| Parent Index
| Build Freedom:
by Frederick Mann
Your Own Mind is Your Most Important Freedom Resource
For those who have not yet discovered that they are free - or for those who are convinced that they are not free - the biggest barrier to freedom lies in their own minds.
The most important resource that determines your degree of
freedom is your own mind. In addition to the reports published by
Build Freedom, there are two books you absolutely must study if you
have not yet discovered that you are free and you yearn to be
(a) How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World by Harry
Browne (Avon Books, NY; 1973);
(b) The Discovery of Freedom: Man's Struggle Against
Authority by Rose Wilder Lane (Arno Press & The New
York Times, NY; 1972 - first published in 1943).
It will be worth your while to obtain and study the above two books. Try the following potential sources: (a) Used-book stores, (b) Freedomries, (c) The organizations listed below, denoted as book suppliers.
There are two fundamentally different approaches to freedom:
(a) Attempt to persuade politicians to change the system in order to give us liberty;
(b) Discover that you are free by nature and acquire freedom technology to live free in an unfree world.
Both approaches involve education. In the first approach people attempt to educate others about the morality and merits of liberty. In the second approach people educate themselves about the practical knowledge, methods, and skills (freedom technology) for living free. The two approaches are mutually enhancing. There are many organizations practicing the first approach, and a few that emphasize the second. Build Freedom focuses on the second approach.
An outgrowth of the second approach is the creation of free institutions to serve the needs of the free. Build Freedom is such an institution. Financial services organizations that enable people to handle their finances without coercive interference are such institutions. Organizations that teach people how to legally protect their income and assets against government theft and robbery are other examples.
There is a natural evolution from the first approach to the second. While involved in the first approach you learn about liberty and how to educate others. After a while you may become dissatisfied with the results. Then you find out that you don't need to change the system in order to be free. You start thinking in terms of reorganizing your life to enjoy greater freedom. You discover that you are free by nature. You may link up with other free people. You may start a real free-enterprise business. Build Freedom seeks to accelerate this natural evolution.
A major shift in thinking is also involved. People applying the first approach tend to think that liberty is something given to them by others (politicians changing the system). People applying the second approach realize that they are free by nature and they develop their resourcefulness to overcome obstacles to freedom so they can live free in an unfree world. It is a shift in thinking from being outer-directed to being inner directed.
Build Freedom supports all approaches that expand freedom. We believe that our best chances to achieve a free world come from the combination of a wide range of different freedom-increasing activities.
Freedom Resource Organizations and Publications
There are several reasons to contact the organizations below:
- To learn more about liberty or freedom;
- To find out if you want to support the organization and
its activities;
- To acquire the practical knowledge (freedom technology)
to live free;
- To meet other freedom-lovers;
- To utilize the services of free institutions;
- To start your own business selling freedom and/or
providing services to the free;
- To increase psychological and emotional freedom;
- To improve your thinking skills and increase your
personal power.
- To help develop biological or physical immortality
(freedom from death).
If you contact any of these organizations, please let them know that you heard about them from Build Freedom. If you purchase anything from them, please ask them to send a commission to Build Freedom.
The fact that an individual, organization, or publication is listed here does not imply endorsement from Build Freedom. The Directory is for information only.
Freedom Technology Resource Guide
- 21st Century Medicine, 16280 Whispering Spur,
Riverside, CA 92504. Saul Kent, (909) 780-3252; fax:
(909) 780-5758; E-mail: 71043, 11201. Scientific research
program to improve cryonic suspension, perfect brain
cryopreservation, and extend maximum lifespan.
- A-albionic Research, PO Box 20273, Ferndale, MI
48220. Conspiracy research. Publisher of The
Project newsletter. Book supplier. Out-of-print
book search service.
- Account for Better Citizenship, c/o USPS P.O. Box
6189, San Rafael, California U.S.A., Postal Code:
94903-0189. Principle Organizer: Mitch Modeleski. Mitch
wrote and published The Federal Zone: Cracking the
Code of Internal
- Acton Institute, The - For the Study of
Religion and Liberty, 161 Ottawa Street NW,
Ste. 405K, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503 (616) 454-3080.
Non-Profit, educational center dedicated to promoting
freedom of the marketplace and individual liberty through
religious and moral ideology. Bi-monthly publication Religion
and Liberty. Sample issue and information
available upon request
- Advocates for Self-Government, 3955 Pleasantdale
Road, Ste. 106-A, Atlanta, GA 30340 (404) 417-1304, (800)
932-1776. Presents nationwide political education
seminars about self-government. Emphasizes the
combination of responsibility and tolerance. Call or
write for information.
- Agorist Institute, The , 291 S. La Cienega Blvd
#749, Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Phone: (310) 289-4126.
Fax: (310) 247-0685. An organization to study and monitor
the "Counter-Economy" (real or true free
market), especially in North America. Publishes books,
newsletters, and a journal. Holds conferences.
- Agape International Ministries (AIM), PO Box
19300, Austin, TX 78760. AIM works with the Christian
Home Endowment Foundations to offer usury-free home loans
to those who seek financial alternatives.
- Aid & Abet Police Newsletter, PO Box
8787, Phoenix, AZ 85066. Principle Organizer: Jack
McLamb. Patriot newsletter and other publications
particularly aimed at informing the police and armed
services of American freedoms and how they are being
- Alcor Life Extension Foundation, 12327 Doherty
St., Riverside, CA 92503. (800) 367-2228 or (909)
736-1703. Provides cryonic suspension.
- ALH & Co, 17220 Newhope #201, Fountain Valley,
CA 92708/TDC. Foremost supplier of private financial
services. Gold accounts. Tax reduction service. SASE +
seven first class stamps for information.
- Alpha Tech Group, 4330 Barranca Pkwy #101-341,
Irvine, CA 92714. Phone: (714) 551-3440. Fax: (714)
733-9928. Provides a product and service bureau for
reducing costs of phone calls (voice, fax, modem) between
foreign countries, especially into the USA from
foreign countries. Costs are reduced by 50% or more from
many countries.
- Alternatives in Education, Cornucopia Family
Resources, P.O. Box 67, Shrewsbury, PA 17361. Home school
facilitation, group activities, child care.
- American Agriculture Movement/Dr. Eugene Schroder,
c/o P.O. Box 130, Campo Colorado 81029. Did original
Emergency War Powers research (which the U.S. is under).
- American Christian Ministries, P.O. Box 2038, Ft.
Davis, Texas 79734. Thoughtful de-programming,
anti-thought control dictionary. Fraud of Constitution,
Federalism, etc.
- American Citizens and Lawmen Association, P.O.Box
8712, Phoenix, AZ 85066. The New World globalists have
set up the Multi-Jurisdictional Task Force (MJTF)
consisting of local police, county sheriff, state
national guard, and federal law enforcement units under
federal control. Their purpose is to conduct
house-to-house search and seizure raids on American
citizens, and to operate the detention centers under
FEMA. Opposing this illegal cabal is a group of patriots
headed by retired police officers Jack McLamb and Rick
Dalton. Their group, American Citizens and Lawmen
Association, has a booklet entitled Forging the Bond
Between The Citizen and Law Enforcement. A related
group, Police Aganist The New World Order,
publishes a powerful booklet entitled Operation
Vampire Killer 2000. They also publish the Aid
and Abet Police Newsletter. ($20 annual
- American Cryonics Society, PO Box 1509, Cupertino,
CA 95015, (408) 734-4200, (408) 255-1763, or (800)
523-2001 Provides cryonic suspension.
- American Education Association, PO Box 463, Center
Moriches, NY 11934. Dedicated to upholding the U.S.
Constitution and exposing and opposing the secular
humanist threat to constitutionally guaranteed liberties.
- American Freedom Network, 42015 Ford Road #107,
Canton, MI 48187. Publishes The Freedom Networker.
Exposes government fraud and atrocities. Trust and untax
- American Institute for the Republic, The, 80 East
100 North, Provo, UT 84606. (801) 377-0570.
Mormon-Patriot education. Tax reduction service.
- Americans For Freedom, 1731 Howe Ave., Ste. 267,
Sacramento, CA 95825. (916) 485-1616.
- American's Bulletin, The, c/o 3434 N.
Pacific Hwy., Medford, Oregon 97501. Extremely
informative Freedom newsletter.
- AntiShyster, PO Box 540786, Dallas, TX
75354-0786. Legal reform magazine. Important legal
freedom technology. Annual subscription $25. To order by
Visa or MasterCard: (800) 477-5508 or (214) 317-7407.
- Applied Research, HC-62, Box 375, Smithville,
Oklahoma 74957. Bruce G. McCarthy created an excellent
video course on money and the Federal Reserve called "For
Richer, for Poorer." Bruce deals
entirely in silver and gold coin and postage stamps. His
materials are reasonably priced and must be
"paid" for in substance.
- Ashtar Mountain Institute. P. Webstor, 10 Hibson
St., Midway Point, Tasthaia, Australia. A world-wide
network of groups of people known as pods, dedicated to
equality, true democracy and the transition of our only
home, Planet Earth, from a world based on fear to one
based on unconditional love.
- Association of American Physicians and Surgeons
(AAPS). Private, free-enterprise medicine. Jane M.
Orient, MD, 1601 N. Tucson Blvd #9, Tucson, AZ 85716.
(800) 635-1196.
- Atlantis Project, The , 4132 S. Rainbow
Blvd #388, Las Vegas, NV 89103. (702) 897-8320 or (702)
251-7222. E-mail: A project headed
by Eric Klien and Mike Oliver to create a free country
called Oceania, in the form of a floating city, 50 miles
east of Panama.
- Balance, The , PO Box 1235, Black
Mountain, NC 28711. Newsletter on civil rights and
current events, published by CAUSE Foundation, Inc.
- Barristers' Inn - School of Common Law, PO Box
9411, Boise, ID 83707. (208) 375-3425. Common Law
education. Important information on how to exit illegal
systems and legal self-protection. Principle Organizer:
Bob Hallstrom.
- Lowell H. Becraft, Jr., Attorney at Law, 209
Lincoln Street, Huntsville, AL 35801. Telephone (205)
533-2535. Foremost tax attorney.
- Bob Livingston Letter, The; P.O. Box
110013, West End Station, Birmingham, Alabama 35211;
Privately circulated newsletter to "Awaken Sleeping
Christians to the Glorious Gospel of Grace... Warn of the
Present Day Judaizers Who Would Deceive the
Elect...". One year: $25.00/Overseas One year:
- Born Free Institute; Director: Rosa Lowe; c/0 9805
NE 116th #7116, Kirkland, Washington State; (206)
957-0314. State Citizenship services. Works with Richard
McDonald - see under "M."
- Buyers' Pool, 4330 Barranca Pkwy #101-341, Irvine,
CA 92714. Phone: (714) 551-3440. Fax: (714) 733-9928.
Coordinating purchase of items that are volume
discounted, typically books, reports, videos, cassettes,
bumperstickers, buttons, specialty items. Applies to
selected Build Freedom products.
- California Liberty, A Journal of
the Fourth American Revolution, P.O. Box 1400,
Burbank, California 91507. An independent monthly
publication dedicated to promoting and defending
individual liberty.
- Cato Institute, 1000 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W.,
Washington, DC 20001 (202) 842-0200. One of the world's
leading free-market / Libertarian think tanks. Publishes
the Policy Analysis newsletter and the Cato
Journal. Has an extensive catalog of books and
monographs on public policy issues. Write or call for
catalog and information packet.
- Center for Action, PO Box 472 HCR 31, Sandy
Valley, NV 89019. (702) 723-5266; fax: (702) 723-5357.
(1106 North Gilbert Road, #214, Mesa, AZ 85203. (602)
969-9260) President: Bo Gritz. Organization to educate
Americans and restore the American Constitutional
Republic. One of the prime movers in the patriot
movement. Publishes the Center For Action
monthly newsletter, conducts S.P.I.K.E. (Specially
Prepared Individuals For Key Events) training seminars,
and offers a wide variety of patriot books, videotapes,
self defense and survival supplies and equipment, and
other related items.
- Christian Information Associates, P.O. Box 940335,
Maitland, FL 32794 or P.O. Box 55, Decatur, AR 72722.
Newsletter to distribute Current Events relating to Bible
Prophecy and the New World Order!
- Christian Patriot Association, P.O. Box 596,
Boring, OR 97009. (503) 668-4941. Headed by Richard
Flowers, this group provides a private banking system
which promotes privacy.
- Christian Video Tapes, 100 Elm St., Red Oak, IA
51566. Bruce G. McCarthy created an excellent video
course on money and the Federal Reserve called "For
Richer, for Poorer." Bruce deals
entirely in silver and gold coin and postage stamps. His
materials are reasonably priced and must be
"paid" for in substance.
- Citizens for a Constitutional Minnesota. Karl G.
Granse, 7611 Whitney Drive, Apple Valley, Minnesota PZ
55124. (612) 431-1845. Practical freedom technology
regarding Sovereignty, taxes, vehicle operation, court
procedures, etc. Comparable to Richard Mcdonald - see
under "M."
- Citizens For Constitutional Law, P.O. Box 441,
Morengo Valley, CA 92256. (619) 364-2588. Publishes a
powerful newletter, The Citizen's C!aw ($40
annual subscription). Forming New Nation USA as an
alternative to the present chaos.
- Citizens for Sovereignty. Barry Konikov, 9392
Whitneyville Rd, Alto, Michigan, PZ 49302. (616)
891-0410. Tax abatement services. Connecting Link
- Citizens for Sovereignty, 4747 E. Elliot #29-418,
Phoenix, AZ 85044. (602) 407-6304. "A Sovereign
American is a person who is willing to take
responsibility for his or her own actions without
government entitlements or oppression by any government
entity." Education and practical implementation of
sovereignty principles and methods.
- Dr. Robert B. Clarkson, PO Box 2368, Anderson, SC
29622. (803) 225-3061. How to not pay income taxes and
not file tax returns. Publishes The Patriot Cannon.
Operates Patriot Bookstore. Important and unique
information on how to beat the IRS.
- Claustrophobia, 400 N. High St.
#137, Columbus, OH 43215. Libertarian monthly newsletter.
Annual subscription $10. Sample $1.
- Committee of 50 States, 4808 Quailbrook Circle,
Salt Lake City, Utah 84118. (801) 966-5533. A grass-roots
organization to persuade at least 38 states to adopt an
"Ultimatum Resolution" that specifies that if
the federal government violates certain criteria, the
federal union and federal government will be dissolved
and the 50 states will become independent nations.
- Committee to Restore the Constitution®, 2218 W.
Prospect Rd, PO Box 986, Ft. Collins, CO 80522. (303)
484-2575. Col. Roberts. Patriot freedom organization.
- Common Law Defense Association, 1035 East Vista
Way, Suite 162, Vista, California. This group, headed by
Bob Chamberlain, focuses on using the common law to
increase personal freedom. They have developed a method
for transforming citizens from being subjects of their
government into Citizens of the Republic. They also
conduct educational classes for this purpose.
- Common Law Education Application and Research.
Allen Mathews and Rich Forest, 211 S. State College #130,
Anaheim, CA 92806/TDC. (714) 563-1852; (714) 635-4109;
fax: (714) 774-3655. Experts in applying common law in
traffic cases and asset forfeiture.
- Common Law Network. Richard R. Thompson, 336
Fitzwater St., Philadelphia, PA 19147. (215) 925-8942;
fax: (215) 928-1695; BBS 1200-8-1-N: (215)-592-8018. A
self-help citizen's organization through which Pro Se
litigants exchange court experiences, meet reporters and
support each other where lawyers and judges can't be
- Common Law Service Center, Richard McDonald, c/o
585-D Box Canyon Rd, Canoga Park, California Republic.
Voice: (818) 703-5037; BBS (818) 888-9882; Fax: (818)
887-3217. Sovereignty, paralegal, tax elimination, and
vehicle operation services. Political movement to restore
State Rights and State Citizenship. Database and computer
network. Hundreds of briefs to defend against government
attacks. Probably the leading expert on State Citizenship
and related issues.
- Common Law, School of, George & Jackie Gordon,
P.O. Box 297, Isabella, MO 65676-0297. (417) 273-4967.
Several law courses on video that use a "common
sense" approach.
- Common Sense, P.O. Box 520191,
Miami, Fl 33152. Bi-monthly libertarian/classical liberal
newsletter. Six-issue subscription $10.00, Sample issue,
- Common Sense Press, PO Box 1544, Billings, Montana
59101/TDC. M.J. "Red" Beckman; (406) 252-9509.
Publisher and distributor of important freedom and tax
literature. Mr. Beckman is the major inspiration behind
the Fully Informed Jury Association.
- Community Information Resource Center, The, PO Box
42663, Tucson, AZ 85733. (602) 577-2187. An information
and resource network. Bringing people together and
fostering the development of healthy communities (that
create their own currencies). Book search service.
- Constitution Party, Aaron Russo, P.O. Box 1420,
Show Low, Arizona 85901. (602) 337-2562.
- Constitutional Education Society, Charles D.
Prescott, c/o 182 Bethlehem Church Rd, Dublin, Georgia,
PZ 31021/TDC. Tel: (912) 627-9061; Fax: (912) 627-3309.
How to abolish your own slavery.
- Constitutional Research Associates, PO Box 550,
So. Holland, IL 60473. Write for information on the book The
Law That Never Was - the 16th Amendment to the U.S.
Constitution was never ratified.
- Council on Domestic Relations, PO Box 3362,
Springfield, Republic of Illinois 62708. National
Director: Charles (Dare) Schaut, (602) 931-0585. National
organization to coordinate the Freedom Movement and
restore the U.S. Constitution. Establishing a database of
common-law methods to persuade government officials to
follow the Constitution.
- Coyote Radio, PO Box 1639, Goleta, CA 93117.
"Coyote Radio's goal is to present intelligently
produced documentaries and feature news stories
highlighting issues, perspectives, communities and
individuals that have traditionally been excluded from
the mainstream media."
- Create-a-Message T-Shirts, Ray Ellis, 883 Regal
Path Ln, Decatur, GA 30030. (404) 288-0189. Create your
own messages and put them on T-Shirts ($14.00 ea.),
Sweatshirts ($20.00 ea.), or Tote-Bags ($14.00 ea.).
Front & Back printed for additional $3.00 each.
Volumn discounts. Sizes from small to X-Large. 2XL - add
$1.00, 3XL - add $2.00. S&H $2.50. Orders only -
(800) 280-5302.
- Criminal Politics, P.O. Box 37432, Cincinnati,
Ohio 45222. Reports on ploitical corruption/crime and
off-shore investing.
- Critical Review, P.O. Box 25068, Chicago,
IL 60625-0068. (312) 348-2960. Scholarly quarterly
journal of Classical Liberalism. 1 yr. subscription
$29.00. 2 yr. $54.00.
- Cryonics Institute, 24443 Roanoke, Oak Park, MI
48237. (313) 548-9549. Provider of cryonic suspension.
- DCS Computer Network & Information Services;
John Quaid & Dave Hart; c/o PO Box 788, Rosamond,
California. Voice: (805) 256-8310; Data: (805) 256-8710;
Fax: (805) 256-0572. Up-to-date Sovereignty information.
Computer database. Menmership $120 per year - includes
access to database. Information on how to cancel Social
Security number.
- Louis E. De Broux, Jr., 6595 Roswell Rd #800,
Atlanta, GA 30328. (404) 250-7243. Common-law training.
- Nat Denman, PO Box 689, Dept RA6, Falmouth, MA
02541. Justice Pro Se Book, Seminars, Mutual Help
Nationwide. ("Pro se" = being your own lawyer
in court.) $2 + SASE for info.
- Drug Policy Foundation, 4455 Connecticut Ave NW,
Ste B-500, Washington, DC 20008. Seeks to end the
government oppressive, counter-productive drug war and
offers alternatives consistent with the tenets of
individual liberty. Write for information.
- Earth Council Organization, PO Box 781507, Sandton
2146, South Africa. Hans Schicht. A worldwide electronic
information and communication system, conceptually close
to Build Freedom. Three essential ingredients: a common
global law; a global means of exchange: gold; a global
electronic network, free for all to use. Explained in the
book And Thou shalt inherit the Earth.
- Eden Press, PO Box 8410, Fountain Valley, CA
92708. Book supplier. Important freedom technology. Send
$5 for catalog.
- Embassy of Heaven Church, P.O. Box 77, Sublimity,
OR 97385. (503) 769-5034. Principle Organizers: Paul and
Rachael Revere.
- End Poverty in Canada (and elsewhere) (EPIC), PO
Box 8172, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1G 3H7. EPIC advocates
economic alternatives and cooperates with all citizens
who are working together to leave our children a society
of abundance, not a society of scarcity and destruction.
- Exchange, The, 711 15th St. SE,
Cedar Rapods, IA 52403. Quarterly libertarian
publication. 4 issue subscription $18.00, sample issue
- Expat World, PO Box 1341, Raffles City,
Singapore 9117. Newsletter for those who live
internationally, who live or travel abroad. US$5,00 for
sample issue.
- Extropy: The Journal of Transhumanist Thought, PO
Box 57306, Los Angeles, CA 90057-0306. (213) 484-6383. A
futurist journal dedicated to topics such as life
extension, cryonics, immortality, artificial
intelligence, space habitation, spontaneous orders (such
as free markets), and electronic communications.
- Facts For Action/ Christian Research,
P.O. Box 385, Eureka Springs, Arkansas 72632. Report on
cover-ups, British control, corruption. Anti-Federalism.
- FAMC, Inc., 3500 JFK Parkway, Fort Collins, CO
80525. (800) 325-0919. First American Monetary
Consultants, a Christian patriot group which focuses on
the acquisition of gold, silver, and platinum as a hedge
against the coming financial crash. Publishes a
newsletter, Monetary and Economic Review,
and distribute a number of books, audio tapes, and
- FERM-PAK, 2907 North Cheri Lynn Court, Chandler,
AZ 85224. (800) 975-8513. In anticipation of a global
depression and severe food shortages, this organization
distributes high-quality ready reserve low-moisture food.
For a price list, please contact Larren Ross.
- For The People, Telford Hotel, 3 River St, White
Springs, FL 32096. (904) 397-4145; fax: (904) 397-4149;
toll-free orders: 1-800-888-9999. Publisher of 32-page
tabloid size newspaper The For The People Reporter.
Talk-radio show hosted by Chuck Harder: For The
People - shortwave WHRI, Nobelsville, IN - 7.315
mHz, 23:00-01:00 hrs Eastern Daylight Time.
- Foundation for Economic Education (FEE), 30 S.
Broadway, Irvington-on-Hudson, NY 10533 (800) 452-3518.
Non-Profit organization dedicated to advancing the
principles of a free society, limited government,
individual responsibility, and the rule of law. Publishes
monthly journal The Freeman,. One of
the most enduring libertarian periodicals (in print for
over 40 years). Annual subscription with minimum $25.00
tax-deductable donation. Write or call for complimentary
sample issue.
- F.R.E.E., P.O. Box 33339, Kerrville, TX 78029.
Fund To Restore an Educated Electorate. Publishes a
startling chart entitled The CFR/Trilateral/New
World Order Connection which shows how far the
globalist cancer has invaded our government, news media,
universities, foundations, banking system, and major
corporations. They also distribute a number of books
about the New World Order.
- Free America! Institute, A division of Build Freedom
dedicated to freedom education.
- Free Enterprise Society (FES), 300 W. Shaw #205,
Clovis, CA 93612. (209) 294-0665. Priniciple Organizers:
Steve Hemphling, others. Primary Focus is IRS. Education,
civil support, legal defense.
- Free Territory of Ely-Chatelaine, PO Box 7075,
Laguna Niguel, CA 92677. Advocates and practices many of
the principles of Build Freedom.
- Freedom Bound, c/o 336 Bon Air Ctr #234,
Greenbrae, California Republic, USA. Common Law researcg
and Citizen rights. Holds affordable evening and weekend
seminars on Sovereignty and Untaxing from the Federal
Government. Will travel to your area. 18-page report Stop
Paying Income Taxes Forever! $10 cash or money order
only. Also sells report on how to eliminate debt without
bankruptcy - $2.00.
- Fully Informed Jury Association (FIJA), PO Box 59,
Helmville, MT 59843. Don Doig (406) 793-5550. Larry Dodge
(406) 793-5703. Rick Tompkins (602) 930-1268. Promoter of
jury nullification. One of the most important freedom
organizations in America. Educates the public on the
right of jurors on grand juries and trial juries to
determine both the law and the facts in criminal cases.
Publishes a newspaper, The FIJA Activist,
and distributes a number of books, videotapes, bumper
stickers, and similar items.
- Future of Freedom Foundation, The, 11350 Random
Hills Road, Suite 800, Fairfax, VA 22030. (703) 934-6101.
This group, headed by Jacob Hornberger, distributes
information about the libertarian philosophy. lt
publishes an excellent monthly booklet, Freedom
Daily, and a monthly report. Contributors
include Milton Friedman, Thomas Szasz, and Jarret
Wollstien. 12 issue subscription $15.00, sample issue
- Golden Mean Team, P.O. Box 7733, Missoula, MT
59807. (406) 728-9340. Peg's Book Store, P.O. Box
9337, Missoula, MT 59807. Peggy Christensen. Provides
information of IRS defenses.
- Great American Scam (GAS), 1 West Loop S. #202,
Houston, TX 77027. (713) 439-1789. Thomas J. Devine,
Attorney-at-Law: "The American Judicial System is
a scam, a fraud and an organized extortion racket."
Assistance needed to help legal reform.
- Harry Schultz Letter, PO Box 622,
CH-1001 Lausanne, Switzerland. Top international
investment newsletter. Important freedom technology.
- Hillsdale College, 33 East College Street,
Hillsdale, Ml 49242-1298. (517) 437-7341. An independent
4-year college which accepts no federal funds and
provides a classical-liberal education emphasizing
freedom and personal responsibility. Publishes Imprimis
magazine. George C. Roche, lll, President.
- Home Fortune Systems, A division of Build Freedom
dedicated to expanding home-based businesses,
particularly those that promote freedom.
- Humanity Benefactor Foundation, P.O. Box 3243,
Melvindale, Michigan 48122. Books by Alfred Lawson on
many areas of freedom, creation, economics, etc.
including Direct Credit for Everybody. The
Benefactor newsletter.
- I&O Publishing Co., PO Box 906, Boulder City,
NV 89005. Publishers of Neo-Tech, an advanced freedom
technology. Advocates of biological immortality. Supplier
of books, including How I Found Freedom in an
Unfree World by Harry Browne.
- IATROS. International organization of private and
independent doctors. Jane M. Orient, MD, 1601 N. Tucson
Blvd #9, Tucson, AZ 85716. (800) 635-1196.
- Individual Rights Foundation (IRF), 12400 Ventura
Blvd. Suite 133, Studio City, Calif. 91604. Phone (800)
752-6562. A public-interest law firm dedicated to the
defense of the First Amendment and other Constitutionally
guaranteed rights. The IRF undertakes pro bono litigation
on behalf of those whose rights have been infringed.
Membership is $25.00 per year, which entitles you to a
free copy of Surviving the PC University
and a year's subscription to The Defender
(IRF's bi-monthly publication).
- Institute For Contemporary Studies, 243 Kearny
Street, San Francisco, CA 94108-4302. (415) 981-5353.
Research institute. Distributes many free-market books.
Catalog available.
- Institute For Justice, 1001 Pennsylvania Ave NW,
Ste 200 S., Washington, DC 20004-2505. (202) 457-4250.
"The first non-profit law center dedicated
exclusively to empowering individuals to control their
destinies. By combining effective litigation with
pioneering public interest training, we strive to secure
a future in which economic liberty, school choice,
private property rights, and the free exchange of ideas
receive full constitutional protection." Has been
described as a "free-market ACLU." Publishes
quarterly Liberty and Law. Write or call
for free information.
- Institute for Social Inventions, The, 20 Heber Rd,
London NW2 6AA, United Kingdom. (44) +81) 208-2853; fax:
(44 +81) 452-6434. President: Robert Jungk; Chairman:
Nicholas Albery. "The Institute's aim is to promote
social inventions. Whereas technological inventions tend
to be new patentable products, social inventions are new
social services or new and imaginative solutions to
social problems."
- Institute of Advanced Thinking, 845 Via de la Paz,
Pacific Palisades, CA 90272. (310) 459-1713. "Since
its inception in 1962, the institute has become the
leading pioneer in self-development and personal
enrichment through the dramatic liberation of natural
resources intrinsic to each individual." Offers
practical, effective methods to unlock latent potential
and "unlearn" negative and false concepts about
who you are. Publishes variety of booklets and audiotapes
dealing with memory, dream control, health, wealth,
creativity, immortality, sexuality, and spirituality.
Free information available upon request.
- Inter-Net, Ray Ellis, 883 Regal Path Ln, Decatur,
GA 30030. (404) 288-0189. Discount LD phone services. No
sep. bill or monthly fees, minimums, or restrictions. 1+
dialing. 100% fiber optic. 17.9 cents/min. peak, 14.9
cents/min. off-peak. 6 second billing from start. No
sur-charge travel/calling card. Free 800 number (17
cents/min. flat rate). Distributorships & Non-Profit
Fundraising Program available. Call (800) 280-5302 to
switch LD carriers. 90 day free switch-back guarantee.
- International Cryonics Foundation, 1430 N. El
Dorado St, Stockton, CA 95202. (800) 524-4456 or (209)
463-0429. Provider of cryonic suspension.
- International Society for General Semantics. P.O.
Box 728, Concord, CA 94522. (510) 798-0311. Non-profit
organization dedicated to empowering individuals to
"think smarter" instead of "working
harder" through an understanding of general
semantics. Quarterly journal ETC. promotes semantic
flexibility. Sample issue, catalog and general
information available upon request.
- International Society for Individual Liberty (ISIL).
Vince Miller, 1800 Market St, San Francisco, CA 94102.
(415) 864-0952; fax: (415) 864-7506. Worldwide
libertarian network. Strong on education. Representatives
and members on all continents and most countries of the
world. Book supplier. Publishes World Freedom
Bulletin and Freedom Network News.
Ideal for meeting freedom-lovers from all over the world.
Also publishes Index on Liberty - "an
international directory of institutions and publications
of interest to promoters of reason and liberty."
- Ithaca Money. Paul Glover, PO Box 6578,
Ithaca, NY 14851. Private currency called "Ithaca
Hour." Used by local farms, wholesalers, retailers,
cottage industries, individuals, and banks. "Here in
Ithaca, NY we've begun to crack the monopoly control of
money, banking and jobs, and to support family farms, by
using our own local currency." Publisher of Home
Town Money Starter Kit ($20).
- Javelin Press, c/o 504 West 24th St #73B, Austin,
Texas Republic, PZ 78705/TDC. Tax abatement book, Good-Bye
April 15th! by Boston T. Party.
- John Birch Society, The, P.O. Box 8040, Appleton,
Wl 54913-8040. (414) 749-3780. Conserative organization.
Distributes books, pamphlets, and videotapes on
freedom-related subjects.
- Justice Times, PO Box 479, American Fork,
Utah 84003. A.J. & Anita Lowrey. Patriot newspaper.
Important legal information for those determined to live
- Dan Romaine Kirkham, MD, JD. Lawyer of the Common
Law, Member of the California Bar Association. C/o 1625
East Franzen, Santa Ana, California Republic. (714)
835-9545. Sovereign and State Citizen.
- Laird Wilcox Editorial Research Service, PO Box
2047, Olathe, KS 66061. (913) 829-0609. Directories and
bibliographies of political organizations, publishers,
book dealers, newsletters, and journals - including the
- Laissez Faire Books. Book supplier. The world's
largest selection of books on liberty. 1-800-326-0996.
942 Howard Street, San Francisco, CA 94103. (415)
541-9780. Wendells New York City, W. 12th St. & 8th
Ave. (212) 675-0877.
- Lawyers For Liberty. c/o Nancy Lord, 1718
Peachtree St. NW, Ste. 499, Atlanta, GA 30309. FIJA/ Free
Speech defenses.
- L.A. Lawman, 9245 Reseda Boulevard, #450,
Northridge, CA 91325. (818) 366-6187. Publishes
videotapes on a variety of patriotic subjects.
- Learning Unlimited Network of Oregon (LUNO), 31960
S.E. Chin St., Boring, OR 97009. Gene Lehman, (503)
663-5153. Freedom-oriented learning network. Supplier of
learning materials for home schooling.
- Legal Form Stops Prosecution by Invoking All
Constitutional Rights Rick Nagol. PO Box 287, Deming,
NM 88031. (505) 546-4091. - traffic, misdemeanor, or
felony. Driver's licenses. Good success record with Title
42 Civil Rights cases. Send $10 cash only.
- Nancy Le Rosa, Jury Selector and Trial Consultant,
25 Highland Park Village # 248, Dallas, TX 7205. Phone
& Fax: (214) 350-4276. Answering Service: (214)
- Liaison Group, The, c/o 19310 61st Ave NE, Ste #1,
Seattle, WA 98155 USA. (206) 483-6548. A Non-profit
Christian ministry, a community advocacy group which
provides intervention between government systems and
individuals overcoming the bureaucratic cycle of abuse.
Constitutional Rights Advocates, Civil Liberties
Investigators and Victim Rights Advocates for
individuals. Referral base for alternative health care
needs, homeless situations, those who may be unjustly
incarcerated and lawful remedies for any situation.
- Liberatus, PO Box 608507, Orlando, FL
32680-8507. (407) 290-1384. Freedom newsletter. $3 for
- Libertarian Microfiche Publishing. John Zube, 7
Oxley St, Berrima, NSW, Australia 2577. (048) 771 436.
Major publisher of libertarian information on microfiche.
- Libertarian Party, 1528 Pennsylvania Avenue, S.E.,
Washington, DC 20003. (202) 543-1988. America's
third-largest political party. Believes in individual
responsibility, personal and economic freedom, and small
government. Opposed to socialism and communism.
- Liberty, PO Box 1167, Port Townsend, WA
98368. Libertarian magazine. Six issues per year.
Subscription: $19.50 for 1 year; $35.00 for 2 years.
- Liberty Amendment, PO Box 2386, El Cajon, CA
92021. (619) 579-8500. The Liberty Amendment has been
designed to fight and win all the various battles by
restoring the Constitution to full force and effect.
- Liberty Freedomry, 300 Independence Avenue, S.E.,
Washington, DC 20003. Distributes many patriotic books. A
major source of information about money, taxes,
economics, constitutional law, foreign policy, and
government. Affiliated with Liberty Lobby and Spotlight
- Liberty Printing & Graphics, 4330 Barranca
Pkwy #101-341, Irvine, CA 92714. Phone: (714) 551-3440.
Fax: (714) 733-9928. Wholesale printing of general items
(e.g., newsletters, manuals, labels, carbonless paper /
forms) but primarily specialties and advertising items:
bumperstickers, ballons, T-shirts, bags, pens, calendars,
etc. Can also do typesetting, graphics and layouts.
- Liberty Publishing Group, 4330 Barranca Pkwy
#101-341, Irvine, CA 92714. Phone: (714) 551-3440. Fax:
(714) 733-9928. Publish a monthly newspaper for
libertarians and other freedom minded / seeking
individuals, primarily in "hot" southern
California area; informing; publicizing and coordinating
acitivists and events of interest; facilitating
- LibertyTree Network. Book supplier. Books on
liberty. 134 Ninety-Eighth Ave. Oakland, CA 94603.
1-800-927-8733. (415) 568-6047. Offers a catalog of many
liberty books, games, audio tapes, video tapes, and
collectibles. Published by The Independent Institute, a
non-profit research and educational foundation headed by
David J. Theroux.
- Life Extension Foundation, PO Box 229120,
Hollywood, FL 33022. (305) 966-4886; 1-800-841-LIFE. A
non-profit organization dedicated to the dissemination of
accurate information about the latest worldwide
life-extension research and therapies, and marketing of
life-extension products. Publishers of the monthly Life
Extension Report. Advocates
abolition of FDA.
- Live Free International, PO Box 1743, Harvey, IL
60426. International survivalist network. Extensive
information on self-reliance and personal independence.
Several newsletters and computer bulletin boards.
- Living Free newsletter. "Forum
for debate among freedom-seekers, homesteaders,
survivalists, libertarians, anarchists, outlaws, since
1979." $9 for 6 issues. Checks payable to Jim Stumm,
PO Box 29, Hiler Branch, Buffalo, NY 14223.
- Longevity Books, West Towan House, Porthtowan,
Truro, Cornwall, TR4 8AX, UK. John de Rivaz. Life
extension and immortality. Publishes Longevity
Report and Fractal Report. Operates
the Perpetual Immortalist Contact Sheet (PICS)
- "a perpetual listing system for lonely hearts
interested in immortalism, using science and technology
to extend healthy active life."
- Loompanics, PO Box 1197, Port Townsend, WA 98368.
Book supplier. Foremost provider of freedom technology.
Send $5 for catalog.
- Loyalist Press, c/o P.O. Box 10,000-200,
Silverthorne, Colorado (303) 262-2428. Book supplier.
Provider of freedom technology. Call or Write for
- Lucidity Institute, Inc., The, 2555 Park Blvd.,
#2A, Palo Alto, CA 94306. (415) 321-9969. Offers products
designed to induce and enhance lucid dreams, or dream
control. Great method for attaining personal liberation.
Write or call for catalog.
- Ludwig von Mises Institute,
Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama 36830-9889. Phone
(205) 844-2500. Works for the free market, individual
liberty, private property, and the gold standard.
- Richard McDonald, c/o 585-D Box Canyon Rd, Canoga
Park, California Republic. Voice: (818) 703-5037; BBS
(818) 888-9882; Fax: (818) 887-3217. Sovereignty,
paralegal, tax elimination, and vehicle operation
services. Political movement to restore State Rights and
State Citizenship. Database and computer network.
Hundreds of briefs to defend against government attacks.
Probably the leading expert on State Citizenship and
related issues.
- Mantooth Report, The, Rt. 1, Box 387,
Salem, Ind. 47167. Report on cover-ups, British control,
- MIA Report, Donald S. McAlvany, PO Box
5150, Durango, CO 81301. Freedom-oriented
investment/political newsletter. Analyzes current
monetary, economic, political and precious metals trends.
- Michigan Property Owners Association, Zeno Budd,
1954 S. Shepardsville Rd, Ovid, MI 48866. (517) 834-5484.
Defenders of property rights. Experts in the history of
the land and land patents (allodial title).
- Militia of Montana, c/o PO Box 1486, Noxon, MT
59853. Public relations: Randy L. Trochman - (406)
847-2246 v/fax. Forming militia units nation-wide;
networking people together. Freedom education.
Information on acts of government crime and terrorism.
Restoring the U.S. Constitution. Paralegal assistance and
support. Audio/Video tapes, Self-Defense products, Taking
Aim newsletter. Call for our militia packet or send
- Mosaic Media, c/o 366 North Allen Ave, Box 235,
Pasadena, California Republic. $23 video on Federal
Reserve, IRS, Income Tax, deception, and corruption.
- National Center for Constitutional Studies, 3740 W
1987 S, Salt Lake City, UT 84104. Glen Kimber, W. Cleon
Skousen. Skousen has written several books on the US
Constitution, including one which is a basic course in
Constitutional study - The Five Thousand Year Leap.
- National Citizen Education, 9205 S.E. Clackamas Rd
#435, Clackamas, OR 97015. Patriot freedom education.
- National Coalition of IRS Whistleblowers, PO Box
7750, New York, NY 10018. Mutual support network of IRS
and ex-IRS employees exposing IRS crimes, terrorism, and
- National Commodity and Barter Association (NCBA),
PO Box 2255, Longmont, CO 80501. (800) 759-NCBA. Patriot
education, legal support, mutual aid.
- National Liberty Alliance, 8330 E Quincy Ave,
#I-205, Denver, CO 80237-2405. Frank Turano. Book about
Police-Citizen encounters. Closely associated with NCBA.
- New Sovereign, The , 17220 Newhope
#210, Fountain Valley, California Republic. Journal
covering State Citizenship. Important and thorough legal
- New Thought Forum, PO Box 4191, Utica, NY 13504.
Publisher of two newsletters: GUTTS and
The White Hat Underground, and two reports:
Using Philosophy to Identify the Nature of Evil
and Satan's Shield (also available on
cassette). Mission:
(1) To counter and demolish the destructive forces of
liberalism and the evil forces of socialism that are
engulfing this once-free nation, and to help the honest,
the productive, and the innocent understand how they are
being cheated out of their property, their lives, and
even their happiness by their "friends" in
(2) To encourage self-leadership and the self-leaders who
will expose and eliminate the manipulative, power-hungry,
political "wanna-be leaders" who by putting
themselves in positions of authority know they can
dishonestly derive an easy, lazy life of stolen privilege
and false prestige without adding anything of value to
society. (They in fact, and to the contrary, live a
parasitical existence by draining values from society.)
Write for free information.
- Nexus Magazine, P.O. Box 177,
Kempton, Ill. 60946. Covers conspiracy, free energy,
future science, UFOs, etc.
- Northpoint Tactical Teams, PO Box 129, Topton, NC
28781. Patriot freedom education.
- Omni/Christian Book Club , P.O. Box 900566,
Palmdale, California 93590. Carries hard-to-find books.
- Other Americas Radio, The , PO Box 85, Santa
Barbara, CA 93102. (805) 569-5381. "Our primary
concern is to increase the scope and integrity of
information available regarding Central America, the
Environment and Covert Actions Worldwide." Exposes
government crime. Write or call to be put on mailing
- Patriot Primer, The/ James Hazel ,
P.O. Box 863, Mt. Angel, Oregon 97362. In-depth research
into Sovereignty, Title, War Powers, etc.
- Patriot Society News Letter, The ,
c/o 1050 Merritt Lane, El Cajon, California, PZ 92020.
Phone: (619) 441-1918; Fax: (619) 444-1979. Practical
application of common law and other means to live free.
- Personal Power, Ltd., PO Box 101-203, North Shore
Mail Centre, Auckland 10, New Zealand. ph/fax (64) 9
- Peaceful Secession, PO Box 2628, Monroe, LA 71207.
David. E. Rockett, (318) 388-1149. "Peaceful
Secession is an educational and promotional business -
with a cultural and political vision. We believe that
cultural hostilities are often best resolved by the
peaceful separation of hostile factions into separate,
independent nation-states. Thus, Peaceful Secession
believes large centralized Mega-States should split into
several smaller, more homogeneous nations, countries and
self-governing political entities."
- Political Economy Research Center (PERC), Jane S.
Shaw, 502 S. 19th Ave, Ste. 211, Bozeman, MT 59715. (406)
587-9591. Free Market environmental organization that
offers "an approach to environmental issues that
recognizes the importance of property rights, private
initiative and voluntary activity." Write or call
for information.
- Positive Times, The , P.O. Box 244,
West Stockbridge, MA 01266-9900. (413) 698-3344.
Quarterly journal "fueled by the daily excitement of
emotional growth, the wildest and most hopeful
perspective we can realistically manage, and a belief
that a positive future is ours to create." Each
issue contains words of wisdom from a diversity of great
minds such as Benjamin Franklin, Thoreau, Emerson,
Voltaire, H.L. Mencken, Gandhi, Lao Tzu, Martin Seligman,
Wayne Dyer and many more. 1 yr. subscription $14.00 (bulk
mail), $19.00 (1st Class). 2 yrs. $24.00 (bulk mail),
$34.00 (1st class).
- Pragmatist, The , PO Box 392, Forest
Grove, PA 18922. A Libertarian newsletter with a
utilitarian approach. "We go further than most
modern libertarians. Because we recognize that the point
of all human action is happiness, we see that liberty is
desirable because it enables people to pursue what they
value, what offers them happiness. The purpose of Liberty
is happiness. Thus, we are libertarians because we are
utilitarians. But, because our concern is with the
maximization of pleasure, we are not content with
removing just the physical chains that bind individuals.
Equally enslaving can be the mental fetters, moral and
religious fantasies, that restrict the choices of
individuals by commanding them to do or not to do certain
things. This is why we seek a free society,
"free" in the fullest sense of the word."
$12.00 subscription for 6 issues per year.
- Present Truth, The , P.O. Box 122, Ponderay, ID
83852. (208) 683-3598. Founded by George Eaton. Publishes
the Patriot Report newsletter.
- Prevailing Winds Research, PO Box 23511, Santa
Barbara, CA 93121. (805) 577-8016. "Prevailing Winds
Research attempts to serve as an umbrella in order to
present alternative voices and views." Articles and
tapes exposing government crime (such as government drug
trafficking, CIA-S&L scam, and the Bush Crime
Family). Publishes bi-monthly journal Dossier.
Write or call for free catalog.
- Pro Se Litigants of Florida, 2138 Salem Ave N., St
Petersburg, FL 33714. Mark D. Zimmerman (813) 522-5553;
Lenny Balas (813) 392-6305; Dr. Glen Foster (813)
789-5771. Paralegal and common-law education and support.
- Project Mind. A project to develop
"Accelerated Thought," by means of which we
hope to greatly increase our mastery of matter in
general, our bodies, and our lives - producing physical
immortality and virtually unlimited abundance for all
humans. The project is descibed in the book Project
Mind by T. Kun. (The author "declares open
war on death and taxes.") To order Project
Mind send $14.95 + $2.50 shipping and handling to
Unimedia Publishing, PO Box 247, Indian Rocks Beach, FL
34635. Foreign orders $2.00 additional.
- Prosperos, The, P.O. Box 4969, Culver City, CA
90231. (310) 287-1663. School of philosophy that promotes
personal empowerment through self-reliance and
application of scientific principles and universal laws.
Based on the teachings of 20th century transcendentalist
philosopher Thane. Correspondence courses, books and
tapes available. Write or call for information.
- Publius Press, 3100 South Philamena Place, Tucson,
AZ 85730. (800) 422-3888. Historian Ralph Epperson
distributes a number of books and videotapes about the
New World Order.
- Radio Amateur Freemen. Jim Thomas W90AG, 5509
Washington Ave, Evansville, IN 47715. Informal group
dedicated to educating radio amateurs on freedom issues.
- Rainbow Information Center, Frank Pepper, C/o
40087 Mission Blvd., #272, Fremont California. Sponsors
educational meetings and seminars in the San Francisco
bay area.
- Real World Productions, 7092 Highland Road #174,
Waterford, Ml 48327. (313) 693-5021. Distributes Mark
Koernke's videotapes including America In Peril,
which is about the Multi-Jurisdictional Task Force, the
Financial Crime Enforcement Network, and United Nations
forces in the U.S.
- Reaper, The , R.E. McMaster, Jr, PO
Box 84901, Phoenix, AZ 85071. Freedom-oriented
investment/political newsletter.
- Reason, 3415 Sepulveda Blvd # 400,
Los Angeles, CA 90034. Leading libertarian magazine. For
subscription call (815) 734-1102. Circulation about
- Renaissance Bookshop, 6639 Magnolia Ave.,
Riverside, CA 92506. Gene Berkman, (909) 369-8843.
Bookshop and mail-order; Libertarian; free-market
economics; history; science fiction; holistic health.
- Reporter, The , 520 Main St.,
Placerville, CA (916) 622-2280, FAX: (916) 622-6376.
Newsletter subscription: $30.00 per year.
- Republic v. Democracy Redress (RDR), Fourth
Judicial District, 729 Molalla Ave #2, Oregon City,
Oregon. Bob Wangrud, Randy Giesler. Distinguishes
Preamble citizenship from Fourth Ammendment citizenship.
Publishes the Behold! Many educational materials.
- Resources for Independent Thinking, 4067 Hardwick
#129, Lakewood, CA 90712-2324. (310) 3678. Non-profit,
educational organization "dedicated to promoting
independent thinking, critical thinking and personal
self-empowerment." Offers seminars, workshops,
educational materials and quarterly publication
Independent Thinking Review ($18.00/year; students,
limited means, $9.00). Sample issue and information
available upon request.
- Right Way L.A.W., P.O. Box 445, Hartville, Ohio
44632. Very successful at sueing for damages under Title
42 against "Authority". (Must be sponsored to
become a member.)
- Ron Paul Investment Letter and Ron
Paul Political Report, 1120 NASA Blvd
#104, Houston, TX 77058. Libertarian newsletters by
former Congressman.
- Save-A-Patriot Fellowship (SAP), PO Box 91,
Westminster, MD 21157. (301) 876-6342, (301) 239-7621.
John L. Sasscer, John B. Kotmair, Jr. Member-controlled
mutual insurance program. Paralegal and financial support
to government victims. Within-the-system tax abatement
based on Internal Revenue Code. Newsletter: Reasonable
- School of Statesmanship, 1235 Newport Rd, Manheim,
PA 17545. (717) 665-3157. Elam G. Hummer.
"No-party" plan to restore freedom to America.
- School of Living, The , R.D. 1 Box 185A,
Cochranville, PA 19330. A decentralized network of people
devoted to the ideals of a free, whole life for the
individual, the family and society. Devoted to the
principles of cooperative self-reliance, conservation of
the environment, and scarce natural resources,
non-violence and individual liberty. Advocates
voluntarism as opposed to coercion, small scale as
opposed to large scale, and decentralization of power and
decision-making as opposed to centralized control in
economics, politics and social structures. Seeks to
promote non-exploitative cooperative relationships
between independent individuals and to foster conditions
which promote the fullest possible realization of the
potential of each individual. Quarterly journal Green
- Dr. N.A. (Doc) Scott, 2649 Vista Way #8-137,
Oceanside, Calif. 92054/TDC. Tax reduction service.
- Scope International Ltd, 62 Murray Rd,
Waterlooville, Hants, PO8 9JL, Great Britain. Tel: (0705)
592255; fax: (0705) 591975. Outside UK dial International
Code + 44 705 592255 (or 591975 for fax). Provider of
freedom technology. Some of the most advanced and most
powerful freedom technology available anywhere. See
Report #TL22: The Scope Report.
- Serpent Slayer/Francis Christen, P.O. Box 8066,
Medford, Oregon 97504. Research regarding the fraud of
the Constitution, Freemasonry, etc.
- Sons of Liberty, P.O. Box 449, Arabi, La 70032.
Carries hard-to-find patriot books.
- Sovereign Advisor, The , Common-Law
Service Center HQ, 3rd Judicial District, 564 La Sierra
Drive #187, Sacramento, California Republic. (916)
- Sovereignty Education Center, c/o 14301 NE 9th St,
Vancouver, WA 98684. Tel: (503) 220-0950; Fax: (503)
223-7988. Sovereignty, State Citizenship, and tax
- Spotlight, The , 300 Independence
Ave, SE, Washington, DC 20003. (800) 522-6292 or (202)
544-1794. Patriot weekly newspaper. Publishes a great
deal of news censored by the establishment media. Exposes
the New World Order insiders. (We don't share all their
- Sun Radio Network, 2857 Executive Dr, Clearwater,
FL 34622-5575. Freedom-oriented radio network.
- Survival Services International, 1670 S. Elkhart
St, Aurora, CO 80012. (800) 433-6427. Idenics, the best
technology we know of for psychological and emotional
freedom. (See also report #TL12: How to Achieve
Emotional Control.)
- Build Freedom BBS, 4330 Barranca Pkwy #101-341,
Irvine, CA 92714. Phone: (714) 551-3440. Fax: (714)
733-9928. Electronic version and enhancement of Build
Freedom Press (see Build Freedom Publishing Group):
another tool for outreach and facilitating communication
amongst Build Freedomns (will have access to Internet, etc.
... encryption considered... ).
- Build Freedom Publishing Group, 4330 Barranca Pkwy
#101-341, Irvine, CA 92714. Phone: (714) 551-3440. Fax:
(714) 733-9928. Publishes Build Freedom Newspaper (Build
Freedom Press), newsletters and other edia
to promote Build Freedom to the public and to serve as a
clearinghouse / communicator for Build Freedomns.
- Thought, The , PO Box 3092, Orange,
CA 92665. Monthly magazine of the Philosophers Guild.
Explores a wide range of freedom issues. Down to earth
and well written. If anything can save us from the evil
of coercive government it is the ability to think. The
Thought challenges our thinking and opens our minds
to freedom. $1 for sample issue.
- TK Enterprises, PO Box 5201 Ottawa, Canada K2C
3H5. Offering individuals persona; offshore investment
trusts with complete confidentiality.
- Trans Time, Inc., 10208 Pearmain St., Oakland, CA
94603. (510) 639-1955. Provider of cryonic suspension
- Trumpet Ministries, c/o Dr. Carl Sanders, Jr.,
N9319 Division Street #140, Spokane, WA 99218. (509)
623-6285. Dr. Carl Sanders, an engineer who headed the
project which developed the implantable biochip (the Mark
of the Beast) and later became a Christian, offers tapes
and literature about the New World Order.
- Truth in Taxation, 5514 Satsuma Ave, N. Hollywood,
Calif. 91601/TDC.$49.95 book, De-Taxing America: How
You Can Legally Stop Paying Income Tax (And Why You
- University of Science and Philosophy, Swannanoa
Palace, Box 520, Dept. R, Waynesboro, VA 22980. (703)
942-5161. Teaches the achievement pf personal power
through scientific principles that unlock human
potential. Offers correspondence course as well as books
and other educational materials. Write or call for
catalog and information package.
- Venturist Monthly News, 10444 N.
Cave Creek Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85020. Mouthpiece of The
Society for Venturism, an organization promoting
immortality through science. Development of technology
leading to freedom from death. Advocates of cryonic
- Victims of Government, PO Box 3776, Washington, DC
20007. 1-800-453-9000. Send $20 for the Special 4-Star
Edition of To Harass our People: The IRS and
Government Abuse of Power by Congressman George
- Viswa Shanti Nikethana. Swami Nirmalananda, B.R.
Hills P.O. Chamarajanagar 571313, Karnataka, India.
Enlightened anarchist community.
- Voice of Liberty, The , 692
Sunnybrook Dr., Decatur, Georgia 30033. Report on
cover-ups, British control, corruption. Anti-Federalism.
Outcome Based Education reports, New Age Fraud.
- Voluntaryist, The , PO Box 1275
Gramling, SC 29348. Edited and published by Carl Watner
since 1982. The only pure free market newsletter to
eschew electoral politics and violent revolution. $18 for
6 issues per year (add $5 overseas). For Table of
Contents and sample copy send $5 or $1 per sample issue.
- "We the People" Committee, 11910-C
Meridian East #142, Puyallup, Washington, PZ 98373/TDC.
Tax abatement, right-to-travel services.
- Wellness Messenger, The/ T.C. Fry,
42015 Ford Road #107, Canton, Mich. 48187. Health
publication. AIDS Hoax book.
- Wenger, Win, Ph.D. Project Renaissance;
Psychegenics; PO Box 332, Gaithersburg, MD 20884-0332.
(301) 948-1122. The most effective intelligence-increase
technology I know of. Send $5 for information.
- Western New York Freeman, The (TWNYF).
P.O. Box 55, Springbook, NY 14140. (716) 674-3069.
Libertarian publication. Annual subscription: $10.00.
Sample issue: $1.00.
- Western Review Institute. Robert E. Sagehorn, PO
Box 806, Chino, CA 91708. Freedom-oriented writer and
- Western Tax Council, c/o PO Box 2197, Nez Perce
Indian Reservation, Orofino, Idaho, PZ 83544/TDC. Voice:
(208) 476-0253; Fax: (208) 476-7191. Director Cliff
Turner. Sovereignty, common law, tax abatement, and
related services. Comparable to Richard McDonald - see
under "M."
- Whitten Printers, 1001 South 5th Street, Phoenix;
AZ 85004. (602) 258-6406. Publishes the Citizens
Rule Book, a pocket-sized booklet containing the
U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, the Declaration of
Independence, the Ten Commandments, information about the
rights of jurors, and other related information.
- Win First Association, Richard Humpal, JD;Lawyer
of the Common Law. 2097 E. Washington St 1E #321,
California, PZ 92324. (909) 424-5038. Tax abatement
- Winning Against Bill Collectors/ The Consumer Guide,
Consumer Information Group, 103 Bigelow St., P.O. Box
551, Marlboro, Ma. 01752. Comprehensive 100+ page book on
consumer credit, laws, sample letters, contact addresses,
etc. $19.95.
- W.l.R., 2533 North Carson, Carson City, NV 89706.
(800) 942-0821. World In Review is the
newsletter published by Dr. John Coleman, a former
British Ml-6 intelligence officer who has a wealth of
inside information about the New World Order. Also
distributes patriot books and videotapes.
- World Freedom Information Network, 1421 Grand Ave
#137, Grover Beach, CA 93433. Fax (800) WFINET3
(800-934-6383). The Information Network provides a medium
for the exchange of relevent information among all honest
value producers. This global network gathers and
disemminates valuable, reality-based information
regarding health, longevity, new products, services and
business opportunities. Provides the contacts and
resources to enable you to expand into worldwide
To ensure that network members capture
maximum benefits from their productive efforts, WFI has
developed the World Fraud Investigation Network dedicated
to removing the obstacles one confronts in his or her
ascent to increasing freedom and prosperity. Armed with
the tools needed to identify fraud and deception, you are
protected from those who want to usurp your personal
freedom and earned wealth. Through the identification,
exposure, and elimination of individuals and
organizations whose actions are based on deception and
fraud, the honest producer achieves a new level of
liberation and power.
- World Government of World Citizens, Suite 1106
Continental Building, 1012 14th Street NW, Washington, DC
20005. (202) 638-2662; fax: (202) 638-0638. Organization
launched by the author of:
(a) The World is My Country: The Adventures
of a World Citizen by Garry Davis (G.P. Putnam's
Sons, NY; 1961);
(b) Passport to Freedom: A Guide for World
Citizens by Garry Davis with Greg Guma (Seven
Locks Press, Washington; 1992). The organization is
administered by the World Service Authority at the above
address. It issues passports and birth certificates, and
provides other services. The above two books contain some
very important freedom technology, discussed in #TL14:
The World Citizen Ideas of Garry Davis.
- Worth Publishing Company, P.O. Box 7, Kasilof, AK
99610. Publishes many of the books written by Lindsey
Williams, a Baptist minister and well-known lecturer
about the New World Order.
***** Please let me know of any organizations, groups,
publications, etc. that should be added to the above.
Building Freedom
The following quote is from a letter by "A Friend of Thomas Paine" published in the June 1993 issue of The Voluntaryist:
- "... I have finally come to the inescapable
conclusion that collective declarations, constitutions,
political action and statutory law cannot possibly be a
successful means to achieve freedom. Any of these efforts
might be a reasonable attempt to limit tyranny,
but not to build freedom. When people are
enslaved, they might do any number of things to make
their lives better or make that tyranny tolerable. But to
achieve true freedom (Rose Wilder Lane: "Freedom
is self-control, no more, no less."), humankind
has to evolve just a bit further than where we are now. Social
technology based on non-coercive institutions has to
develop to replace the State, and this will not likely
happen until such institutions are obviously better than
their State counterparts at satisfying human desires. This
judgment must be made not only by libertarians,
voluntaryists and anarchists, but also by the average
person who could[n't] care less about the elegant
ideas of freedom we share. In short, the product
(freedom) should work better and be more marketable than
it is today. We must improve the product by building
non-coercive organizations to replace coercive ones.
applaud the efforts of your newsletter... and others who
promote the ideas of individual liberty through
education... However, it seems to me that more than just
education will be necessary. Some technology which
may not presently exist, combined with the increasingly
obvious inability of the State to provide everything for
everybody, will one day allow for a critical mass of
dissenters to successfully implement civil disobedience.
Perhaps the collapse of banks, bond defaults,
hyperinflation and/or debt liquidation (deflation) will
make this possible, or perhaps it will have to be more
gradual. But I am convinced that it will happen. Perhaps
there just aren't enough freedom lovers yet to bring it
about. Perhaps there are, but they haven't been organized
I have become particularly interested in the idea
of creating non-coercive businesses and other
organizations to take over the functions of the State
as it proceeds inevitably down the path toward its own
destruction. To me, this offers the most exciting
prospect for the future of freedom... Who is working on
building such alternative institutions? Perhaps those
doing the most for tomorrow's freedom are those building
businesses in communications, alternative lifestyles,
property protection services, computer software
(especially shareware), and other "cutting
edge" activities...
What if someone were to develop an effective,
inexpensive personal defensive shield? If individuals
could defend themselves against the aggression of the
State without presenting an offensive threat, the present
coercive institutions wouldn't last long... "
[emphasis added]
Such a "personal defensive shield" has been developed. It is called freedom technology. It consists of the knowledge, methods, and skills for living free in an unfree world. However, you can't just buy the shield and use it. You have to discover who you are. You have to discover your freedom. You have to shift from being outer-directed to being inner-directed. You have to practice and develop your freedom. You need to develop the determination to live free, no matter what!
In this context, freedom is like a brain and a muscle. The brain needs to learn. The muscle needs to work. You need to actively beat the bureaucrats. Freedom in action! You shift from complaining about lack of freedom to actually living free
Selling Freedom for Profit
To some, the notion of selling freedom profitably might seem insulting. There are thousands of organizations that promote freedom. Together these organizations have millions of members and supporters. Generally, the supporters provide the money for the organizations to survive. Many supporters act as unpaid salespeople. Supporters are expected to sacrifice money, time, and effort to bring about freedom in the future.
In Build Freedom we advocate that individuals sell freedom for profit: a shift from self-sacrifice and altruism to enlightened self-interest or selfishness.
We have entered the information age. When you sell freedom, you essentially sell information. Bill Gates of Microsoft has become America's richest man essentially by selling information on how to make computers more effective. What we are trying to sell is essentially information on how humans can become more effective.
The difference between how effective humans can be and how effective they actually are, constitutes the potential market for our information. The potential market is huge.
Rush Limbaugh has become the world's most successful radio talk show host. His syndicated talk show is broadcast by nearly 600 radio stations. He also has a TV show. His book The Way Things Ought To Be has sold over two-and-a-half million copies. Limbaugh sells what we might call "limited conservative freedom." He advocates that people read Hayek. Limbaugh has become a millionaire many times over.
There are about 20 million Americans who attempt to make money through home-based businesses. About 15,000 new people join their ranks every week. A major proportion of this business involves selling information by mail. All kinds of methods have been developed to sell information profitably by mail.
Because of the nature of the business and the transactions, it is relatively easy - if you can create the business successfully - to operate it as a true free-enterprise business.
Report #TL13: How to Sell Freedom for Profit, tells you step-by-step how to start your own business, selling freedom. You can start in your spare time and eventually develop it into a full-time occupation.
Freedom from Illness, Psychological and Emotional Problems, and Death
Death can be regarded as the extreme opposite of freedom. Some of the organizations listed above are involved in developing the technology to overcome death and to achieve biological or physical immortality.
Illness reduces freedom. Report #TL09: How to Achieve Superhealth provides you with the most advanced health information we know of.
Psychological or emotional problems may reduce your freedom. The best technology we know of for increasing psychological and emotional freedom has been developed by Survival Services International. They have developed a technology called "Idenics," which is described in report #TL12: How to Achieve Emotional Control.
Freedom in Action!
"Freedom in action!" is the motto of Build Freedom. You can immediately start taking the actions to free yourself. What those actions need to be depends on the areas of your life where you want to increase your freedom... Build Freedom can provide you with information in the following areas:
- Making more money;
- Improving your physical health;
- Improving psychological and emotional health;
- Reducing taxes;
- Increasing privacy and protecting assets;
- Starting and running real free-enterprise businesses;
- Private free-enterprise financial services;
- Almost anything else related to any aspect of freedom.
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