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Neo-Tech Reading Guide

This is a guide to our online Neo-Tech resources -- what to read first, how to read it, etc.


Neo-Tech is a practical philosophical system based on the bold idea that an honest, modern individual can be in close-to-full control of his future, prosperity and happiness. This is regardless of what other people think of him or her, and how they wish to harm or hinder him or her.

Neo-Tech is a way to eliminate certain personal negatives. It exposes so-called "mysticism", which is the irrational belief that man-created "realities" can replace the objective, common reality of existence. It demonstrates how many people manipulate such mind-created "realities" to control other people, and how Neo-Tech can be the silver bullet for becoming immune to all of them.

With Neo-Tech you can throw away all the unnecessary guilt and live happily, while fully growing every day, and becoming better and better at what you do.

The purpose of this guide is to help you make sense of the online Neo-Tech resources, and how to read them.

How to Read?

While reading Neo-Tech, please note:

  1. You may find the writing style awkward. Don't let the writing style prevent you from gaining the maximum from the Neo-Tech writings.

  2. You can read Neo-Tech in two basic ways: (a) To get the maximum understanding and benefit from it; (b) Asking: "Do parts of the Neo-Tech writings constitute an advanced form of neocheating?" For example, in Neo-Tech you'll find the phrase "fully integrated honesty." Most people, when they read such a "high-level abstraction," automatically and subconsciously "fill in" their own referent without realizing it. The "referent" is what a word or phrase stands for or represents. In the case of the word "chair" you can point to a physical chair as the referent for the word "chair." Note that providing a definition for a word doesn't necessarily establish that the word stands for anything. (Assuming that a word has a referent (stands for something) just because many people use the word, is called "hypostatization.") Consider the possibility that "fully integrated honesty" is a trick Neo-Tech authors use to prevent readers from realizing that they're being deceived. If a statement is honest, what does the "fully integrated" add to the honesty? Does it make the statement somehow "more honest?" In the case of "collapsing mysticism" -- another favorite Neo-Tech phrase -- you can ask: "How does mysticism look before it collapses, and how is it different after it has collapsed?" In general, whenever you come across a claim -- such as "Neo-Tech enables you to become a winning blackjack player" -- you can ask: "Exactly how?" If you consistently ask "how" you may identify some shortcomings of Neo-Tech.

  3. Some words that are defined in the "Neo-Tech Orientation and Definitions" are used in different ways than the general custom.

  4. Some things Neo-Tech has to say may sound fantastic, unbelievable, or completely false. However, be open-minded and give them a chance. If you reflect on them, and you do your own research, you may find that they're valid.

What to Read?

The first thing you should read is Neo-Tech Orientation and Definitions. Then you should read What is Neo-Tech? and Interview with Neo-Tech's Dr. Wallace. Then you should read Neocheating: The Rising Menace. After the above, you should read the Neo-Tech Advantages.

Note: You should read the advantages in order, cover to cover, and not skip to the middle. Skipping will cause you to either not understand what is going on there, or to have false ideas about it. After you have fully read them, you may need time to digest them. Preaching about them is not a good idea, because they are not meant to be preached. Instead, they are meant to be practiced.

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