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by Frederick Mann, June 1993


This report is dedicated to Chevalier Harry D. Schultz, KHC, KM, KCPR, KCSA, KCSS, publisher of HSL, THE INTERNATIONAL HARRY SCHULTZ LETTER - the leading international, monetary, socio, geo-political and philosophical newsletter - PO Box 622, CH-1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.

About seven years ago Harry phoned me and told me some very important and inspiring things about personal power and thinking big.

In the May-June issue of HSL, Harry refers to "Our Confederacy of the Mind," "Our Mental Nation," and "Our Country of the Spirit." I like to think that Build Freedom represents the actualization of these concepts.

Harry D. Schultz is also the author of the excellent book Re-Making the World: Cut Nations Down to Size, published by the International Commission for the Decentralization of the World's Nations, 11141 Georgia Ave #A3, Silver Springs, MD 20902, USA - (301) 949-2443 - Price $19.95 including shipping.

Build Freedom is a worldwide free country that extends across currently enforced national borders. It is a "free-enterprise zone" - for those who practice true free enterprise as described in Report #TL01: Behold! Build Freedom. The people of Build Freedom are Free Sovereign Citizens. Build Freedom was created barely two months ago. Already we have Distributors in the USA, Canada, UK, France, and Australia. The newsletter, Venturist Monthly News, has published an article on Build Freedom and included a Build Freedom flier as an insert in its June issue. The magazine, The Thought, is also publishing an article on Build Freedom in its June issue. Other publicity avenues in several parts of the world are being pursued aggressively. Meetings for people interested in Build Freedom are being organized in Albuquerque, New Mexico (August) and Orange County, California (September).

Whatever small or great contribution you can make will help us grow. The way Build Freedom is organized, your contribution is no sacrifice. We don't ask for donations. You are paid for your efforts. We have devised a simple marketing method. You distribute a flier with your name on it. You receive a commission for every order you generate.

If you want to get involved to a greater degree, you can become a Patron and/or a Professional Liberator. You will be listed in Report #TL02A: Freedom Technology Directory. Once you understand some factors explained later in this report you will be able to see how you can help liberate the world and make a fortune from your efforts.

Why Build Freedom?
Build Freedom wasn't dreamt up overnight. It's based on many years of experiences in starting and operating organizations that promote freedom. Build Freedom is based on personally living free and "beating the system" in many parts of the world. It's based on the street-smart know-how to consistently outwit coercive bureaucrats in country after country. Build Freedom is based on individuals freeing themselves, increasing their competence, and becoming more powerful and effective.

The current world we live in is a function of the contents of the minds of individual human beings. "My life" is a function of my mind - to a much greater extent than you might think. "Your life" is a function of your mind - to a much greater extent than you might think. All kinds of thinkers have said: What the human mind can conceive, the human being can achieve.

The Greatest Freedom-Team in History
To expand Build Freedom and guide Build Freedomns into the "promised land" of self-ownership, individual sovereignty, and freedom, I'm putting together the greatest freedom-team the world has seen. If you aspire to "freedom-greatness" I welcome you to the team. I particularly look for five qualities:

  1. You are passionate about both the theory and practice of freedom;
  2. You are willing to share your freedom-expertise;
  3. You are interested in improving your freedom-expertise through interaction with others;
  4. You are willing to increase your personal power and inspire others to do the same.
  5. You are willing to improve your thinking skills and teach others to do the same.

The Microsoft Analogy
Through his stocks in Microsoft, Bill Gates has become the richest man in America. Microsoft develops and sells programs to make computers more successful. We could call these programs "computer success programs." Microsoft has become one of the biggest companies in the world.

In Build Freedom we are interested in human success. We can think of "human failure programs" and "human success programs." The reason we espouse self-ownership, individual sovereignty, and freedom is that we believe that these "programs" will make humans more successful. Build Freedom is in the business of replacing human failure programs with human success programs. What Microsoft does for computers, Build Freedom needs to do for humans.

The Potential for Build Freedom
The general current success level of humans, compared to our potential success level, measures the potential for Build Freedom. The source of all the "problems" in the world is in the individual human mind. Build Freedom faces this fact head-on. We believe we have identified a significant portion of the information (human success programs) that needs to get into people's minds in order for the "problems" to resolve. Build Freedom is the means to get the information into people's minds. And we believe this can be done very profitably.

In general, humans fail because of the human failure programs in their minds - and they succeed as a result of the human success programs in their minds. The vast difference between the two indicates the potential for Build Freedom. It is important that you realize that this potential is much greater than the potential was for Microsoft when it was launched.

But the above indicates only a small part of the potential for Build Freedom. Think of all the money that presently goes to governments around the world. Imagine all that money being available in the Build Freedom economy instead. Imagine all the government-controlled banks being real private-enterprise banks in Build Freedom. Consider all the statist corporations (the IBMs of the world) that could be replaced by true free-enterprise companies. All of this represents the potential for Build Freedom.

The Freedom-Resources of the World
Think of all the people in the world who love freedom. Think of all the books, newsletters, and magazines on freedom. Think of all the capital in the world owned by freedom-lovers. Think of all the businesses and economic activities of freedom-lovers. You may not know that a wealth of practical methods are available to legally and elegantly exit coercive government systems. Think of all the businesses around the world that already operate outside coercive government systems. Think of the portion of the capital, businesses, and activities that can be shifted into the Build Freedom free market right now. Here we have another indication of the potential for Build Freedom.

In the Build Freedom free market there are no taxes and no coercive government interference. It is the real free market. We advocate a rapid expansion of the Build Freedom free market as the most powerful freedom strategy available to us.

Freedom technology - the knowledge, methods and skills for living free in an unfree world - includes the means whereby we organize our lives and businesses so we can operate in the true free market with minimal risk of attack by coercive bureaucrats.

The Power of Networking
There are enormous freedom-resources in the world: millions of freedom-loving people, billions in capital, millions of businesses, and a wealth of freedom technology. However, cooperation between the "freedom-players" and "freedom-pieces" is very limited.

Imagine what would happen if the freedom-players and freedom-pieces were connected, integrated, and were cooperating. Imagine freedom-players around the world trading with each other on a large scale. Imagine if you needed a particular piece of freedom technology and you could find it quickly. For example, how to legally eliminate a particular tax, how to legally register your car in another state or country by phone and mail, how to legally obtain a second passport from another country, etc., etc., etc. Imagine that when you need the expert consulting services of a Professional Liberator, you can quickly find the right person.

Through networking, freedom-players can greatly increase their wealth, power, and influence. Through networking, we can greatly accelerate the shift into the Build Freedom free market. This can be achieved through the growth of the listings in Report #TL02: Freedom Technology Resource Guide and Report #TL02A: Freedom Technology Directory.

How to Get There from Here
The steps to create a global freedom empire are very simple:

Self-Ownership and Individual Sovereignty
I believe that the principle of self-ownership can be used as a powerful method for "getting into people's minds." Of course, the first step is to examine your own life. Do you own yourself, or are you a slave? To what extent do you live your life on the basis of self-ownership? What can you do to reduce the degree to which your self-ownership is being violated?

Your situation may be such that it's impractical to live all areas of your life on the basis of self-ownership. We live in a world dominated by marauders with computers and guns. But you may be able to shift some of your economic activities into the Build Freedom free market. Or you may be able to start new activities - such as promoting Build Freedom - and conduct these activities in the true free market.

The very fact that we have conscious brains, the ability to reason, and the power of choice, implies that we are naturally sovereign as individuals. You are free and sovereign by nature. You can use your wits to assert your freedom and sovereignty.

Just take the first little step, whatever that is for you. Then take the next step. And the next. And so on...

It is your little steps - no matter how small - that will build a freedom empire that spans the globe. Of course, if you want to take a big step or two, that speeds us on our way. In any case, the best time to start is right now

The Tenuous Power of Tyrants, Politicians, and Bureaucrats
"Tenuous" means thin, slender, flimsy, having little substance, easily dislodged.

Mahatma Gandhi defeated the armed might of the British Empire without firing a shot. This was possible because of the nature of power. The Berlin Wall couldn't be kept standing by the East German armed might bolstered by several hundred thousand Russian troops. This was because of the nature of power. Suddenly one day the Soviets woke up to find that they had lost their power and that their empire had collapsed. This was because of the nature of power.

The power of tyrants, politicians, and bureaucrats is based on lies and victims believing those lies. Their power is also based on power relinquished to them by naive victims. Expose the lies and wake up the victims, and the power of the tyrants, politicians, and bureaucrats collapses. When victims wake up and become sufficiently dissatisfied, they become more powerful and cease to relinquish their power.

By shifting some or all of your capital and economic activities into the Build Freedom free market, you withdraw power from the tyrants, politicians, and bureaucrats. This is the ultimate freedom strategy. The power of our tyrants, politicians, and bureaucrats is tenuous - thin, slender, flimsy, has little substance, is easily dislodged.

This subject is covered more fully in Report #TL06: Discourse on Voluntary Servitude.

Personal Power
Personal Power is essentially the ability to do things. Personal weakness is the inability to do something that needs to be done and can be done, but isn't done because you don't take the trouble to find out how to do it or you suffer from unjustified fears or other psychological impediments that prevent you from doing it. The reason the world is not free is because individuals are weak. Tyrants, politicians, and bureaucrats get away with their corruption because their victims are weak. Coercive governments take away the freedoms of their citizens because the citizens are weak. Coercive governments seize the assets of their subjects with impunity because of the weakness of the subjects.

We live in a master-slave world. As long as there are slaves there will be masters. Slaves need masters. To escape the yokes of the masters, slaves need to free themselves. Slaves need to increase their personal power.

The solution to all the world's "problems" is to increase personal power. You and I need to increase our personal power. As Gandhi demonstrated, the power of tyrants, politicians, and bureaucrats evaporates when faced with personal power.

So how do we increase our personal power? Answer: We live our lives out of the question: How can I increase my personal power? At least once a day we ask ourselves: How can I increase my personal power?

When you do something in your own way, you practice personal power. Creative disobedience. When you do something the way you are ordered to, you practice obedience or personal weakness. When you run your business your own way, you exercise personal power. When you run your business the way the government tells you to, you practice personal weakness.

Shifting any part of your economic activities into the Build Freedom free market is the exercise of personal power. Creative disobedience. Discover the weaknesses of the enemy. Learn how to repel enemy attacks. Generally, the tyrants, politicians, and bureaucrats are stupid, weak, and corrupt - easily outwitted by the careful, determined, sly fox.

Human failure programs and human success programs. There may be "automatic voices" in your head that tell you that you can't do it, it's too dangerous, etc. These are examples of human failure programs. Personal weakness is a function of human failure programs. Personal power is a function of human success programs.

The foundation for increasing your personal power - replacing your human failure programs with human success programs - is to live your life out of the question: How can I increase my personal power?

The "problems" of the world stem from the fact that most of us individuals are helpless victims - bleating lambs. We need to transform ourselves into sly foxes - and powerful elephants. This is what Build Freedom is all about.

Self-ownership is synonymous with personal power. You are powerful to the extent that you own yourself; weak to the extent others own you. If you don't own yourself, someone else will. Individual sovereignty is likewise synonymous with personal power. The sovereign individual has power. The subject individual has relinquished his or her power to someone else.

Freedom technology - the knowledge, methods, and skills for living free - could also be described as the means whereby you increase your personal power.

The first step in increasing your personal power may be to improve your thinking skills - see Report #TL11: How to Increase Your Intelligence.

Knowledge and Power
Knowledge builds confidence. Confidence gives you power. One of the most important byproducts of knowledge is self-confidence. Knowledge and confidence combined is a mighty and invisible power that can enable you to do the seemingly impossible. But knowledge is only valuable if you qualify yourself for its use, if you understand it, and then if you actually follow through and use it.

Integrity and Action
Suppose you have reached the philosophical conclusion that illegal taxation is immoral and harmful. Suppose you live in a country called Fraudonia, whose corrupt government collects certain taxes illegally. Suppose the legal and practical means exist for you to stop paying those illegal taxes.

Does your integrity require that you inform yourself about the means, and that you stop paying the illegal taxes, if the means turn out to be legal and practical?

The broad question: If the legal and practical means are available for you to act in accordance with your philosophy, does your integrity require that you do so?

We can formulate a principle:

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil
is that good men do nothing."
-- Edmond Burke

Political Revolution vs. Economic Revolution
Peaceful political revolution involves individuals donating money for a campaign. Leaders and volunteers conduct the campaign to persuade people to vote for the leaders. A shift in money and power occurs from donors and voters to the leaders. Even if the leaders win, they may be prevented from taking power through election fraud. If the new leaders do attain power, they may or may not change the political system according to the wishes of the donors and voters. Even if the leaders change the system as promised, they may later change it back to the way it was before, or worse. In any case, donors and voters have to wait for the leaders to change the system, before they can enjoy the benefits.

Build Freedom is a peaceful economic and business revolution. Individuals discover how to practice free enterprise despite the tyrants, politicians, and bureaucrats. Individuals discover how to reduce or eliminate illegal taxes and corrupt government interference from their lives. Individuals become freer, wealthier, and more powerful - and inspire others to do the same. This economic and business revolution increases individual freedom, wealth, and power. It involves a shift of wealth and power away from tyrants, politicians, and bureaucrats to individuals. Furthermore, individuals can start reaping the benefits of practical freedom right now!

The Creation and Explosion of Value
If you know anything about free-market economics - or if you can appreciate the waste and destruction of coercive government - then you can see that the shift into the Build Freedom economy will bring about unprecedented explosions of value. Those who take the lead in the shift have the opportunity to become the owners of highly profitable free-market enterprises. The potential for wealth creation in Build Freedom vastly exceeds the potential of Microsoft that enabled Bill Gates to become a billionaire and the richest man in America.

Our Build Freedomn tycoons need to surpass the tycoons of the statist slave-economies. The main thing that can stop us is not the laws and guns of the tyrants, politicians, and bureaucrats, but our own human failure programs. As we replace our human failure programs with human success programs, we maximize our freedom, power, and influence.

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