27 13:52:09 1996
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