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Frequently Asked Questions About Freedom Engineering

Compiled by Frederick Mann

What is a Freedom Engineer?

A freedom engineer is someone who applies formulas to expand his or her personal freedom as well as freedom generally. Freedom engineers constantly attempt to improve the formulas on which their actions are based. They also look for new and better formulas. Freedom engineers seek to "build freedom" by applying formulas they constantly improve.

What kinds of "formulas" are you talking about?

One example could be: "Consider your personal freedom first." Another could be: "Look for ways to promote freedom that are personally profitable." Also: "Look for actions that provide the best reward/risk ratio." We could even identify a mode of thinking called "formula thinking." You try to make as many of the formulas on which you base your actions as explicit as possible. Then you try to improve these formulas. You're also on the constant lookout for superior formulas. In The Will to Power Friedrich Nietzsche said: "The most valuable insights are arrived at last; but the most valuable insights are methods." A method is basically how you do something. That's what I mean by formula. So, formulas are the most valuable insights.

I've been living essentially free from most forms of political coercion for more than 25 years. I have formulas for organizing my life and affairs so "big beast agents" seldom bother me and I hardly ever have to deal with them. I also have formulas for dealing with "big beast agents" on the rare occasions that they do bother me, so they quickly leave me alone. I have formulas that enable me to make money in ways effectively invisible to "big beast agents."

I have formulas for many areas: superhealth, marketing, attracting visitors to a website, playing chess, etc., etc. I try to make my formulas explicit so I know why I do what I do. If something doesn't work well enough for my liking, I look to improve my formulas in that area, or I look for new and better formulas. (My formulation of freedom engineering is an attempt to create some even better formulas than I've been using previously.)

If you watch the game show Wheel of Fortune carefully, you'll notice that most players don't aim when they spin the wheel. They just give it a random spin. They don't think in terms of aiming to land on $1,000, $2,500, $3,500, or $5,000. They don't choose the biggest sector of the wheel between "Bankrupt" and "Lose a turn" and aim to land there. Some shout "big money!" when they spin without aiming. Shouting "big money!" is their formula. A superior formula would be to aim with every spin and to make a cognitive connection between the force applied to the wheel and how far it turns. A few players do aim, but it seems that for most players it doesn't even occur that they can aim. Many people, in some areas of life, live without deliberate aim and without conscious formulas.

What are the best freedom formulas?"

It would be a mistake to claim that any set of formulas is the best. "Different horses for different courses!" Each freedom engineer's situation is unique. There are many paths to freedom. It's up to each freedom engineer to choose his or her own path and to constantly improve it. See 'Which Path to Freedom?' by Sunni Maravillosa.

How do you improve your freedom formulas?"

The first step is to make them explicit. Write down what formulas you're applying. Then you examine the results produced as a result of your formulas. If the results are unsatisfactory, you need to improve your formulas and/or find better ones. You can also study what others are doing that works and attempt to infer what formulas they're applying. You may be able to learn from this. In general, you apply your mind to improving your formulas.

You can also start by asking, "What do I want to achieve?"; "What formulas do I need to apply to achieve that?"; "What are the best ways to progress toward my goals?"; "What actions can I take that will make my next steps easier?"; "What should be the sequence of steps I take?"; etc.

Formulas can always be improved and new, better formulas can always be found. There's no limit to the formulas freedom engineers can apply to build freedom.

What do you mean by "build freedom?"

One level of building freedom involves taking steps that increase the range of options available to you, and that improve the quality of those options. Imagine that you're often in situations where you have to choose between two or more negatives, where you have to choose the "least evil" -- for example you either have to pay 30% income tax or be subjected to persecution or even prosecution by the tax man. If you often find yourself having to choose between "lesser evils," it may be an indication that you need better formulas.

There are all kinds of formulas you can apply so most of your choices are between positive and more positive options. The steps you take may involve personal growth and development, acquiring knowledge and skills, becoming financially stronger so you don't have to be trapped in some "job" (just over broke!), etc., etc. So you build your own freedom. This may involve reorganizing your life and affairs, particularly how you earn the wherewithal to survive and thrive.

Another level of building freedom is to play a role in creating institutions that make it easier for others to expand their freedom. For example, Anthony L. Hargis & Co. provides certain banking services that make it easier to live free. Creating more such institutions, strengthening and expanding them, or just persuading more people to use them serves to build freedom. (Other freedom institutions are discussed below.)

Educating the general public about freedom tends to build freedom in the long run. Helping to expand the activities of organizations that promote freedom achieves the same end. This is a most important long-term aspect of building freedom.

Nevertheless, I recommend that freedom engineers focus on building their own freedom first, and the freedom of others second. One reason for this is that you can quickly reap the benefits of greater freedom without having to wait for others around you and their coercive political system to change. Another reason is that once you build your own freedom to the extent that you're financially independent, you no longer have to work at "jobs" making others rich and you have much more time and resources available to educate and help others.

What do you mean by "financial independence" and how can Freedom Engineers achieve it?

By "financial independence" I mean that you develop your income-generating means (formulas) and you build your finances to the point that you don't need a "job" or "career" to earn your living. You've developed one or more income streams that are more or less automatic. My "Liberty Money Machine" concept is a formula for achieving financial independence.

Many people operate on the formula: "I work for money." A more powerful formula is: "My money works for me." And an even more powerful formula: "I have other people's money work for me".

BigBooster is an example of how freedom engineers can make money. It also involves people, for whom freedom isn't an important issue, to effectively help freedom engineers make money and build freedom. There's an extraordinary wealth of freedom resources available to freedom engineers for building freedom.

There are no limits to the ways freedom engineers can make money. As an example, a freedom engineer could set up an adult pornography site operating out of a tax haven. The porno site could contain material promoting sexual and other freedoms, and links to leading freedom sites. The porno site could also be linked to a site similar to BigBooster. This overall formula could become phenomenally profitable and promote freedom as well.

There's a growing number of companies (owned and operated by freedom engineers, even if they don't think of themselves as such) that provide freedom-building services and products. These companies may be able to considerably expand their business by listing themselves in the Freedom Engineering Network.

Some of these companies have affiliate programs, so freedom engineers can make money by promoting these companies on their websites.

You can also set up your own business to provide freedom-building goods and services yourself. There really are no limits to what freedom engineers can build, particularly when they become more aware of all the freedom resources available to them.

What are these "freedom resources" and how can I utilize them?

There are millions of freedom lovers in the world. Each of their minds is a potential freedom resource. Their knowledge and skills (formulas) are potential freedom resources. Their time and energy are potential freedom resources. Their money and assets are potential freedom resources.

Unfortunately, "the system" is organized so that many of these freedom lovers see no choice, but to work for corporations "in the system," to deposit their money in banks "in the system," etc. The result is that a large portion of their resources support "the system," that is, further slavery. Freedom engineers seek ways to provide practical alternatives so freedom lovers can devote more of their resources, or at least utilize them, in ways that build freedom.

One of the most important general formulas is for freedom lovers to become self-employed. Instead of being an employee, you may be able to work as a contractor. See 'Liberty Leasing: A Modest Proposal for Freedom in Our Time' by L. Reichard White. One way of achieving the results envisaged in 'Liberty Leasing' is by utilizing American Contracting Services.

I've already mentioned Anthony L. Hargis & Co. as providing certain banking services. Other related examples: e-gold, NORFED (silver).

Freedom engineers shift their economic activities and resources, as far as possible, from supporting "the system" (slavery) to building freedom. They also assist others to do the same. Freedom institutions make this shift easier.

There's another whole level of potential freedom resources that's very important. There are billions of people for whom freedom isn't a major issue. Practically all of them have unsatisfied needs and wants. They want to be healthier, make more money, etc. A freedom engineer can find ways to help these people satisfy some of their needs and wants in ways that result in some of their economic activities and resources shifting toward building freedom.

What tools do I need to become a Freedom Engineer?

You need your mind, probably an Internet connection, and the courage to learn and apply some new formulas. You may have to clear some anti-formulas from your mind (negative formulas that inhibit your freedom). You need to be willing to question your current formulas and improve them, or replace some of them with new, better formulas. You may need to spend considerable time and effort acquiring new knowledge and skills. You may need to take some risks that were previously unacceptable. (You may need to improve your ability to analyze and evaluate potential risks and rewards.) You may need to step out of your "comfort zone." You may need to do things of which your family and friends don't approve.

Is Freedom Engineering illegal?

I would never advise anyone to break any law. Having said that, what's "legal" and "illegal" is often a matter of interpretation. What's "legal" today might be "illegal" tomorrow, and vice versa. What's "illegal" in one part of the world may be "legal" in another part. Then there's the question of whether a particular "law" itself is "legal" or not. Even judges don't always agree on what's "legal" and what's "illegal."

The important thing (formula) for freedom engineers is to not violate the rights of others, to not initiate fraud, force, or threat of force against others or their property.

There are formulas for seizing your freedom and "living free in an unfree world" that minimize your risk of getting into "legal" trouble. See also The Ten Core Concepts of Freedom Technology.

If I became a Freedom Engineer, what would I understand better; what would I do better and why; what other benefits would I gain?

Depending on the extent to which you get involved as an active learner and participant, you're likely to gain a much deeper understanding of the underlying nature of coercive political systems and what can be done about them. Many new options, you may not find out about otherwise, are likely to become available to you. You'll gain a better understanding of many things you can do to expand you personal freedom. By interacting with others on the Freedom Engineering Forum, you'll most likely improve the effectiveness and efficiency of most of your freedom-promoting activities.

By focusing on including as many freedom resources as possible that may be available to you, and applying better formulas for utilizing these resources, chances are you'll become better at doing things or taking actions that expand freedom generally and also benefit you personally, so you'll be less prone to burnout and more likely to sustain, improve, and expand your actions.

Because better formulas can always be applied to any area of life, there are no limits to the benefits you can gain, including better health, longer life, higher quality of life, increased wealth, more time to spend on promoting freedom... you name it!

You can also list yourself and/or your business in the Freedom Engineering Network free of charge. If you're in business providing products or services to freedom lovers, this may generate additional customers for you. If you're interested in some kind of freedom project and interested in linking up with others who share your interest, the Freedom Engineering Network may help here also.

What is the "Freedom Engineering Forum?"

The Freedom Engineering Forum is a private, "by invitation only" forum.

The forum is a place where freedom engineers can discuss any issues related to freedom engineering. To familiarize yourself with the basic ideas and themes of the forum, please be sure to read "Introduction to Freedom Engineering."

A new section is being added to the Build Freedom website called "Freedom Engineering" which serves as a focal point for all relevant information.

If you would like to join the forum, which is free of charge, please contact Frederick Mann or me Mark Lindsay.

What is the "Freedom Engineering Network?"

The Freedom Engineering Network is basically a directory where you can list yourself and/or your business under up to five categories. You can enter your personal listing, as well as listing any number of businesses -- each under up to five categories. All listings are free of charge.

The Freedom Engineering Network is a way for people with similar interests to link up. It's also a way for any businesses owned/operated by freedom lovers to get more customers. One of the aims is to have freedom lovers do business with one another.

The intention is also that the Freedom Engineering Network will serve as a catalyst that triggers all kinds of freedom-building projects and businesses.

I understand that it costs nothing to join, and that you provide all the information and services on your websites completely free of charge; where does the financing come from that allows you to do all this?

Most of the money to cover the expenses for our operations come from BigBooster and the related programs we promote there. Anyone is welcome to emulate our money-making formulas.

One of the beauties of freedom engineering is that it includes such powerful formulas for making websites profitable.

Do I need my own website to operate as a Freedom Engineer?

Not necessarily. Depending on your interests and activities, an email address may be sufficient.

Further Questions

If you have any further questions that you think should be added to this FAQ, please contact Frederick Mann.

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