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Using Triggers Using Rest-Illumination Be More Innovative and Creative Ways to Be Innovative and Creative

Norm Edmund's Advice on

How to Be More Innovative and Creative

  1. Be a perpetual innovator - someone who seeks out, adapts and implements ideas - new or old. Actively look for ideas by reading, skiping, skimming through many periodicals, books, reports, catalogs, the internet, etc. Also:

Experiment Brainstorm Attend conferences & exhibits
Search files Have discussions Use computer idea programs
Travel Sense felt needs Browse through stores, etc.

  1. Change your behavior and self-image - Be progressive, develop necessary attributes and motivation. Develop a love for new ideas, new things, new ways, new technologies, new systems. Put your ideas in writing.

  2. Take action! Have the courage and self-confidence to be an innovator. Dare to be different! Failure will occur - but we learn from our mistakes. Emotions can aid creativity - control stress. Be persistent.

  3. Welcome change and challenge of problems - be open-minded, flexible.

  4. Apply ideas to every facet of your life - in your personal affairs, career, school, business - everywhere. Always ask: In what alternative and better ways can it be done? Generate innovative and creative solutions, ideas, concepts, and theories. Develop a sense of humor. Be sensitive to opportunities. Use checklists.

  5. Study innovation, change and creativity as well as how to win idea acceptance. Educate yourself. Take any courses available. Develop a passion for your problem. Learn to be a good team member, leader, and perpetual innovator.

  6. Be curious and observant. Develop a spirit of inquiry. This is the way to originate problems. Practice using the complete method of creative problem solving. Avoid constraints on your thinking. Spot key factors.

  7. Ask What? Why? Which? Where? When? Who? How? If? Constantly reflect on all aspects of your problems. Don't pre-judge ideas too soon. Don't let your ego stop you from saying, "I goofed!"

  8. Develop your reflective thinking ability and thinking skills. Daydream about your problem. Jump back and forth among logical, critical, judicial, imaginative, and wild thinking. Improve through study and practice.

  9. Build your knowledge and intuition base through reading and other activities. Keep neat files. Learn how to research, to visualize.

  10. With a loaded mind, use triggers to stimulate ideas, insight, and illumination. Utilize activities listed in #1 above to trigger your storehouse of memories and connect with what you read, hear, see, or think, thereby producing ideas by gradual insight or illumination. Be sensitive to opportunities.

  11. Load your mind with data, basic principles, theories, and concepts about your problem - REST - then be sure to start thinking of your problem again. Gradual insight or a leap of the imagination may occur.

Copyright © 2000, Norman W. Edmund - All Rights Reserved

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