Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism
As soon as I became aware of the alleged COVID-19 pandemic I suspected it would be a Psychological Operation (psyop) and as time went on I recognised and predicted certain hallmarks based on my understanding of other psyops particularly 9/11. It is an interesting exercise to look at some of the parallels.
See also:
Trauma-based Mind Control Psychological Operations
There are various types of psyops, many of them being trauma-based and these two especially are very much trauma-based psyops. While school shootings are trauma-based too, the anxiety and fear caused is not at the same level as 9/11 and COVID-19. People have really suffered trauma over these two events.
Problem > Reaction > Solution
1. Invent a problem - Terrorism, financial crisis, pandemic etc.
2. Fabricate a response that isn't commensurate (even if the problem were real) but people will still go along with - Let the mainstream media only broadcast/print the side of the problem you want to show
3. Enforce a solution that also doesn't make sense (even if the problem were real) but people will still comply with - wars, corporate tax-cuts, welfare budget cuts, etc.
Problem > Reaction > Solution scenarios date from at least the Roman emperor, Diocletian.
"Diocletian's vice-emperor, Galerius, didn't have a hard time in persuading him that if a Palace were just to burn down, Diocletian could really accelerate his crusade against the Christians. Just by coincidence, twice within sixteen days toward the end of February, Diocletian's palace in Nicomedia burned. The Christians were immediately blamed."
Exercises / drills
Psyops are often essentially drills pushed out as real events. Often they are preceded by other drills or, in fact, even have drills happening alongside.
COVID-19: Event 201, tabletop pandemic exercise, was held in October 2019, partnered by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. In this video, Mike Pompeo, says in a press conference at the White House, March 20, 2020, "We're in a live exercise here ..." after which Trump leans over and says quietly, "You should ... you should have let us know" - as if he didn't already.
9/11: A large number of readily-acknowledged drills before, on, through and after 9/11 - there were just a few key drills they omitted to explicate. There were quite a few issues with the drills - see article by Elizabeth Woodworth, The Military Drills of September 11th: Why a New Investigation is Needed.
Other similar types of events
COVID-19: There is reason to believe that a number of other alleged epidemics and pandemics are also psyops, for example, this article, by health writer, Steven Ransom, on the 2003 SARS virus, Cough and Awe, would indicate that the current SARS is a rinse and repeat on a much larger scale. This is a video on Ebola (15 mins) showing fakery and this video looks at COVID, Zika, Ebola and Anthrax (33 mins).
9/11: In reality, 9/11 was essentially bombings of evacuated areas - meaning death and injury were staged (note the FBI codename for the 9/11 investigation was PENTTBOM - Pentagon Twin Tower bombing - yes it really was). Other psyops of the same type include Pearl Harbour, 1980 Bologna station bombing, the 2017 Mogadishu truck bombing, the 2002 Bali bombing and no doubt the 1995 Oklahoma bombing which I haven't studied. The 2017 Manchester bombing doesn't quite fit as there simply was no bombing at all but in a general sense we might say it was a similar type of event. I believe that some of the alleged IRA bombings were also of this type and I wouldn't be at all surprised if the 1992 and 1996 IRA bombings in Manchester (while genuine bombings) also occurred in evacuated areas.
We can see presages of both events, typical of psyops.
COVID-19: This analysis of the 2012 London Olympics opening ceremony by YouTuber, Peekay, points out the obvious connections.
9/11: Many allusions in films and other media prior to 2001.
Very obvious scientific fraud
Case for the following made in article by two independent journalists, Torsten Engelbrecht and Konstantin Demeter, COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless
--- No distinctive specific symptoms for COVID-19
--- Admitted lack of gold standard test for COVID-19
--- PCR test used inappropriate for viral testing (its purpose was manufacturing not testing). Clear example: Faith in Quick Test Leads to Epidemic That Wasn't.
--- No clear evidence of origin of RNA used in test
--- Authors of scientific papers claiming isolation of virus admit that purification of virus not actually done and seasoned virologist admits lack of awareness of any paper showing purification of virus
--- No evidence of what is said to be the virus, SARS-CoV-2 causing COVID-19
--- Test results are irrational (many individuals producing different results on multiple tests) which would only be expected when the testing method used is against scientific testing protocol
--- The test contains "q" in its name, RT-qPCR, which should stand for quantitative, however, it is admitted the test is qualitative meaning it cannot test viral load which means they cannot test how many viral particles are carried in the body. For people to be considered infected a viral load needs to be determined.
--- High Cycle Quantification (Cq) values undermine validity of test and some PCR tests have high Cq values (Drosten test has 45). The inventor of the test, Kary Mullis, has this to say: "If you have to go more than 40 cycles to amplify a single-copy gene, there is something seriously wrong with your PCR."
--- Before starting with PCR, in the case of presumed RNA viruses such as SARS-CoV-2, the RNA must be converted to complementary DNA (cDNA) with the enzyme Reverse Transcriptase—hence the "RT" at the beginning of "PCR" or "qPCR," but this transformation process is "widely recognized as inefficient and variable,"
The above issues clearly show that there is no evidence at all to believe in either the virus, SARS-CoV-2 or the alleged illness COVID-19. The clear inference to be made is that all illness and death ascribed to COVID-19 is due, in reality, to normal causes, namely other viruses including influenza, pneumonia, heart condition or, indeed, any cause at all because we can see that death is being ascribed to people who tested positive for COVID-19 or who simply are presumed to be suffering from COVID-19 but who are suffering from multiple or have suffered at least one other problem, eg, car accident.
We also see strange omissions of reference to isolation of virus from alleged source, for example, from a "German traveller" in paper, Comparative pathogenesis of COVID-19, MERS and SARS in a non-human primate model (note similar glaring omission of reference to isolation of virus from alleged source, a "fatal SARS case", in a "brief communication" published by Nature on the 2003 SARS, Koch's postulates fulfilled for SARS virus).
9/11: 2.25 seconds of agreed-upon freefall in collapse of WTC-7 categorically means controlled demolition (apart from everything else). See page on WTC-7's collapse.
Fraudulent debunking of "conspiracy theory" (which is, in turn, debunked)
COVID-19: On July 31, 2020, the authors of COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless, Torsten Engelbrecht and Konstantin Demeter, published an open rebuttal of the alleged debunking of their article done by the "fact-checking" website, PolitiFact, Open Letter: Refuting Politifact's "fact check" which PolitiFact have not responded to.
9/11: Prominent scholar on 9/11, David Ray Griffin, debunks Popular Mechanics' Debunking the 9/11 Myths: Special Report - The World Trade Center and other alleged debunking in his book, Debunking 9/11 Debunking: An Answer to Popular Mechanics and Other Defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory.
Unexplained "novelty"
COVID-19: We have been told that SARS-CoV-2 is a "novel" coronavirus, however, no clear evidence of how it is novel other than ascription of a large amount of illness and death to it has been presented with regard to its novel nature. We have been given no sense of why or how it is so virulent, why in some cases it will kill even young adults but at the same time has little impact on children (we see them all happily playing together in playparks and pre-schools), makes some people seriously ill and is particularly infectious but in most cases those testing positive are asymptomatic, while other coronaviruses (or any other pathogens as far as we know) do not affect people in a remotely similar manner. We have not be told of a specific symptom (or set of symptoms) that tends to be more virulent in those allegedly suffering from COVID-19 or otherwise given a single clue as to how the nature of this virus causes it to manifest so differently from other coronaviruses or even other pathogens and in exactly what way it manifests so differently - apart from ascription of it to death and illness which, as indicated under Very obvious scientific fraud, is not based on a scientific foundation.
9/11: NIST lead investigator, Shyam Sunder says of the collapse of WTC-7:
"We really have a new kind of progressive collapse that we have here, which is a fire-induced progressive collapse. And, in fact, we have shown for the first time that fire can induce a progressive collapse."
NIST showed no such thing - see Point 8, Collapse of WTC-7, nor did they offer any explanation for the reason that this new type of progressive collapse occurred only once in history - in the collapse of WTC-7.
Two major propaganda streams
COVID-19: Global pandemic and massive response required
9/11: Terrorists crashing planes into buildings which subsequently collapsed, resulting in the deaths of 3,000 people and injury to 6,000
PROPAGANDA 2 (controlled opposition) - DIRECTED TO SKEPTICS
COVID-19: Virus but not pandemic and response inappropriate. Of course, some people will naturally think there's a virus but not at pandemic levels and that the response is inappropriate, however, controlled opposition is still pushed out to propagate and curate that message. Often, controlled opposition pushes out simply what some people will think anyway but they like to have control over the message so that they can ensure as much as possible that thought doesn't drift over to the actual truth. The actual truth needs to be suppressed as much as possible.
9/11: Inside job where buildings were brought down using controlled demolition resulting in the deaths of 3,000 people and injury to 6,000
COVID-19: No virus, no nothing, Emperor's New Clothes par excellence
9/11: Buildings were damaged and demolished (planes were faked and death and injury were staged), many drills were conducted and these drills, essentially, comprised the operation.
Reality gets in the way of a psyop - you don't want to be chasing a virus wherever it leads if anywhere - seriously, no one believes it went from Wuhan to Bergamo to the Ruby Princess, and infected poor old Boris just at the time his wife was delivering their baby, etc, all by itself or by deliberate means, no one believes that, do they? Nor do you want to manage airliners lumbering around the skies directing them into buildings or killing people for real when you don't want them dead. One of the most important elements of psyops is CONTROL. They want complete control of the story and they do it through making it all about "story" (involving a number of actors) as much as humanly possible rather than have "reality" involved ... except where wanted. They don't want a virus and all they wanted on 9/11 was to bring buildings down. Importantly, we need to recognise that the perps take great pride in their psyops. It would be so utterly beneath them to introduce any element of reality into the psyop unless it was wanted. They would never cheat by making any part of it real except parts wanted. After all, they bend over backwards making their fakery deliberately sloppy. It would be against all their rules to introduce reality into a psyop except where it is desired.
Multiple mini-propaganda streams to divert, mislead and dissipate the effectiveness of opposition to the official story
Massive story full of loads of mini-streams of propaganda which may well be true pieces of information. Propaganda doesn't have to be false information: truth can be used very effectively to divert people from other more important truths and also to imply other things are true which are not, in fact, true.
--- Tests are unreliable to put it mildly but this implies there's a virus to test for ... when there isn't (see blog post especially Point 2, How to pull off a "pandemic"). No need to waste a moment on the ludicrous tests when there's no virus to test for in the first place.
--- Then there's the masks, the quarantine, the lockdown, the handwashing, the sanitising, the ever-changing rules, the up and down figures, vaccinations, hydroxychloroquine as a cure, etc which can consume people in discussion and argument for hours.
--- They focus us on the buildings, not the more revealing faked planes which immediately put a big hole in the 3,000 dead claim (265 in planes) and might lead us to wonder if perhaps deaths other than those in the alleged planes were also faked. There's no need to spend a second on analysing how the buildings came down on 9/11 if we prove (and it's very easy to do) that the planes were faked. If the planes were faked then obviously the buildings came down by a controlled means - the propagandists have the truthers focused on the buildings while minimising focus on the planes all to divert from the staged death and injury.
--- Then there's Israel, Israel, Israel (whoever was involved and it certainly wasn't just Israel the Bush administration is the primary target in the first instance (but then the whole perspective changes when we know, in essence, 9/11 was just a massive Full-Scale Anti-Terrorist Exercise where the only reality was damage to and destruction of buildings), thermite, thermate, nanothermite, nuclear, Directed Energy Weapons and on and on and on and on when all it boils down to is damage to and destruction of buildings.
Controlled opposition used to undermine
COVID-19: Judy Mikovits - nonsense about virus manufactured in Wuhan lab, etc
9/11: Judy Wood - nonsense about Directed Energy Weapons - Where did the towers go? to divert and mislead in type of demolition causing collapse and to make people believe in the nasty toxic dust.
All controlled opposition ultimately is about diverting from the straightforward, pivotal truths: COVID-19 - no virus, 9/11 - staged death and injury. For 9/11 they have spent millions on controlled opposition - it's huge - and there's also no doubt vast amounts for COVID-19 that I'm not aware of because my exposure to the media is very limited these days. I get tired of all the lies and nonsense.
Fake investigative committees (part of controlled opposition)
For large psyops we can expect fake investigative committees
COVID-19: German Corona Investigative Committee.
In this testimony, Dr Reiner Fuellmich, one of committee members says:
"In Australia, for example, people are thrown into prison if they do not wear a mask or do not wear it properly, as deemed by the authorities. In the Philippines, people who do not wear a mask or do not wear it properly, in this sense, are getting shot in the head."
There are media stories in Australia and the Philippines which suggest the above to be true, however, they are obviously fake media stories designed to push our buttons and encourage compliance. Regardless of the fakery there is absolutely no rule in Australia about wearing a mask properly. To see analysis of the obvious fakery of the Australian media story click here.
9/11: 9/11 Commission and the Lawyers' Committee for 9/11 Inquiry
Much has been written about the 9/11 Commission and we can see, in fact, it was set up to be very obviously fake to those who disbelieve the official story. Little has been written, however, about the Lawyers' Committee for 9/11 Inquiry. This is a very shadowy organisation, allegedly fighting for justice for the loved ones of those who died, but as the evidence shows that death and injury were staged this organisation is obviously fake.
Nonsense miracle survivors
82-year-old North Staffordshire grandfather with dementia makes miracle recovery - with antibiotics. How is this possible if antibiotics are said not to be a cure?
Media story about two miracle survivors:
1. 90-year-old Washington grandmother makes miracle recovery from "death's door", potato soup being her secret weapon. No images of her suggest she is ill.
2. A 52-year-old Miami man, "gaspin'", "on the brink of death" and thinking his "days were done" recovers miraculously with anti-malarial, hydroxychloroquine.
Of course, supposedly the media is simply reporting what the alleged sufferers feel has helped them ... but surely for such a serious problem if potato soup and hydroxychloroquine have not been scientifically proven to help sufferers shouldn't the media be warning viewers? Shouldn't we be getting emphatic warnings not to try to cure ourselves with potato soup if we develop any symptoms because, surely, not entirely unreasonable to try this miracle cure first before taking yourself to the doctor's?
Ridiculous survivor stories of the 12-second collapse to the ground of the 500,000-ton twin towers.
Unconvincing injured/patients
The Telegraph shows us 39-year-old London patient, Tara Jane Langston, in ICU.
1. Completely against protocol that a COVID-19 patient would be in an ICU coughing all over the place infecting other ICU patients. In a ventilator OK, but she's not in a ventilator she only has an oxygen tube.
2. If she's ill enough to be in ICU it seems very odd that she'd be well enough for an interview not to mention the fact that surely interviewing in ICU would also be completely against protocol.
3. Notice how when she coughs her head goes out of view (when she coughs away the cough sounds real but there's nothing to say it's not inserted audio). She shows us her wrist with what looks like taping of tubes and says, "They've had to sew that into my artery." That makes no sense. She tells us she has a cannula, another cannula and a catheter. The nasal cannula makes sense but it's difficult to know what she'd need the other cannula and catheter for. Her laboured breathing is not particularly convincing.
In this article about Tara in the Guardian, Woman who filmed coronavirus warning receives online abuse, we are told:
"And then the trauma was compounded by online trolls who flooded the family's inbox with messages accusing them of a hoax."
1. How would trolls get the "family's" email address?
2. As it would seem very strange for online trolls to be doing such a thing why doesn't the article author question this strange behaviour?
They always mention hoaxing within their hoaxes. Remember Trump mentioned the Democrats as hoaxing in relation to this alleged pandemic and there's a number of other instances of hoaxing being mentioned in the media.
All the images of injured shown to us are perfectly consistent with people in drills (see Point 6).
I can't help chortling over this video of a man who is being released from hospital and supposed to be suffering burns. No prizes for guessing what he's really suffering from.
They really push it in our faces
The nonsense miracle survivor stories and the unconvincing patients/injured are a couple of ways they push it in our faces but there are others too.
COVID-19: People in China falling flat on their faces, hospitals being erected in a couple of days, Chinese cobras and many-banded kraits allegedly being reservoirs.
9/11: The second plane whizzing through the South tower; the pre-announcement of WTC-7's collapse; Larry Silverstein, WTC-7's owner, saying he said to "pull it", a term used in controlled demolition that dates from buildings being pulled down by ropes and chains; the terrorists popping up alive after the big event and quite a few others.
For more generally on how they tell us clearly see They Tell Us Clearly.
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