- A Build Freedom Focal Point -
Introduction to Freedom Engineering
An introduction and overview of Freedom Engineering.
Freedom Engineering FAQ
Provides an overview of important aspects of Freedom Engineering.
Key Freedom Factors
Discusses important Freedom Engineering issues.
Example Applications of Freedom Formulas
A list of individuals, groups, organizations, and websites have supported us in various ways, and/or we have benefited from their work.
First Freedom Engineering Essay Contest
A freedom engineering essay contest is hereby announced. Contestants are invited to write essays of 1,000 - 5,000 words on the topic of freedom engineering. The first prize is $5,000.
Freedom Engineering Network [N/A]
A directory where you can list yourself and/or your business under up to five categories. You can enter your personal listing, as well as listing any number of businesses each under up to five categories. All listings are free of charge.
Quintessential Questions To Change the World - Part II
Responses to the questions posed in Part I from such notable people as Brad Barnhill, "Biophilos," Charles Curley, Jim Davidson, Tom Fosson, "Hobbit," Victor Milan, Tim Starr, and Rick White. Gail Lightfoot sent in a letter written by the late Karl Hess that "talks to the questions." The identification of potential "killer applications" to sink tyrants. [From What Is Build Freedom section]
Economic Means to Freedom - Part IV
25 anarcho-capitalist things you can do now! [From Economic Means to Freedom section]
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